The End of the Christian Right

I am Republican, always have been, and you would put folks in camps if you could.
Uncensored Fascist, with no proof whatsoever other than he is made to look like a fool by me, other pubs, centrists, and libs all the time, like any fool, hates those who show him for what he is.

Tis what tis, little fascist boy.
Seems to me that based on some of these recent threads, the far right wing posters on this board are suffering from a neurological disorder that leaves them prone to extreme bouts of paranoia and delusion. "Liberals want to put me in a concentration camp, force people to have abortions, force me to accept gay people, idolize mass murderers, etc." You guys are fucking batshit crazy, please keep the entertainment coming! :lol:
Link that, skippy.

Seems to me like the far left extremists suffer from an inability to support anything they say, combined with an appalling tendency to blatantly lie.
koshergirl demonstrates the proof of IDN's complaint.

What makes me chuckles it that when someone posts proof positive to her whining, she will next say, "Nuh, nuh, ya d'init."

koshertool is a hoot. :lol:
The us will never practice absolute secularism.

Besides which, explain "practice absolute secularism". Another lib mob phrase that makes no sense. How do you "practice" secularism?
The us will never practice absolute secularism.

Besides which, explain "practice absolute secularism". Another lib mob phrase that makes no sense. How do you "practice" secularism?

How do you know if you don't understand what it means?

I say the USA will one day be secular: no Christmas trees in the white house, no mention of God on money, no bibles in courtrooms nor oath taking, no God in the pledge nor the national anthem and most of all no more presidential speeches ending in "God Bless America."

Also to include, no burkas worn by workers in publicly funded jobs - or any religious identification for that matter.
You're wrong.

And people don't practice secularism.

Stupid lefties. You string words together and think, "Oh look, this sounds so smart, I'll pretend it means something!"

You use code for everything. Try saying what you mean.

Oh, whoops, you don't dare, because when you say what you mean, it doesn't sound half so nice, does it?
You're wrong.

And people don't practice secularism.

Stupid lefties. You string words together and think, "Oh look, this sounds so smart, I'll pretend it means something!"

You use code for everything. Try saying what you mean.

Oh, whoops, you don't dare, because when you say what you mean, it doesn't sound half so nice, does it?

Ok, so you can't prove that the USA will never be secular. That's what I thought.

ta-ta smarty pants.
America will never be religiously secular in the government space, kiki. Our narrative combines a civil religion of constitutional principles with a people who believe their inalienable rights come from God. We are a people informed by religious values. The only issue is keeping government out of organized religion, and organized religion out of government.
Give it another 20 years, and they'll be as ineffectual in American politics as they are at controlling morality in the U.S.

Michael Kazin: The End Of The Christian Right | The New Republic

Key points...
the Christian Right is fighting a losing battle with the rest of the country—above all, when it comes to abortion and same-sex marriage, the issues they care most about. A strong majority of Americans backs abortion in the early months of a pregnancy.

Meanwhile, support for gay rights is rising, quite swiftly. Same-sex marriage tops fifty percent in some recent polls, and the remarkably placid response to New York’s recent legalization of the practice will make it easier for other states to follow suit. With over two-thirds of Americans now endorsing the end of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, the debate on that once controversial issue is now a matter for historians to analyze.

Put simply, the Christian Right is getting old. According to the largest and most recent study we have of American religion and politics, by Robert D. Putnam and David E. Campbell, almost twice as many people 18 to 29 confess to no faith at all as adhere to evangelical Protestantism. Young people who have attended college, a growing percentage of the population, are more secular still.

Last gasps of a dying subculture...

Sure thing............ :rolleyes: :lol:

History of Revivalism
The anti-religious group grievously errs in conflating American Christianity as American evangelical Christianity: a foolish, foolish mistake. Of the more than 225,000,000 Christians in America, maybe 30 million are evangelical, and that heresy is losing membership and steam, while Christianity itself chugs along here.
America will never be religiously secular in the government space, kiki. Our narrative combines a civil religion of constitutional principles with a people who believe their inalienable rights come from God. We are a people informed by religious values. The only issue is keeping government out of organized religion, and organized religion out of government.

I am aware of our history. In time, not tomorrow and not soon, one day the change will occur. This is, of course. my opinion.
You're wrong.

And people don't practice secularism.

Stupid lefties. You string words together and think, "Oh look, this sounds so smart, I'll pretend it means something!"

You use code for everything. Try saying what you mean.

Oh, whoops, you don't dare, because when you say what you mean, it doesn't sound half so nice, does it?

Ok, so you can't prove that the USA will never be secular. That's what I thought.

ta-ta smarty pants.

THE ONUS ISN'T UPON ME TO PROVE A NEGATIVE, you nitwit. You made the claim, you prove that America will be secular...

Oh forget it. I'm so fucking exasperated that those who think of themselves as the "primo" debaters on this site don't have even the barest grasp of the most basic debate skills, or even reasoning skills, as far as that goes. Between this brain dead dolt, Loki and Starkey I'm fairly convinced most of the liberal posters on this site are mentally ill. And it makes me wonder if all liberals suffer from mental illness? Or are they just irreparably STUPID and uneducated?

Perhaps educated liberals don't spend time on messageboards. I hope not, because if this is the cream of the crop, we're in a bad, bad way.
You're wrong.

And people don't practice secularism.

Stupid lefties. You string words together and think, "Oh look, this sounds so smart, I'll pretend it means something!"

You use code for everything. Try saying what you mean.

Oh, whoops, you don't dare, because when you say what you mean, it doesn't sound half so nice, does it?

Ok, so you can't prove that the USA will never be secular. That's what I thought.

ta-ta smarty pants.

THE ONUS ISN'T UPON ME TO PROVE A NEGATIVE, you nitwit. You made the claim, you prove that America will be secular...

Oh forget it. I'm so fucking exasperated that those who think of themselves as the "primo" debaters on this site don't have even the barest grasp of the most basic debate skills, or even reasoning skills, as far as that goes. Between this brain dead dolt, Loki and Starkey I'm fairly convinced most of the liberal posters on this site are mentally ill. And it makes me wonder if all liberals suffer from mental illness? Or are they just irreparably STUPID and uneducated?

Perhaps educated liberals don't spend time on messageboards. I hope not, because if this is the cream of the crop, we're in a bad, bad way.

Yes, I know you must be exhausted. Perhaps you should turn the black box off and rest.


You made the declaritive statement. The USA will NEVER be secular.

I said it will. Neither of us can prove our position, thus they are...OPINIONS!

By the way if you are so smart and educated and wonderful, why aren't you out in the world doing smart and educated and wonderful stuff? I mean you can't be all that if you rent a house and don't have a cleaning staff to clean the dog piss, right? So what gives? Why aren't all those academic credits working for you? You want to win the bestest debater award on USMB? Is this your life's aspiration? Pssst, you must first listen (read) before claiming your superiority.

I mean, I am the stupid liberal right? I own two homes outright and have no debt. I have daily cleaning service. I am in a long term loving marriage. And I most certainly don't validate my worth by posting on an internet board.

So, really...who is the twit?

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