The CIA has been deeply humiliated Ron Paul interviews Julian Assange


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Having blasted the Trump administration for their hyprocritical flip-flop from “loving WikiLeaks” to “arrest Assange,” Ron Paul made his feelings very clear on what this signals: “If we allow this president to declare war on those who tell the truth, we have only ourselves to blame.” Today he sits down with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for a live interview…
“The CIA Has Been Deeply Humiliated” – Ron Paul Interviews Julian Assange

This is a preemptive move by the CIA to try and discredit our publications

The only ones who don't see Julian as a hero are those who are indoctrinated by MSM and their lies about Julian.
If it was not for Julian we would not know half the bs we do know. American's are the terrorist, and 911 was used to fear us right into the Governmental trap of losing just about all the rights we had to privacy.

Sheep don't see it because that's how fearful cowards always are.
The CIA exists to manage, disrupt, and topple elections and governments that Wall Street and our "job creator" class find troublesome. And the FBI has always existed to do the same at home to the citizenry.
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The CIA exists to manage, disrupt, and topple elections and governments that Wall Street and our "job creator" class find troublesome. And the FBI has always existed to do the same at home to the citizenry.

They are more crooked ten the thugs living in Chicago.
The CIA exists to manage, disrupt, and topple elections and governments that Wall Street and our "job creator" class find troublesome. And the FBI has always existed to do the same at home to the citizenry.

They are more crooked ten the thugs living in Chicago.
And they have the consent of the corporate state and the "law" behind them. Ask John Trudell's wife and kids. Ask Fred Hampton. They can and do get away with the murdering of amerian citizens who question the power structure; always have, that is in fact their purpose. And this was long before 9/11, "homeland security" and the corporate state's mass surveillance of the population.
I don't believe in the black and white of it, yes CIA and FBI do some shit they shouldn't, but I think there's some good peeps in there. I don't know what you do when such agencies become politicized though, it basically makes them a threat to American freedom. I do not bite that our government is trying to rule the world or anything, but we've done some shit we shouldn't have, and I think our politicians tend to get stupid about having things "their way" - even when "their way" isn't the "right way."

Mendax isn't exactly great peeps, he's paranoid as fuck and doesn't always think straight, on the other hand I do value the service he provides the world pointing out corruption. He's a gray area. We want truth to prevail, but we also want privacy; that's a hard balance to achieve.
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The CIA exists to manage, disrupt, and topple elections and governments that Wall Street and our "job creator" class find troublesome. And the FBI has always existed to do the same at home to the citizenry.

They are more crooked ten the thugs living in Chicago.
And they have the consent of the corporate state and the "law" behind them. Ask John Trudell's wife and kids. Ask Fred Hampton. They can and do get away with the murdering of amerian citizens who question the power structure; always have, that is in fact their purpose. And this was long before 9/11, "homeland security" and the corporate state's mass surveillance of the population.

True, but when 911 took place oh it made it so easy to make people give up their privacy. As most who " DON'T" know via finger prints, cell phone spying, reading our emails, tracking us , and of course even more than that. Sheep don't get that. They are so fearful that as soon as the Feds said " It the name of terrorism to keep you " SAFE" these dumbasses voted everything and anything through.

Why they even accept being legally molested at our airports via the TSA.
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I don't believe in the black and white of it, yes CIA and FBI do some shit they shouldn't, but I think there's some good peeps in there. I don't know what you do when such agencies become politicized though, it basically makes them a threat to American freedom. I do not bite that our government is trying to rule the world or anything, but we've done some shit we shouldn't have, and I think our politicians tend to get stupid about having things "their way" - even when "their way" isn't the "right way."

Mendax isn't exactly great peeps, he's paranoid as fuck and doesn't always think straight, on the other hand I do value the service he provides the world pointing out corruption. He's a gray area. We want truth to prevail, but we also want privacy; that's a hard balance to achieve.

Dig deeper and when you find the right information you will learn just how crooked the FBI and CIA really is. It's a cult man nothing but a cult.

Of course that does not mean every single person working for those agencies are like this, There are really good guys, and those good guys are often the ones leaking information to keep this Country from going under.
They leak information to Alex Jones all the time. People just refuse to believe it, they will never understand just how important and authentic infowars news is.

He has former CIA, FBI on his show all the time, so they are basically calling them LIARS..... One former Secret Service worker goes on infowars here and there he use to be Obama's body guard " DAN Bogino" I believe it is. He knows what is going on.

Jan 14, 2016 ... Dan Bongino, a 12-year veteran of the agency who served under presidents Bush and Obama, stated during the nearly hour-long interview that ...

Nov 6, 2013 ... Dan Bongino has protected numerous Presidents over his career, including President Obama. He has been within ear-shot of many a ...
The CIA exists to manage, disrupt, and topple elections and governments that Wall Street and our "job creator" class find troublesome. And the FBI has always existed to do the same at home to the citizenry.

They are more crooked ten the thugs living in Chicago.
I lived on the south side back in '72-'74. I'm what would be referred to in this society as a "white" guy. I was 18-20 at the time. It was Gangster Desciples and Blackstone Rangers back in those days. Used to go weeks without seing another "white" guy who was invariably a cop. Never had any trouble with the "thugs". The "thugs" were the cops, they were an occupying force, came at me the same way they did any "thug". I've seen 'em take pot off guys and smoke it right in front of them. Just smile until the evidence is gone, let 'em be pricks and move on.
Having blasted the Trump administration for their hyprocritical flip-flop from “loving WikiLeaks” to “arrest Assange,” Ron Paul made his feelings very clear on what this signals: “If we allow this president to declare war on those who tell the truth, we have only ourselves to blame.” Today he sits down with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for a live interview…
“The CIA Has Been Deeply Humiliated” – Ron Paul Interviews Julian Assange

This is a preemptive move by the CIA to try and discredit our publications

The only ones who don't see Julian as a hero are those who are indoctrinated by MSM and their lies about Julian.
If it was not for Julian we would not know half the bs we do know. American's are the terrorist, and 911 was used to fear us right into the Governmental trap of losing just about all the rights we had to privacy.

Sheep don't see it because that's how fearful cowards always are.

All we can know is that Putin put Trump into power and Hillary never did anything wrong letting top secret information be taken from her e-mails.

Thanks to organizations like the CIA, this is what we are presented with.
I don't believe in the black and white of it, yes CIA and FBI do some shit they shouldn't, but I think there's some good peeps in there. I don't know what you do when such agencies become politicized though, it basically makes them a threat to American freedom. I do not bite that our government is trying to rule the world or anything, but we've done some shit we shouldn't have, and I think our politicians tend to get stupid about having things "their way" - even when "their way" isn't the "right way."

Mendax isn't exactly great peeps, he's paranoid as fuck and doesn't always think straight, on the other hand I do value the service he provides the world pointing out corruption. He's a gray area. We want truth to prevail, but we also want privacy; that's a hard balance to achieve.

Dig deeper and when you find the right information you will learn just how crooked the FBI and CIA really is. It's a cult man nothing but a cult.

Of course that does not mean every single person working for those agencies are like this, There are really good guys, and those good guys are often the ones leaking information to keep this Country from going under.
They leak information to Alex Jones all the time. People just refuse to believe it, they will never understand just how important and authentic infowars news is.

He has former CIA, FBI on his show all the time, so they are basically calling them LIARS..... One former Secret Service worker goes on infowars here and there he use to be Obama's body guard " DAN Bogino" I believe it is. He knows what is going on.

Jan 14, 2016 ... Dan Bongino, a 12-year veteran of the agency who served under presidents Bush and Obama, stated during the nearly hour-long interview that ...

Nov 6, 2013 ... Dan Bongino has protected numerous Presidents over his career, including President Obama. He has been within ear-shot of many a ...

I don't doubt the invasion of privacy and use of political assassinations by the CIA/FBI, like I said they've become politicized and corrupt. Though I will point out that disgruntled workers happen and the stuff this guys saying is nothing new heh
The CIA exists to manage, disrupt, and topple elections and governments that Wall Street and our "job creator" class find troublesome. And the FBI has always existed to do the same at home to the citizenry.

They are more crooked ten the thugs living in Chicago.
And they have the consent of the corporate state and the "law" behind them. Ask John Trudell's wife and kids. Ask Fred Hampton. They can and do get away with the murdering of amerian citizens who question the power structure; always have, that is in fact their purpose. And this was long before 9/11, "homeland security" and the corporate state's mass surveillance of the population.

True, but when 911 took place oh it made it so easy to make people give up their privacy. As most who " DON'T" know via finger prints, cell phone spying, reading our emails, tracking us , and of course even more than that. Sheep don't get that. They are so fearful that as soon as the Feds said " It the name of terrorism to keep you " SAFE" these dumbasses voted everything and anything through.

Why they even accept being legally molested at our airports via the TSA.
Americans are THE most incarcerated, indoctrinated and surveilled population on the planet. That's what all this fweedumb really amounts to.
Yeah because we have freedom son. When you have freedom, folks can choose to do illegal shit - then they get caught and arrested and sent to jail.

Though I agree, we've given folks in prison so many rights that they form gangs in jail now then get back on the street and enact prison plans. We should have these fuckers working the whole time, no time to chat, we save money on clean up and crap, and the idea of going to jail is no longer a "ho-hum" no biggie.
Yeah because we have freedom son. When you have freedom, folks can choose to do illegal shit - then they get caught and arrested and sent to jail.

Though I agree, we've given folks in prison so many rights that they form gangs in jail now then get back on the street and enact prison plans. We should have these fuckers working the whole time, no time to chat, we save money on clean up and crap, and the idea of going to jail is no longer a "ho-hum" no biggie.
Oh you have them working hon, rejoice. You have a for profit prison/penal system complete with a return to convict leasing; your “jobs coming back” as it were, with stocks traded on Wall Street. American society has returned to profiteering from bondage. It all began with a pilot program rolled out in TN when now senator Lamar Alexander was governor and involved CCA, Corrections Corp of Amurka. Lamar and his lovely wife Honey Alexander held stock in CCA at the time. That’s how your system works, it’s that fucking corrupt.

Privatized prisons are now a growth industry in our exceptional society which makes up 5% of the planet’s population while we make up 25% of the planet’s incarcerated population. All private prisons are for is the same thing educational vouchers and military contractor corporations are for – corporate access public funding. It’s merely welfare for the substantial people and Wall Street. The power structure can turn $40-50K per year per hominid, they don’t need to “bring the jobs back” at all. Corporations can lease convicts again while tax payers keep them housed, fed, and medically attended to.

And this growth industry obviously has the stables of lawyers and lobbyists any corporate industry does to bend legislation toward their profit motive interests. So longer sentencing, harsher penalties and more criminalized behaviors are lobbied for and won. All this means that there is a profit motive on the part of these corporations and others like the phone companies and food services like Aramark that come into prisons to set up shop and prey upon inmates for higher societal crime rates, higher rates of recidivism, and a constant supply of human bodies to lock up for returns on Wall Street.

This may very well appeal to some who are fine with all this so long as it’s those “other” people being locked up, but that’s a tad short sighted even if you’re a shithead racist dick in terms of the societal trajectory and impact over time given every american is under constant surveillance now. Power and money are never satisfied with their current returns and holdings.
Having blasted the Trump administration for their hyprocritical flip-flop from “loving WikiLeaks” to “arrest Assange,” Ron Paul made his feelings very clear on what this signals: “If we allow this president to declare war on those who tell the truth, we have only ourselves to blame.” Today he sits down with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for a live interview…
“The CIA Has Been Deeply Humiliated” – Ron Paul Interviews Julian Assange

This is a preemptive move by the CIA to try and discredit our publications

The only ones who don't see Julian as a hero are those who are indoctrinated by MSM and their lies about Julian.
If it was not for Julian we would not know half the bs we do know. American's are the terrorist, and 911 was used to fear us right into the Governmental trap of losing just about all the rights we had to privacy.

Sheep don't see it because that's how fearful cowards always are.

All we can know is that Putin put Trump into power and Hillary never did anything wrong letting top secret information be taken from her e-mails.

Thanks to organizations like the CIA, this is what we are presented with.
They Don't Connect the Dots, They Only Collect the Dots

There is no I in the CIA. They are narrow-minded university-stunted mediocrities. Their simplistic judgments turn out wrong again and again, yet Americans continue to believe that they must be the smartest ones in the room because they are in Intelligence.
Yeah because we have freedom son. When you have freedom, folks can choose to do illegal shit - then they get caught and arrested and sent to jail.

Though I agree, we've given folks in prison so many rights that they form gangs in jail now then get back on the street and enact prison plans. We should have these fuckers working the whole time, no time to chat, we save money on clean up and crap, and the idea of going to jail is no longer a "ho-hum" no biggie.
Oh you have them working hon, rejoice. You have a for profit prison/penal system complete with a return to convict leasing; your “jobs coming back” as it were, with stocks traded on Wall Street. American society has returned to profiteering from bondage. It all began with a pilot program rolled out in TN when now senator Lamar Alexander was governor and involved CCA, Corrections Corp of Amurka. Lamar and his lovely wife Honey Alexander held stock in CCA at the time. That’s how your system works, it’s that fucking corrupt.

Privatized prisons are now a growth industry in our exceptional society which makes up 5% of the planet’s population while we make up 25% of the planet’s incarcerated population. All private prisons are for is the same thing educational vouchers and military contractor corporations are for – corporate access public funding. It’s merely welfare for the substantial people and Wall Street. The power structure can turn $40-50K per year per hominid, they don’t need to “bring the jobs back” at all. Corporations can lease convicts again while tax payers keep them housed, fed, and medically attended to.

And this growth industry obviously has the stables of lawyers and lobbyists any corporate industry does to bend legislation toward their profit motive interests. So longer sentencing, harsher penalties and more criminalized behaviors are lobbied for and won. All this means that there is a profit motive on the part of these corporations and others like the phone companies and food services like Aramark that come into prisons to set up shop and prey upon inmates for higher societal crime rates, higher rates of recidivism, and a constant supply of human bodies to lock up for returns on Wall Street.

This may very well appeal to some who are fine with all this so long as it’s those “other” people being locked up, but that’s a tad short sighted even if you’re a shithead racist dick in terms of the societal trajectory and impact over time given every american is under constant surveillance now. Power and money are never satisfied with their current returns and holdings.

And they would have no money if people would stop committing crimes.

The /only/ relation to anything that for profit prison system has, is that they have zero incentive to rehabilitate, that's it. Prison is supposed to be a punishment, and thanks to prison rights activists it's little more than being stuck in an albeit kind of shitty hotel for awhile - and in fact, one could argue that it's little different than living in an apartment in the slums. The only difference is they can't do drugs and commit other crimes during their stay. Or perhaps a homeless shelter is a more apt comparison.

Crime prevention doesn't start in prison though, it starts before the crime is committed - this kind of goes back to that "harmless profiling" I was talking with you about (I think that is in a different thread) in addition to stiff penalties for crimes. When Joe Blow gets caught selling coke, he's put away for what a year. "oooo" This is not a deterrent as is clearly evidenced by the high drug related incarceration rates. People, criminal people, in general are only barely afraid of going to jail, they do not value their freedoms as much as the rest of us and they clearly have an off center view of right and wrong.

I mean personally, I say we legalize all drugs and let the addicts overdose themselves - end problem there. But the rest of the crimes, like I'd say all non-accidental murders... I don't think a person can come back from that, I don't think someone who can find it in themselves to kill someone is saveable. They're emotionless, like me, but they don't have the moral upbringing I did that enables me to resist the urge to do it, they don't have a respect for others I do, they don't have a respect for life in general I do. They are innately selfish creatures who do whatever they want and fuck anyone that gets in the way. That is IMO not something you come back from. Our choices with these types are to either lock them up or kill them. Pussies take the less difficult option, which basically just passes the buck down to the next guy when the fucks get out. And life in prison is just feeding the barred piggy bank there.

Either way, that has nothing to do with the CIA/FBI spying on us and our allies. FBI/CIA shit is a completely separate animal related to political power. Jails are just a function of dealing with bad elements in a civilized world.

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