The Democratic Party has won the culture war

The game plan was actually fairly impressive:
  • State that the country was built on racism and remains systemically racist. Ignore the fact that a white person cannot do anything legally that a black person cannot.
  • For those that oppose any Democratic Party talking point, immediately go back and play the racism card and call that person racist and privileged.
  • Since that person(s) is racist and privileged they should not be allowed on social media such as FB/Twitter and must be banned.
  • Since that person(s) will try to find another platform..Parler...that platform should be banned as these people are clearly racist by the Democratic Party's definition.
  • Have the at the time president elect state that "If you don't vote for me you ain't black" or meaning you are a traitor.
Results speak for themselves:

  • 81 million vote for Biden.
  • Social Media companies banning those who disagree with the Democratic Party dogma.
  • Those who have disparate views are silenced for fear of losing their jobs.
  • Parler is banned and likely done.
  • DJT vilified and supporters (those who voted for him) shamed.
  • BLM riots justified....Capitol riot called an insurrection.
  • Democratic party call for violence justified (See Maxine Watters and Chuch Schumer). Trump's rhetoric labeled violent.

To sum up, if you vote Republican or 3rd party that means you are anti-Democrat. And if you're anti Democrat then it must mean you are a racist. And if you are a racist it must mean you should be banned from social media, vilified and lose your job and way of life.

Let me have it!

American culture has been changing rapidly. The Democratic party is changing with it to ensure that they represent the people of the United States.

The Republicans & Trump scum are resisting the changes that are happening in American culture. They are a product of cultural isolation and do not want to give in to the reality of what America really is. They want to continue to live in their cultural bubbles.

One aspect of the cultural change is that Black people will no longer tolerate the systematic racism in the justice system and the continued police brutality. The fact is that police brutality is something that affects all of us, not just Black people. Black people just suffer from a much higher incidence of police brutality than everyone else.

You just can't stomach the fact that Democrats have no great master plan other than serving the American people (ALL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE), so you have to make up some grand Democratic conspiracy.
Why didn’t or haven’t those deprived by whitey fled back to their homelands to live the life they missed out on?
Well, for some of them they were hanged if they tried, so...
why even respond to that racist shit poster? I mean I'm hardly a liberal on "black issues," but that guy needs to be in 1860

Because he/she isn’t a scared pussy...the exchange of dialogue doesn’t cause them to roll up the fetal position...maybe?
They've developed a formula

1. Set that stake in the ground, as to whatever it is. This is 'the message'
2. Utilize all means possible to feed the message to the water carriers. Social media is great for this type of manipulation
3. Demonize any opposing thought and develop blowback methodologies if possible.
4. Goto 3. Repeat as necessary.

There is nothing complex at all about it. They spew outrage and act as if anyone that disagrees is some sort of demon. They repeat that and stuff it on people until their idiotic base actually believes it and it becomes an act of moral repugnance in their view to disagree. It is nothing but manipulation of the very stupid, who cannot analyze or think for themselves, leaving them open to this sort of brainwashing. Unfortunately, the numbers of these lazy minded idiots is growing in terms of percentage of the population and they are now so lazy and trained that they turning to these sources for their "Facts" which aren't facts at all, only today's 'message'.

It's easier than training poodles at this point.
Who is "we"?

Society, in general. Not making a statement about anyone in particular. Not you, not me, not anyone specifically.

Certainly. I can agree stigmas get developed, but in this instance it didn't come out of nowhere. Young black men commit a massive amount of crime compared to their numbers, so that easily explains why stigmas are developed. You act as if every culture acts the same and only the police decide to go harder on one out of nowhere. That's not correct based on FBI data. Police should profile. If they're looking for rapist, I think they absolutely should look at men harder than women, because more men rape.

While they should profile, they should also not allow it taint their perspective. I think that's happened in some precincts and individuals in our country, but again, it's not as if they just decided to do it one day. When you see enough members of a group do bad things, your perspective can understandibly be warped.

That being said, it's hard to have these discussions when politicians, celebrities, and media are shouting that black people are being murdered on every street corner in some sort of massive epidemic. Again, the FBI data says that's not correct at all. As long as we relyl on these sources, the complex nature of the issue will never be addressed. I can't be willing to accept that blacks are being targeted and murdered everywhere in order to "prove" that I'm not some sort of racist. That's hack BS logic, but totally the norm coming from the left.

Stigmas develop out of many places. The problem is that it can become a self fulfilling prophecy. And let's not ignore history either, since we are talking about where stigmas come from. It's undeniable that in the civil rights era, black people were policed very differently than white people, treated very harshly. Stigma existed back then too, but was it justifiable then? I doubt any of us would defend it.

But what happens when the stigma becomes a self fulfilling prophecy? If you believe black people are criminals, then you police them more. When you police them more, you find more crimes (duh). When you find more crimes, you have more trials. The sentencing gets more harsh. Justice becomes putative, which often means those caught up in it have a much more difficult way out. They don't have a support system to rely on. They can't get back into society and if they do, they're kept on the fringes of it. These people are often discarded.

I don't see how you can say they should profile without tainting perspective. That's exactly what profiling is. If black men commit a lot of crimes, you can't apply that knowledge to an individual. They are not guilty because of the crimes of those who match their demographics. You can't treat them differently because of it. That's not right.

The game plan was actually fairly impressive:
  • State that the country was built on racism and remains systemically racist. Ignore the fact that a white person cannot do anything legally that a black person cannot.
  • For those that oppose any Democratic Party talking point, immediately go back and play the racism card and call that person racist and privileged.
  • Since that person(s) is racist and privileged they should not be allowed on social media such as FB/Twitter and must be banned.
  • Since that person(s) will try to find another platform..Parler...that platform should be banned as these people are clearly racist by the Democratic Party's definition.
  • Have the at the time president elect state that "If you don't vote for me you ain't black" or meaning you are a traitor.
Results speak for themselves:

  • 81 million vote for Biden.
  • Social Media companies banning those who disagree with the Democratic Party dogma.
  • Those who have disparate views are silenced for fear of losing their jobs.
  • Parler is banned and likely done.
  • DJT vilified and supporters (those who voted for him) shamed.
  • BLM riots justified....Capitol riot called an insurrection.
  • Democratic party call for violence justified (See Maxine Watters and Chuch Schumer). Trump's rhetoric labeled violent.

To sum up, if you vote Republican or 3rd party that means you are anti-Democrat. And if you're anti Democrat then it must mean you are a racist. And if you are a racist it must mean you should be banned from social media, vilified and lose your job and way of life.

Let me have it!

American culture has been changing rapidly. The Democratic party is changing with it to ensure that they represent the people of the United States.

The Republicans & Trump scum are resisting the changes that are happening in American culture. They are a product of cultural isolation and do not want to give in to the reality of what America really is. They want to continue to live in their cultural bubbles.

One aspect of the cultural change is that Black people will no longer tolerate the systematic racism in the justice system and the continued police brutality. The fact is that police brutality is something that affects all of us, not just Black people. Black people just suffer from a much higher incidence of police brutality than everyone else.

You just can't stomach the fact that Democrats have no great master plan other than serving the American people (ALL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE), so you have to make up some grand Democratic conspiracy.
It's just the faux wannabe victims trying to make "culture" or society political. Dems go to church (or synagogue or mosque or temple) raise families …...

We are becoming less tied to brick and mortar churches, more ethnically diverse and less worried about what other people do with other adults in bed. None of that really matters to what makes America unique if not exceptional.
The "culture war" is always going to go forward. The Democrats simply don't fight that.
What in my post do you disagree with specifically?

State that the country was built on racism and remains systemically racist. Ignore the fact that a white person cannot do anything legally that a black person cannot.

While not illegal have you ever known of a white man getting pulled over for having a "wide set nose"?

But that aside, what I said is true. You can fight it if you want but the generation coming up is more open than ever.
So you have zero proof. You're just making assertions. Fine. You are an antisemite. Prove me wrong...

I don't have to do anything. The world is leaving you behind and you are pissed at that. Nothing I say will change any of that.
No one is leaving anyone behind. We are trying to have a civil discussion. So by your operational definition if you don't vote Democrat you're automatically a racist. Got it!
The "culture war" is always going to go forward. The Democrats simply don't fight that.
What in my post do you disagree with specifically?

State that the country was built on racism and remains systemically racist. Ignore the fact that a white person cannot do anything legally that a black person cannot.

While not illegal have you ever known of a white man getting pulled over for having a "wide set nose"?

But that aside, what I said is true. You can fight it if you want but the generation coming up is more open than ever.
So nothing I said is untrue. That is all I wanted to hear. I am raising kids in this generation and you would be surprised....

Surprised at what, exactly?
At how they think. They aren't all programmed leftists.

School age children

The game plan was actually fairly impressive:
  • State that the country was built on racism and remains systemically racist. Ignore the fact that a white person cannot do anything legally that a black person cannot.
  • For those that oppose any Democratic Party talking point, immediately go back and play the racism card and call that person racist and privileged.
  • Since that person(s) is racist and privileged they should not be allowed on social media such as FB/Twitter and must be banned.
  • Since that person(s) will try to find another platform..Parler...that platform should be banned as these people are clearly racist by the Democratic Party's definition.
  • Have the at the time president elect state that "If you don't vote for me you ain't black" or meaning you are a traitor.
Results speak for themselves:

  • 81 million vote for Biden.
  • Social Media companies banning those who disagree with the Democratic Party dogma.
  • Those who have disparate views are silenced for fear of losing their jobs.
  • Parler is banned and likely done.
  • DJT vilified and supporters (those who voted for him) shamed.
  • BLM riots justified....Capitol riot called an insurrection.
  • Democratic party call for violence justified (See Maxine Watters and Chuch Schumer). Trump's rhetoric labeled violent.

To sum up, if you vote Republican or 3rd party that means you are anti-Democrat. And if you're anti Democrat then it must mean you are a racist. And if you are a racist it must mean you should be banned from social media, vilified and lose your job and way of life.

Let me have it!
I think both parties have problems but yes I agree the Dems have won the culture war. Electing somebody like Trump was kind of the icing on the cake for that one. You list several tactics that the Left used politically but you did note the fact that the Republicans have been so very piss poor at messaging and addressing social issues. They bare a lot of responsibility as well.

Personally I would love to see an inspiring and smart conservative run the country. I don't trust government and I don't think they do anything efficiently. But the government is what we have to give voice and power to the poor, the sick, minorities and the oppressed. Like it or not these groups need representation. I haven't seen the Right try very hard at all to represent these groups. I see the Left trying very hard to do so.

In 30 years we are going to look back at our society and ask what the hell we were thinking in regards to the way we treated the LGBT. Banning gay marriage?? That is going to feel the same to us as Jim Crow laws and segregation, which I might add didn't happen that long ago. We were on the wrong side of history with that and are now in the early stages of righting that wrong. If the Republicans were smart they would rebrand and do so with smart and innovative ideas to help inclusion, the poor, the elderly, and the disenfranchised in this country instead of always taking the "other" side of the argument and appearing to fight against causes to help those people.

The game plan was actually fairly impressive:
  • State that the country was built on racism and remains systemically racist. Ignore the fact that a white person cannot do anything legally that a black person cannot.
  • For those that oppose any Democratic Party talking point, immediately go back and play the racism card and call that person racist and privileged.
  • Since that person(s) is racist and privileged they should not be allowed on social media such as FB/Twitter and must be banned.
  • Since that person(s) will try to find another platform..Parler...that platform should be banned as these people are clearly racist by the Democratic Party's definition.
  • Have the at the time president elect state that "If you don't vote for me you ain't black" or meaning you are a traitor.
Results speak for themselves:

  • 81 million vote for Biden.
  • Social Media companies banning those who disagree with the Democratic Party dogma.
  • Those who have disparate views are silenced for fear of losing their jobs.
  • Parler is banned and likely done.
  • DJT vilified and supporters (those who voted for him) shamed.
  • BLM riots justified....Capitol riot called an insurrection.
  • Democratic party call for violence justified (See Maxine Watters and Chuch Schumer). Trump's rhetoric labeled violent.

To sum up, if you vote Republican or 3rd party that means you are anti-Democrat. And if you're anti Democrat then it must mean you are a racist. And if you are a racist it must mean you should be banned from social media, vilified and lose your job and way of life.

Let me have it!

American culture has been changing rapidly. The Democratic party is changing with it to ensure that they represent the people of the United States.

The Republicans & Trump scum are resisting the changes that are happening in American culture. They are a product of cultural isolation and do not want to give in to the reality of what America really is. They want to continue to live in their cultural bubbles.

One aspect of the cultural change is that Black people will no longer tolerate the systematic racism in the justice system and the continued police brutality. The fact is that police brutality is something that affects all of us, not just Black people. Black people just suffer from a much higher incidence of police brutality than everyone else.

You just can't stomach the fact that Democrats have no great master plan other than serving the American people (ALL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE), so you have to make up some grand Democratic conspiracy.
What in my post constitutes conspiracy exactly? So if I vote Republican because I support their fiscal policies, I am automatically a racist who cannot stomach black people? That is what you're saying?
The "culture war" is always going to go forward. The Democrats simply don't fight that.
What in my post do you disagree with specifically?

State that the country was built on racism and remains systemically racist. Ignore the fact that a white person cannot do anything legally that a black person cannot.

While not illegal have you ever known of a white man getting pulled over for having a "wide set nose"?

But that aside, what I said is true. You can fight it if you want but the generation coming up is more open than ever.
So you have zero proof. You're just making assertions. Fine. You are an antisemite. Prove me wrong...

I don't have to do anything. The world is leaving you behind and you are pissed at that. Nothing I say will change any of that.
No one is leaving anyone behind. We are trying to have a civil discussion. So by your operational definition if you don't vote Democrat you're automatically a racist. Got it!

LOL, I didn't vote (D).

The game plan was actually fairly impressive:
  • State that the country was built on racism and remains systemically racist. Ignore the fact that a white person cannot do anything legally that a black person cannot.
  • For those that oppose any Democratic Party talking point, immediately go back and play the racism card and call that person racist and privileged.
  • Since that person(s) is racist and privileged they should not be allowed on social media such as FB/Twitter and must be banned.
  • Since that person(s) will try to find another platform..Parler...that platform should be banned as these people are clearly racist by the Democratic Party's definition.
  • Have the at the time president elect state that "If you don't vote for me you ain't black" or meaning you are a traitor.
Results speak for themselves:

  • 81 million vote for Biden.
  • Social Media companies banning those who disagree with the Democratic Party dogma.
  • Those who have disparate views are silenced for fear of losing their jobs.
  • Parler is banned and likely done.
  • DJT vilified and supporters (those who voted for him) shamed.
  • BLM riots justified....Capitol riot called an insurrection.
  • Democratic party call for violence justified (See Maxine Watters and Chuch Schumer). Trump's rhetoric labeled violent.

To sum up, if you vote Republican or 3rd party that means you are anti-Democrat. And if you're anti Democrat then it must mean you are a racist. And if you are a racist it must mean you should be banned from social media, vilified and lose your job and way of life.

Let me have it!
I think both parties have problems but yes I agree the Dems have won the culture war. Electing somebody like Trump was kind of the icing on the cake for that one. You list several tactics that the Left used politically but you did note the fact that the Republicans have been so very piss poor at messaging and addressing social issues. They bare a lot of responsibility as well.

Personally I would love to see an inspiring and smart conservative run the country. I don't trust government and I don't think they do anything efficiently. But the government is what we have to give voice and power to the poor, the sick, minorities and the oppressed. Like it or not these groups need representation. I haven't seen the Right try very hard at all to represent these groups. I see the Left trying very hard to do so.

In 30 years we are going to look back as our society and ask what the hell we were thinking in regards to the way we treated the LGBT. Banning gay marriage?? That is going to feel the same to us as Jim Crow laws and segregation, which I might add didn't happen that long ago. We were on the wrong side of history with that and are now in the early stages of righting that wrong. If the Republicans were smart they would rebrand and do so with smart and innovative ideas to help inclusion, the poor, the elderly, and the disenfranchised in this country instead of always taking the "other" side of the argument and appearing to fight against causes to help them.
That is fair. But again do you agree or disagree that the Democratic Party has labeled those that don't vote with them as racists, xenophobes, homophobes, etc.

I think all marriage should be banned. It is an antiquated tradition to garner land and stuff. Its stupid. I am married with kids and its fine but the whole notion of marriage is old school to me. Not a discussion I want to get into but in general I am not overly worried about the LGBT, etc.
The "culture war" is always going to go forward. The Democrats simply don't fight that.
What in my post do you disagree with specifically?

State that the country was built on racism and remains systemically racist. Ignore the fact that a white person cannot do anything legally that a black person cannot.

While not illegal have you ever known of a white man getting pulled over for having a "wide set nose"?

But that aside, what I said is true. You can fight it if you want but the generation coming up is more open than ever.
So you have zero proof. You're just making assertions. Fine. You are an antisemite. Prove me wrong...

I don't have to do anything. The world is leaving you behind and you are pissed at that. Nothing I say will change any of that.
No one is leaving anyone behind. We are trying to have a civil discussion. So by your operational definition if you don't vote Democrat you're automatically a racist. Got it!

LOL, I didn't vote (D).
So then you are calling yourself a racist since you didn't dispute that part of my OP. Thank you.
The "culture war" is always going to go forward. The Democrats simply don't fight that.
What in my post do you disagree with specifically?

State that the country was built on racism and remains systemically racist. Ignore the fact that a white person cannot do anything legally that a black person cannot.

While not illegal have you ever known of a white man getting pulled over for having a "wide set nose"?

But that aside, what I said is true. You can fight it if you want but the generation coming up is more open than ever.
So you have zero proof. You're just making assertions. Fine. You are an antisemite. Prove me wrong...

I don't have to do anything. The world is leaving you behind and you are pissed at that. Nothing I say will change any of that.
No one is leaving anyone behind. We are trying to have a civil discussion. So by your operational definition if you don't vote Democrat you're automatically a racist. Got it!

LOL, I didn't vote (D).
So then you are calling yourself a racist since you didn't dispute that part of my OP. Thank you.

I had no desire to address your entire rant.
The "culture war" is always going to go forward. The Democrats simply don't fight that.
What in my post do you disagree with specifically?

State that the country was built on racism and remains systemically racist. Ignore the fact that a white person cannot do anything legally that a black person cannot.

While not illegal have you ever known of a white man getting pulled over for having a "wide set nose"?

But that aside, what I said is true. You can fight it if you want but the generation coming up is more open than ever.
So you have zero proof. You're just making assertions. Fine. You are an antisemite. Prove me wrong...

I don't have to do anything. The world is leaving you behind and you are pissed at that. Nothing I say will change any of that.
No one is leaving anyone behind. We are trying to have a civil discussion. So by your operational definition if you don't vote Democrat you're automatically a racist. Got it!

LOL, I didn't vote (D).
So then you are calling yourself a racist since you didn't dispute that part of my OP. Thank you.

I had no desire to address your entire rant.
Then feel free to bow out of the thread. It wasn't a "rant". And by "no desire" it means that deep down you agree. Outstanding.
  • 81 million vote for Biden. Glad you understand that
  • Social Media companies banning those who disagree with the Democratic Party dogma. Nope. They are exercising their right to control what users put on their platforms. They don't want to be seen as condoning lies and insurrection. Tough shit.
  • Those who have disparate views are silenced for fear of losing their jobs. You mean employers don't like having insurrectionists on their [payroll?
  • Parler is banned and likely done. Not banned. They were using a company to host their service. That company no longer wants to be associated with them.
  • DJT vilified and supporters (those who voted for him) shamed.Yea well...he's a pie e of shit and his fans aren't much better. Snowflake much?
  • BLM riots justified....Capitol riot called an insurrection. BLM yes...riots no. Stop lying
  • Democratic party call for violence justified (See Maxine Watters and Chuch Schumer). Trump's rhetoric labeled violent. Trump's rhetoric LEAD to violence. We all saw the attack on the Capitol
And there is no "plan". It's the movement of history and that terrifies racists
Personally I would love to see an inspiring and smart conservative run the country. I don't trust government and I don't think they do anything efficiently. But the government is what we have to give voice and power to the poor, the sick, minorities and the oppressed. Like it or not these groups need representation. I haven't seen the Right try very hard at all to represent these groups. I see the Left trying very hard to do so.

This part stood out to me and I agree with it.

I wouldn't mind seeing the Republican party go back to what it used to be. I didn't agree with them on a lot, but I ultimately trusted them with the keys to the car. Having a rational voice on the other side of the aisle was good for the country. Competition creates improvement.

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