The following post contains evidence for why conservatives should support...


Active Member
Apr 15, 2010
The following post contains evidence for why conservatives should support Cannabis legalization.

If you are an individual that does not value freedom, responsibility, liberty, and logic; please leave the thread now.


The conservative voice of San Diego & now the nation, Roger Hedgecock has endorsed proposition 19!
The Roger Hedgecock Show
(2010 Elections tab)

Conservative retired Superior Court Judge James P. Gray explains in depth why you should support proposition 19 this November

Conservative activist and mother of two, Jessica Corry explains why proposition 19 should be something you should support this November

Former federal judge and senior judicial analyst for Fox News explains why you should support Prop 19

Republican congressman Paul explains why Marijuana should be legal
News Headlines

Comprehensive 'debunking' of the most commonly used desperate anti-prop 19 arguments...
Pot Prohibitionist Prevarications - Reason Magazine

There is a reason why more and more cops, police cheif's, sheriff's, & prosecutors are supporting legalization...
Ex-cops, judges, prosecutors: 'Legalize pot' |

U.S. Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders explains why she supports cannabis legalization


Have you ever had your front door knocked down by 20 men with assault rifles who then proceed to murder your family pets?

This family, and many others have lived through such a tragedy.



In the other countries that have legalized cannabis the following took place...


Overall usage DROPPED. (It stops being edgy when you have to buy it from Walmart & get carded...)

Violence plummeted. (Criminals have no recourse when the profit motive is swept out from underneath



Ask yourself the following questions...

Which is more likely to result in violence?

A group of people drinking alcohol, or a group of people smoking cannabis?

When was the last time you saw bootleggers shooting each other?

Why do drug dealers deal drugs? = The profit motive...

Why don't drug dealers deal alcohol? = The profit motive is gone...

If you can't win a war on drugs in a prison... where do you think you're going to win it?


If all the logic and reasoning above aren't enough to convince you to take back your personal liberty... then perhaps I should direct you to a more emotional explanation...




More information about this proposition and all the others can be found here at an awesome wiki site called ballotpedia!

California 2010 ballot propositions - Ballotpedia
We can spot the board junkies but their constant begging.... for support. Look, you want to feed your stupid addiction, have at it. I will do nothing to help or hinder you. Just don't look to the rest of the country to pay for your medical problems. Mmmmk?
REAL conservatives have ALWAYS supported the decriminalization of drugs.

Its those fake conservatives (those who usually identify themselves as socially conservative) who have been supporting the War on Americans (they don't like).

The number 1 drug abuse problem here in Maine is NOT hemp, it's OXICOTIN.

And the people getting this adictive drug are mostly getting them from their DOCTORS.
REAL conservatives have ALWAYS supported the decriminalization of drugs.

Its those fake conservatives (those who usually identify themselves as socially conservative) who have been supporting the War on Americans (they don't like).

The number 1 drug abuse problem here in Maine is NOT hemp, it's OXICOTIN.

And the people getting this adictive drug are mostly getting them from their DOCTORS.

if it's oxy now, it'll be heroin as soon as enough addicts cycle through detox and find out how much cheaper it is than oxy. sad but true.

and the saddest part is, the majority of them will be young people.
We can spot the board junkies but their constant begging.... for support. Look, you want to feed your stupid addiction, have at it. I will do nothing to help or hinder you. Just don't look to the rest of the country to pay for your medical problems. Mmmmk?


Marijuana "addiction," eh?
Truly complex topic as the 'war on drugs' was and is a failure. But those who oppose legalization should think of the waste in crime and imprisonment, the money illegal drugs give to gangs and criminals, and the fact, the well to do get them from the doctor while the poor support the corner pusher. Smoking and alcohol are drugs as well and prove slippery slope arguments are just words. - Legalization of Marijuana (Pros & Cons, Arguments For and Against)

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