The Democrat Party is a Mob, Nothing More....

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
But then, you have useful black fools making stupid remarks, and trying to spread FAKE NEWS!

In a 26 minute interview on 60 Minutes last night, fake journalist Leslie Stahl interrupted the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, 64 times. In an interview with Barack Obama on 60 Minutes several years ago, he was interrupted 4 times.

But there is no bias at CBS News. Just ask them, they’ll tell you. And when you start to object, they’ll interrupt you.

Another Democrat-run city, another abject failure by law enforcement. – When the history books are written about why the United States descended into chaos, honest historians will write their opening chapters about the failure of law enforcement officials to do their jobs in Democrat-run cities around the country. Chapter 1 would have to be about Berkeley, California, but chapter 2 would have to be centered on Portland, Oregon.

There on Saturday, a peaceful demonstration by the right-wing group called “Patriots Prayer” was set upon by a bunch of black-clad Antifa rioters, and a huge melee ensued on the downtown streets of the city. Police stood by and watched for a few minutes as the Antifa thugs armed with bear spray and batons went after it with the Patriots Prayer people before finally jumping in to break up the city’s latest riot.

Get this: NO ARRESTS WERE MADE. None. Not one. No left-wingers, no right-wingers, nobody went to jail.

This event comes just days after Antifa thugs were filmed being left unmolested by the city police as they harassed and assaulted pedestrians and car drivers in one downtown neighborhood of the city. After that disgusting incident, Democrat Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, who ironically doubles as the city’s “Police Commissioner,” said that “motorists should feel completely safe coming into downtown Portland.” No word if he also thinks people should feel perfectly safe in pits of rattlesnakes, but it seems likely.

On Saturday, the Patriots Prayer group had a lawful permit to conducted its demonstration. As has become typical of such confrontations in Democrat-run cities around the country, the Antifa group did not. But again, the police just stood by and watched as the Antifa thugs assembled and started their assault, and then made no arrests. None.

The Democrat party is a mob. Nothing more.

Because the demonization of white men was becoming so last year… – Never let it be said that The Campaign Update fails to keep you abreast of the latest political correctness news. Staying “woke” is not easy these days, since the whims of social justice warriors, campus snowflakes and the university professors who brainwash them all on a daily basis can shift on a dime, but we do our best.

Here’s the latest from the “woke” front:

Out: White men are the problem with, like, you know, everything and stuff.

In: White women are so all, like, the problem with all the, you know, stuff or something that, like, white men aren’t causing, you know? Seriously?

Yes, all you white guys out there, you’re getting a bit of a break while all the SJWs and snowflakes and sharia law-supporing “Women’s Marchers” go after your WAGs (that is “wives and girlfriends” in wokespeak). Kyle Smith, writing at the National Review, does a really good job of giving us some of the highlights of the new movement to demonize white women today:

Today, white women are being lumped together into a giant bloc subject to absurdly broad stereotyping and vitriolic condemnation. They’re being told to step back and know their place by writers in the New York Times (“white women benefit from patriarchy by trading on their whiteness to monopolize resources for mutual gain”), The New Yorker (“despite the enduring legacy of testimony by black women, white women have often played the protagonists in the history of sexual violence, and black women have been relegated to the supporting cast”) and NBC News (“white women who voted for Trump . . . clearly have no issue with the president’s openly misogynistic behavior, his demeaning of female reporters and his mocking of [Christine Blasey] Ford”).

A writer for The Root castigated Taylor Swift because “like some white women, she uses her privilege to not be involved until she’s directly affected.” Talia Lavin, the New Yorker fact-checker who resigned in June after erroneously suggesting that an ICE agent (who turned out to be a combat-wounded Marine Corps veteran) had a Nazi tattoo, continues to contribute to The New Yorker and tells her 51,000 Twitter followers, “patriarchy won’t protect you no matter how hard white women fight for it.” “White women use strategic tears to silence women of colour,” ran a headline in the Guardian. On the basis of five phone calls, plus the story of what happened to Emmett Till in 1955, Rolling Stone published an essay entitled, “Why White Women Keep Calling the Police on Black People,” blaming them for “a new 21st century version of Jim Crow.”

It goes on and on, and is well worth your time to click over and read in full, which is a rare thing at the National Review these days.

So all you white guys out there who have been getting blamed for literally everything from global warming to the heartbreak of psoriasis to the Cowboys being such a lousy football team for the past 20 years (hey, Jerry Jones is a white guy, after all), sit back, have a beer and let your lawn grow as your wives, girlfriends and daughters have their reputations slandered by our fake news media for awhile. But don’t get too complacent – all the SJWs and snowflakes will be coming back sooner or later to blame you for all their problems, because, well, they have to blame someone other than themselves, because the alternative would be taking responsibility for their own actions.

You know that isn’t in the cards.

More at
DB Daily Update ^
It looks like Antifa is being used to beat people into submission as the police do nothing.

Scary stuff.

Just think what will happen if the confiscate all the guns.
But then, you have useful black fools making stupid remarks, and trying to spread FAKE NEWS!

In a 26 minute interview on 60 Minutes last night, fake journalist Leslie Stahl interrupted the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, 64 times. In an interview with Barack Obama on 60 Minutes several years ago, he was interrupted 4 times.

But there is no bias at CBS News. Just ask them, they’ll tell you. And when you start to object, they’ll interrupt you.

Another Democrat-run city, another abject failure by law enforcement. – When the history books are written about why the United States descended into chaos, honest historians will write their opening chapters about the failure of law enforcement officials to do their jobs in Democrat-run cities around the country. Chapter 1 would have to be about Berkeley, California, but chapter 2 would have to be centered on Portland, Oregon.

There on Saturday, a peaceful demonstration by the right-wing group called “Patriots Prayer” was set upon by a bunch of black-clad Antifa rioters, and a huge melee ensued on the downtown streets of the city. Police stood by and watched for a few minutes as the Antifa thugs armed with bear spray and batons went after it with the Patriots Prayer people before finally jumping in to break up the city’s latest riot.

Get this: NO ARRESTS WERE MADE. None. Not one. No left-wingers, no right-wingers, nobody went to jail.

This event comes just days after Antifa thugs were filmed being left unmolested by the city police as they harassed and assaulted pedestrians and car drivers in one downtown neighborhood of the city. After that disgusting incident, Democrat Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, who ironically doubles as the city’s “Police Commissioner,” said that “motorists should feel completely safe coming into downtown Portland.” No word if he also thinks people should feel perfectly safe in pits of rattlesnakes, but it seems likely.

On Saturday, the Patriots Prayer group had a lawful permit to conducted its demonstration. As has become typical of such confrontations in Democrat-run cities around the country, the Antifa group did not. But again, the police just stood by and watched as the Antifa thugs assembled and started their assault, and then made no arrests. None.

The Democrat party is a mob. Nothing more.

Because the demonization of white men was becoming so last year… – Never let it be said that The Campaign Update fails to keep you abreast of the latest political correctness news. Staying “woke” is not easy these days, since the whims of social justice warriors, campus snowflakes and the university professors who brainwash them all on a daily basis can shift on a dime, but we do our best.

Here’s the latest from the “woke” front:

Out: White men are the problem with, like, you know, everything and stuff.

In: White women are so all, like, the problem with all the, you know, stuff or something that, like, white men aren’t causing, you know? Seriously?

Yes, all you white guys out there, you’re getting a bit of a break while all the SJWs and snowflakes and sharia law-supporing “Women’s Marchers” go after your WAGs (that is “wives and girlfriends” in wokespeak). Kyle Smith, writing at the National Review, does a really good job of giving us some of the highlights of the new movement to demonize white women today:

Today, white women are being lumped together into a giant bloc subject to absurdly broad stereotyping and vitriolic condemnation. They’re being told to step back and know their place by writers in the New York Times (“white women benefit from patriarchy by trading on their whiteness to monopolize resources for mutual gain”), The New Yorker (“despite the enduring legacy of testimony by black women, white women have often played the protagonists in the history of sexual violence, and black women have been relegated to the supporting cast”) and NBC News (“white women who voted for Trump . . . clearly have no issue with the president’s openly misogynistic behavior, his demeaning of female reporters and his mocking of [Christine Blasey] Ford”).

A writer for The Root castigated Taylor Swift because “like some white women, she uses her privilege to not be involved until she’s directly affected.” Talia Lavin, the New Yorker fact-checker who resigned in June after erroneously suggesting that an ICE agent (who turned out to be a combat-wounded Marine Corps veteran) had a Nazi tattoo, continues to contribute to The New Yorker and tells her 51,000 Twitter followers, “patriarchy won’t protect you no matter how hard white women fight for it.” “White women use strategic tears to silence women of colour,” ran a headline in the Guardian. On the basis of five phone calls, plus the story of what happened to Emmett Till in 1955, Rolling Stone published an essay entitled, “Why White Women Keep Calling the Police on Black People,” blaming them for “a new 21st century version of Jim Crow.”

It goes on and on, and is well worth your time to click over and read in full, which is a rare thing at the National Review these days.

So all you white guys out there who have been getting blamed for literally everything from global warming to the heartbreak of psoriasis to the Cowboys being such a lousy football team for the past 20 years (hey, Jerry Jones is a white guy, after all), sit back, have a beer and let your lawn grow as your wives, girlfriends and daughters have their reputations slandered by our fake news media for awhile. But don’t get too complacent – all the SJWs and snowflakes will be coming back sooner or later to blame you for all their problems, because, well, they have to blame someone other than themselves, because the alternative would be taking responsibility for their own actions.

You know that isn’t in the cards.

More at
DB Daily Update ^

The Democrats are a mob, nothing more or less.
But then, you have useful black fools making stupid remarks, and trying to spread FAKE NEWS!

In a 26 minute interview on 60 Minutes last night, fake journalist Leslie Stahl interrupted the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, 64 times. In an interview with Barack Obama on 60 Minutes several years ago, he was interrupted 4 times.

But there is no bias at CBS News. Just ask them, they’ll tell you. And when you start to object, they’ll interrupt you.

Another Democrat-run city, another abject failure by law enforcement. – When the history books are written about why the United States descended into chaos, honest historians will write their opening chapters about the failure of law enforcement officials to do their jobs in Democrat-run cities around the country. Chapter 1 would have to be about Berkeley, California, but chapter 2 would have to be centered on Portland, Oregon.

There on Saturday, a peaceful demonstration by the right-wing group called “Patriots Prayer” was set upon by a bunch of black-clad Antifa rioters, and a huge melee ensued on the downtown streets of the city. Police stood by and watched for a few minutes as the Antifa thugs armed with bear spray and batons went after it with the Patriots Prayer people before finally jumping in to break up the city’s latest riot.

Get this: NO ARRESTS WERE MADE. None. Not one. No left-wingers, no right-wingers, nobody went to jail.

This event comes just days after Antifa thugs were filmed being left unmolested by the city police as they harassed and assaulted pedestrians and car drivers in one downtown neighborhood of the city. After that disgusting incident, Democrat Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, who ironically doubles as the city’s “Police Commissioner,” said that “motorists should feel completely safe coming into downtown Portland.” No word if he also thinks people should feel perfectly safe in pits of rattlesnakes, but it seems likely.

On Saturday, the Patriots Prayer group had a lawful permit to conducted its demonstration. As has become typical of such confrontations in Democrat-run cities around the country, the Antifa group did not. But again, the police just stood by and watched as the Antifa thugs assembled and started their assault, and then made no arrests. None.

The Democrat party is a mob. Nothing more.

Because the demonization of white men was becoming so last year… – Never let it be said that The Campaign Update fails to keep you abreast of the latest political correctness news. Staying “woke” is not easy these days, since the whims of social justice warriors, campus snowflakes and the university professors who brainwash them all on a daily basis can shift on a dime, but we do our best.

Here’s the latest from the “woke” front:

Out: White men are the problem with, like, you know, everything and stuff.

In: White women are so all, like, the problem with all the, you know, stuff or something that, like, white men aren’t causing, you know? Seriously?

Yes, all you white guys out there, you’re getting a bit of a break while all the SJWs and snowflakes and sharia law-supporing “Women’s Marchers” go after your WAGs (that is “wives and girlfriends” in wokespeak). Kyle Smith, writing at the National Review, does a really good job of giving us some of the highlights of the new movement to demonize white women today:

Today, white women are being lumped together into a giant bloc subject to absurdly broad stereotyping and vitriolic condemnation. They’re being told to step back and know their place by writers in the New York Times (“white women benefit from patriarchy by trading on their whiteness to monopolize resources for mutual gain”), The New Yorker (“despite the enduring legacy of testimony by black women, white women have often played the protagonists in the history of sexual violence, and black women have been relegated to the supporting cast”) and NBC News (“white women who voted for Trump . . . clearly have no issue with the president’s openly misogynistic behavior, his demeaning of female reporters and his mocking of [Christine Blasey] Ford”).

A writer for The Root castigated Taylor Swift because “like some white women, she uses her privilege to not be involved until she’s directly affected.” Talia Lavin, the New Yorker fact-checker who resigned in June after erroneously suggesting that an ICE agent (who turned out to be a combat-wounded Marine Corps veteran) had a Nazi tattoo, continues to contribute to The New Yorker and tells her 51,000 Twitter followers, “patriarchy won’t protect you no matter how hard white women fight for it.” “White women use strategic tears to silence women of colour,” ran a headline in the Guardian. On the basis of five phone calls, plus the story of what happened to Emmett Till in 1955, Rolling Stone published an essay entitled, “Why White Women Keep Calling the Police on Black People,” blaming them for “a new 21st century version of Jim Crow.”

It goes on and on, and is well worth your time to click over and read in full, which is a rare thing at the National Review these days.

So all you white guys out there who have been getting blamed for literally everything from global warming to the heartbreak of psoriasis to the Cowboys being such a lousy football team for the past 20 years (hey, Jerry Jones is a white guy, after all), sit back, have a beer and let your lawn grow as your wives, girlfriends and daughters have their reputations slandered by our fake news media for awhile. But don’t get too complacent – all the SJWs and snowflakes will be coming back sooner or later to blame you for all their problems, because, well, they have to blame someone other than themselves, because the alternative would be taking responsibility for their own actions.

You know that isn’t in the cards.

More at
DB Daily Update ^

The Democrats are a mob, nothing more or less.

Their method is to generate emotion. Just say that women or gays or blacks are being targeted, and whip up hate to form mobs.

No reason to prove anything, whether it be rape or Russian collusion etc. All that matters is generating hate and obtaining votes.

Obama did this by implying that law enforcement is racist around the country, as police officers were being assassinated around Black Lives Matter rallies.

Meanwhile, he refused to utter the term "Islamic terror" with the premise that he might create Muslim hatred that would harm innocent Muslims.

It shows that the President would rather have innocent police officers get assassinated on the streets all for political gain of generating mobs and obtaining votes, while only caring about Muslims who might get targeted as well.

I bet Obama would even piss on the graves of those innocent police officers.
But then, you have useful black fools making stupid remarks, and trying to spread FAKE NEWS!

In a 26 minute interview on 60 Minutes last night, fake journalist Leslie Stahl interrupted the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, 64 times. In an interview with Barack Obama on 60 Minutes several years ago, he was interrupted 4 times.

But there is no bias at CBS News. Just ask them, they’ll tell you. And when you start to object, they’ll interrupt you.

Another Democrat-run city, another abject failure by law enforcement. – When the history books are written about why the United States descended into chaos, honest historians will write their opening chapters about the failure of law enforcement officials to do their jobs in Democrat-run cities around the country. Chapter 1 would have to be about Berkeley, California, but chapter 2 would have to be centered on Portland, Oregon.

Ahh yes Oregon. Been there doing a huge electro-mechanical project for HP with robots. Robotics is easy and I never went to stinking college.

There on Saturday, a peaceful demonstration by the right-wing group called “Patriots Prayer” was set upon by a bunch of black-clad Antifa rioters, and a huge melee ensued on the downtown streets of the city. Police stood by and watched for a few minutes as the Antifa thugs armed with bear spray and batons went after it with the Patriots Prayer people before finally jumping in to break up the city’s latest riot.

Get this: NO ARRESTS WERE MADE. None. Not one. No left-wingers, no right-wingers, nobody went to jail.

This event comes just days after Antifa thugs were filmed being left unmolested by the city police as they harassed and assaulted pedestrians and car drivers in one downtown neighborhood of the city. After that disgusting incident, Democrat Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, who ironically doubles as the city’s “Police Commissioner,” said that “motorists should feel completely safe coming into downtown Portland.” No word if he also thinks people should feel perfectly safe in pits of rattlesnakes, but it seems likely.

On Saturday, the Patriots Prayer group had a lawful permit to conducted its demonstration. As has become typical of such confrontations in Democrat-run cities around the country, the Antifa group did not. But again, the police just stood by and watched as the Antifa thugs assembled and started their assault, and then made no arrests. None.

The Democrat party is a mob. Nothing more.

Because the demonization of white men was becoming so last year… – Never let it be said that The Campaign Update fails to keep you abreast of the latest political correctness news. Staying “woke” is not easy these days, since the whims of social justice warriors, campus snowflakes and the university professors who brainwash them all on a daily basis can shift on a dime, but we do our best.

Here’s the latest from the “woke” front:

Out: White men are the problem with, like, you know, everything and stuff.

In: White women are so all, like, the problem with all the, you know, stuff or something that, like, white men aren’t causing, you know? Seriously?

Yes, all you white guys out there, you’re getting a bit of a break while all the SJWs and snowflakes and sharia law-supporing “Women’s Marchers” go after your WAGs (that is “wives and girlfriends” in wokespeak). Kyle Smith, writing at the National Review, does a really good job of giving us some of the highlights of the new movement to demonize white women today:

Today, white women are being lumped together into a giant bloc subject to absurdly broad stereotyping and vitriolic condemnation. They’re being told to step back and know their place by writers in the New York Times (“white women benefit from patriarchy by trading on their whiteness to monopolize resources for mutual gain”), The New Yorker (“despite the enduring legacy of testimony by black women, white women have often played the protagonists in the history of sexual violence, and black women have been relegated to the supporting cast”) and NBC News (“white women who voted for Trump . . . clearly have no issue with the president’s openly misogynistic behavior, his demeaning of female reporters and his mocking of [Christine Blasey] Ford”).

A writer for The Root castigated Taylor Swift because “like some white women, she uses her privilege to not be involved until she’s directly affected.” Talia Lavin, the New Yorker fact-checker who resigned in June after erroneously suggesting that an ICE agent (who turned out to be a combat-wounded Marine Corps veteran) had a Nazi tattoo, continues to contribute to The New Yorker and tells her 51,000 Twitter followers, “patriarchy won’t protect you no matter how hard white women fight for it.” “White women use strategic tears to silence women of colour,” ran a headline in the Guardian. On the basis of five phone calls, plus the story of what happened to Emmett Till in 1955, Rolling Stone published an essay entitled, “Why White Women Keep Calling the Police on Black People,” blaming them for “a new 21st century version of Jim Crow.”

It goes on and on, and is well worth your time to click over and read in full, which is a rare thing at the National Review these days.

So all you white guys out there who have been getting blamed for literally everything from global warming to the heartbreak of psoriasis to the Cowboys being such a lousy football team for the past 20 years (hey, Jerry Jones is a white guy, after all), sit back, have a beer and let your lawn grow as your wives, girlfriends and daughters have their reputations slandered by our fake news media for awhile. But don’t get too complacent – all the SJWs and snowflakes will be coming back sooner or later to blame you for all their problems, because, well, they have to blame someone other than themselves, because the alternative would be taking responsibility for their own actions.

You know that isn’t in the cards.

More at
DB Daily Update ^

The Democrats are a mob, nothing more or less.

Their method is to generate emotion. Just say that women or gays or blacks are being targeted, and whip up hate to form mobs.

No reason to prove anything, whether it be rape or Russian collusion etc. All that matters is generating hate and obtaining votes.

Obama did this by implying that law enforcement is racist around the country, as police officers were being assassinated around Black Lives Matter rallies.

Meanwhile, he refused to utter the term "Islamic terror" with the premise that he might create Muslim hatred that would harm innocent Muslims.

It shows that the President would rather have innocent police officers get assassinated on the streets all for political gain of generating mobs and obtaining votes, while only caring about Muslims who might get targeted as well.

I bet Obama would even piss on the graves of those innocent police officers.[/QUOT

But then, you have useful black fools making stupid remarks, and trying to spread FAKE NEWS!

In a 26 minute interview on 60 Minutes last night, fake journalist Leslie Stahl interrupted the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, 64 times. In an interview with Barack Obama on 60 Minutes several years ago, he was interrupted 4 times.

But there is no bias at CBS News. Just ask them, they’ll tell you. And when you start to object, they’ll interrupt you.

Another Democrat-run city, another abject failure by law enforcement. – When the history books are written about why the United States descended into chaos, honest historians will write their opening chapters about the failure of law enforcement officials to do their jobs in Democrat-run cities around the country. Chapter 1 would have to be about Berkeley, California, but chapter 2 would have to be centered on Portland, Oregon.

There on Saturday, a peaceful demonstration by the right-wing group called “Patriots Prayer” was set upon by a bunch of black-clad Antifa rioters, and a huge melee ensued on the downtown streets of the city. Police stood by and watched for a few minutes as the Antifa thugs armed with bear spray and batons went after it with the Patriots Prayer people before finally jumping in to break up the city’s latest riot.

Get this: NO ARRESTS WERE MADE. None. Not one. No left-wingers, no right-wingers, nobody went to jail.

This event comes just days after Antifa thugs were filmed being left unmolested by the city police as they harassed and assaulted pedestrians and car drivers in one downtown neighborhood of the city. After that disgusting incident, Democrat Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, who ironically doubles as the city’s “Police Commissioner,” said that “motorists should feel completely safe coming into downtown Portland.” No word if he also thinks people should feel perfectly safe in pits of rattlesnakes, but it seems likely.

On Saturday, the Patriots Prayer group had a lawful permit to conducted its demonstration. As has become typical of such confrontations in Democrat-run cities around the country, the Antifa group did not. But again, the police just stood by and watched as the Antifa thugs assembled and started their assault, and then made no arrests. None.

The Democrat party is a mob. Nothing more.

Because the demonization of white men was becoming so last year… – Never let it be said that The Campaign Update fails to keep you abreast of the latest political correctness news. Staying “woke” is not easy these days, since the whims of social justice warriors, campus snowflakes and the university professors who brainwash them all on a daily basis can shift on a dime, but we do our best.

Here’s the latest from the “woke” front:

Out: White men are the problem with, like, you know, everything and stuff.

In: White women are so all, like, the problem with all the, you know, stuff or something that, like, white men aren’t causing, you know? Seriously?

Yes, all you white guys out there, you’re getting a bit of a break while all the SJWs and snowflakes and sharia law-supporing “Women’s Marchers” go after your WAGs (that is “wives and girlfriends” in wokespeak). Kyle Smith, writing at the National Review, does a really good job of giving us some of the highlights of the new movement to demonize white women today:

Today, white women are being lumped together into a giant bloc subject to absurdly broad stereotyping and vitriolic condemnation. They’re being told to step back and know their place by writers in the New York Times (“white women benefit from patriarchy by trading on their whiteness to monopolize resources for mutual gain”), The New Yorker (“despite the enduring legacy of testimony by black women, white women have often played the protagonists in the history of sexual violence, and black women have been relegated to the supporting cast”) and NBC News (“white women who voted for Trump . . . clearly have no issue with the president’s openly misogynistic behavior, his demeaning of female reporters and his mocking of [Christine Blasey] Ford”).

A writer for The Root castigated Taylor Swift because “like some white women, she uses her privilege to not be involved until she’s directly affected.” Talia Lavin, the New Yorker fact-checker who resigned in June after erroneously suggesting that an ICE agent (who turned out to be a combat-wounded Marine Corps veteran) had a Nazi tattoo, continues to contribute to The New Yorker and tells her 51,000 Twitter followers, “patriarchy won’t protect you no matter how hard white women fight for it.” “White women use strategic tears to silence women of colour,” ran a headline in the Guardian. On the basis of five phone calls, plus the story of what happened to Emmett Till in 1955, Rolling Stone published an essay entitled, “Why White Women Keep Calling the Police on Black People,” blaming them for “a new 21st century version of Jim Crow.”

It goes on and on, and is well worth your time to click over and read in full, which is a rare thing at the National Review these days.

So all you white guys out there who have been getting blamed for literally everything from global warming to the heartbreak of psoriasis to the Cowboys being such a lousy football team for the past 20 years (hey, Jerry Jones is a white guy, after all), sit back, have a beer and let your lawn grow as your wives, girlfriends and daughters have their reputations slandered by our fake news media for awhile. But don’t get too complacent – all the SJWs and snowflakes will be coming back sooner or later to blame you for all their problems, because, well, they have to blame someone other than themselves, because the alternative would be taking responsibility for their own actions.

You know that isn’t in the cards.

More at
DB Daily Update ^
"In a 26 minute interview on 60 Minutes last night, fake journalist Leslie Stahl interrupted the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, 64 times. In an interview with Barack Obama on 60 Minutes several years ago, he was interrupted 4 times."

She was too busy sucking his #*&€ !!

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