The Condemned - Indonesia

The Condemned - Indonesia - YouTube

Aussie boys Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran...on death row in Bali/Indonesia.
All their appeals have failed, and they await execution-shredding by Muslim Indonesia's firing squad.

Andrew Chan is now a Christian...mentored by the Salvation Army [no judgment].

So it's 'Onward Christian Soldiers, marching as to war'.

On execution-shredding day most of Christian Australia will be 'singing' the uptempo version of The Battle Hymn of The Republic;

I have seen Him in the watch fires of a hundred circling camps
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps;
His day is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His day is marching on.

I have read a fiery Gospel writ in burnished rows of steel;
“As ye deal with My contemners, so with you My grace shall deal”;
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with His heel,
Since God is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Since God is marching on.

He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat;
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet;
Our God is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Our God is marching on.

Hatred of Indonesia will be white-hot.
Make no mistake.

They were drug trafficking heroin - a drug that is responsible for many deaths around the world. What does "Onward Christian Soldiers" have to do with a drug trafficking?

The sentance is barbarically harsh - I oppose the death penalty period. But they knew what they were doing when they broke the laws of that country. What does Christianity have to do with it?
I stick to my guns on this one.
I don't miss all the drug related crime in the UK and I don't want it here.

I have to be honest and ask why anyone would wants bastards like them alive.
After all, these are killers for profit, useless to a civilised world and harmful to everyone their greed touches.

I wonder how many Australians really give a flying shit about these idiots. I'll bet most are glad they aren't Australia's problem and don't care if they get executed.

My final and unmovable opinion - Fuck them; they deserve to die.

I wonder how many people have seen how heroin kills people?
They were drug trafficking heroin - a drug that is responsible for many deaths around the world. What does "Onward Christian Soldiers" have to do with a drug trafficking?

The sentance is barbarically harsh - I oppose the death penalty period. But they knew what they were doing when they broke the laws of that country. What does Christianity have to do with it?

They have admitted to their crime...they explain in the video at the start of this thread.
They are fully guilty.
They broke the laws of Indonesia [and Australia], and as such must be punished.
It's the penalty they have been handed by Muslim Indonesia that Australia objects to.

Andrew Chan was a lost soul...on death row he was mentored by the Salvation Army and is now a Christian.
He's basically a pastor in the prison.

Faith sustains condemned man Andrew Chan

Faith sustains condemned man Andrew Chan

ANDREW Chan's devout Christianity is his armour, enabling the Bali nine member to shrug off the news on Friday that his death sentence was confirmed for the third time.

But his unswerving belief in a benevolent afterlife, can't help him reconcile what he has done to his parents, Ken and Helen.

''It is like stabbing your own mother and father in the heart and ripping out that knife and watching them bleed to death,'' Chan told The Age yesterday, in his first interview since his final appeal against the death sentence was rejected.

''It has been agony for them.''

Ken and Helen Chan, immigrants from China, worked long hours in their Sydney restaurants to put their children through school. When Chan became a teenager, he took advantage of their long absences from home to indulge his teenage whims. He was ''young, stupid'' and self-obsessed. He took drugs, raised hell.

The governor of Kerobokan prison, Siswanto, admires him and defended him in court, asking for clemency.

Chan organises courses in prison, leads the English-language church service and is a mentor to many, even complaining ''sometimes there's not enough hours in the day''.

When he heard the news on Friday night that his appointment with a firing squad was closer, he says it didn't faze him.

''I don't really fear it, death. Even if I pass away, I'm still going to have a life up in heaven and obviously that's going to be for eternity.

''I still have faith that things can turn around,'' he said, talking of his final option to avoid execution, an appeal to Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

''I believe God will intervene and do something amazing within my life.
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His mentors...the Salvation Army.

"Onward Christian Soldiers"?

2m 29secs along;

[ame=]Onward Christian Soldiers - Christian Hymns Lyrics Choir / William Booth Audio/Film - Salvation Army - YouTube[/ame]
What is the penalty in Indonesia for public displays of affection?

As this is about Indonesia, the place I live, I can speak with a lot of authority on this subject.
Indonesia is far from perfect but it is a wonderful place to be.
Thailand is the land of smiles but they're a poor second to Indonesia in that area.
People are warm and friendly to the point, if you walk through a village, you'll get invited into homes to take tea with them.
You clearly have never visited this country.
One of the greatest shocks is the very low level of crime.
That doesn't mean none but it does mean you'll commonly see unattended cell phones left on tables while the owner goes to the toilet.
Drugs bring crime and we don't want that here.
Wonderful place to be?

Heidi Murphy killed for less than $500 - police |

AUSTRALIAN woman Heidi Murphy was viciously stabbed to death in Bali for the sake of less than $500 which her alleged killer used to buy engagement rings for his girlfriend and himself.

Police believe she died about midnight the day before and that she had been stabbed 16 times with a kitchen knife which Rosi had brought with him to the scene and later dumped in the river, along with his bloody clothes.


Her killer sentenced to death?
Of course not.
What is the penalty in Indonesia for public displays of affection?

As this is about Indonesia, the place I live, I can speak with a lot of authority on this subject.
Indonesia is far from perfect but it is a wonderful place to be.
Thailand is the land of smiles but they're a poor second to Indonesia in that area.
People are warm and friendly to the point, if you walk through a village, you'll get invited into homes to take tea with them.
You clearly have never visited this country.
One of the greatest shocks is the very low level of crime.
That doesn't mean none but it does mean you'll commonly see unattended cell phones left on tables while the owner goes to the toilet.
Drugs bring crime and we don't want that here.

So what about all the drug dealing that goes on on your streets? And the cops stand nearby, ignore the dealer, and go straight for the person who bought the drugs?
Indonesia causes its own drug problem.
What is the penalty in Indonesia for public displays of affection?

Indonesia to ban kissing in public - Telegraph


Indonesia to ban kissing in public

Travellers caught kissing in public in Indonesia could face five years in jail.


Indonesia's Aceh passes law on stoning to death | The Jakarta Post

Indonesia's Aceh passes law on stoning to death

A new law in Indonesia's devoutly Islamic Aceh province makes adultery punishable by stoning to death.

Bahrom Rasjid, one of the law's drafters and a member of parliament, says the bill was passed unanimously Monday by the regional house of representatives. It will take effect within 30 days.
What is the penalty in Indonesia for public displays of affection?

Indonesia to ban kissing in public - Telegraph


Indonesia to ban kissing in public

Travellers caught kissing in public in Indonesia could face five years in jail.


Indonesia's Aceh passes law on stoning to death | The Jakarta Post

Indonesia's Aceh passes law on stoning to death

A new law in Indonesia's devoutly Islamic Aceh province makes adultery punishable by stoning to death.

Bahrom Rasjid, one of the law's drafters and a member of parliament, says the bill was passed unanimously Monday by the regional house of representatives. It will take effect within 30 days.

Oh, that old thing.
One has to ask if it's ever bothered with.
As for Ache (yes), that bunch are nutters and the law can't be enacted because Indonesian law won't allow it.
They were just trying it on and failed. Frankly, they're idiots.
What is the penalty in Indonesia for public displays of affection?

As this is about Indonesia, the place I live, I can speak with a lot of authority on this subject.
Indonesia is far from perfect but it is a wonderful place to be.
Thailand is the land of smiles but they're a poor second to Indonesia in that area.
People are warm and friendly to the point, if you walk through a village, you'll get invited into homes to take tea with them.
You clearly have never visited this country.
One of the greatest shocks is the very low level of crime.
That doesn't mean none but it does mean you'll commonly see unattended cell phones left on tables while the owner goes to the toilet.
Drugs bring crime and we don't want that here.

So what about all the drug dealing that goes on on your streets? And the cops stand nearby, ignore the dealer, and go straight for the person who bought the drugs?
Indonesia causes its own drug problem.

This isn't my experience.
I know many cops very well to the point where I've been involved in some anti drug operations in Java. In each case, the cops were extremely keen to rid the streets of these people and they were sent to prison for a very long time, one for life with no chance of parole.
I can post some video of that one.
Perhaps you could detail when and where drug dealers were ignored so I can look into it.
If this is the case, the cops concerned would be arrested.
Look no further than Bali, allegedly;

Bali Safety Risks

I don't argue, Indo is perfect but that's a warning of potential problems, not especially likely ones.
Where ever there are masses of stupid tourists, con men and general crime will follow.
Thailand and Malaysia have similar problems as does London.
Perhaps you could post a thread about these types of crime and compare such places to the crime rate in New York.

Then again, I suspect you'd look silly if you tried to do so.
As this is about Indonesia, the place I live, I can speak with a lot of authority on this subject.
Indonesia is far from perfect but it is a wonderful place to be.
Thailand is the land of smiles but they're a poor second to Indonesia in that area.
People are warm and friendly to the point, if you walk through a village, you'll get invited into homes to take tea with them.
You clearly have never visited this country.
One of the greatest shocks is the very low level of crime.
That doesn't mean none but it does mean you'll commonly see unattended cell phones left on tables while the owner goes to the toilet.
Drugs bring crime and we don't want that here.

So what about all the drug dealing that goes on on your streets? And the cops stand nearby, ignore the dealer, and go straight for the person who bought the drugs?
Indonesia causes its own drug problem.

This isn't my experience.
I know many cops very well to the point where I've been involved in some anti drug operations in Java. In each case, the cops were extremely keen to rid the streets of these people and they were sent to prison for a very long time, one for life with no chance of parole.
I can post some video of that one.
Perhaps you could detail when and where drug dealers were ignored so I can look into it.
If this is the case, the cops concerned would be arrested.

A TV show here did an undercover investigation years ago...
They were drug trafficking heroin - a drug that is responsible for many deaths around the world. What does "Onward Christian Soldiers" have to do with a drug trafficking?

The sentance is barbarically harsh - I oppose the death penalty period. But they knew what they were doing when they broke the laws of that country. What does Christianity have to do with it?

They have admitted to their crime...they explain in the video at the start of this thread.
They are fully guilty.
They broke the laws of Indonesia [and Australia], and as such must be punished.
It's the penalty they have been handed by Muslim Indonesia that Australia objects to.

Andrew Chan was a lost soul...on death row he was mentored by the Salvation Army and is now a Christian.
He's basically a pastor in the prison.

Faith sustains condemned man Andrew Chan

Faith sustains condemned man Andrew Chan

ANDREW Chan's devout Christianity is his armour, enabling the Bali nine member to shrug off the news on Friday that his death sentence was confirmed for the third time.

But his unswerving belief in a benevolent afterlife, can't help him reconcile what he has done to his parents, Ken and Helen.

''It is like stabbing your own mother and father in the heart and ripping out that knife and watching them bleed to death,'' Chan told The Age yesterday, in his first interview since his final appeal against the death sentence was rejected.

''It has been agony for them.''

Ken and Helen Chan, immigrants from China, worked long hours in their Sydney restaurants to put their children through school. When Chan became a teenager, he took advantage of their long absences from home to indulge his teenage whims. He was ''young, stupid'' and self-obsessed. He took drugs, raised hell.

The governor of Kerobokan prison, Siswanto, admires him and defended him in court, asking for clemency.

Chan organises courses in prison, leads the English-language church service and is a mentor to many, even complaining ''sometimes there's not enough hours in the day''.

When he heard the news on Friday night that his appointment with a firing squad was closer, he says it didn't faze him.

''I don't really fear it, death. Even if I pass away, I'm still going to have a life up in heaven and obviously that's going to be for eternity.

''I still have faith that things can turn around,'' he said, talking of his final option to avoid execution, an appeal to Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

''I believe God will intervene and do something amazing within my life.

So what if he's a Christian?

What difference does that make? Is his life more valuable than a non-Christian?

I don't agree with sentence but - it's their country, he knew the law, and heroin is serious shit.
They were drug trafficking heroin - a drug that is responsible for many deaths around the world. What does "Onward Christian Soldiers" have to do with a drug trafficking?

The sentance is barbarically harsh - I oppose the death penalty period. But they knew what they were doing when they broke the laws of that country. What does Christianity have to do with it?

They have admitted to their crime...they explain in the video at the start of this thread.
They are fully guilty.
They broke the laws of Indonesia [and Australia], and as such must be punished.
It's the penalty they have been handed by Muslim Indonesia that Australia objects to.

Andrew Chan was a lost soul...on death row he was mentored by the Salvation Army and is now a Christian.
He's basically a pastor in the prison.

Faith sustains condemned man Andrew Chan

Faith sustains condemned man Andrew Chan

ANDREW Chan's devout Christianity is his armour, enabling the Bali nine member to shrug off the news on Friday that his death sentence was confirmed for the third time.

But his unswerving belief in a benevolent afterlife, can't help him reconcile what he has done to his parents, Ken and Helen.

''It is like stabbing your own mother and father in the heart and ripping out that knife and watching them bleed to death,'' Chan told The Age yesterday, in his first interview since his final appeal against the death sentence was rejected.

''It has been agony for them.''

Ken and Helen Chan, immigrants from China, worked long hours in their Sydney restaurants to put their children through school. When Chan became a teenager, he took advantage of their long absences from home to indulge his teenage whims. He was ''young, stupid'' and self-obsessed. He took drugs, raised hell.

The governor of Kerobokan prison, Siswanto, admires him and defended him in court, asking for clemency.

Chan organises courses in prison, leads the English-language church service and is a mentor to many, even complaining ''sometimes there's not enough hours in the day''.

When he heard the news on Friday night that his appointment with a firing squad was closer, he says it didn't faze him.

''I don't really fear it, death. Even if I pass away, I'm still going to have a life up in heaven and obviously that's going to be for eternity.

''I still have faith that things can turn around,'' he said, talking of his final option to avoid execution, an appeal to Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

''I believe God will intervene and do something amazing within my life.

So what if he's a Christian?

What difference does that make? Is his life more valuable than a non-Christian?

I don't agree with sentence but - it's their country, he knew the law, and heroin is serious shit.

It was magic heroin, obviously flew in all the windows of the different sites...for they all were under surveillance by the Indon cops from the moment their plane landed, having been tipped off by the AFP [Aussie Fed Cops...against their charter, the cops stand condemned!]...........and no Indon cops saw a thing LOL.
Any people dropping off the heroin arrested?
Any Mr Bigs from the Crescent Mooon drug crime syndicate arrested?
In the film, it shows the Indo police video of their arrest with all the death taped tp their bodies.
Not much magic there.
They have admitted to their crime...they explain in the video at the start of this thread.
They are fully guilty.
They broke the laws of Indonesia [and Australia], and as such must be punished.
It's the penalty they have been handed by Muslim Indonesia that Australia objects to.

Andrew Chan was a lost soul...on death row he was mentored by the Salvation Army and is now a Christian.
He's basically a pastor in the prison.

Faith sustains condemned man Andrew Chan

Faith sustains condemned man Andrew Chan

ANDREW Chan's devout Christianity is his armour, enabling the Bali nine member to shrug off the news on Friday that his death sentence was confirmed for the third time.

But his unswerving belief in a benevolent afterlife, can't help him reconcile what he has done to his parents, Ken and Helen.

''It is like stabbing your own mother and father in the heart and ripping out that knife and watching them bleed to death,'' Chan told The Age yesterday, in his first interview since his final appeal against the death sentence was rejected.

''It has been agony for them.''

Ken and Helen Chan, immigrants from China, worked long hours in their Sydney restaurants to put their children through school. When Chan became a teenager, he took advantage of their long absences from home to indulge his teenage whims. He was ''young, stupid'' and self-obsessed. He took drugs, raised hell.

The governor of Kerobokan prison, Siswanto, admires him and defended him in court, asking for clemency.

Chan organises courses in prison, leads the English-language church service and is a mentor to many, even complaining ''sometimes there's not enough hours in the day''.

When he heard the news on Friday night that his appointment with a firing squad was closer, he says it didn't faze him.

''I don't really fear it, death. Even if I pass away, I'm still going to have a life up in heaven and obviously that's going to be for eternity.

''I still have faith that things can turn around,'' he said, talking of his final option to avoid execution, an appeal to Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

''I believe God will intervene and do something amazing within my life.

So what if he's a Christian?

What difference does that make? Is his life more valuable than a non-Christian?

I don't agree with sentence but - it's their country, he knew the law, and heroin is serious shit.

It was magic heroin, obviously flew in all the windows of the different sites...for they all were under surveillance by the Indon cops from the moment their plane landed, having been tipped off by the AFP [Aussie Fed Cops...against their charter, the cops stand condemned!]...........and no Indon cops saw a thing LOL.
Any people dropping off the heroin arrested?
Any Mr Bigs from the Crescent Mooon drug crime syndicate arrested?

Hang on a mo.....
The Australian police tipped off the Indo police.
I want Australian military action against the Australian police.
So what about all the drug dealing that goes on on your streets? And the cops stand nearby, ignore the dealer, and go straight for the person who bought the drugs?
Indonesia causes its own drug problem.

This isn't my experience.
I know many cops very well to the point where I've been involved in some anti drug operations in Java. In each case, the cops were extremely keen to rid the streets of these people and they were sent to prison for a very long time, one for life with no chance of parole.
I can post some video of that one.
Perhaps you could detail when and where drug dealers were ignored so I can look into it.
If this is the case, the cops concerned would be arrested.

A TV show here did an undercover investigation years ago...

Many Indo cops are corrupt so it's possible but the official line and normal running is to hammer drug dealers.
I have first hand knowledge of many arrests of dealers ranging from weed to c. Meth.
Wonderful place to be?

Heidi Murphy killed for less than $500 - police |

AUSTRALIAN woman Heidi Murphy was viciously stabbed to death in Bali for the sake of less than $500 which her alleged killer used to buy engagement rings for his girlfriend and himself.

Police believe she died about midnight the day before and that she had been stabbed 16 times with a kitchen knife which Rosi had brought with him to the scene and later dumped in the river, along with his bloody clothes.


Her killer sentenced to death?
Of course not.

That's seriously warped - he only got 15 years:eusa_eh:

Man gets 15 years' jail for killing Heidi Murphy - World -

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