The China Virus May Have Saved the Entire Planet


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
Think about it... In one good swoop we can

- Have people who might as well work from home, work from home. Massive savings on emissions.
- Bring back manufacturing from China. Massive savings on emissions. Why are we making our stuff on the other side of the world, all produced by coal?

The entire planet can be saved, and to do so we won't need to give one bit of free shit to the moaning lefties. Great news!

Think of all those businesses that have people making phone calls and just working at their computer who could be doing it from their home instead of at some large building that the company thinks it has to own.

Even lawyers and insurance companies could just as well work at home instead of owning a commercial building for as much good as they do anyone then they could slash their prices.

A waitress at a restaurant has more reason to work in a commercially owned building.


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Think of all those businesses that have people making phone calls and just working at their computer who could be doing it from their home instead of at some large building that the company thinks it has to own.

Even lawyers and insurance companies could just as well work at home instead of owning a commercial building for as much good as they do anyone then they could slash their prices.

A waitress at a restaurant has more reason to work in a commercially owned building.



Even the homeless problem / property price problem is solved.

Leftism too, as cities are no longer needed.

One hell of a virus.
Its opened peoples eyes to the negative effects from doing business in a closed dishonest communist society.....socialism is just a hop skip and a jump from where China is today....
Think about it... In one good swoop we can

- Have people who might as well work from home, work from home. Massive savings on emissions.
- Bring back manufacturing from China. Massive savings on emissions. Why are we making our stuff on the other side of the world, all produced by coal?

The entire planet can be saved, and to do so we won't need to give one bit of free shit to the moaning lefties. Great news!

And the most ironic part? President Trump has stolen the left's ideas of socialism and the Green New Deal, and has turned them into something that actually works.

Greatest President ever!!
Think about it... In one good swoop we can

- Have people who might as well work from home, work from home. Massive savings on emissions.
- Bring back manufacturing from China. Massive savings on emissions. Why are we making our stuff on the other side of the world, all produced by coal?

The entire planet can be saved, and to do so we won't need to give one bit of free shit to the moaning lefties. Great news!
I saw an article recently published that said Trump reversed industrial emissions laws set by Obama and companies will be allowed to increase pollution without penalties.

I don't like the sound of that. I wonder why.
Think about it... In one good swoop we can

- Have people who might as well work from home, work from home. Massive savings on emissions.
- Bring back manufacturing from China. Massive savings on emissions. Why are we making our stuff on the other side of the world, all produced by coal?

The entire planet can be saved, and to do so we won't need to give one bit of free shit to the moaning lefties. Great news!
I saw an article recently published that said Trump reversed industrial emissions laws set by Obama and companies will be allowed to increase pollution without penalties.

I don't like the sound of that. I wonder why.
At least some of those emissions are against the laws of physics and some are solved by using electronic mechanisms vs mechanical mechanisms.
Think about it... In one good swoop we can

- Have people who might as well work from home, work from home. Massive savings on emissions.
- Bring back manufacturing from China. Massive savings on emissions. Why are we making our stuff on the other side of the world, all produced by coal?

The entire planet can be saved, and to do so we won't need to give one bit of free shit to the moaning lefties. Great news!
I saw an article recently published that said Trump reversed industrial emissions laws set by Obama and companies will be allowed to increase pollution without penalties.

I don't like the sound of that. I wonder why.
At least some of those emissions are against the laws of physics and some are solved by using electronic mechanisms vs mechanical mechanisms.

The companies are going to choose whatever is cheaper.
Think about it... In one good swoop we can

- Have people who might as well work from home, work from home. Massive savings on emissions.
- Bring back manufacturing from China. Massive savings on emissions. Why are we making our stuff on the other side of the world, all produced by coal?

The entire planet can be saved, and to do so we won't need to give one bit of free shit to the moaning lefties. Great news!
I saw an article recently published that said Trump reversed industrial emissions laws set by Obama and companies will be allowed to increase pollution without penalties.

I don't like the sound of that. I wonder why.
At least some of those emissions are against the laws of physics and some are solved by using electronic mechanisms vs mechanical mechanisms.

The companies are going to choose whatever is cheaper.
Or whichever results in fewer lawsuits.
Think about it... In one good swoop we can

- Have people who might as well work from home, work from home. Massive savings on emissions.
- Bring back manufacturing from China. Massive savings on emissions. Why are we making our stuff on the other side of the world, all produced by coal?

The entire planet can be saved, and to do so we won't need to give one bit of free shit to the moaning lefties. Great news!
I saw an article recently published that said Trump reversed industrial emissions laws set by Obama and companies will be allowed to increase pollution without penalties.

I don't like the sound of that. I wonder why.

They will still pollute far less than in China. Have you seen the state of a Chinese city? No wonder viruses escape from labs in that kind of environment.
Saved the planet from what? The amount of CO2 in the air has not decreased...this fact puts the lie to the claim that humans are responsible for the increase in atmospheric CO2. The amount of CO2 that we are producing has decreased dramatically but has had no significant effect on the total amount of CO2 in the atmosphere...this means that our contribution to the total is insignificant.

in addition, Europe has seen no significant decrease in NO2 in the air which puts the lie to the claims of NO2 pollution by diesel vehicles.
Think about it... In one good swoop we can

- Have people who might as well work from home, work from home. Massive savings on emissions.
- Bring back manufacturing from China. Massive savings on emissions. Why are we making our stuff on the other side of the world, all produced by coal?

The entire planet can be saved, and to do so we won't need to give one bit of free shit to the moaning lefties. Great news!
I saw an article recently published that said Trump reversed industrial emissions laws set by Obama and companies will be allowed to increase pollution without penalties.

I don't like the sound of that. I wonder why.
At least some of those emissions are against the laws of physics and some are solved by using electronic mechanisms vs mechanical mechanisms.

The companies are going to choose whatever is cheaper.
Or whichever results in fewer lawsuits.
Which feeds into the cheaper idea. What is cheaper penalties or lawsuits?
Think about it... In one good swoop we can

- Have people who might as well work from home, work from home. Massive savings on emissions.
- Bring back manufacturing from China. Massive savings on emissions. Why are we making our stuff on the other side of the world, all produced by coal?

The entire planet can be saved, and to do so we won't need to give one bit of free shit to the moaning lefties. Great news!
I saw an article recently published that said Trump reversed industrial emissions laws set by Obama and companies will be allowed to increase pollution without penalties.

I don't like the sound of that. I wonder why.

They will still pollute far less than in China. Have you seen the state of a Chinese city? No wonder viruses escape from labs in that kind of environment.
The Chinese invented air pollution.
Think about it... In one good swoop we can

- Have people who might as well work from home, work from home. Massive savings on emissions.
- Bring back manufacturing from China. Massive savings on emissions. Why are we making our stuff on the other side of the world, all produced by coal?

The entire planet can be saved, and to do so we won't need to give one bit of free shit to the moaning lefties. Great news!
I saw an article recently published that said Trump reversed industrial emissions laws set by Obama and companies will be allowed to increase pollution without penalties.

I don't like the sound of that. I wonder why.
At least some of those emissions are against the laws of physics and some are solved by using electronic mechanisms vs mechanical mechanisms.

What emissions violate the laws of physics and what processes have had significant numbers of electronic mechanisms replacing mechanical mechanisms in the four years between Obama's enactment and Trump rescission?

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