“The GOP better give this country to Mexico or else”...We’ve all heard that...right?

Then it's a good thing Obama did not alter, amend, or change existing US immigration law.

Have you ever even bothered to read Obama's EO?

Didn't think so.

Hint: It's not an EO.

Haha...it’s an “executive action”.
And you dumbmotherfuckers who claim to love the constitution and all it stands for love the clever work around...right?

SCOTUS decision won't be based on the Constitution.
It'll be based on sympathy as the Rule of Law died and was duly buried in our Country on 7/5/16, when Hillary was not charged by Comey.
SCOTUS will rule that DACA recipients had no willful intent to jump our border illegally!

Embrace your new Banana Republic, muppets!!!

Did they?

They'll find some chinese type legalese to uphold it that will have absolutely nothing to do with the Constitution.
Take dat' to the bank, Ignatz.
Doesn't matter. Trump is going to grant amnesty to the Dreamers one way or another.

He's probably done the math and realized he needs the Hispanic vote more than he needs the Nazi vote.

Is this kinda one of those “the GOP better give this nation to Mexico or else” sort of posts?
Haha...it’s an “executive action”.
And you dumbmotherfuckers who claim to love the constitution and all it stands for love the clever work around...right?

SCOTUS decision won't be based on the Constitution.
It'll be based on sympathy as the Rule of Law died and was duly buried in our Country on 7/5/16, when Hillary was not charged by Comey.
SCOTUS will rule that DACA recipients had no willful intent to jump our border illegally!

Embrace your new Banana Republic, muppets!!!

Did they?

They'll find some chinese type legalese to uphold it that will have absolutely nothing to do with the Constitution.
Take dat' to the bank, Ignatz.
Doesn't matter. Trump is going to grant amnesty to the Dreamers one way or another.

He's probably done the math and realized he needs the Hispanic vote more than he needs the Nazi vote.

Is this kinda one of those “the GOP better give this nation to Mexico or else” sort of posts?

Nothing but the same tired SPAM over and over again, loser?
About 1/4 of all Americans under 20 are of Hispanic descent already. But I do encourage the right wing to continue their alienation policy

The only thing the Talk Radio Right knows to do on this topic is complain and make veiled threats about an imaginary Civil War.

Over and over and over and over. A zillion threads on this, all saying the same things.

The issue has reached a fever pitch Mac...it’s not going away, Brownies are officially on the second class citizen list where they’ve belonged all along. You didn’t think they should get away with breaking and entering and illegal homesteading forever did you?
Your partial, temporary wall won't get you what you want.

But if it makes you happy, have fun with it.

I remember when I started this thread people thought I was being disingenuous...they said this sentiment wasn’t coming from the Left...Just thought I should remind you that I wasn’t making anything up...Just ‘observing’ and ‘reporting’....as Mac would say.
1. I have lived in Los Angeles since the 1940s.

2. I have seen the City of the Angels change from a Caucasian-majority city to one where that ethnicity is down to about 30% or less.

3. Latinx, whether born here or immigrants (both legal and unauthorized) are the majority. They are now holding more and more elective offices, and they are becoming dominant in law enforcement and other professions.

4. In my opinion, it is a waste of time to knock one's head against the wall. President Trump will soon be gone (in 2020 or 2024 or -- tomorrow). His Dem successors really, truly, sincerely believe that unauthorized immigration is no threat to this country and is, in fact, a plus factor.

a. So Huntington Beach and other cities have to accept brutal reality. There is no alternative.

1. I have lived in Los Angeles since the 1940s.

2. I have seen the City of the Angels change from a Caucasian-majority city to one where that ethnicity is down to about 30% or less.

3. Latinx, whether born here or immigrants (both legal and unauthorized) are the majority. They are now holding more and more elective offices, and they are becoming dominant in law enforcement and other professions.

4. In my opinion, it is a waste of time to knock one's head against the wall. President Trump will soon be gone (in 2020 or 2024 or -- tomorrow). His Dem successors really, truly, sincerely believe that unauthorized immigration is no threat to this country and is, in fact, a plus factor.

a. So Huntington Beach and other cities have to accept brutal reality. There is no alternative.

But it doesn't have to be that way. This is as much a failure of the Republican Party as it is the Democratic Party. This country is changing and that's not going to stop. We are moving from an European-centric country to more of a true melting pot than ever and instead of fighting it, the Republicans should be working more with Hispanic and Asian communities and welcoming them. Many of these people are your small business owners and others are parents who want their kids to have a good education and better future than they had. Republicans should be reaching out to these people and explaining to them why their economic policies are better for their businesses and keeping costs low for their families to succeed and why education needs reformed instead of dumbed down. Hispanic communities, in particular, are Catholic and very religious, so should be easy GOP targets, and yet, over 70% of them are with the Democrats.

Instead, for 40 years, the GOP has engaged in xenophobia and people like the OP, flat out racist rhetoric, and anybody who thinks that isn't going to be offensive to many of these people has their head up their ass. George Bush got 44% of Hispanic voters in 2004 because he had huge community outreach with those groups. Instead of learning from his example, the Republicans are trying to cling to a Beaver Cleaver 1950's society that quite frankly, never actually existed.

Here we are folks...more of the same....People telling us the GOP better embrace the invasion of brown people “OR ELSE”.
My guess is these same people were extremely concerned about the potential of Russia meddling within American democracy....Do you think these people connect the dots, are they concerned with Mexico meddling in American democracy or are they programmed to give Mexico a free pass?
Nope, I can safely say that I have never heard anyone say we'd better give this country to Mexico or else. Ever.
It does appear to be what some are promoting, does it not?

Some are promoting the import of future constituents by ignoring immigration law and encouraging others to do the same, no?

No. They should be encouraged to become tax paying citizens.

While they send all their money back to mehico......
We hear that here often don’t we?
And we hear....”Wetbacks will be the majority and the GOP will become irrelevant.”

“The GOP better warm up to illegal wetbacks...because they’ve invaded us to a point where they (their anchors) decide our elections.”

Stop and think about this for a minute....now, these people say this with a twinkle in their eye and with no displeasure toward wetbacks and take note, these are the very same people who cry RUSSIA nonstop. Do you find anything odd in this?

Yeah that’s right ! Just wait till the browns are the majority. Then is some serious payback time . Karma is a bitch white man!

So you're a mexican?
Viva La Raza eh?
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Russian memes on facebook = foreign influence
illegal aliens invade the nation = let's make them citizens

It's the most bizarre shit you'll ever see/hear.
"We will not stand for ANY foreign influence within our democracy...beyond the tens of millions of wetbacks influencing our democracy."

You do know that the Spanish were in California BEFORE white people landed on Plymouth Rock, don't you? Spanish immigrants started arriving in the Caribbean and Central American 150 years before white people, and unlike the Pilgrims, they intermarried with the natives created a new race of brown people.

Racists make me laugh. Inferior people living in fear that they'll replaced by non-whites. If you weren't inferior, you would have nothing to fear from anyone. It's because you KNOW you're not smart enough, not good enough to compete on a level playing field, so gotta keep the "others" down.

You do realize white people have built the civilization you call home right?
The Indians hadn't even invented the fucken wheel for Christ sake and still relied on the damn travois to haul shit.
What an accomplishment!!!! Two fuken sticks tied together and a bunch of shit piled on top. The drag coefficient couldnt have been worse!!
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Russian memes on facebook = foreign influence
illegal aliens invade the nation = let's make them citizens

It's the most bizarre shit you'll ever see/hear.
"We will not stand for ANY foreign influence within our democracy...beyond the tens of millions of wetbacks influencing our democracy."

You do know that the Spanish were in California BEFORE white people landed on Plymouth Rock, don't you? Spanish immigrants started arriving in the Caribbean and Central American 150 years before white people, and unlike the Pilgrims, they intermarried with the natives created a new race of brown people.

Racists make me laugh. Inferior people living in fear that they'll replaced by non-whites. If you weren't inferior, you would have nothing to fear from anyone. It's because you KNOW you're not smart enough, not good enough to compete on a level playing field, so gotta keep the "others" down.

ZERO of your post was accurate. WOW

What a well reasoned and articulate response to the points raised! NOT.

You obviously don't have a response to the facts posted so you pretend that what I posted isn't true.

A strong, confident man isn't afraid of competing with anyone. Those who know they're inferior to have the playing field tilted to favour their inferior white skin, to "others" they know they can't win unless the game is rigged in their favour. So they make up a lie, that non-whites aren't as hard working, smart or reliable, none of which is true, but it helps low-life white people feel better about being dumb, lazy, and unable to compete against women and non-whites.

A strong confident man isnt afraid of EQUAL competition.
When mehicans come here and work for half the price in blue collar jobs how can Americans compete with that when they have to retire in America when mehicans send all their money back to mehico and live like the upper middle class there?

I worked with an hispanic guy in Houston that was from LA and was an American citizen born and bred.
He called me a racist for being against illegal immigration.......right up until I told him I was once engaged to a Hispanic girl and explained to him how they drive down HIS wages.
He in the end saw the light and agreed with me.
Russian memes on facebook = foreign influence
illegal aliens invade the nation = let's make them citizens

It's the most bizarre shit you'll ever see/hear.
"We will not stand for ANY foreign influence within our democracy...beyond the tens of millions of wetbacks influencing our democracy."

You do know that the Spanish were in California BEFORE white people landed on Plymouth Rock, don't you? Spanish immigrants started arriving in the Caribbean and Central American 150 years before white people, and unlike the Pilgrims, they intermarried with the natives created a new race of brown people.

Racists make me laugh. Inferior people living in fear that they'll replaced by non-whites. If you weren't inferior, you would have nothing to fear from anyone. It's because you KNOW you're not smart enough, not good enough to compete on a level playing field, so gotta keep the "others" down.

Um, the Spaniards were white....and they weren’t in California. California started with the gold rush years and years and years after the Pilgrims were integrated with the other European settlers.

And the Spaniards were far more hostile to the natives in Central and South America than the Pilgrims were to the natives in the eastern US.

You are a dumbass. Which is standard fare for Democrats.

Really??? You think the history of California started with the gold rush in 1848. Dumb Russians:

The most expansive European colonizations efforts were made by the Spanish. On September 28, 1542, Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo and his crew entered San Diego Bay--the first Europeans to visit California. The land they named "Alta California" was occupied by diverse groups of native people who had inhabited the land for thousands of years. Spanish colonization of "Alta California" began when the Presidio at San Diego, the first permanent European settlement on the Pacific Coast, was established in 1769. With the expedition was Father Junipero Serra, a Franciscan Father who would have a tremendous influence in the colonization of California through the establishment of missions. At San Diego, Serra founded the first of 21 Spanish missions that extend along the California coast. In October of the same year, a detachment of the expedition saw San Francisco Bay.

That settlement was built nearly 80 years BEFORE the Gold Rush. Further on in the article, it says that:

"In 1821 Mexico gained independence from Spain and "Alta California" became a Mexican province rather than a Spanish colony."

Yes the Spaniards were hell on the local populations, but they were pikers compared to what the US military did to the native Americans.

Maybe the native Americans should have learned more from the Spaniards than the horse?
We live in a fantastic era where human beings can switch genders back and forth at the drop of a hat so the sky is the limit!
I'd only suggest that the GOP put its focus on keeping Texas, because when that state turns purple and then blue, this thing is over.

Here’s yet another post where the author cleverly encrypts his message.
What he can’t bring himself to say without the blur is...”Mexico is taking Texas just as they took California and if the GOP doesn’t start whoring themselves out to Mexico they will lose Texas.’
Bare in mind, this poster has never once made the admission that Mexico meddles in US elections nor has he ever voiced any displeasure with such. Weird huh?
This is the same poster who often pitches some weird form of ‘socialism’...hmmm, I wonder if he believes the pet humans from Mehico will help him vote for that free shit he needs? I think his motive has been identified.

Spinning is your SOP....nice accurate post.
1. The number of "brown" people will continue to grow.

a. After President Trump leaves, the Democratic president will be very friendly to immigrants, both legal and unauthorized.

2. We have already passed the point of no return.

a. Here in California, Latinx people are now the most populous ethnicity.

i . They have more and more political power every day. (The State legislature and many city councils -- including here in Los Angeles -- now have many elected officials of that ethnicity.)

3. This is a changing country, and nothing can stop it. So it is time to move on and to adjust to the new circumstances.

That's an awful lot projecting right there bud.
30 states and 2,623 voted against a browner America in 2016...Thanks to the workings of Mexifornia REAL Americans have woke up and finally recognized the realities of what brown people do to communities, cities and states. Real America wants no part of that bullshit...they have no interest in becoming another predominantly brown filthy shithole.
It's quite perplexing that ole Mr Bitchen Mac1958 liked your post...he can't wait for the U.S. to go brown...he can't dare tell us how we'll be better off but he can't wait for it.
1. The number of "brown" people will continue to grow.

a. After President Trump leaves, the Democratic president will be very friendly to immigrants, both legal and unauthorized.

2. We have already passed the point of no return.

a. Here in California, Latinx people are now the most populous ethnicity.

i . They have more and more political power every day. (The State legislature and many city councils -- including here in Los Angeles -- now have many elected officials of that ethnicity.)

3. This is a changing country, and nothing can stop it. So it is time to move on and to adjust to the new circumstances.

That's an awful lot projecting right there bud.
30 states and 2,623 voted against a browner America in 2016...Thanks to the workings of Mexifornia REAL Americans have woke up and finally recognized the realities of what brown people do to communities, cities and states. Real America wants no part of that bullshit...they have no interest in becoming another predominantly brown filthy shithole.
It's quite perplexing that ole Mr Bitchen Mac1958 liked your post...he can't wait for the U.S. to go brown...he can't dare tell us how we'll be better off but he can't wait for it.

It's seems better than a country full of retarded Caucasians like yourself.
1. The number of "brown" people will continue to grow.

a. After President Trump leaves, the Democratic president will be very friendly to immigrants, both legal and unauthorized.

2. We have already passed the point of no return.

a. Here in California, Latinx people are now the most populous ethnicity.

i . They have more and more political power every day. (The State legislature and many city councils -- including here in Los Angeles -- now have many elected officials of that ethnicity.)

3. This is a changing country, and nothing can stop it. So it is time to move on and to adjust to the new circumstances.

That's an awful lot projecting right there bud.
30 states and 2,623 voted against a browner America in 2016...Thanks to the workings of Mexifornia REAL Americans have woke up and finally recognized the realities of what brown people do to communities, cities and states. Real America wants no part of that bullshit...they have no interest in becoming another predominantly brown filthy shithole.
It's quite perplexing that ole Mr Bitchen Mac1958 liked your post...he can't wait for the U.S. to go brown...he can't dare tell us how we'll be better off but he can't wait for it.

It's seems better than a country full of retarded Caucasians like yourself.

"Retarded Caucasians" = Real Americans who believe in America sovereignty and separation from Mexico
Can we get Mac1958 or bodecea to engage here?
I was really hoping you’d shed some light on the odd, twisted distinction being made by the severely LefTarded.
Looks like you're desperate for responses, huh? You have to ASK for them, holy crap.

I guess that's what happens when you start the same paranoid thread 15 or 20 times every 24 hours.

I wonder how you make it through a freakin' day.

On point!
1. The number of "brown" people will continue to grow.

a. After President Trump leaves, the Democratic president will be very friendly to immigrants, both legal and unauthorized.

2. We have already passed the point of no return.

a. Here in California, Latinx people are now the most populous ethnicity.

i . They have more and more political power every day. (The State legislature and many city councils -- including here in Los Angeles -- now have many elected officials of that ethnicity.)

3. This is a changing country, and nothing can stop it. So it is time to move on and to adjust to the new circumstances.

That's an awful lot projecting right there bud.
30 states and 2,623 voted against a browner America in 2016...Thanks to the workings of Mexifornia REAL Americans have woke up and finally recognized the realities of what brown people do to communities, cities and states. Real America wants no part of that bullshit...they have no interest in becoming another predominantly brown filthy shithole.
It's quite perplexing that ole Mr Bitchen Mac1958 liked your post...he can't wait for the U.S. to go brown...he can't dare tell us how we'll be better off but he can't wait for it.

It's seems better than a country full of retarded Caucasians like yourself.

"Retarded Caucasians" = Real Americans who believe in America sovereignty and separation from Mexico

Err, no.
More of the same folks....
The Left-
“Republicans better pick up a hardcore case of the FEELZ, they better ignore facts and statistics, they better start pretending that we are a better nation as we become a darker nation.”

Mod Edit: Moved comment into OP

GOP won’t exist very soon with the influx of tens of millions of 5th world peasants every election cycle

Then perhaps you should try reaching out to these minority communities and explain to them why the Republican Party's policies are better for their families and their small businesses instead of being xenophobic dickwads erecting walls because you don't want more brown people moving here.
Mod Edit: Moved comment into OP

GOP won’t exist very soon with the influx of tens of millions of 5th world peasants every election cycle

Reading a lot of BriteFart this morning ain't ya? Republicans have proved that they don't deserve to win another election. But be thankful. Demographic anxiety is a preexisting condition. Thanks Obama!
Then perhaps you should try reaching out to these minority communities and explain to them why the Republican Party's policies are better for their families and their small businesses instead of being xenophobic dickwads erecting walls because you don't want more brown people moving here.
You're not holding your breath on that, are you?
Thank God for demographic changes!
Mod Edit: Moved comment into OP

GOP won’t exist very soon with the influx of tens of millions of 5th world peasants every election cycle

Then perhaps you should try reaching out to these minority communities and explain to them why the Republican Party's policies are better for their families and their small businesses instead of being xenophobic dickwads erecting walls because you don't want more brown people moving here.

The real irony here is that in many ways these people would otherwise support the Republicans. Immigrants from Latin America tend to be (first generation anyway) more socially conservative and more religious, they are also more likely to be small business owners. Likewise, other demographics like Muslims tend to be more socially conservative. Easy pick ups for Republican outreach...except for...a rabidly anti base.
Whenever you hear the words changing demographics what it really means is population replacement.
What it really means is that democrats believe that skin pigmentation = votes for them.

Once again, who really are the racists?

hmm...if these people tend to vote more Democrat, despite other issues that would align with the Republicans, then maybe there is something in the Republican message that is turning them off.
Whenever you hear the words changing demographics what it really means is population replacement.
What it really means is that democrats believe that skin pigmentation = votes for them.

Once again, who really are the racists?

hmm...if these people tend to vote more Democrat, despite other issues that would align with the Republicans, then maybe there is something in the Republican message that is turning them off.
Y'all presume that these people tend to vote democrat....If anything lays that myth bare, it's the Florida Cuban community.

The underlying premise is racist as hell, and you twirps keep running with it.

It isn't a "presumption", it's what is occurring. But you do make one valid point - the Hispanic community is not one community.

How is it racist? Is it racist to politically target Evangelicals? White males? Catholics? (if you are going to argue they aren't a race, well neither are Hispanics).
Can we get Mac1958 or bodecea to engage here?
I was really hoping you’d shed some light on the odd, twisted distinction being made by the severely LefTarded.
Looks like you're desperate for responses, huh? You have to ASK for them, holy crap.

I guess that's what happens when you start the same paranoid thread 15 or 20 times every 24 hours.

I wonder how you make it through a freakin' day.
like when you call solders stupid bastards and telling them they're supposed to be laughing at that?
Can we get Mac1958 or bodecea to engage here?
I was really hoping you’d shed some light on the odd, twisted distinction being made by the severely LefTarded.
Looks like you're desperate for responses, huh? You have to ASK for them, holy crap.

I guess that's what happens when you start the same paranoid thread 15 or 20 times every 24 hours.

I wonder how you make it through a freakin' day.
like when you call solders stupid bastards and telling them they're supposed to be laughing at that?
We hear that here often don’t we?
And we hear....”Wetbacks will be the majority and the GOP will become irrelevant.”

“The GOP better warm up to illegal wetbacks...because they’ve invaded us to a point where they (their anchors) decide our elections.”

Stop and think about this for a minute....now, these people say this with a twinkle in their eye and with no displeasure toward wetbacks and take note, these are the very same people who cry RUSSIA nonstop. Do you find anything odd in this?
The only odd thing is your brainwashed idiotic confusion there is no immigration crisis, if you want to stop illegal immigration pass a good ID card like the Democrats started with in their 2010 immigration bill. What you haven't heard of. Like in every other modern country it is the only solution duh dupe. Russia is two different things, first there is no doubt they wrecked the 2016 election with hacked emails that became 60% of political coverage although it was total irrelevancies. Collusion Trump did in public like telling the Russians to go after Hillary's emails which they did two hours later. The Trump campaign met with Russians 30 times lied about it and wrote nothing down just like the mafiosi they are...
Nope, I can safely say that I have never heard anyone say we'd better give this country to Mexico or else. Ever.
It does appear to be what some are promoting, does it not?

Some are promoting the import of future constituents by ignoring immigration law and encouraging others to do the same, no?

No. They should be encouraged to become tax paying citizens.
A Pew survey in 2007 said 94% of adult illegal males work, 65% pay taxes and 35% own homes. Thanks to GOP for ignoring actual solutions while distracting the dupes with a stupid wall and unconstitutional harassment laws.
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