The Fabian Society


Jul 14, 2009
News: U.S.F.S.R.
Monday, Jun. 14, 1943

U.S.F.S.R. In London 60 years ago, when he was red-bearded and in his 20s, George Bernard Shaw joined the newly founded Fabian Society.† It was a socialist group, ambitious to reconstruct "society in accordance with the highest moral possibilities.

" The Fabians rejected the Marxian doctrine that socialism must be preceded by revolution. They believed in "gradualism," holding that the socialist principle was partially embodied in most governments and capable of extension through existing political parties.

Last week, a bit nostalgically, with the old flashing wit, venerable G.B.S. relived those early days—and almost forgot that he was reviewing G. D. H. Cole's Fabian Socialism for the London Tribune:
"This Fabian Society seemed just what I wanted. . . . We began by imposing on the Liberal Party ... a socialist program. . . . We . . . founded the London School of Economics, which has produced Beveridge; added The New Statesman to the weekly press; established an independent labour party. . . .
"In the course of nature, we young upstarts became an Old Gang. ... Of the seven Fabian essayists of the '80s the only survivors are [Sidney] Webb and myself, both octogenarians. ... Be patient with us: we shall not be long now. . . ."

Read more: Foreign News: U.S.F.S.R. - TIME

The Fabian Society had really been founded 62 years ago, but, because of the war, it delayed the celebration. The postponement was in character; Fabius Cunctator (The Delayer) had worn out Hannibal in the Second Punic War* by what Livy called "masterly inactivity."

The earnest young men & women of the 1880s who believed that socialism (not the Marxist brand) would come with what Webb called the "inevitability of gradualness" took Fabius as their exemplar.
They considered violent revolution unnecessary, believed their Utopia could be achieved by "permeating" existing institutions.

Read more: Foreign News: Easy Does It - TIME

Will a national debt of $300,000,000,000 bankrupt the U.S.? Where will the money to finance postwar full employment come from? How can jobs be found for 12,000,000 returning soldiers & sailors?
Last week, The Twentieth Century Fund ***published Stuart Chase's brightly written answers under the title Where's the Money Coming From? ($1).

Read more: FISCAL: Compensatory and Mr. Chase - TIME

Fabian Society - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

***The Century Foundation

So who are todays Fabian society ?
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By 1946 the Fabians were constitutionally wedded to the British Treasury. Nearly every member of the present Government was either a member of the Fabian Society or had been consciously influenced by it. Webb, now 87, had long ago (1929) overcome his aversion to titles of nobility and reluctantly consented to become Baron Passfield (though the late Beatrice refused to become Lady Passfield). But Shaw, looking for new worlds to conquer, at 90, sent the meeting a telegram:

"The only message I have for the moment is that the Fabian Society, having made Russia a great Fabian state, has now to make Henry Wallace succeed Franklin Roosevelt as President of the United States."

Read more: Foreign News: Easy Does It - TIME
Sicking, they know their policy's couldn't not stand so they hide, sneak, wear sheep's clothing (as shown in their shield) to push their perverted agenda and has been succeeding all these years. Why because people were asleep.
Never liked Fabian


Now....Dion kicked ass!

" The Fabians rejected the Marxian doctrine that socialism must be preceded by revolution.

that isn't what Marx said, and he lived in London and spoke good English so the Fabians should have known better.

Marx said that socialism would emerge via revolution in Russia but would evolve thru peaceful social revolution in France and Britain.

And he was spot on in both cases.
Whose a good little Alinskyite?

5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."
Whose a good little Alinskyite?

5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."

But your posts are so easy to ridicule........
While some like the Dude may have swooned over Fabian, I preferred Dion and Bobby Darin. Their sound was more cutting edge and they had less of a manufactured personna

Of course...there was always Frankie Vally
Whose a good little Alinskyite?

5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."

Are you talking about Al Linsky the Polka King of the midwest?


I believe he invented the Chicken Dance but he did not have the voice of Fabian or Dion
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Id say you are a sewer dweller, rather than a sewer worker.
Its a little bit to obvious and lame posting scheme to take much pride in.

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