The Fetterman Rules

As a person that routinely wears Hawaiian shirts to work after successfully arguing that they fit the company definition of "business casual" I fully support anyone that can get away from a stupid ass suit and tie or even khakis and a polo.

But it is good to see that the country is in such fine shape that this is what you all are spending your time fretting over
Because that is exactly what Chuck Schumer just did in the United States Senate.

Schumer cravenly caved in for the mentally and sartorially challenged Fetterman by throwing out the Senate dress code.

Democrats doing what they've been doing for decades, defining deviancy down as they long-march through institutions.

What is strange is that fetterman's aides still have to dress appropriately....WTF?
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I am defending no one.
The guy who tweeted in the OP does.


He’s the criminal defense attorney arguing that the rioters did nothing wrong.

But he’s concerned about a Senator wearing a hoody.

Give me a break.
The guy who tweeted in the OP does.


He’s the criminal defense attorney arguing that the rioters did nothing wrong.

But he’s concerned about a Senator wearing a hoody.

Give me a break.
Let me ask you a question. Please answer honestly, not as you think you should as a libtard:
Should U.S, Senators adhere to a dress code on the senate floor - yes or no?
I am 60+ years old and every job I've had since age 25 had a dress code.
But U.S. Senators shouldn't?
Let me ask you a question. Please answer honestly, not as you think you should as a libtard:
Should U.S, Senators adhere to a dress code on the senate floor - yes or no?
I am 60+ years old and every job I've had since age 25 had a dress code.
But U.S. Senators shouldn't?
Sure. Senators should adhere to a dress code. But it’s about the last thing on my list of things I’ll get worried about.

What if that dress code includes wearing a mask?

That’s right. Tyranny.

I just don’t take Republicans seriously whining about these things when they’re done more to harm decorum and the normal functioning of government than anyone else.
If you can't put on a shirt and tie you have business being on a Senate floor. It's not that hard to dress decently well. There is no excuse for not looking like a professional when you're a senator.

Shows what a shit wife he also. No decent wife would dare let her senator husband leave the house for work looking like that. She would be embarrassed to have him look like that.

Then again our society sucks. I see so many people walking around like they simply do not care. They have no pride, no dignity, no sense of self worth. They slog through their day in slip on shoes, hoodies and sweat pants. They don't have to dress to the nines or anything, but Jesus at least try and look like a decent civilized human being.

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