The earth is how old?


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Rubio ignites debate with answer about creationism – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Republicans better change there way of thinking if they want a shot at 2016. If you think the Earth is 6-10,000 years old, well, you are an idiot. This creationist BS is one of the reasons why I dont consider myself a Republican. I lean right, but with thinking like this(also abortion etc), why I dont brand myself Republican. I know all Republicans don't think like this, but it is also kinda "automatic"? when you think about that party. To me anyways..
Maybe God created the earth six thousand years ago and then created the illusion that it is billions of years old.

Always did have a sense of humor, that One!
Yea, who cares about the debt, unemployment, wars and the growth of government? It's how old you think the earth might be that's REALLY important....:doubt:
Yea, who cares about the debt, unemployment, wars and the growth of government? It's how old you think the earth might be that's REALLY important....:doubt:

It didn't matter in the 2012 elections... I just thought this was a good example
Yea, who cares about the debt, unemployment, wars and the growth of government? It's how old you think the earth might be that's REALLY important....:doubt:

It is the quality of education our children will receive that is most important. And if the dumb fuck Young Earth Creationists have their way, our kids will be too stupid to work in the hi-tech jobs of the future.

I already see a serious absence of critical thinking in just about every political topic on this forum, including in your very post. If you don't think it is important to pay attention to what politicians who will be making decisions which affect our education system are saying, then you are an idiot, too.

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Maybe God created the earth six thousand years ago and then created the illusion that it is billions of years old.

Always did have a sense of humor, that One!

It's a shame we really have no hard core christian dogmatists on this board to seriously put forth such crap, they are always good for a troller-coaster.
Yea, who cares about the debt, unemployment, wars and the growth of government? It's how old you think the earth might be that's REALLY important....:doubt:

Some questions separate the wheat from the chaff.

A faith-based politician is going to pursue faith-based policy, facts and evidence be damned.

A reality-based politician versed in things like math, logical reasoning, evaluating ideas based on evidence, and so on will probably apply those principles in his approach to policy.

"How old is the Earth" is one of those questions. If Rubio isn't qualified to comment on the age of the earth because he's not a scientist, he's not going to be particularly useful on economic matters either because, newsflash, he's not a fucking economist, either. So the relevant question is whether he has a working brain in his head. And so far that's looking questionable.
If Rubio knows the Earth is around 4.5 billion years old, then his response is an example of everything that is wrong with the GOP.

Coddling stupid idiots, whether they be birthers or conspiracy nutters or Young Earth Creationists, in order to get their votes while alienating the thinking population is a losing proposition. Is he so retarded that he did not get that message from the election?

Cut the stupid fucks loose. They will either catch up or evolution will take care of them.

If Rubio believes the Earth is 6,000 years old, then we are even more fucked.

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The interviewer obviously was asking him a gotcha questions and frankly, were I Rubio I'd have been insulted by it. He should have just ended the interview at that point rather than dance around the question in a pathetic attempt to not offend anyone. He just ended up looking like a fool.
If Rubio knows the Earth is around 4.5 billion years old, then his response is an example of everything that is wrong with the GOP.

Coddling stupid idiots, whether they be birthers or conspiracy nutters or Young Earth Creationists, in order to get their votes while alienating the thinking population is a losing proposition. Is he so retarded that he did not get that message from the election?

I think that's exactly what he was trying to do and you're right, it was completely stupid. The number of people out there who actually believe the earth is 6,000 or 9,000 or what ever years old is such a small minority who gives a shit how they feel about his answer. Those people are still going to vote him anyway, so why is he so concerned.
The interviewer obviously was asking him a gotcha questions and frankly, were I Rubio I'd have been insulted by it. He should have just ended the interview at that point rather than dance around the question in a pathetic attempt to not offend anyone. He just ended up looking like a fool.

It's only a gotcha question if you are an idiot. If you know the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, then you answer the question, "It's 4.5 billion years old." Done.

But Rubio is an idiot, and the reporter knows it. Rubio is so cowardly he is afraid to offend stupid people.

I appreciate it when idiot cowards are exposed as such. That is exactly what the media is supposed to do.

It's time for the GOP to start taking out the trash.

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4.6 billion years, give or take a couple hundred million.. formed by accretion, multiple impacts including a huge one with another planetoid that ended up forming our moon...

And I still believe in God, an afterlife, and much more than can be explained by science alone... And I am a conservative...
His answer sounded like your typical politician, attempting to not upset his base, not someone who actually believes in creationism. It's a bit sad that his base consists of enough people who believe the earth is 6,000 years old that he felt the need to pander to them.
4.6 billion years, give or take a couple hundred million.. formed by accretion, multiple impacts including a huge one with another planetoid that ended up forming our moon...

And I still believe in God, an afterlife, and much more than can be explained by science alone... And I am a conservative...

I read the bible every day, and I believe in God as well. And I am a conservative.

4.5 billion years, give or take, is right.

Rubio is the kind of trash we need to leave at the curb for the trash truck to pick up in the morning.

The interviewer obviously was asking him a gotcha questions and frankly, were I Rubio I'd have been insulted by it. He should have just ended the interview at that point rather than dance around the question in a pathetic attempt to not offend anyone. He just ended up looking like a fool.

It's only a gotcha question if you are an idiot. If you know the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, then you answer the question, "It's 4.5 billion years old." Done.

But Rubio is an idiot, and the reporter knows it. Rubio is so cowardly he is afraid to offend stupid people.

I appreciate it when idiot cowards are exposed as such. That is exactly what the media is supposed to do.


There was no reason for the question to be asked at all. It was childish and meant to insult the man's religion as well as make fun of conservatives in general. Personally, I think Rubio is a smart enough guy to know it's more than ten thousand years old.

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