The Dark Side Of The Coin


Sep 23, 2010
Taking credit for somebody else’s work is a career move in institutions especially the corporate world. Socialists invented taking credit for everything good; most notably taking credit for creating wealth after they confiscate it. Al Gore took credit for inventing the Internet. The filthy piece of garbage in the White House topped Gore:

In a remarkable show of chutzpah, President Obama has claimed credit for “stamping out” Ebola.

Obama takes credit for 'stamping out' Ebola
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 12/19/2015 @ 8:30 pm

Obama takes credit for ‘stamping out’ Ebola


Heads I Win. Tails You Lose.

The other side of the coin allows the lying sack of shit to deny blame for the dead American children his open-borders causes. He will get away with both sides of the same coin because the advertising tax deduction is the media’s primary reason for protecting him at every turn.

Bottom line: Unending criticism of the scum bag’s entire seven years in the White House is no different than the criticism every president gets. Bush the Younger is still attacked for taking the fight to the enemy in Iraq, not to mention the economy. Presidents can be blamed for wars; they can be blamed for bad economies and rampant corruption, but you will never hear the media lay the death of American children where it belongs —— on the current graveyard maggot in the White House.

Finally, will somebody please explain why Americans should respect the office if not the man? The fact is that every form of government has one person in office at the top, yet Americans still believe that a lying of sack of shit is a decent human being who rose to the top of the Washington cesspool as clean as he was on the day he was born.
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I'd start off by asking you why you object to this: guys may recall from last year, which was the potential end of the world. At each juncture, what we’ve said is, is that American strength and American exceptionalism is not just a matter of us bombing somebody. More often, it’s a matter of us convening, setting the agenda, pointing other nations in a direction that’s good for everybody and good for U.S. interests, engaging in painstaking diplomacy, leading by example.

Or maybe you can just quote the part where he said "I, Barack Hussein Obama, put on my super-hero cape and single-handedly destroyed my arch-enemy Ebola."

When WND says "jump," you jump. Tool.
When WND says "jump," you jump. Tool.
To Arianrhod: My premise was about taking credit and avoiding blame. Hence this excerpt:
In a remarkable show of chutzpah, President Obama has claimed credit for “stamping out” Ebola.
If you insist on defending the Chicago sewer rat in my thread say something that makes sense.
When WND says "jump," you jump. Tool.
To Arianrhod: My premise was about taking credit and avoiding blame. Hence this excerpt:[/B]
In a remarkable show of chutzpah, President Obama has claimed credit for “stamping out” Ebola.

That's a quote from that courageous contributor to WND named "NO AUTHOR." It is not a statement by anyone in the administration.

You'll have to do better.

Or you could make the argument that a combination of American medical tech and government policy did NOT stop Ebola from spreading here as it has in other countries, in which case you'd better head to the ER.
You'll have to do better.
To Arianrhod: How about this:

A shocking government document outlining the Obama administration’s outrageous plan to admit Ebola-infected non-U.S. citizens into the United States for treatment has surfaced, confirming a story that Judicial Watch broke almost two weeks ago.

On October 17 JW reported that the administration was actively formulating a deal to admit foreign nationals infected with Ebola into the country for treatment. Specifically, the goal is to bring the patients into the country within the first days of diagnosis, according to JW’s sources. The plan includes special waivers of laws and regulations that ban the admission of non-citizens with a communicable disease as dangerous as Ebola.

JW received details of the initiative from high-level government sources that also disclosed the administration was keeping the Ebola plan secret from Congress.

State Dept. Doc Affirms JW’s Report on Obama Plan to Bring Foreign Ebola Patients to U.S.
OCTOBER 29, 2014

State Dept. Doc Affirms JW’s Report on Obama Plan to Bring Foreign Ebola Patients to U.S. - Judicial Watch

So why did that piece of scum bring Ebola here at all?

Another person has died of Ebola on American soil, reminding U.S. citizens that although many health workers have survived the virus, even treatment at one of the best facilities doesn't guarantee being cured.

The Ebola outbreak that began in West Africa has sickened at least 14,413 people since March, killing at least 5,177 of them as of Nov. 14 -- making it by far the worst outbreak of the virus in history, according to the World Health Organization.

The virus first arrived in the United States via U.S. missionaries flown here for treatment this summer.

Ebola in America: Timeline of the Deadly Virus
By Sydney Lupkin
Nov 17, 2014, 11:01 AM ET

Timeline of the Ebola Virus in America
Post the original document.
To Arianrhod: Get real. The fact that the sewer rat did it confirms a document the State Department will never release even if it wasn’t shredded immediately after Judicial Watch broke the story.
BTW, the only "dark side" of a coin is the one that's facing away from the light. Attempt at Star Wars metaphor fail.

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