The end of white America is now clearly in sight


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
An informative story at the BBC....

How young Americans are set to change the US forever - BBC News
Non-whites are the major source of population increase for the US for some time now.
The Hispanic population will become the predominant ethnic group within 50 years at the current rate.
Even the Asian rate of population growth exceeds the growth rate of the white ethnic group.

The white population median age is now 43 and growing older. It's simply a matter of time.

And with the decline in white people from rural America and traditionalists regions who historically have been Patriots, so will go the inclination to preserve the framework of the USA as founded.

It won't matter to most of us since we'll be gone......but in 200 years I would venture a guess that the USA will be dramatically different than it has been for the last 200 or so. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing probably depends on your point of view.
It's a fact that it will happen. We can either whine about it, or adjust so we won't be left behind as the world moves forward.
It's a fact that it will happen. We can either whine about it, or adjust so we won't be left behind as the world moves forward.
Most non white areas are ghettos. You can live there.
It's a fact that it will happen. We can either whine about it, or adjust so we won't be left behind as the world moves forward.

How would we move forward by removing Whitey, if Whitey pays the taxes to support so many Blacks, and Hispanics?

Am I missing something?

It's amazing ho much you are missing.

Roughly half of Americans pay no income tax, arguably in Blacks, and Hispanics it would have to be quite higher, and also the amount of social programs they receive is quite higher.

The top tax brackets which heavily lack Blacks, and Hispanics, in fact pay for the country.

So, without a doubt, with no Whitey, the whole system will fall backwards.
It's a fact that it will happen. We can either whine about it, or adjust so we won't be left behind as the world moves forward.

How would we move forward by removing Whitey, if Whitey pays the taxes to support so many Blacks, and Hispanics?

Am I missing something?

Something about goose, golden egg, kill.
Topics like this ignore nature for the sake of pimping divisions of color. As the races continue to mingle there will only be one "color" in the end.
The only thing that keeps China from taking over the whole freaking World, is Whitey.

China simply has the population size, ambitions, and intelligence to overtake the whole freaking World.

Considering that China's a semi-brutal state.

I certainly wouldn't support this demise of Whitey, to China's benefit.

I'd say that the Liberals, Capitalists, and Globalists fighting for such, are either incredibly retarded, or incredibly insane.

Who in their right mind, would want to be subjects to a brutal regime, BY THEIR OWN SUPPORT?

WTF? Idiotic to the highest degree.
Topics like this ignore nature for the sake of pimping divisions of color. As the races continue to mingle there will only be one "color" in the end.

Most in the West do not race mix.

How do you justify eradicating unique, and diverse peoples in the process?
Most? Of course "most" do not because their aren't as many minorities as there are whites. But you're fooling yourself if you think that matters. If the human species survives we will all look the same eventually. Ultimately what difference does it make? Stereotypes are just that, stereotypes. Nothing more. I'm white yet I'm not a skinhead. I'm white yet I'm not a cuckold leftists. Not every minority fits into your little box anymore than I fit into theirs.
An informative story at the BBC....

How young Americans are set to change the US forever - BBC News
Non-whites are the major source of population increase for the US for some time now.
The Hispanic population will become the predominant ethnic group within 50 years at the current rate.
Even the Asian rate of population growth exceeds the growth rate of the white ethnic group.

The white population median age is now 43 and growing older. It's simply a matter of time.

And with the decline in white people from rural America and traditionalists regions who historically have been Patriots, so will go the inclination to preserve the framework of the USA as founded.

It won't matter to most of us since we'll be gone......but in 200 years I would venture a guess that the USA will be dramatically different than it has been for the last 200 or so. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing probably depends on your point of view.

I'm good with it.
An informative story at the BBC....

How young Americans are set to change the US forever - BBC News
Non-whites are the major source of population increase for the US for some time now.
The Hispanic population will become the predominant ethnic group within 50 years at the current rate.
Even the Asian rate of population growth exceeds the growth rate of the white ethnic group.

The white population median age is now 43 and growing older. It's simply a matter of time.

And with the decline in white people from rural America and traditionalists regions who historically have been Patriots, so will go the inclination to preserve the framework of the USA as founded.

It won't matter to most of us since we'll be gone......but in 200 years I would venture a guess that the USA will be dramatically different than it has been for the last 200 or so. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing probably depends on your point of view.

How are you, Guno?
The key is building the Wall, deport third worlders, end multiculturalism and go back making it a crime again to marry negroes. Lastly, make this best seller book a curriculum in every school in America in order to educate the masses on becoming racially aware and the dangers of race mixing.

My Awakening: A Path To Racial Understanding

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