The Cowardice, Selfishness And Ignorance Of The Easily Offended


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Now keep in mind this is a Huffpost writer, and it's pure comedy gold coming from the official organization of perpetual Faux Outrage. The people who brought us 'safe spaces' and 'microaggressions' are lecturing others about cowardice and offense. You can't make this stuff up!

There is something fascinating to watch at the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence, Italy. The museum is home to Michelangelo’s marble sculpture of the biblical David, naked with a sling over his shoulder and a rock in his hand, preparing to battle the fearsome Goliath.

Upon entering the museum, you make a quick left, then an immediate right. Ahead, roughly 50 yards in front of you, stands “David.” From this point, these 50 yards away, you can stand and listen to the audible gasps of visitors as they first gaze upon the sculpture from this distance. It tells you two things: No photograph can do justice to seeing the real thing; the real thing is a stunning artistic achievement

Safe spaces, micro aggressions, trigger warnings .. I don't agree with them, and anyone that is sensitive enough to reality that they need these mechanisms .. they have emotional problems and are often coached on what things should trigger these responses instead of using their own brain to determine how they should respond.
People should by nature be polite and courteous regardless. Safe Spaces which are designed to shelter people do much worse, they act to silence others. Be a good human being, make logical arguments or positons. It's particularly embarrassing in colleges. When I was in university I wouldn't care who was speaking or what their story was because, well, I just didn't care I had my own issues to deal with. I'm not sure why some care so much that they want others to be silenced. It is such a Busy Body attitude. Like being a plain clothed cop...creepy really.
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Ruh-roh. Looks like that Huffpost author invaded a conservative SafeSpace and triggered someone there.

The right burns books and censors these days, not the left. And, no, pointing out that someone's behavior stinks is _not_ censoring them. Not giving a person a platform for awful behavior is not censoring them. Say what you want, but on your own dime, and don't cry about the consequences.
Ruh-roh. Looks like that Huffpost author invaded a conservative SafeSpace and triggered someone there.

The right burns books and censors these days, not the left. And, no, pointing out that someone's behavior stinks is _not_ censoring them. Not giving a person a platform for awful behavior is not censoring them. Say what you want, but on your own dime, and don't cry about the consequences.
^^^ Speak of whiny triggered crybabies and look what shows up immediately. Telling.
^^^ Speak of whiny triggered crybabies and look what shows up immediately. Telling.
History does not look fondly upon book-burners. History correctly defines things like the current Republican censorship crusade as an authoritarian tactic.

At least there's hope for you. You seem to recognize how disgusting your side's behavior is. Why else would you jump in to deflect attention away from it?

My suggestion: Break with TheParty. Criticize the Republicans for their nationwide authoritarian censorship crusade. Unless you really like the censorship, in which case keep doing what you're doing.
History does not look fondly upon book-burners. History correctly defines things like the current Republican censorship crusade as an authoritarian tactic.

At least there's hope for you. You seem to recognize how disgusting your side's behavior is. Why else would you jump in to deflect attention away from it?

My suggestion: Break with TheParty. Criticize the Republicans for their nationwide authoritarian censorship crusade. Unless you really like the censorship, in which case keep doing what you're doing.
Hmm. The right wants blatantly pornographic material out of schools libraries. You retards want Huckleberry Finn, Catcher In the Rye, Shakespeare, and other classics banned. Big difference there. Or do you approve of these books being in elementary libraries. Be careful how you answer....

Hmm. The right wants blatantly pornographic material out of schools libraries.
No, you want anything that mentions that gay people exist banned. And you'll use the heavy hand of the state to do it, something that makes you giddy with statist joy.

You retards want Huckleberry Finn, Catcher In the Rye, Shakespeare, and other classics banned.
No. Not ever. Where do you get this stuff?

Oh, that's right. You're just making crap up to deflect away from your fascist behavior.

Big difference there. Or do you approve of these books being in elementary libraries. Be careful how you answer....

Why did you think I'd be afraid to say "You're making crap up again", little fascist? After all, it's all you do. Some kook conspiracy propaganda source will piss a lie down into your eager throat, and you come here to vomit it back up on us.

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