The Democratic Party's & Other Candidates' Refusal To Condemn Socialism Is Why Bernie Is Winning


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'So, It Looks Increasingly Likely That Democrats Are Actually Going to Nominate This Man'

'Never Trumpers Are Having a Meltdown as Bernie Sanders Widens His Lead'

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Democrats Refusing to Stand up to Socialism Is Why Sanders Is Winning

'Bernie Sanders seems destined to inherit the 2020 Democratic nomination for president, all while espousing views more in line with socialism than anything this country has seen before.

Sanders has ridden the wave of success and praise despite his deeply socialist and, at times, communist views, invigorating young voters, packing rallies and running a strong ground game. Traditional Democrats and media voices have grimaced along the way, unsure of Sanders' ability to beat Trump in November but have been so far mostly unable to identify a Democrat willing to stand up for American values and speak to their base in a meaningful way.'

Their silence is 'support', 'agreement', and 'complicity'. They have allowed Bernie Sanders to redefine, remake the Democratic they can sit back and 'Feel The Bern'.

Democrats Refusing to Stand up to Socialism Is Why Sanders Is Winning


We are a Constitutional Republic and no Democrat supports changing that, no matter how much Trumpybear and his Banana Republicans want us to tremble at the word "Socialism", or tell us that we're gonna look like Venezuela.
We are a Constitutional Republic and no Democrat supports changing that, no matter how much Trumpybear and his Banana Republicans want us to tremble at the word "Socialism", or tell us that we're gonna look like Venezuela.

Lil' snowflake, vowing to strip the rights of Americans to choose their own healthcare, to outlaw / make an American citizen choosing to buy his / her own health care insurance, thus maintaining control and power over their own life ILLEGAL s not an act of a Constitutional Republic....

Using force to make citizens relinquish control of their lives, to forcibly seize control of their personal health care choices and make them subservient to government enforced health care and healthcare rationing is trampling / destroying the very Constitution on which this Constitutional Republic was created and continues to run.

I am not going to tell you that the US will look like Venezuela after Bernie outlaws US citizen health care CHOICE and forces everyone to surrender to mandated government control of all health care. No, it will probably resemble Fidel Castro's Cuba, which 'Castro Fanboy' likes so much and can't stop talking about.

If YOU like the idea of Sanders and his Socialist Utopia taking your choice regarding healthcare, good for you - go for it...but FORCING Americans to do the same is not the same thing as willingly falling to your subservient knees and GIVING them that power.

The USSA takes your right to your own chosen health care....what next. Oh yeah...not only does the new Socialist Govt believe you will be better off with the new self-declared rulers mandating your healthcare, but they also decide, perhaps, the elimination / confiscation of all firearms is the best course of action - perhaps 'it will reduce the cost of health care as well'.

If the government stripping you of your right to choose and buy your own health care plans is not 'a line crossed' / 'too far'.....what its? When will you say 'enough'? What are you willing to fight for? Of course, by THEN, it will be too late.
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We are a Constitutional Republic and no Democrat supports changing that, no matter how much Trumpybear and his Banana Republicans want us to tremble at the word "Socialism", or tell us that we're gonna look like Venezuela.

Lil' snowflake, vowing to strip the rights of Americans to choose their own healthcare, to outlaw / make an American citizen choosing to buy his / her own health care insurance, thus maintaining control and power over their own life ILLEGAL s not an act of a Constitutional Republic....

Using force to make citizens relinquish control of their lives, to forcibly seize control of their personal health care choices and make them subservient to government enforced health care and healthcare rationing is trampling / destroying the very Constitution on which this Constitutional Republic was created and continues to run.

I am not going to tell you that the US will look like Venezuela after Bernie outlaws US citizen health care CHOICE and forces everyone to surrender to mandated government control of all health care. No, it will probably resemble Fidel Castro's Cuba, which 'Castro Fanboy' likes so much and can't stop talking about.

Congress has to pass the laws before a President can sign them. Contrary to Trumpybear and his Banana Republican's beliefs, the President is not an all powerful King or Emperor and cannot rule by decree.
A communist is an angry socialist...and angry commies are scary...Bernie is angry....
Congress has to pass the laws before a President can sign them. Contrary to Trumpybear and his Banana Republican's beliefs, the President is not an all powerful King or Emperor and cannot rule by decree.

Are you SERIOUSLY oblivious to your own record-setting level of bullshit hypocrisy?

EVERYTHING the President has done so far has been within his Constitutional and legal authority, as proven over and over again through defeat after defeat of each continuous Democrat attempt to undermine and over throw the President through failed coup attempt after coup attempt.

President Obama, on the other hand, has been proven to be the most criminal President in US history.

Obama's administration was acknowledged for being the most CRIMINALLY FOIA & FRA NON-COMPLIANT ADMINISTRATION IN US HISTORY.

Found in Contempt of Court for open non-compliance with Federal Judges' orders, violations of the Constitution as per the USSC and one of the worst USSC records ever / in modern history, violations of both Constitution in US law - by-passing Congress to negotiate his own un-Constitutional Treaty & to pass his own Immigration Law through edict - which he admitted he did not have the Constitutional Authority to do...

Arming, training, supplying, funding, protecting, defending, shielding terrorists and even pimping the US military out to Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - to help them murder the sovereign leader of a nation who was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa - and allowing them to take Libya as their own....

The Nobel Peace Prize winner ran his own drone assassination program - with which he denied Americans their Constitutional Rights and murdered them - and dragged the US into a civil war in Syria, and when he left office he left the troops in Syria to fight HIS war.

The SOB used the DOJ, NSA, CIA, FBI, and 17 Intel Agencies as his own personal own 'Brown Shirts', proven to have illegally spied on American citizens, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, USSC Justices, and political opposition Presidential opponents and his team....and initiated / directed the 1st failed coup against the President --- former NSA Director Clapper stated in an interview he and the other Obama agency Directors were only doing what Obama told them to do.

You have proven you are not mentally unstable, unaware of existing recorded facts and evidence, which leaves the options of Russian dupe or just a lying, Democrat-criminal/Obama apologist....either way, it means you have no credibility and are a waste of time to listen to / talk to. Buh-Bye......
Congress has to pass the laws before a President can sign them. Contrary to Trumpybear and his Banana Republican's beliefs, the President is not an all powerful King or Emperor and cannot rule by decree.

Are you SERIOUSLY oblivious to your own record-setting level of bullshit hypocrisy?

EVERYTHING the President has done so far has been within his Constitutional and legal authority, as proven over and over again through defeat after defeat of each continuous Democrat attempt to undermine and over throw the President through failed coup attempt after coup attempt.

President Obama, on the other hand, has been proven to be the most criminal President in US history.

Obama's administration was acknowledged for being the most CRIMINALLY FOIA & FRA NON-COMPLIANT ADMINISTRATION IN US HISTORY.

Found in Contempt of Court for open non-compliance with Federal Judges' orders, violations of the Constitution as per the USSC and one of the worst USSC records ever / in modern history, violations of both Constitution in US law - by-passing Congress to negotiate his own un-Constitutional Treaty & to pass his own Immigration Law through edict - which he admitted he did not have the Constitutional Authority to do...

Arming, training, supplying, funding, protecting, defending, shielding terrorists and even pimping the US military out to Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - to help them murder the sovereign leader of a nation who was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa - and allowing them to take Libya as their own....

The Nobel Peace Prize winner ran his own drone assassination program - with which he denied Americans their Constitutional Rights and murdered them - and dragged the US into a civil war in Syria, and when he left office he left the troops in Syria to fight HIS war.

The SOB used the DOJ, NSA, CIA, FBI, and 17 Intel Agencies as his own personal own 'Brown Shirts', proven to have illegally spied on American citizens, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, USSC Justices, and political opposition Presidential opponents and his team....and initiated / directed the 1st failed coup against the President --- former NSA Director Clapper stated in an interview he and the other Obama agency Directors were only doing what Obama told them to do.

You have proven you are not mentally unstable, unaware of existing recorded facts and evidence, which leaves the options of Russian dupe or just a lying, Democrat-criminal/Obama apologist....either way, it means you have no credibility and are a waste of time to listen to / talk to. Buh-Bye......

Hey Trigger, I thought this was about Bernie the Social Democrat.

Oh well. Here's your ride, Cowpoke.


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