The Democratic Party Just Attacked Their Own Candidate in Texas


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Normally, the Democratic party tends to stay out of the Democratic primary. But yesterday, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee did something unusual. They posted a list of reasons why Texans should vote against Laura Moser, one of seven candidates running for the Democratic nomination in Texas’s 7th district.

At first glance, Moser is exactly the type of candidate who could lead to a Democratic sweep in the midterms. A journalist and mother of two who started activist program Daily Action after Donald Trump’s election, Moser moved back to the Houston area this year to run to unseat Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas). Like hundreds of other women around the country, she transformed from voter to activist to candidate as part of the so-called Pink Wave of fresh women candidates challenging GOP incumbents.

But the DCCC isn’t buying it. On Thursday, they posted the type of opposition researchagainst Moser that the party normally uses to target Republicans, not Democrats. They pointed out that Moser just moved back to the area from Washington, D.C., has paid more than $50,000 in campaign money to her husband’s consulting firm, and wrote in a 2014 op-ed that she would rather have her “teeth pulled” than move back to a rural town in Texas. The Democratic primary is March 6, and early voting is already underway.

“Voters in Houston have organized for over a year to hold Representative Culberson accountable and win this Clinton district,” said DCCC communications director Meredith Kelly in a statement. “Unfortunately, Laura Moser’s outright disgust for life in Texas disqualifies her as a general election candidate, and would rob voters of their opportunity to flip Texas’ 7th in November.”

A Democratic insider said that the party has plenty of good candidates who can beat Culberson, but that if Moser won the primary, these revelations would “take the race off the map.” EMILY’s List also declined to endorse Moser, picking her primary opponent, Lizzie Pannill Fletcher, instead.

Moser says the announcement caught her completely off guard.

“I did not expect this to come from my own party,” she said in an interview Friday. “I’ve been a loyal, lifelong, establishment Democrat. I’ve worked hard for every Democratic candidate since I’ve been in 5th grade.”
Democrats Just Attacked Their Own Candidate in Texas

You got to love Meredith Kelly's level of stupid.
The Politburo is unhappy with a prospective commissar. Expect them to organize a struggle meeting.
Protest lists from the Central Committee usually precede this.
What makes her "their" candidate? She's just one of seven that wants to be their candidate and apparently she's unpopular.
What makes her "their" candidate? She's just one of seven that wants to be their candidate and apparently she's unpopular.

People do seem very confused by this. I am not sure they really understand how the system works
What makes her "their" candidate? She's just one of seven that wants to be their candidate and apparently she's unpopular.

People do seem very confused by this. I am not sure they really understand how the system works

I understand how it works. I simply believe in calling people out for their shit. And it's shit---make no mistake.
What makes her "their" candidate? She's just one of seven that wants to be their candidate and apparently she's unpopular.

People do seem very confused by this. I am not sure they really understand how the system works

I understand how it works. I simply believe in calling people out for their shit. And it's shit---make no mistake.

The party has no control over who registers to run for each seat, all they can do is support some and not support others. There is a guy that is holocaust denying NAZI running for a seat in congress who registered to run as a Repub. Should the GOP support him solely because he choose their party?
She must be just slightly to the right of uber cult left. Those carcasses get eaten pretty quickly. One false move, one peep of heresy and you're out.
What makes her "their" candidate? She's just one of seven that wants to be their candidate and apparently she's unpopular.

People do seem very confused by this. I am not sure they really understand how the system works

I understand how it works. I simply believe in calling people out for their shit. And it's shit---make no mistake.

The party has no control over who registers to run for each seat, all they can do is support some and not support others. There is a guy that is holocaust denying NAZI running for a seat in congress who registered to run as a Repub. Should the GOP support him solely because he choose their party?

Are you comparing her to a Nazi?

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