The creepy Canadian system in a nutshell: Restrained by hospital security and left unconscious, no one called her family for 11 days before she died


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Like the old East German system. The covert kakistocracy and their families are in all government in particular policing and healthcare. Free ride for you if you are one of the chosen ones. Thoroughly disgusting.

Remember, some of us warned you what you will face in the future if you follow our path. I guarantee far too few understand. A creepy system of government ensures a creepy system of regular citizens.

The family of a Toronto woman admitted to hospital on suspicion of COVID-19 is demanding answers after an altercation with security that they say left her unconscious and in intensive care — with no word to her relatives until just days before she was dead.

For 11 days, as Danielle Stephanie Warriner lay alone in a hospital bed, her family had no idea where she was, no idea she'd been restrained by guards and no idea she'd never regain consciousness.

Five days after they were finally contacted, she died at age 43.

"I had no opportunity to communicate with her, I had no opportunity to support her," her sister Denise Warriner told CBC News.

"Whether it was going to help her or not, she didn't have anybody there ... It absolutely tears me apart."

Stephanie, as her family knew her, was the younger of two sisters. She was especially sensitive and wore her heart on her sleeve, Warriner remembers.

A turn for the worse
"She felt everything," Warriner said of her sister, recalling how as a child she was fascinated with butterflies. One day, when the two girls came upon a dead butterfly in their backyard, Stephanie "just cried and cried and cried."

"It affected her so deeply ... And that's the kind of person that she grew to be as an adult," Warriner told CBC News.
Damn those Canadians are stupid heartless assholes.

You're telling me...

I just hope you are all listening, even cops or former cops on here who think "this guy must be a POS". Take it from me when I tell you how full of shyte our system is. The police are literally not providing the video to the sister due to "privacy issues".

Why in the F do you have cameras if you aren't going to provide them in a wrongful death situation?

"Free" healthcare in Canada, means the covert Stasi and their family get a well paid job, and you are just cattle keeping them busy.
Judge dropped the charges against the hospital and security,

Justice must not be allowed to get in the way of Government sanctioned murder.
Judge dropped the charges against the hospital and security,

Justice must not be allowed to get in the way of Government sanctioned murder.

Why bring up this old post?

I've said it 1000 times, bad apples spoil the bunch. At the very least, the video should have been made public. This was at the height of covid also which made people hysterical and over react everywhere, not just in Canada and not just policing, our grocery store clerks, delivery drivers and janitors all went overboard at times. It was systemic across the nation, a history lesson perhaps.

Respect those in uniform who do the job properly and with respect for the badge and their community. Bad apples just provide a bad reputation for the industry. Good, honorable men and women serve them well.
Why bring up this old post?

I've said it 1000 times, bad apples spoil the bunch. At the very least, the video should have been made public. This was at the height of covid also which made people hysterical and over react everywhere, not just in Canada and not just policing, our grocery store clerks, delivery drivers and janitors all went overboard at times. It was systemic across the nation, a history lesson perhaps.

Respect those in uniform who do the job properly and with respect for the badge and their community. Bad apples just provide a bad reputation for the industry. Good, honorable men and women serve them well.
except there wasn't one honorable man/woman in that bunch. That fat cow nurse seemed to be the ringleader.

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