The End Of Free-Market Capitalism As We Know It


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
The End Of Free-Market Capitalism As We Know It

Scott Minerd, global chief investment officer at Guggenheim Partners is concerned that America’s predatory capitalism, developed over the past five decades, might not survive the COVID-19 pandemic. Well guys, if your fears come true, it’s your own fault.

Ever since conservatives were convinced that only white collar employees were required for American businesses to flourish, right wingers have opposed higher wages, benefit packages, paid vacations, etc., etc. for the working class.

There were (and still are) those conservatives employed in union shops who have pi$$ed and moaned constantly about paying union dues, and sworn up and down their own positions were indispensable. And, as employees possessing phenomenal skills, they were irreplaceable and their employers knew it. Therefore, union representation was unnecessary because their compensation would be as much, or more, without union interference.

Of course, these same workers ridiculed other blue collar workers as being greedy and overpaid, especially those represented by unions. So, conservatives were thrilled to vote for union busting Republicans. And when Reagan sold them on “Reaganomics” and the beneficial federal programs his administration established to provide Corporate America the funding necessary to send factories to China to exploit the cheap labor there, conservatives were thrilled. At last, the “lazy workers" in America were being punished for their greed and slothful ways, while the “excellent workers” knew their jobs were safe. After all, “excellent workers” had superior skills that no Chinese worker could match.

So, “Trickle Down” reigned as right-wingers showered Reagan with endless praise while they watched high-paying manufacturing jobs (including their own) follow the setting Sun, across the Pacific to the communists. (Remember, it was Nixon who opened China for the 0.1% and Big Business as conservatives cheered his diplomatic accomplishment, even though the RED Chinese government remained our cold war enemy.)

Jumping ahead, we arrive in the closing months of 2019, the soon-to-be-impeached president trump is ignoring reports from heads of several federal agencies, their warnings of the potential pandemic of the coronavirus, the danger it posed to the American public, and the threat of economic upheaval that could result, fall on the impeached president trump’s deaf ears. And, despite the typical denial by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, the experts were correct, and their hero was, and is, wrong, wrong, wrong.

Now, after a$$holes like Scott Minerd rejoiced when the impeached president trump rolled back Obama era regulations that protected Wall Street, the banking industry, and the billionaire class from their own greed, the Scott Minerd-types are worried. Could it be possible their hero’s idiotic response and continued incompetence in handling the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t going to work out? Will passing bills providing American families a few thousand dollars to tide them over for the duration of the pandemic-caused employment crisis be too much. Will passing legislation giving Big Business and the 0.1% multi-trillions-of-dollars be too little?

What ever the results of these handouts, loans, tax cuts, grants, etc., the Scott Minerd-types are deeply concerned “ ‘a populist revolt to address the current massive inequality of income and wealth, will happen. Soon pressure will mount on policymakers to bolster the social safety net and increase things like health care and job security and maybe even institute a guaranteed living wage.’ ”

Imagine the disastrous effects on society a significant reduction in income inequality, poverty, homelessness, etc. would have. A much lower crime rate would be a definite result. And there would be many other benefits to average Americans, which would make life in the U.S. a living he11 for conservatives.

But if history has proven nothing else, it’s that the super-rich are resilient and unprincipled. Years of work and planning were involved crafting an economic system, which adds thousands of people and entire families to the poverty roles each year, while carefully placing obstacles to others trying to join the exclusive 0.1% club. It’s by design that income inequality increases the wealth gap, and at a rate that grows faster each day. And, as conservatives regularly assure themselves, poverty and homelessness are lifestyles chosen by the victims.

In closing, there is a progressive movement to establish voting by mail as an option for everyone. But the billionaire class won’t permit a policy change as simple as voting by mail, since it poses a threat to their control. Progressive demands for addressing inequality will, again, be drowned out by conservatives decrying socialism. So, if the predatory capitalism created by and for the billionaire class does change, it will only change in ways to benefit the 0.1% (Including socialism to further enrich the 0.1%). Scott Minerd, and anyone else concerned for the well-being of the billionaire class, your worries are unfounded. Don’t worry, be happy.

After coronavirus, the U.S. will ‘never return to free-market capitalism as we knew it,’ says Guggenheim’s Minerd

Well if this corporatist mess dies from COVID all the better. What we have is not capitalism. The only fear is that we'd go the other way toward more control.
The End Of Free-Market Capitalism As We Know It

Scott Minerd, global chief investment officer at Guggenheim Partners is concerned that America’s predatory capitalism, developed over the past five decades, might not survive the COVID-19 pandemic. Well guys, if your fears come true, it’s your own fault.

Ever since conservatives were convinced that only white collar employees were required for American businesses to flourish, right wingers have opposed higher wages, benefit packages, paid vacations, etc., etc. for the working class.

There were (and still are) those conservatives employed in union shops who have pi$$ed and moaned constantly about paying union dues, and sworn up and down their own positions were indispensable. And, as employees possessing phenomenal skills, they were irreplaceable and their employers knew it. Therefore, union representation was unnecessary because their compensation would be as much, or more, without union interference.

Of course, these same workers ridiculed other blue collar workers as being greedy and overpaid, especially those represented by unions. So, conservatives were thrilled to vote for union busting Republicans. And when Reagan sold them on “Reaganomics” and the beneficial federal programs his administration established to provide Corporate America the funding necessary to send factories to China to exploit the cheap labor there, conservatives were thrilled. At last, the “lazy workers" in America were being punished for their greed and slothful ways, while the “excellent workers” knew their jobs were safe. After all, “excellent workers” had superior skills that no Chinese worker could match.

So, “Trickle Down” reigned as right-wingers showered Reagan with endless praise while they watched high-paying manufacturing jobs (including their own) follow the setting Sun, across the Pacific to the communists. (Remember, it was Nixon who opened China for the 0.1% and Big Business as conservatives cheered his diplomatic accomplishment, even though the RED Chinese government remained our cold war enemy.)

Jumping ahead, we arrive in the closing months of 2019, the soon-to-be-impeached president trump is ignoring reports from heads of several federal agencies, their warnings of the potential pandemic of the coronavirus, the danger it posed to the American public, and the threat of economic upheaval that could result, fall on the impeached president trump’s deaf ears. And, despite the typical denial by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, the experts were correct, and their hero was, and is, wrong, wrong, wrong.

Now, after a$$holes like Scott Minerd rejoiced when the impeached president trump rolled back Obama era regulations that protected Wall Street, the banking industry, and the billionaire class from their own greed, the Scott Minerd-types are worried. Could it be possible their hero’s idiotic response and continued incompetence in handling the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t going to work out? Will passing bills providing American families a few thousand dollars to tide them over for the duration of the pandemic-caused employment crisis be too much. Will passing legislation giving Big Business and the 0.1% multi-trillions-of-dollars be too little?

What ever the results of these handouts, loans, tax cuts, grants, etc., the Scott Minerd-types are deeply concerned “ ‘a populist revolt to address the current massive inequality of income and wealth, will happen. Soon pressure will mount on policymakers to bolster the social safety net and increase things like health care and job security and maybe even institute a guaranteed living wage.’ ”

Imagine the disastrous effects on society a significant reduction in income inequality, poverty, homelessness, etc. would have. A much lower crime rate would be a definite result. And there would be many other benefits to average Americans, which would make life in the U.S. a living he11 for conservatives.

But if history has proven nothing else, it’s that the super-rich are resilient and unprincipled. Years of work and planning were involved crafting an economic system, which adds thousands of people and entire families to the poverty roles each year, while carefully placing obstacles to others trying to join the exclusive 0.1% club. It’s by design that income inequality increases the wealth gap, and at a rate that grows faster each day. And, as conservatives regularly assure themselves, poverty and homelessness are lifestyles chosen by the victims.

In closing, there is a progressive movement to establish voting by mail as an option for everyone. But the billionaire class won’t permit a policy change as simple as voting by mail, since it poses a threat to their control. Progressive demands for addressing inequality will, again, be drowned out by conservatives decrying socialism. So, if the predatory capitalism created by and for the billionaire class does change, it will only change in ways to benefit the 0.1% (Including socialism to further enrich the 0.1%). Scott Minerd, and anyone else concerned for the well-being of the billionaire class, your worries are unfounded. Don’t worry, be happy.

After coronavirus, the U.S. will ‘never return to free-market capitalism as we knew it,’ says Guggenheim’s Minerd

Totalitarianism is the natural state of man. Most men who have walked the earth have been slaves.

Nothing surprising here.

What is surprising is, the American Revolution. Just a brief respite from the status quo.
The End Of Free-Market Capitalism As We Know It

Scott Minerd, global chief investment officer at Guggenheim Partners is concerned that America’s predatory capitalism, developed over the past five decades, might not survive the COVID-19 pandemic. Well guys, if your fears come true, it’s your own fault.

Ever since conservatives were convinced that only white collar employees were required for American businesses to flourish, right wingers have opposed higher wages, benefit packages, paid vacations, etc., etc. for the working class.

There were (and still are) those conservatives employed in union shops who have pi$$ed and moaned constantly about paying union dues, and sworn up and down their own positions were indispensable. And, as employees possessing phenomenal skills, they were irreplaceable and their employers knew it. Therefore, union representation was unnecessary because their compensation would be as much, or more, without union interference.

Of course, these same workers ridiculed other blue collar workers as being greedy and overpaid, especially those represented by unions. So, conservatives were thrilled to vote for union busting Republicans. And when Reagan sold them on “Reaganomics” and the beneficial federal programs his administration established to provide Corporate America the funding necessary to send factories to China to exploit the cheap labor there, conservatives were thrilled. At last, the “lazy workers" in America were being punished for their greed and slothful ways, while the “excellent workers” knew their jobs were safe. After all, “excellent workers” had superior skills that no Chinese worker could match.

So, “Trickle Down” reigned as right-wingers showered Reagan with endless praise while they watched high-paying manufacturing jobs (including their own) follow the setting Sun, across the Pacific to the communists. (Remember, it was Nixon who opened China for the 0.1% and Big Business as conservatives cheered his diplomatic accomplishment, even though the RED Chinese government remained our cold war enemy.)

Jumping ahead, we arrive in the closing months of 2019, the soon-to-be-impeached president trump is ignoring reports from heads of several federal agencies, their warnings of the potential pandemic of the coronavirus, the danger it posed to the American public, and the threat of economic upheaval that could result, fall on the impeached president trump’s deaf ears. And, despite the typical denial by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, the experts were correct, and their hero was, and is, wrong, wrong, wrong.

Now, after a$$holes like Scott Minerd rejoiced when the impeached president trump rolled back Obama era regulations that protected Wall Street, the banking industry, and the billionaire class from their own greed, the Scott Minerd-types are worried. Could it be possible their hero’s idiotic response and continued incompetence in handling the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t going to work out? Will passing bills providing American families a few thousand dollars to tide them over for the duration of the pandemic-caused employment crisis be too much. Will passing legislation giving Big Business and the 0.1% multi-trillions-of-dollars be too little?

What ever the results of these handouts, loans, tax cuts, grants, etc., the Scott Minerd-types are deeply concerned “ ‘a populist revolt to address the current massive inequality of income and wealth, will happen. Soon pressure will mount on policymakers to bolster the social safety net and increase things like health care and job security and maybe even institute a guaranteed living wage.’ ”

Imagine the disastrous effects on society a significant reduction in income inequality, poverty, homelessness, etc. would have. A much lower crime rate would be a definite result. And there would be many other benefits to average Americans, which would make life in the U.S. a living he11 for conservatives.

But if history has proven nothing else, it’s that the super-rich are resilient and unprincipled. Years of work and planning were involved crafting an economic system, which adds thousands of people and entire families to the poverty roles each year, while carefully placing obstacles to others trying to join the exclusive 0.1% club. It’s by design that income inequality increases the wealth gap, and at a rate that grows faster each day. And, as conservatives regularly assure themselves, poverty and homelessness are lifestyles chosen by the victims.

In closing, there is a progressive movement to establish voting by mail as an option for everyone. But the billionaire class won’t permit a policy change as simple as voting by mail, since it poses a threat to their control. Progressive demands for addressing inequality will, again, be drowned out by conservatives decrying socialism. So, if the predatory capitalism created by and for the billionaire class does change, it will only change in ways to benefit the 0.1% (Including socialism to further enrich the 0.1%). Scott Minerd, and anyone else concerned for the well-being of the billionaire class, your worries are unfounded. Don’t worry, be happy.

After coronavirus, the U.S. will ‘never return to free-market capitalism as we knew it,’ says Guggenheim’s Minerd

Good riddance to it. Leftist policies of open borders to have illegals compete with lower wage workers also have harmed workers so its not JUST the right doing this shit.
Pointed this out a couple of weeks ago: American Capitalism has Officially Changed

The biggest difference is that we have discovered a shiny new toy: An ultra-muscular Fed that we'll use to save us from ourselves by jumping in, purchasing mammoth amounts of securities, and then unwinding (selling) them over time, possibly at a profit.

We did it in 2008/2009 to deal with the Meltdown, again in 2018/2019 to unfreeze short term credit markets, and now in 2020 on a much larger scale. Get used to it.

Is that good or bad? Not sure yet.
"The urge to save humanity is almost always a false-face for the urge to rule it"

H.L. Mencken

The loss of jobs will kill far more people. The only difference is, the press will not give that 24/7 coverage.

It is akin to shooting deaths. There are far more overdoses from drugs coming across the border, yet, the same people who favor gun regulation favor open borders, with much of the gun violence being from those illicit drugs. No thought is then given to almost 200 people dying a day from those drugs. Instead, the press only is focused on gun violence because they have an agenda.
The only danger capitalism faces is it's utter failure to provide a clear path from working class to middle class as it used to. Back in the day a family could work hard, make the right choices and their children would almost certainly be better off than their parents. These days the path from working class to middle class is fraught with uncertainty and can really only be attained with a lifetime of crushing debt. Children are poorer than their parents and the kind of middle class lifestyle we associate with American prosperity is all but impossible for them. If capitalism is so great we need to save it from it's failures rather than simply attacking socialism. Socialism would not even exist if capitalism did not produce so many destitute citizens.
The only danger capitalism faces is it's utter failure to provide a clear path from working class to middle class as it used to. Back in the day a family could work hard, make the right choices and their children would almost certainly be better off than their parents. These days the path from working class to middle class is fraught with uncertainty and can really only be attained with a lifetime of crushing debt. Children are poorer than their parents and the kind of middle class lifestyle we associate with American prosperity is all but impossible for them. If capitalism is so great we need to save it from it's failures rather than simply attacking socialism. Socialism would not even exist if capitalism did not produce so many destitute citizens.
Sounds like you're tracking the effects of inflation from the Federal Reserve over time and inexplicably blaming capitalism.
The End Of Free-Market Capitalism As We Know It

Scott Minerd, global chief investment officer at Guggenheim Partners is concerned that America’s predatory capitalism, developed over the past five decades, might not survive the COVID-19 pandemic. Well guys, if your fears come true, it’s your own fault.

Ever since conservatives were convinced that only white collar employees were required for American businesses to flourish, right wingers have opposed higher wages, benefit packages, paid vacations, etc., etc. for the working class.

There were (and still are) those conservatives employed in union shops who have pi$$ed and moaned constantly about paying union dues, and sworn up and down their own positions were indispensable. And, as employees possessing phenomenal skills, they were irreplaceable and their employers knew it. Therefore, union representation was unnecessary because their compensation would be as much, or more, without union interference.

Of course, these same workers ridiculed other blue collar workers as being greedy and overpaid, especially those represented by unions. So, conservatives were thrilled to vote for union busting Republicans. And when Reagan sold them on “Reaganomics” and the beneficial federal programs his administration established to provide Corporate America the funding necessary to send factories to China to exploit the cheap labor there, conservatives were thrilled. At last, the “lazy workers" in America were being punished for their greed and slothful ways, while the “excellent workers” knew their jobs were safe. After all, “excellent workers” had superior skills that no Chinese worker could match.

So, “Trickle Down” reigned as right-wingers showered Reagan with endless praise while they watched high-paying manufacturing jobs (including their own) follow the setting Sun, across the Pacific to the communists. (Remember, it was Nixon who opened China for the 0.1% and Big Business as conservatives cheered his diplomatic accomplishment, even though the RED Chinese government remained our cold war enemy.)

Jumping ahead, we arrive in the closing months of 2019, the soon-to-be-impeached president trump is ignoring reports from heads of several federal agencies, their warnings of the potential pandemic of the coronavirus, the danger it posed to the American public, and the threat of economic upheaval that could result, fall on the impeached president trump’s deaf ears. And, despite the typical denial by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, the experts were correct, and their hero was, and is, wrong, wrong, wrong.

Now, after a$$holes like Scott Minerd rejoiced when the impeached president trump rolled back Obama era regulations that protected Wall Street, the banking industry, and the billionaire class from their own greed, the Scott Minerd-types are worried. Could it be possible their hero’s idiotic response and continued incompetence in handling the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t going to work out? Will passing bills providing American families a few thousand dollars to tide them over for the duration of the pandemic-caused employment crisis be too much. Will passing legislation giving Big Business and the 0.1% multi-trillions-of-dollars be too little?

What ever the results of these handouts, loans, tax cuts, grants, etc., the Scott Minerd-types are deeply concerned “ ‘a populist revolt to address the current massive inequality of income and wealth, will happen. Soon pressure will mount on policymakers to bolster the social safety net and increase things like health care and job security and maybe even institute a guaranteed living wage.’ ”

Imagine the disastrous effects on society a significant reduction in income inequality, poverty, homelessness, etc. would have. A much lower crime rate would be a definite result. And there would be many other benefits to average Americans, which would make life in the U.S. a living he11 for conservatives.

But if history has proven nothing else, it’s that the super-rich are resilient and unprincipled. Years of work and planning were involved crafting an economic system, which adds thousands of people and entire families to the poverty roles each year, while carefully placing obstacles to others trying to join the exclusive 0.1% club. It’s by design that income inequality increases the wealth gap, and at a rate that grows faster each day. And, as conservatives regularly assure themselves, poverty and homelessness are lifestyles chosen by the victims.

In closing, there is a progressive movement to establish voting by mail as an option for everyone. But the billionaire class won’t permit a policy change as simple as voting by mail, since it poses a threat to their control. Progressive demands for addressing inequality will, again, be drowned out by conservatives decrying socialism. So, if the predatory capitalism created by and for the billionaire class does change, it will only change in ways to benefit the 0.1% (Including socialism to further enrich the 0.1%). Scott Minerd, and anyone else concerned for the well-being of the billionaire class, your worries are unfounded. Don’t worry, be happy.

After coronavirus, the U.S. will ‘never return to free-market capitalism as we knew it,’ says Guggenheim’s Minerd

I think there will be change

America could lose 20% of its small businesses

where those people will go and what they will do is anyones guess

but we may not see the trump economic boom return for a long, long time
The End Of Free-Market Capitalism As We Know It

Scott Minerd, global chief investment officer at Guggenheim Partners is concerned that America’s predatory capitalism, developed over the past five decades, might not survive the COVID-19 pandemic. Well guys, if your fears come true, it’s your own fault.

Ever since conservatives were convinced that only white collar employees were required for American businesses to flourish, right wingers have opposed higher wages, benefit packages, paid vacations, etc., etc. for the working class.

There were (and still are) those conservatives employed in union shops who have pi$$ed and moaned constantly about paying union dues, and sworn up and down their own positions were indispensable. And, as employees possessing phenomenal skills, they were irreplaceable and their employers knew it. Therefore, union representation was unnecessary because their compensation would be as much, or more, without union interference.

Of course, these same workers ridiculed other blue collar workers as being greedy and overpaid, especially those represented by unions. So, conservatives were thrilled to vote for union busting Republicans. And when Reagan sold them on “Reaganomics” and the beneficial federal programs his administration established to provide Corporate America the funding necessary to send factories to China to exploit the cheap labor there, conservatives were thrilled. At last, the “lazy workers" in America were being punished for their greed and slothful ways, while the “excellent workers” knew their jobs were safe. After all, “excellent workers” had superior skills that no Chinese worker could match.

So, “Trickle Down” reigned as right-wingers showered Reagan with endless praise while they watched high-paying manufacturing jobs (including their own) follow the setting Sun, across the Pacific to the communists. (Remember, it was Nixon who opened China for the 0.1% and Big Business as conservatives cheered his diplomatic accomplishment, even though the RED Chinese government remained our cold war enemy.)

Jumping ahead, we arrive in the closing months of 2019, the soon-to-be-impeached president trump is ignoring reports from heads of several federal agencies, their warnings of the potential pandemic of the coronavirus, the danger it posed to the American public, and the threat of economic upheaval that could result, fall on the impeached president trump’s deaf ears. And, despite the typical denial by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, the experts were correct, and their hero was, and is, wrong, wrong, wrong.

Now, after a$$holes like Scott Minerd rejoiced when the impeached president trump rolled back Obama era regulations that protected Wall Street, the banking industry, and the billionaire class from their own greed, the Scott Minerd-types are worried. Could it be possible their hero’s idiotic response and continued incompetence in handling the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t going to work out? Will passing bills providing American families a few thousand dollars to tide them over for the duration of the pandemic-caused employment crisis be too much. Will passing legislation giving Big Business and the 0.1% multi-trillions-of-dollars be too little?

What ever the results of these handouts, loans, tax cuts, grants, etc., the Scott Minerd-types are deeply concerned “ ‘a populist revolt to address the current massive inequality of income and wealth, will happen. Soon pressure will mount on policymakers to bolster the social safety net and increase things like health care and job security and maybe even institute a guaranteed living wage.’ ”

Imagine the disastrous effects on society a significant reduction in income inequality, poverty, homelessness, etc. would have. A much lower crime rate would be a definite result. And there would be many other benefits to average Americans, which would make life in the U.S. a living he11 for conservatives.

But if history has proven nothing else, it’s that the super-rich are resilient and unprincipled. Years of work and planning were involved crafting an economic system, which adds thousands of people and entire families to the poverty roles each year, while carefully placing obstacles to others trying to join the exclusive 0.1% club. It’s by design that income inequality increases the wealth gap, and at a rate that grows faster each day. And, as conservatives regularly assure themselves, poverty and homelessness are lifestyles chosen by the victims.

In closing, there is a progressive movement to establish voting by mail as an option for everyone. But the billionaire class won’t permit a policy change as simple as voting by mail, since it poses a threat to their control. Progressive demands for addressing inequality will, again, be drowned out by conservatives decrying socialism. So, if the predatory capitalism created by and for the billionaire class does change, it will only change in ways to benefit the 0.1% (Including socialism to further enrich the 0.1%). Scott Minerd, and anyone else concerned for the well-being of the billionaire class, your worries are unfounded. Don’t worry, be happy.

After coronavirus, the U.S. will ‘never return to free-market capitalism as we knew it,’ says Guggenheim’s Minerd

Because free-market capitalism is the natural end to all human interaction, it will be so long after this bullshit lockdown.

Humans are either at war or at trade with each other. There is no other state of existence.

if we cut the military budget significantly, we could fund universal health care, universal education, universal basic income, universal ice cream, universal everything...and still keep the capitalist system intact

you cant fight the Chinese virus with the military, my friends!
The only danger capitalism faces is it's utter failure to provide a clear path from working class to middle class as it used to. Back in the day a family could work hard, make the right choices and their children would almost certainly be better off than their parents. These days the path from working class to middle class is fraught with uncertainty and can really only be attained with a lifetime of crushing debt. Children are poorer than their parents and the kind of middle class lifestyle we associate with American prosperity is all but impossible for them. If capitalism is so great we need to save it from it's failures rather than simply attacking socialism. Socialism would not even exist if capitalism did not produce so many destitute citizens.
Socialism exists because of a pedantic German & a squirrelly power-hungry Russian...
Pointed this out a couple of weeks ago: American Capitalism has Officially Changed

The biggest difference is that we have discovered a shiny new toy: An ultra-muscular Fed that we'll use to save us from ourselves by jumping in, purchasing mammoth amounts of securities, and then unwinding (selling) them over time, possibly at a profit.

We did it in 2008/2009 to deal with the Meltdown, again in 2018/2019 to unfreeze short term credit markets, and now in 2020 on a much larger scale. Get used to it.

Is that good or bad? Not sure yet.

Doesn't matter anymore. We're about to see a global currency reset. It won't be for the better though. Just an FYI.
if we cut the military budget significantly, we could fund universal health care, universal education, universal basic income, universal ice cream, universal everything...and still keep the capitalist system intact

you cant fight the Chinese virus with the military, my friends!
The military is only 15% of federal spending

if we had no military it would not pay for all the socialism you dream of
The End Of Free-Market Capitalism As We Know It

Scott Minerd, global chief investment officer at Guggenheim Partners is concerned that America’s predatory capitalism, developed over the past five decades, might not survive the COVID-19 pandemic. Well guys, if your fears come true, it’s your own fault.

Ever since conservatives were convinced that only white collar employees were required for American businesses to flourish, right wingers have opposed higher wages, benefit packages, paid vacations, etc., etc. for the working class.

There were (and still are) those conservatives employed in union shops who have pi$$ed and moaned constantly about paying union dues, and sworn up and down their own positions were indispensable. And, as employees possessing phenomenal skills, they were irreplaceable and their employers knew it. Therefore, union representation was unnecessary because their compensation would be as much, or more, without union interference.

Of course, these same workers ridiculed other blue collar workers as being greedy and overpaid, especially those represented by unions. So, conservatives were thrilled to vote for union busting Republicans. And when Reagan sold them on “Reaganomics” and the beneficial federal programs his administration established to provide Corporate America the funding necessary to send factories to China to exploit the cheap labor there, conservatives were thrilled. At last, the “lazy workers" in America were being punished for their greed and slothful ways, while the “excellent workers” knew their jobs were safe. After all, “excellent workers” had superior skills that no Chinese worker could match.

So, “Trickle Down” reigned as right-wingers showered Reagan with endless praise while they watched high-paying manufacturing jobs (including their own) follow the setting Sun, across the Pacific to the communists. (Remember, it was Nixon who opened China for the 0.1% and Big Business as conservatives cheered his diplomatic accomplishment, even though the RED Chinese government remained our cold war enemy.)

Jumping ahead, we arrive in the closing months of 2019, the soon-to-be-impeached president trump is ignoring reports from heads of several federal agencies, their warnings of the potential pandemic of the coronavirus, the danger it posed to the American public, and the threat of economic upheaval that could result, fall on the impeached president trump’s deaf ears. And, despite the typical denial by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, the experts were correct, and their hero was, and is, wrong, wrong, wrong.

Now, after a$$holes like Scott Minerd rejoiced when the impeached president trump rolled back Obama era regulations that protected Wall Street, the banking industry, and the billionaire class from their own greed, the Scott Minerd-types are worried. Could it be possible their hero’s idiotic response and continued incompetence in handling the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t going to work out? Will passing bills providing American families a few thousand dollars to tide them over for the duration of the pandemic-caused employment crisis be too much. Will passing legislation giving Big Business and the 0.1% multi-trillions-of-dollars be too little?

What ever the results of these handouts, loans, tax cuts, grants, etc., the Scott Minerd-types are deeply concerned “ ‘a populist revolt to address the current massive inequality of income and wealth, will happen. Soon pressure will mount on policymakers to bolster the social safety net and increase things like health care and job security and maybe even institute a guaranteed living wage.’ ”

Imagine the disastrous effects on society a significant reduction in income inequality, poverty, homelessness, etc. would have. A much lower crime rate would be a definite result. And there would be many other benefits to average Americans, which would make life in the U.S. a living he11 for conservatives.

But if history has proven nothing else, it’s that the super-rich are resilient and unprincipled. Years of work and planning were involved crafting an economic system, which adds thousands of people and entire families to the poverty roles each year, while carefully placing obstacles to others trying to join the exclusive 0.1% club. It’s by design that income inequality increases the wealth gap, and at a rate that grows faster each day. And, as conservatives regularly assure themselves, poverty and homelessness are lifestyles chosen by the victims.

In closing, there is a progressive movement to establish voting by mail as an option for everyone. But the billionaire class won’t permit a policy change as simple as voting by mail, since it poses a threat to their control. Progressive demands for addressing inequality will, again, be drowned out by conservatives decrying socialism. So, if the predatory capitalism created by and for the billionaire class does change, it will only change in ways to benefit the 0.1% (Including socialism to further enrich the 0.1%). Scott Minerd, and anyone else concerned for the well-being of the billionaire class, your worries are unfounded. Don’t worry, be happy.

After coronavirus, the U.S. will ‘never return to free-market capitalism as we knew it,’ says Guggenheim’s Minerd
We've never had "free market capitalism." After this pandemic is over, the wealthy will still own your ass.

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