The Gay Debate Obsession


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Inserting yourself into the private lives of others isn't healthy. Suggests your identity is completely wrapped up in others instead of yourself. Watching the threads and articles about various gay issues lately I'm struck by the thought of the average European of, "What's it matter?"

Have we in the US become so conditioned by reality tv shows to unduely care about other peoples' private lives that we don't see how trying to dictate others behaviour is simply not our business? The very same people who take an inordinate interest in my sexuality are also railing against government intrusion into their lives, invading their privacy and telling them what they can and can't do. Yet telling homosexuals what they can and can't do doesn't seem counterindicated to them.

Longer you try telling other people how they should live and love, the less time you're spending on your own issues. And anyone spending some part of every day concerning themselves with other people's lives has a lot of personal work needing to be done.
I assume you are telling gays that their private lives should be private and they should not be forcing others to incorporate themselves into personal conduct.
I completely agree.

But you know what sort of bothers me? Considering how few LBGT's there are in the nation, how their over representation has infested every aspect of popular culture and institutionalized education, this is a mental disorder that needs to be treated as such in the schools. It needs to be marginalized and pushed to the sidelines, not highlighted and made part of the mainstream. It needs to be treated the same as the obesity epidemic or downs syndrome. An unfortunate condition, those suffers pitied, helped, and loved with compassion, not worshiped and glorified.

Nobody is "trying" to tell anyone how they should live. If, when a person in school or society has this disease, well then, people should be understanding and caring, and let them have the freedom to pursue their own path to freedom. However, these individuals should not have their POV about life pushed upon the main of society telling the rest of society how THEY should live and love either. Remember, it is those individuals who have this disability and need special care and understanding under the terms of the ADA.

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