The 'Deep State:' Fact Or Fable


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Is The “Deep State” A Fable?

No…it’s a fact.

1.Government school grads will deny the fact 'til their dying day.
There are two reasons why government school grads regularly claim that there is no “Deep State:”

a.They are trying to obviate the argument that there is a cabal in our government that is aimed at reversing the 2016 election.

b.They are ignorant of the Progressive doctrine, from Woodrow Wilson on, that government should be run by unelected bureaucrats who will do a better job than the deplorables.

“Rather than the people being governed by elected representatives, the three branches, “Woodrow Wilson gave the administrative state its rationale: he held that government by nonpartisan, public-spirited, Ivy League–trained experts making rules in such agencies as the Federal Trade Commission or the Interstate Commerce Commission would be infinitely wiser, more efficient, and more responsive to changing conditions and the evolving spirit of the age than the Framers’ government of limited and separated powers, a clockwork relic in the electricity age.

….ever since the New Deal supersized Wilson’s system, administrative agencies have multiplied like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice’s brooms, so that federal regulations now spill out of 240 volumes—and not only overregulated businessmen, infrastructure planners, and a few law professors, but also Supreme Court justices, have begun to wonder by what legitimate authority unelected bureaucrats can make rules like a legislature, carry them out like an executive, and adjudicate and punish infractions of them like a judiciary, usurping powers that the Constitution places solely in the Congress, the president, and the courts, with no two powers concentrated in the same hands.” The Court Moves Right
The Court Moves Right

2. Government school grads have been totally weaned away from the Founder’s view that free citizens elect….vote into office….those who rule them. Hence, the indoctrinated deny that they are the sheep being herded by unelected bureaucrats, diplomats, career government workers who are in charge….the Deep State.

And the Deep State….which clearly exists….is fighting to prove that the great unwashed must be chastised for electing a candidate not of their choosing… us, first Russiagate, and now Ukrainegate.

3. “People capable of feeling shame would not have immediately followed up the Russiagate hoax fiasco with another transparently phony—and in “substance” nearly identical—attempt to remove President Trump from office, overturn the 2016 election, and shower deplorable-Americans with contempt and hatred. But our ruling elites have no shame.”
The Empire Strikes Back

4. Those people….described here…..ran, and testified at the recent Democrat committee hearing, mislabeled as the ‘Impeachment Inquiry,’…

“Beginning in the late 19th century and intensifying in the mid-1960s, elites inside and outside our government have centralized authority in a “fourth branch,” the executive branch’s agencies and bureaucracies. Marini refers to those institutions, the people in them, and their governing philosophy and methods as “the administrative state.” Administrative state rule is fundamentally anti-democratic and anti-constitutional, intended to be rule by “expert consensus.” Ibid.

This is the Deep State.

It claims to be the real American government.
The 2020 election will give the voters a stark choice of what direction they want the US to go in. Socialism or no change, keep the peace and prosperity.
If the socialists win what happens to the "deep state"? Will they "resist" or agree to the government control of everything? Never-mind. I think I answered my own question.
They are trying to obviate the argument that there is a cabal in our government that is aimed at reversing the 2016 election.

Super secret cabals have it in for Trump

Where is my tin foil hat?
Some lady is talking about the Deep State on the Internet
Maybe you're just not keeping up.
1. Do you know how the Strzok/Page texts showed not only bias, but active opposition to Trump?
2. Do you recall Strzok's "insurance policy" in case Trump won?
3. Do you recall Vindman's pushing for the "inter-agency" foreign policies instead of Trump's
4. Do you recall the coup attempts using the 25th Amendment by wearing wires to the WH?
5. Did you see the witnesses for Schiff, especially Dr. Hill say one thing for the Obama admin, like not providing the Ukraine lethal weapons when fighting Russia, and then whine about Trump's two week delay in funding, after Trump already gave the Ukraine Javelin anti-tank missiles? Totally hypocritical. My question would be "who sets US foreign policy"? Hint: not the deep state.
6. The Obama DOJ and FBI illegally setup Trump in order to spy on his campaign. Note: Carter Page was 100% innocent of anything. So the FISA warrants were total deep state bullshit.

There are deep state conspirators in the government. Look at the whistle-blower, the "anonymous" author, the leaker named "Reality Winner", and the others in government who can't toe-the-line. If you can't support Trump's policies, resign and do something else.
They are trying to obviate the argument that there is a cabal in our government that is aimed at reversing the 2016 election.

Super secret cabals have it in for Trump

Its no secret that many democrats in the government are resisting Trump. Look at the whistle-blower, Eric Ciaramella, he was put in the WH, probably by Komrad Brennan, to spy on Trump and to leak when it was opportune, like for the Ukrainian call. Vindman probably told him about the call and the rest is history. By the end of his 2nd term Trump should have most of the "swamp" straightened out. Its very fortunate that nothing the swamp or MSM does has any effect on Trump. Like the vicious attacks on Kavanaugh, or the constant droning of negative Trump coverage on the MSM. Can you say "cry wolf"?
The 2020 election will give the voters a stark choice of what direction they want the US to go in. Socialism or no change, keep the peace and prosperity.
If the socialists win what happens to the "deep state"? Will they "resist" or agree to the government control of everything? Never-mind. I think I answered my own question.

The Deep State isn't socialist????


"If the socialists win what happens to the "deep state"? "

I think they'll get uniforms.

Armbands, at least.
Is The “Deep State” A Fable?

No…it’s a fact.

1.Government school grads will deny the fact 'til their dying day.
There are two reasons why government school grads regularly claim that there is no “Deep State:”

a.They are trying to obviate the argument that there is a cabal in our government that is aimed at reversing the 2016 election.

b.They are ignorant of the Progressive doctrine, from Woodrow Wilson on, that government should be run by unelected bureaucrats who will do a better job than the deplorables.

“Rather than the people being governed by elected representatives, the three branches, “Woodrow Wilson gave the administrative state its rationale: he held that government by nonpartisan, public-spirited, Ivy League–trained experts making rules in such agencies as the Federal Trade Commission or the Interstate Commerce Commission would be infinitely wiser, more efficient, and more responsive to changing conditions and the evolving spirit of the age than the Framers’ government of limited and separated powers, a clockwork relic in the electricity age.

….ever since the New Deal supersized Wilson’s system, administrative agencies have multiplied like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice’s brooms, so that federal regulations now spill out of 240 volumes—and not only overregulated businessmen, infrastructure planners, and a few law professors, but also Supreme Court justices, have begun to wonder by what legitimate authority unelected bureaucrats can make rules like a legislature, carry them out like an executive, and adjudicate and punish infractions of them like a judiciary, usurping powers that the Constitution places solely in the Congress, the president, and the courts, with no two powers concentrated in the same hands.” The Court Moves Right
The Court Moves Right

2. Government school grads have been totally weaned away from the Founder’s view that free citizens elect….vote into office….those who rule them. Hence, the indoctrinated deny that they are the sheep being herded by unelected bureaucrats, diplomats, career government workers who are in charge….the Deep State.

And the Deep State….which clearly exists….is fighting to prove that the great unwashed must be chastised for electing a candidate not of their choosing… us, first Russiagate, and now Ukrainegate.

3. “People capable of feeling shame would not have immediately followed up the Russiagate hoax fiasco with another transparently phony—and in “substance” nearly identical—attempt to remove President Trump from office, overturn the 2016 election, and shower deplorable-Americans with contempt and hatred. But our ruling elites have no shame.”
The Empire Strikes Back

4. Those people….described here…..ran, and testified at the recent Democrat committee hearing, mislabeled as the ‘Impeachment Inquiry,’…

“Beginning in the late 19th century and intensifying in the mid-1960s, elites inside and outside our government have centralized authority in a “fourth branch,” the executive branch’s agencies and bureaucracies. Marini refers to those institutions, the people in them, and their governing philosophy and methods as “the administrative state.” Administrative state rule is fundamentally anti-democratic and anti-constitutional, intended to be rule by “expert consensus.” Ibid.

This is the Deep State.

It claims to be the real American government.

So could you explain the Depp State:
How was it setup?
Who is in charge?
How was she/he selected?
How do I get a job in the Deep State?
Do they offer Dental?

How do they manage to keep everything a secret when the WH can't keep anything in secret?

So much questions we need answered...

How can I apply to join the Deep State?
They are trying to obviate the argument that there is a cabal in our government that is aimed at reversing the 2016 election.

Super secret cabals have it in for Trump

Its no secret that many democrats in the government are resisting Trump. Look at the whistle-blower, Eric Ciaramella, he was put in the WH, probably by Komrad Brennan, to spy on Trump and to leak when it was opportune, like for the Ukrainian call. Vindman probably told him about the call and the rest is history. By the end of his 2nd term Trump should have most of the "swamp" straightened out. Its very fortunate that nothing the swamp or MSM does has any effect on Trump. Like the vicious attacks on Kavanaugh, or the constant droning of negative Trump coverage on the MSM. Can you say "cry wolf"?

" By the end of his 2nd term Trump should have most of the "swamp" straightened out."

You may be a touch too optimistic here.....the swamp is a pathway to untold riches....see the Clintons, the Bidens, etc.....and greed will never be erased. what Trump is doing with the judiciary!!!!!!
1.Government school grads will deny the fact 'til their dying day.

Your absolutism often pollutes what might otherwise be a good post. I went to public school and spent years in one of those evil liberal universities. I have no trust or love for the government at all. I believe our government is being controlled from the shadows and that much of the "choice" offered to us is an illusion.
Is The “Deep State” A Fable?

No…it’s a fact.

1.Government school grads will deny the fact 'til their dying day.
There are two reasons why government school grads regularly claim that there is no “Deep State:”

a.They are trying to obviate the argument that there is a cabal in our government that is aimed at reversing the 2016 election.

b.They are ignorant of the Progressive doctrine, from Woodrow Wilson on, that government should be run by unelected bureaucrats who will do a better job than the deplorables.

“Rather than the people being governed by elected representatives, the three branches, “Woodrow Wilson gave the administrative state its rationale: he held that government by nonpartisan, public-spirited, Ivy League–trained experts making rules in such agencies as the Federal Trade Commission or the Interstate Commerce Commission would be infinitely wiser, more efficient, and more responsive to changing conditions and the evolving spirit of the age than the Framers’ government of limited and separated powers, a clockwork relic in the electricity age.

….ever since the New Deal supersized Wilson’s system, administrative agencies have multiplied like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice’s brooms, so that federal regulations now spill out of 240 volumes—and not only overregulated businessmen, infrastructure planners, and a few law professors, but also Supreme Court justices, have begun to wonder by what legitimate authority unelected bureaucrats can make rules like a legislature, carry them out like an executive, and adjudicate and punish infractions of them like a judiciary, usurping powers that the Constitution places solely in the Congress, the president, and the courts, with no two powers concentrated in the same hands.” The Court Moves Right
The Court Moves Right

2. Government school grads have been totally weaned away from the Founder’s view that free citizens elect….vote into office….those who rule them. Hence, the indoctrinated deny that they are the sheep being herded by unelected bureaucrats, diplomats, career government workers who are in charge….the Deep State.

And the Deep State….which clearly exists….is fighting to prove that the great unwashed must be chastised for electing a candidate not of their choosing… us, first Russiagate, and now Ukrainegate.

3. “People capable of feeling shame would not have immediately followed up the Russiagate hoax fiasco with another transparently phony—and in “substance” nearly identical—attempt to remove President Trump from office, overturn the 2016 election, and shower deplorable-Americans with contempt and hatred. But our ruling elites have no shame.”
The Empire Strikes Back

4. Those people….described here…..ran, and testified at the recent Democrat committee hearing, mislabeled as the ‘Impeachment Inquiry,’…

“Beginning in the late 19th century and intensifying in the mid-1960s, elites inside and outside our government have centralized authority in a “fourth branch,” the executive branch’s agencies and bureaucracies. Marini refers to those institutions, the people in them, and their governing philosophy and methods as “the administrative state.” Administrative state rule is fundamentally anti-democratic and anti-constitutional, intended to be rule by “expert consensus.” Ibid.

This is the Deep State.

It claims to be the real American government.

So could you explain the Depp State:
How was it setup?
Who is in charge?
How was she/he selected?
How do I get a job in the Deep State?
Do they offer Dental?

How do they manage to keep everything a secret when the WH can't keep anything in secret?

So much questions we need answered...

How can I apply to join the Deep State?

I plan six posts in this thread, but you don't seem to read too well, cow.

Missed this?

b.They are ignorant of the Progressive doctrine, from Woodrow Wilson on, that government should be run by unelected bureaucrats who will do a better job than the deplorables.

“Rather than the people being governed by elected representatives, the three branches, “Woodrow Wilson gave the administrative state its rationale: he held that government by nonpartisan, public-spirited, Ivy League–trained experts making rules in such agencies as the Federal Trade Commission or the Interstate Commerce Commission would be infinitely wiser, more efficient, and more responsive to changing conditions and the evolving spirit of the age than the Framers’ government of limited and separated powers, a clockwork relic in the electricity age.

….ever since the New Deal supersized Wilson’s system, administrative agencies have multiplied like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice’s brooms, so that federal regulations now spill out of 240 volumes—and not only overregulated businessmen, infrastructure planners, and a few law professors, but also Supreme Court justices, have begun to wonder by what legitimate authority unelected bureaucrats can make rules like a legislature, carry them out like an executive, and adjudicate and punish infractions of them like a judiciary, usurping powers that the Constitution places solely in the Congress, the president, and the courts, with no two powers concentrated in the same hands.” The Court Moves Right
The Court Moves Right

Now...if you are serious about gaining the education that government school deprived you of....begin reading

"The Birth of the Administrative State: Where It Came From and What It Means for Limited Government"
Super secret cabals have it in for Trump

It's no coincidence that elites on the left and right were fighting against Trump being elected. Elite society nearly universally fought to stop Trump from being elected. Those that truly run our society felt threatened by a man that isn't a trained political stooge, a man they can't control.
Is The “Deep State” A Fable?

No…it’s a fact.

1.Government school grads will deny the fact 'til their dying day.
There are two reasons why government school grads regularly claim that there is no “Deep State:”

a.They are trying to obviate the argument that there is a cabal in our government that is aimed at reversing the 2016 election.

b.They are ignorant of the Progressive doctrine, from Woodrow Wilson on, that government should be run by unelected bureaucrats who will do a better job than the deplorables.

“Rather than the people being governed by elected representatives, the three branches, “Woodrow Wilson gave the administrative state its rationale: he held that government by nonpartisan, public-spirited, Ivy League–trained experts making rules in such agencies as the Federal Trade Commission or the Interstate Commerce Commission would be infinitely wiser, more efficient, and more responsive to changing conditions and the evolving spirit of the age than the Framers’ government of limited and separated powers, a clockwork relic in the electricity age.

….ever since the New Deal supersized Wilson’s system, administrative agencies have multiplied like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice’s brooms, so that federal regulations now spill out of 240 volumes—and not only overregulated businessmen, infrastructure planners, and a few law professors, but also Supreme Court justices, have begun to wonder by what legitimate authority unelected bureaucrats can make rules like a legislature, carry them out like an executive, and adjudicate and punish infractions of them like a judiciary, usurping powers that the Constitution places solely in the Congress, the president, and the courts, with no two powers concentrated in the same hands.” The Court Moves Right
The Court Moves Right

2. Government school grads have been totally weaned away from the Founder’s view that free citizens elect….vote into office….those who rule them. Hence, the indoctrinated deny that they are the sheep being herded by unelected bureaucrats, diplomats, career government workers who are in charge….the Deep State.

And the Deep State….which clearly exists….is fighting to prove that the great unwashed must be chastised for electing a candidate not of their choosing… us, first Russiagate, and now Ukrainegate.

3. “People capable of feeling shame would not have immediately followed up the Russiagate hoax fiasco with another transparently phony—and in “substance” nearly identical—attempt to remove President Trump from office, overturn the 2016 election, and shower deplorable-Americans with contempt and hatred. But our ruling elites have no shame.”
The Empire Strikes Back

4. Those people….described here…..ran, and testified at the recent Democrat committee hearing, mislabeled as the ‘Impeachment Inquiry,’…

“Beginning in the late 19th century and intensifying in the mid-1960s, elites inside and outside our government have centralized authority in a “fourth branch,” the executive branch’s agencies and bureaucracies. Marini refers to those institutions, the people in them, and their governing philosophy and methods as “the administrative state.” Administrative state rule is fundamentally anti-democratic and anti-constitutional, intended to be rule by “expert consensus.” Ibid.

This is the Deep State.

It claims to be the real American government.
Yep, The deep state has been around for more than a century.
Abraham Lincoln suspended Habeas corpus... It went all downhill from there.
With total fuck ups like Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and FDR.... The American dream was all but dead.

Socialist entitlement programs are all about control and destroying any sense of individuality and freedom... fact
1.Government school grads will deny the fact 'til their dying day.

Your absolutism often pollutes what might otherwise be a good post. I went to public school and spent years in one of those evil liberal universities. I have no trust or love for the government at all. I believe our government is being controlled from the shadows and that much of the "choice" offered to us is an illusion.

1. "Absolutism"
I follow the guidance of the finest President in a hundred years:
At one of the first CPAC’s, Ronald Reagan exhorted the GOP to raise “a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people.”

2. I provide not 'good posts'....I produce great posts.

3. "I went to public school and spent years in one of those evil liberal universities. I have no trust or love for the government at all. I believe our government is being controlled from the shadows and that much of the "choice" offered to us is an illusion."
I wish you had written something other than this.....I cannot find anything in it to argue with.

I'm gonna assault government school in another thread I have prepared....but I may be busy cooking right now....
Deep State is the same as


Super secret cabals have it in for Trump

It's no coincidence that elites on the left and right were fighting against Trump being elected. Elite society nearly universally fought to stop Trump from being elected. Those that truly run our society felt threatened by a man that isn't a trained political stooge, a man they can't control.

Gads.....I hate having to agree with you....

How much will you take to take the other side of the argument????
Is The “Deep State” A Fable?

No…it’s a fact.

1.Government school grads will deny the fact 'til their dying day.
There are two reasons why government school grads regularly claim that there is no “Deep State:”

a.They are trying to obviate the argument that there is a cabal in our government that is aimed at reversing the 2016 election.

b.They are ignorant of the Progressive doctrine, from Woodrow Wilson on, that government should be run by unelected bureaucrats who will do a better job than the deplorables.

“Rather than the people being governed by elected representatives, the three branches, “Woodrow Wilson gave the administrative state its rationale: he held that government by nonpartisan, public-spirited, Ivy League–trained experts making rules in such agencies as the Federal Trade Commission or the Interstate Commerce Commission would be infinitely wiser, more efficient, and more responsive to changing conditions and the evolving spirit of the age than the Framers’ government of limited and separated powers, a clockwork relic in the electricity age.

….ever since the New Deal supersized Wilson’s system, administrative agencies have multiplied like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice’s brooms, so that federal regulations now spill out of 240 volumes—and not only overregulated businessmen, infrastructure planners, and a few law professors, but also Supreme Court justices, have begun to wonder by what legitimate authority unelected bureaucrats can make rules like a legislature, carry them out like an executive, and adjudicate and punish infractions of them like a judiciary, usurping powers that the Constitution places solely in the Congress, the president, and the courts, with no two powers concentrated in the same hands.” The Court Moves Right
The Court Moves Right

2. Government school grads have been totally weaned away from the Founder’s view that free citizens elect….vote into office….those who rule them. Hence, the indoctrinated deny that they are the sheep being herded by unelected bureaucrats, diplomats, career government workers who are in charge….the Deep State.

And the Deep State….which clearly exists….is fighting to prove that the great unwashed must be chastised for electing a candidate not of their choosing… us, first Russiagate, and now Ukrainegate.

3. “People capable of feeling shame would not have immediately followed up the Russiagate hoax fiasco with another transparently phony—and in “substance” nearly identical—attempt to remove President Trump from office, overturn the 2016 election, and shower deplorable-Americans with contempt and hatred. But our ruling elites have no shame.”
The Empire Strikes Back

4. Those people….described here…..ran, and testified at the recent Democrat committee hearing, mislabeled as the ‘Impeachment Inquiry,’…

“Beginning in the late 19th century and intensifying in the mid-1960s, elites inside and outside our government have centralized authority in a “fourth branch,” the executive branch’s agencies and bureaucracies. Marini refers to those institutions, the people in them, and their governing philosophy and methods as “the administrative state.” Administrative state rule is fundamentally anti-democratic and anti-constitutional, intended to be rule by “expert consensus.” Ibid.

This is the Deep State.

It claims to be the real American government.
It's ironic that people who have actively worked to thwart Trump have been Trumps own people, just ask Nicki Hailey.

I know many people who work at many different gov't agencies in many different positions. Many are ex-military and all think gov't has an important role to play and are loyal to the country. Do many of them dislike Trump? You bet. Did many dislike Obama? You bet.
  • Thanks
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Deep State is the same as



It's really a simple challenge.....

Produce a cogent, coherent refutation of that which brought you crawling over....not just this cartoon version of "is not, isssssss noooootttttttt!!!!"

Is The “Deep State” A Fable?

No…it’s a fact.

1.Government school grads will deny the fact 'til their dying day.
There are two reasons why government school grads regularly claim that there is no “Deep State:”

a.They are trying to obviate the argument that there is a cabal in our government that is aimed at reversing the 2016 election.

b.They are ignorant of the Progressive doctrine, from Woodrow Wilson on, that government should be run by unelected bureaucrats who will do a better job than the deplorables.

“Rather than the people being governed by elected representatives, the three branches, “Woodrow Wilson gave the administrative state its rationale: he held that government by nonpartisan, public-spirited, Ivy League–trained experts making rules in such agencies as the Federal Trade Commission or the Interstate Commerce Commission would be infinitely wiser, more efficient, and more responsive to changing conditions and the evolving spirit of the age than the Framers’ government of limited and separated powers, a clockwork relic in the electricity age.

….ever since the New Deal supersized Wilson’s system, administrative agencies have multiplied like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice’s brooms, so that federal regulations now spill out of 240 volumes—and not only overregulated businessmen, infrastructure planners, and a few law professors, but also Supreme Court justices, have begun to wonder by what legitimate authority unelected bureaucrats can make rules like a legislature, carry them out like an executive, and adjudicate and punish infractions of them like a judiciary, usurping powers that the Constitution places solely in the Congress, the president, and the courts, with no two powers concentrated in the same hands.” The Court Moves Right
The Court Moves Right

2. Government school grads have been totally weaned away from the Founder’s view that free citizens elect….vote into office….those who rule them. Hence, the indoctrinated deny that they are the sheep being herded by unelected bureaucrats, diplomats, career government workers who are in charge….the Deep State.

And the Deep State….which clearly exists….is fighting to prove that the great unwashed must be chastised for electing a candidate not of their choosing… us, first Russiagate, and now Ukrainegate.

3. “People capable of feeling shame would not have immediately followed up the Russiagate hoax fiasco with another transparently phony—and in “substance” nearly identical—attempt to remove President Trump from office, overturn the 2016 election, and shower deplorable-Americans with contempt and hatred. But our ruling elites have no shame.”
The Empire Strikes Back

4. Those people….described here…..ran, and testified at the recent Democrat committee hearing, mislabeled as the ‘Impeachment Inquiry,’…

“Beginning in the late 19th century and intensifying in the mid-1960s, elites inside and outside our government have centralized authority in a “fourth branch,” the executive branch’s agencies and bureaucracies. Marini refers to those institutions, the people in them, and their governing philosophy and methods as “the administrative state.” Administrative state rule is fundamentally anti-democratic and anti-constitutional, intended to be rule by “expert consensus.” Ibid.

This is the Deep State.

It claims to be the real American government.
Is The “Deep State” A Fable?

No…it’s a fact.

1.Government school grads will deny the fact 'til their dying day.
There are two reasons why government school grads regularly claim that there is no “Deep State:”

a.They are trying to obviate the argument that there is a cabal in our government that is aimed at reversing the 2016 election.

b.They are ignorant of the Progressive doctrine, from Woodrow Wilson on, that government should be run by unelected bureaucrats who will do a better job than the deplorables.

“Rather than the people being governed by elected representatives, the three branches, “Woodrow Wilson gave the administrative state its rationale: he held that government by nonpartisan, public-spirited, Ivy League–trained experts making rules in such agencies as the Federal Trade Commission or the Interstate Commerce Commission would be infinitely wiser, more efficient, and more responsive to changing conditions and the evolving spirit of the age than the Framers’ government of limited and separated powers, a clockwork relic in the electricity age.

….ever since the New Deal supersized Wilson’s system, administrative agencies have multiplied like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice’s brooms, so that federal regulations now spill out of 240 volumes—and not only overregulated businessmen, infrastructure planners, and a few law professors, but also Supreme Court justices, have begun to wonder by what legitimate authority unelected bureaucrats can make rules like a legislature, carry them out like an executive, and adjudicate and punish infractions of them like a judiciary, usurping powers that the Constitution places solely in the Congress, the president, and the courts, with no two powers concentrated in the same hands.” The Court Moves Right
The Court Moves Right

2. Government school grads have been totally weaned away from the Founder’s view that free citizens elect….vote into office….those who rule them. Hence, the indoctrinated deny that they are the sheep being herded by unelected bureaucrats, diplomats, career government workers who are in charge….the Deep State.

And the Deep State….which clearly exists….is fighting to prove that the great unwashed must be chastised for electing a candidate not of their choosing… us, first Russiagate, and now Ukrainegate.

3. “People capable of feeling shame would not have immediately followed up the Russiagate hoax fiasco with another transparently phony—and in “substance” nearly identical—attempt to remove President Trump from office, overturn the 2016 election, and shower deplorable-Americans with contempt and hatred. But our ruling elites have no shame.”
The Empire Strikes Back

4. Those people….described here…..ran, and testified at the recent Democrat committee hearing, mislabeled as the ‘Impeachment Inquiry,’…

“Beginning in the late 19th century and intensifying in the mid-1960s, elites inside and outside our government have centralized authority in a “fourth branch,” the executive branch’s agencies and bureaucracies. Marini refers to those institutions, the people in them, and their governing philosophy and methods as “the administrative state.” Administrative state rule is fundamentally anti-democratic and anti-constitutional, intended to be rule by “expert consensus.” Ibid.

This is the Deep State.

It claims to be the real American government.
It's ironic that people who have actively worked to thwart Trump have been Trumps own people, just ask Nicki Hailey.

I know many people who work at many different gov't agencies in many different positions. Many are ex-military and all think gov't has an important role to play and are loyal to the country. Do many of them dislike Trump? You bet. Did many dislike Obama? You bet.

Now....focus like a laser: what does your drivel have to do with this:

Is The “Deep State” A Fable?

No…it’s a fact.

1.Government school grads will deny the fact 'til their dying day.
There are two reasons why government school grads regularly claim that there is no “Deep State:”

a.They are trying to obviate the argument that there is a cabal in our government that is aimed at reversing the 2016 election.

b.They are ignorant of the Progressive doctrine, from Woodrow Wilson on, that government should be run by unelected bureaucrats who will do a better job than the deplorables.

“Rather than the people being governed by elected representatives, the three branches, “Woodrow Wilson gave the administrative state its rationale: he held that government by nonpartisan, public-spirited, Ivy League–trained experts making rules in such agencies as the Federal Trade Commission or the Interstate Commerce Commission would be infinitely wiser, more efficient, and more responsive to changing conditions and the evolving spirit of the age than the Framers’ government of limited and separated powers, a clockwork relic in the electricity age.

….ever since the New Deal supersized Wilson’s system, administrative agencies have multiplied like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice’s brooms, so that federal regulations now spill out of 240 volumes—and not only overregulated businessmen, infrastructure planners, and a few law professors, but also Supreme Court justices, have begun to wonder by what legitimate authority unelected bureaucrats can make rules like a legislature, carry them out like an executive, and adjudicate and punish infractions of them like a judiciary, usurping powers that the Constitution places solely in the Congress, the president, and the courts, with no two powers concentrated in the same hands.” The Court Moves Right
The Court Moves Right

2. Government school grads have been totally weaned away from the Founder’s view that free citizens elect….vote into office….those who rule them. Hence, the indoctrinated deny that they are the sheep being herded by unelected bureaucrats, diplomats, career government workers who are in charge….the Deep State.

And the Deep State….which clearly exists….is fighting to prove that the great unwashed must be chastised for electing a candidate not of their choosing… us, first Russiagate, and now Ukrainegate.

3. “People capable of feeling shame would not have immediately followed up the Russiagate hoax fiasco with another transparently phony—and in “substance” nearly identical—attempt to remove President Trump from office, overturn the 2016 election, and shower deplorable-Americans with contempt and hatred. But our ruling elites have no shame.”
The Empire Strikes Back

4. Those people….described here…..ran, and testified at the recent Democrat committee hearing, mislabeled as the ‘Impeachment Inquiry,’…

“Beginning in the late 19th century and intensifying in the mid-1960s, elites inside and outside our government have centralized authority in a “fourth branch,” the executive branch’s agencies and bureaucracies. Marini refers to those institutions, the people in them, and their governing philosophy and methods as “the administrative state.” Administrative state rule is fundamentally anti-democratic and anti-constitutional, intended to be rule by “expert consensus.” Ibid.

This is the Deep State.

It claims to be the real American government.
Is The “Deep State” A Fable?

No…it’s a fact.

1.Government school grads will deny the fact 'til their dying day.
There are two reasons why government school grads regularly claim that there is no “Deep State:”

a.They are trying to obviate the argument that there is a cabal in our government that is aimed at reversing the 2016 election.

b.They are ignorant of the Progressive doctrine, from Woodrow Wilson on, that government should be run by unelected bureaucrats who will do a better job than the deplorables.

“Rather than the people being governed by elected representatives, the three branches, “Woodrow Wilson gave the administrative state its rationale: he held that government by nonpartisan, public-spirited, Ivy League–trained experts making rules in such agencies as the Federal Trade Commission or the Interstate Commerce Commission would be infinitely wiser, more efficient, and more responsive to changing conditions and the evolving spirit of the age than the Framers’ government of limited and separated powers, a clockwork relic in the electricity age.

….ever since the New Deal supersized Wilson’s system, administrative agencies have multiplied like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice’s brooms, so that federal regulations now spill out of 240 volumes—and not only overregulated businessmen, infrastructure planners, and a few law professors, but also Supreme Court justices, have begun to wonder by what legitimate authority unelected bureaucrats can make rules like a legislature, carry them out like an executive, and adjudicate and punish infractions of them like a judiciary, usurping powers that the Constitution places solely in the Congress, the president, and the courts, with no two powers concentrated in the same hands.” The Court Moves Right
The Court Moves Right

2. Government school grads have been totally weaned away from the Founder’s view that free citizens elect….vote into office….those who rule them. Hence, the indoctrinated deny that they are the sheep being herded by unelected bureaucrats, diplomats, career government workers who are in charge….the Deep State.

And the Deep State….which clearly exists….is fighting to prove that the great unwashed must be chastised for electing a candidate not of their choosing… us, first Russiagate, and now Ukrainegate.

3. “People capable of feeling shame would not have immediately followed up the Russiagate hoax fiasco with another transparently phony—and in “substance” nearly identical—attempt to remove President Trump from office, overturn the 2016 election, and shower deplorable-Americans with contempt and hatred. But our ruling elites have no shame.”
The Empire Strikes Back

4. Those people….described here…..ran, and testified at the recent Democrat committee hearing, mislabeled as the ‘Impeachment Inquiry,’…

“Beginning in the late 19th century and intensifying in the mid-1960s, elites inside and outside our government have centralized authority in a “fourth branch,” the executive branch’s agencies and bureaucracies. Marini refers to those institutions, the people in them, and their governing philosophy and methods as “the administrative state.” Administrative state rule is fundamentally anti-democratic and anti-constitutional, intended to be rule by “expert consensus.” Ibid.

This is the Deep State.

It claims to be the real American government.
It's ironic that people who have actively worked to thwart Trump have been Trumps own people, just ask Nicki Hailey.

I know many people who work at many different gov't agencies in many different positions. Many are ex-military and all think gov't has an important role to play and are loyal to the country. Do many of them dislike Trump? You bet. Did many dislike Obama? You bet.

We have gotten to the point where anyone that does not worship Trump is now a Deep Stater. All that matters to these people is blind obedience to their god.

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