The Cultural Roots of Campus Rage


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2015
Jonathan Haidt on the Cultural Roots of Campus Rage

Jonathan Haidt on the Cultural Roots of Campus Rage | RealClearPolitics

"When a mob at Vermont’s Middlebury College shut down a speech by social scientist Charles Murray a few weeks ago, most of us saw it as another instance of campus illiberalism. Jonathan Haidt saw something more—a ritual carried out by adherents of what he calls a “new religion,” an auto-da-fé against a heretic for a violation of orthodoxy.

“The great majority of college students want to learn. They’re perfectly reasonable, and they’re uncomfortable with a lot of what’s going on,” Mr. Haidt, a psychologist and professor of ethical leadership at New York University’s Stern School of Business, tells me during a recent visit to his office. “But on each campus there are some true believers who have reoriented their lives around the fight against evil.”

These believers are transforming the campus from a citadel of intellectual freedom into a holy space—where white privilege has replaced original sin, the transgressions of class and race and gender are confessed not to priests but to “the community,” victim groups are worshiped like gods, and the sinned-against are supplicated with “safe spaces” and “trigger warnings.”

The fundamentalists may be few, Mr. Haidt says, but they are “very intimidating” since they wield the threat of public shame. On some campuses, “they’ve been given the heckler’s veto, and are often granted it by an administration who won’t stand up to them either.”

Excellent insight into the ways "liberals" think.

I hope that he is right about the fundamentalists being a small minority.

Also, this is gold.

“People are sick and tired of being called racist for innocent things they’ve said or done,” Mr. Haidt observes. “The response to being called a racist unfairly is never to say, ‘Gee, what did I do that led to me being called this? I should be more careful.’ The response is almost always, ‘[Expletive] you!’ ”

He offers this real-world example: “I think that the ‘deplorables’ comment could well have changed the course of human history.”
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"When a mob at Vermont’s Middlebury College shut down a speech by social scientist Charles Murray a few weeks ago, most of us saw it as another instance of campus illiberalism. Jonathan Haidt saw something more—a ritual carried out by adherents of what he calls a “new religion,” an auto-da-fé against a heretic for a violation of orthodoxy.

“The great majority of college students want to learn. They’re perfectly reasonable, and they’re uncomfortable with a lot of what’s going on,” Mr. Haidt, a psychologist and professor of ethical leadership at New York University’s Stern School of Business, tells me during a recent visit to his office. “But on each campus there are some true believers who have reoriented their lives around the fight against evil.”

These believers are transforming the campus from a citadel of intellectual freedom into a holy space—where white privilege has replaced original sin, the transgressions of class and race and gender are confessed not to priests but to “the community,” victim groups are worshiped like gods, and the sinned-against are supplicated with “safe spaces” and “trigger warnings.”

The fundamentalists may be few, Mr. Haidt says, but they are “very intimidating” since they wield the threat of public shame. On some campuses, “they’ve been given the heckler’s veto, and are often granted it by an administration who won’t stand up to them either.”

Excellent insight into the ways "liberals" think.

I hope that he is right about the fundamentalists being a small minority.

Also, this is gold.

“People are sick and tired of being called racist for innocent things they’ve said or done,” Mr. Haidt observes. “The response to being called a racist unfairly is never to say, ‘Gee, what did I do that led to me being called this? I should be more careful.’ The response is almost always, ‘[Expletive] you!’ ”

He offers this real-world example: “I think that the ‘deplorables’ comment could well have changed the course of human history.”

No link in OP, dude? You come up with all that yourself?
"When a mob at Vermont’s Middlebury College shut down a speech by social scientist Charles Murray a few weeks ago, most of us saw it as another instance of campus illiberalism. Jonathan Haidt saw something more—a ritual carried out by adherents of what he calls a “new religion,” an auto-da-fé against a heretic for a violation of orthodoxy.

“The great majority of college students want to learn. They’re perfectly reasonable, and they’re uncomfortable with a lot of what’s going on,” Mr. Haidt, a psychologist and professor of ethical leadership at New York University’s Stern School of Business, tells me during a recent visit to his office. “But on each campus there are some true believers who have reoriented their lives around the fight against evil.”

These believers are transforming the campus from a citadel of intellectual freedom into a holy space—where white privilege has replaced original sin, the transgressions of class and race and gender are confessed not to priests but to “the community,” victim groups are worshiped like gods, and the sinned-against are supplicated with “safe spaces” and “trigger warnings.”

The fundamentalists may be few, Mr. Haidt says, but they are “very intimidating” since they wield the threat of public shame. On some campuses, “they’ve been given the heckler’s veto, and are often granted it by an administration who won’t stand up to them either.”

Excellent insight into the ways "liberals" think.

I hope that he is right about the fundamentalists being a small minority.

Also, this is gold.

“People are sick and tired of being called racist for innocent things they’ve said or done,” Mr. Haidt observes. “The response to being called a racist unfairly is never to say, ‘Gee, what did I do that led to me being called this? I should be more careful.’ The response is almost always, ‘[Expletive] you!’ ”

He offers this real-world example: “I think that the ‘deplorables’ comment could well have changed the course of human history.”

No link in OP, dude? You come up with all that yourself?

It is there now.

I think he's wrong about the deplorable comment changing the course of human history...... But I could be mistaken.


"When a mob at Vermont’s Middlebury College shut down a speech by social scientist Charles Murray a few weeks ago, most of us saw it as another instance of campus illiberalism. Jonathan Haidt saw something more—a ritual carried out by adherents of what he calls a “new religion,” an auto-da-fé against a heretic for a violation of orthodoxy.

“The great majority of college students want to learn. They’re perfectly reasonable, and they’re uncomfortable with a lot of what’s going on,” Mr. Haidt, a psychologist and professor of ethical leadership at New York University’s Stern School of Business, tells me during a recent visit to his office. “But on each campus there are some true believers who have reoriented their lives around the fight against evil.”

These believers are transforming the campus from a citadel of intellectual freedom into a holy space—where white privilege has replaced original sin, the transgressions of class and race and gender are confessed not to priests but to “the community,” victim groups are worshiped like gods, and the sinned-against are supplicated with “safe spaces” and “trigger warnings.”

The fundamentalists may be few, Mr. Haidt says, but they are “very intimidating” since they wield the threat of public shame. On some campuses, “they’ve been given the heckler’s veto, and are often granted it by an administration who won’t stand up to them either.”

Excellent insight into the ways "liberals" think.

I hope that he is right about the fundamentalists being a small minority.

Also, this is gold.

“People are sick and tired of being called racist for innocent things they’ve said or done,” Mr. Haidt observes. “The response to being called a racist unfairly is never to say, ‘Gee, what did I do that led to me being called this? I should be more careful.’ The response is almost always, ‘[Expletive] you!’ ”

He offers this real-world example: “I think that the ‘deplorables’ comment could well have changed the course of human history.”

No link in OP, dude? You come up with all that yourself?

It is there now.

Follow the link in my signature, it's got some good info. :)

AND you don't have to subscribe. :coffee:

No one's put any hand on my knee lately. Do you think it's my underarm deodorant? Or could it be something even more deplorable?


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Ya simply cannot publicly shame shameless people.

You should really read the linked article.
You think this crap is "fresh"?

As the public debate slowly grinds on, it is the last word, so far, on what is going on with the Left.

That elements of it has been noted for decades does not change that fact.
A reasonable person might ask

" Man bites dog.....again? Why?"

And conclude that T-rump is proving to be every bit the raging fuckup his critics and history have suggested he would be....

Ya simply cannot publicly shame shameless people.

You should really read the linked article.
You think this crap is "fresh"?

As the public debate slowly grinds on, it is the last word, so far, on what is going on with the Left.

That elements of it has been noted for decades does not change that fact.
A reasonable person might ask

" Man bites dog.....again? Why?"

And conclude that T-rump is proving to be every bit the raging fuckup his critics and history have suggested he would be....


So, your explanation is that the violence is justified.

Got it.

So what has he done in his first 100 days to justify your belief system?
Ya simply cannot publicly shame shameless people.

You should really read the linked article.
You think this crap is "fresh"?

As the public debate slowly grinds on, it is the last word, so far, on what is going on with the Left.

That elements of it has been noted for decades does not change that fact.
A reasonable person might ask

" Man bites dog.....again? Why?"

And conclude that T-rump is proving to be every bit the raging fuckup his critics and history have suggested he would be....


So, your explanation is that the violence is justified.

Got it.

So what has he done in his first 100 days to justify your belief system?

So, your explanation is that the violence is justified.

Where do you see anything of the sort? And as you don't, why lie?

So what has he done in his first 100 days to justify your belief system

Been an uprecedented, and unqualified, fuckup. As demonstrated by the desperate need of Safe Space Media to distract you with that shit.
You should really read the linked article.
You think this crap is "fresh"?

As the public debate slowly grinds on, it is the last word, so far, on what is going on with the Left.

That elements of it has been noted for decades does not change that fact.
A reasonable person might ask

" Man bites dog.....again? Why?"

And conclude that T-rump is proving to be every bit the raging fuckup his critics and history have suggested he would be....


So, your explanation is that the violence is justified.

Got it.

So what has he done in his first 100 days to justify your belief system?

So, your explanation is that the violence is justified.

Where do you see anything of the sort? And as you don't, why lie?

So what has he done in his first 100 days to justify your belief system

Been an uprecedented, and unqualified, fuckup. As demonstrated by the desperate need of Safe Space Media to distract you with that shit.

Specifics, slim. Has he had put people in camps a la FDR? Has he launched a covert invasion a la JFK?

What has he done, that is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO horrible and unprecedented that justifies the hysterical reaction from people like you?

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