Biden Doesn't Want An Audience

And still it happens. I do not like Trump you moron and even when I say this you lunatics can not help going on batshit insane rants.

Seriously though thinking Trump's political career should end because of things he said while Biden has done the same or worse, you don't realize your hypocrisy do you ? It must be psychological like a Pavlovian response.

“Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
Sometime I like him when he is being especially wonderful. Mostly he annoys the hell out of me and it is hard to like him at those times. But I support Trump with a clear conscience and with full confidence that he was and will be again far more beneficial to America and Americans than ANYBODY else running for President or who has already run for President and dropped out.

But some of his weaknesses are assuming that people will hear what he says as he intended it, that they will report what he says as he intended it, and trusting the wrong people to be honorable.

I do not trust CNN or any other Democrat surrogate propaganda media to be ethical or honest in structuring a debate without any input from him. That seems to be happening. With no audience there they can even manipulate the coverage to mute certain things the candidates say, create momentary snow/static or whatever to cover up responses, etc.

Trump should be smart and insist on some ground rules of his own. I think an audience there would not be a bad thing just to keep CNN honest in their coverage if for no other reason.
Biden is used to not having an audience when he talks, so I guess this is an advantage. He also wants muted mics.

If he shits himself, the only person in the room that will act like they noticed it would be Trump. And if he mentions it the media will claim he made it up.

It's difficult to think that a president is so afraid of his voters that he would demand that none of them be anywhere near him when he debates.

That's a really BIG red-flag, folks.

Trump said his only demand is that Biden get a drug test before the debate.

I don't think it matters if the mods provide Biden with the questions in advance because he won't be able to remember them or respond in a rational manner.

And if they give Biden a communications device, he won't be able to repeat what they feed him anyway.

The only way Biden wins is if they refuse to let Trump talk, or that they edit the debate and only show what helps Biden. That would cut a 90 min debate down to roughly 60 seconds.

I'd bet my paycheck that they're actually discussing how they can edit a live broadcast.

Biden could never ad-lib like this if something goes wrong.

Biden is going to collapse on stage, necessitating a change to Newsom or Big Mikey for the second debate and before Chicago convention
What does the audience do other than distract from the candidates? I wish they would also limit the role of the moderator to just being a timekeeper and allow the two to go head-to-head between themselves with questions and answers. One-on-one, man-to-man, what are you afraid of?
Biden is used to not having an audience when he talks, so I guess this is an advantage. He also wants muted mics.

If he shits himself, the only person in the room that will act like they noticed it would be Trump. And if he mentions it the media will claim he made it up.

It's difficult to think that a president is so afraid of his voters that he would demand that none of them be anywhere near him when he debates.

That's a really BIG red-flag, folks.

Trump said his only demand is that Biden get a drug test before the debate.

I don't think it matters if the mods provide Biden with the questions in advance because he won't be able to remember them or respond in a rational manner.

And if they give Biden a communications device, he won't be able to repeat what they feed him anyway.

The only way Biden wins is if they refuse to let Trump talk, or that they edit the debate and only show what helps Biden. That would cut a 90 min debate down to roughly 60 seconds.

I'd bet my paycheck that they're actually discussing how they can edit a live broadcast.

Biden could never ad-lib like this if something goes wrong.

You don't have to bet anything. The DISGUSTING FILTH routinely has a 6 second delay in ANY live broadcast.

Gives them time bleep out bad words and bad circumstances. The SCUM in the Media already has plans to scrub the film when Sponge Brains Shits Pants actually shits his pants in Public -- Again.

Or when he starts to stare off at a wall, forgets where he is, whatever.

This isn't about an 'audience' it's about the DISGUSTING FILTH having the ability censor what we see and hear. They'll probably run with a 30 second delay. Maybe more. I've heard of them running with 10 minute delays so they could put up film of past speeches or events in case the live even shit the bed.

No matter how bad you think things are, when scum of the Earth dimocrap filth and the DISGUSTING FILTH of the media work together, it's worse than you can imagine.

Any time dimocrap scum are involved in ANYTHING, look for the worst. You won't be disappointed

They aren't just the enemy of the American People, they are the enemy of all humanity
You don't have to bet anything. The DISGUSTING FILTH routinely has a 6 second delay in ANY live broadcast.

Gives them time bleep out bad words and bad circumstances. The SCUM in the Media already has plans to scrub the film when Sponge Brains Shits Pants actually shits his pants in Public -- Again.

Or when he starts to stare off at a wall, forgets where he is, whatever.

This isn't about an 'audience' it's about the DISGUSTING FILTH having the ability censor what we see and hear. They'll probably run with a 30 second delay. Maybe more. I've heard of them running with 10 minute delays so they could put up film of past speeches or events in case the live even shit the bed.

No matter how bad you think things are, when scum of the Earth dimocrap filth and the DISGUSTING FILTH of the media work together, it's worse than you can imagine.

Any time dimocrap scum are involved in ANYTHING, look for the worst. You won't be disappointed

They aren't just the enemy of the American People, they are the enemy of all humanity
I wouldn't agree to a debate unless the media wasn't involved in any way.

I heard Fake Tapper is slated to be the mod.

I would insist on a townhall setting.

Poster Mudwhistle: "Biden Doesn't Want An Audience"​

Actually, America's thinking population doesn't want the distractions of jackass members of an audience who boo, his, and shout, for or against either candidate..... when that thinking population wants to hear how each debater articulates his position on issues important to Americans, thinkers and non-thinkers.

Huh…funny how that’s…never been a problem before…until now..
i am reliably impressed at how stridently shrill so many of the Squeaky Frommes of Don Trump are.....the TDS'rs (Trump's Duped & Snookered).

Seriously, the whining, complaining snowflakism of the MAGA-
Q's is so readily apparent in so many of their contributions to this venue.
No wonder so many of them are ne'er-do-wells. Their attitudes, pessimism, and general sourness about life in general and their life in particular clearly is a barrier to their overall success in this wonderful land of opportunity --- the USA.
He’s not wrong though. It won’t matter how badly Biden does in the debate, the media will say he won the debate by a wide margin.
Biden is used to not having an audience when he talks, so I guess this is an advantage. He also wants muted mics.

If he shits himself, the only person in the room that will act like they noticed it would be Trump. And if he mentions it the media will claim he made it up.

It's difficult to think that a president is so afraid of his voters that he would demand that none of them be anywhere near him when he debates.

That's a really BIG red-flag, folks.

Trump said his only demand is that Biden get a drug test before the debate.

I don't think it matters if the mods provide Biden with the questions in advance because he won't be able to remember them or respond in a rational manner.

And if they give Biden a communications device, he won't be able to repeat what they feed him anyway.

The only way Biden wins is if they refuse to let Trump talk, or that they edit the debate and only show what helps Biden. That would cut a 90 min debate down to roughly 60 seconds.

I'd bet my paycheck that they're actually discussing how they can edit a live broadcast.

Biden could never ad-lib like this if something goes wrong.

Jeez, the two images in the links U provided us with makes Donald look more like he's young enough to be Big Joe's grandson. Maybe the lighting or something makes this image of Biden just look older than he is? The last few images of Joe he looked 83 years old but in this image of Big Joe he looks more like a 103 yrs old. Wow, ole Joe does not want a live audience which is ominous right there. If Joe falls over during the debate the online viewers would still see it so WHY not have a live audience??? If all else fails Big Joe could use a wheelchair equipped with a remote teleprompter which would take care of both lax bowel control issues & the falling over fears plus the teleprompter would be there so his fading memory issues would also appear to have disappeared. President Roosevelt used a wheelchair & it did not diminish his popularity one bit.

What does the audience do other than distract from the candidates? I wish they would also limit the role of the moderator to just being a timekeeper and allow the two to go head-to-head between themselves with questions and answers. One-on-one, man-to-man, what are you afraid of?
That would be a hoot....

Biden would be asking the blob for detailed answers on how he would fix Gaza. The blob would be asking about a laptop that wasn’t Joe Biden’s from 5 years ago.
Or…Biden could call his bluff and just have the drug test..and box Trump in
And then guess what happens.

From the Epochtimes....“The drug test was fixed!!!! Quest diagnostics is a company whose CEO once gave a stick of gum to a woman in an elevator who is now a parking valet at CNN. So obviously they rigged the drug test.”
That would be a hoot....

Biden would be asking the blob for detailed answers on how he would fix Gaza. The blob would be asking about a laptop that wasn’t Joe Biden’s from 5 years ago.
You call former president Trump "The Blob" but that pales in comparison to our current "president" - Mr. Magoo. Walking around blind and causing destruction wherever he goes, and not even realizing it.

You call former president Trump "The Blob" but that pales in comparison to our current "president" - Mr. Magoo. Walking around blind and causing destruction wherever he goes, and not even realizing it.

Am I hurting your feelings by calling your cult leader “the blob”? I thought you guys liked school yard taunts.
Am I hurting your feelings by calling your cult leader “the blob”? I thought you guys liked school yard taunts.
Not really, I'm not a "cult" member as you say, and voting for Trump in '24 is a lot different than my vote for him back in '16. Now, I'm voting for him as the only candidate who might start reversing Mr. Magoo's open borders, and really for no other reason.

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