The GOP may be overly optimistic on the debt ceiling cave by dems


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
For now, Republicans are confident that the government will not shut down, reasoning that Democrats will shoulder some blame if they vote down whatever proposal is before Congress next week and funding lapses. And some are still holding out hope that the skirmishes over the two-week congressional recess will be forgotten during crunch time next week

Will dem voters be upset if dems refuse to agree to the Wall or allow the gop defund Obamacare subsidies?

White House demands disrupt shutdown negotiations
Let the American people be the judge as to who is to blame if the government gets shut down behind arguing FOR a wall...that will spend us into bankruptcy.

Let the American people be the judge as to who is to blame if the government gets shut down behind arguing FOR a wall...that will spend us into bankruptcy.

Democrats will be blamed by Trump voters, and that will lose them the mid-terms and the general.
You can bet that if Democrats force a shut-down President Trump won't fence out veterans. Won't close national monuments. But federal handout checks may be a bit slowed down and sanctuary cities will be high on the shit list.

Vive la difference!
You can bet that if Democrats force a shut-down President Trump won't fence out veterans. Won't close national monuments. But federal handout checks may be a bit slowed down and sanctuary cities will be high on the shit list.

Vive la difference!

Sorry, I don't think you can cherry pick what stays open and what doesn't.
Well, we saw the GOP's incompetence in Cruz when he shut the government down last time.

Interestingly enough, there are some conservatives on this board who are totally unconcerned with a shutdown now, because they say that the American people would forget all about it by the next mid terms.
Mnuchin is working a deal that dollar-for-dollar Obamacare and the wall get funded equally. If the dems walk Obamacare dies, and that is ALL THEIRS.
Does the left finally concede that "democrats will shoulder some of the blame" if the government shuts down? When Bill Clinton and the democrats shut down the government the liberal media blamed it on Gingrich.
Mnuchin is working a deal that dollar-for-dollar Obamacare and the wall get funded equally. If the dems walk Obamacare dies, and that is ALL THEIRS.

The fact is that voters overwhelmingly do not want the wall built and the support for Obamacare is a little over 50%. Republicans are on the wrong side of both issues. Voters will blame Republicans for playing politics with people's healthcare. If the Republicans try this then the Democrats chances of taking back the House increase.

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