#EarthDay EPIC! Michael Moore’s new film trashes ‘planet saving’ renewable energy – full movie here!


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Michael Moore, finally understands that "renewable energy" can damage the environment too.

Watts Up With That?

#EarthDay EPIC! Michael Moore’s new film trashes ‘planet saving’ renewable energy – full movie here!

Anthony Watts

April 21, 2020


A MUST READ! Wow, the renewable light bulb of “great idea” over Michael Moore’s head just burned out. He’s trashing renewables in this new film Planet of the Humans.

On the 50th anniversary of EarthDay, the irony meter is pegged. It’s an epic take-down of the left’s love-affair with renewables by one of the left’s most known public figures. Full video follows. h/t to Dennis Wingo.

Via Forbes writer Michael Shellenberger

New Michael Moore-Backed Documentary On YouTube Reveals Massive Ecological Impacts Of Renewables

Over the last 10 years, everyone from celebrity influencers including Elon Musk, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Al Gore, to major technology brands including Apple, have repeatedly claimed that renewables like solar panels and wind farms are less polluting than fossil fuels.

But a new documentary, “Planet of the Humans,” being released free to the public on YouTube today, the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, reveals that industrial wind farms, solar farms, biomass, and biofuels are wrecking natural environments.



It is going to be fun watching leftist ecoloonies try to hide behind trees on this one, Ohhhh, they cut a lot of trees down in order to be able to install their "renewable energy" toys, while a lot of trees died in the process, it must be the marvelous leftist logic, destroy part of the environment to be able save it.

Not really a shocker. Believe it or not, some of we left loonies already knew this. The democrats are in for a pound on some really bad ideas because they are told by their masters that they are good ideas or because they sound good. One of the notable divides is "bio-fuels". Dems as arm chair environmentalist just like the sound of the term, when burning trees is the absolutely worst thing we could be doing for both the environment and for nature in general.
Michael Moore, finally understands that "renewable energy" can damage the environment too.

Watts Up With That?

#EarthDay EPIC! Michael Moore’s new film trashes ‘planet saving’ renewable energy – full movie here!

Anthony Watts

April 21, 2020


A MUST READ! Wow, the renewable light bulb of “great idea” over Michael Moore’s head just burned out. He’s trashing renewables in this new film Planet of the Humans.

On the 50th anniversary of EarthDay, the irony meter is pegged. It’s an epic take-down of the left’s love-affair with renewables by one of the left’s most known public figures. Full video follows. h/t to Dennis Wingo.

Via Forbes writer Michael Shellenberger

New Michael Moore-Backed Documentary On YouTube Reveals Massive Ecological Impacts Of Renewables

Over the last 10 years, everyone from celebrity influencers including Elon Musk, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Al Gore, to major technology brands including Apple, have repeatedly claimed that renewables like solar panels and wind farms are less polluting than fossil fuels.

But a new documentary, “Planet of the Humans,” being released free to the public on YouTube today, the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, reveals that industrial wind farms, solar farms, biomass, and biofuels are wrecking natural environments.



It is going to be fun watching leftist ecoloonies try to hide behind trees on this one, Ohhhh, they cut a lot of trees down in order to be able to install their "renewable energy" toys, while a lot of trees died in the process, it must be the marvelous leftist logic, destroy part of the environment to be able save it.

What? Jabba The Moore is waking up and starting to make sense? What is happening? Is this real life?

Oh man this is going to send tremors through all of Libtardia. They better hold on tight to the kool aid cups.
Michael Moore, finally understands that "renewable energy" can damage the environment too.

Watts Up With That?

#EarthDay EPIC! Michael Moore’s new film trashes ‘planet saving’ renewable energy – full movie here!

Anthony Watts

April 21, 2020


A MUST READ! Wow, the renewable light bulb of “great idea” over Michael Moore’s head just burned out. He’s trashing renewables in this new film Planet of the Humans.

On the 50th anniversary of EarthDay, the irony meter is pegged. It’s an epic take-down of the left’s love-affair with renewables by one of the left’s most known public figures. Full video follows. h/t to Dennis Wingo.

Via Forbes writer Michael Shellenberger

New Michael Moore-Backed Documentary On YouTube Reveals Massive Ecological Impacts Of Renewables

Over the last 10 years, everyone from celebrity influencers including Elon Musk, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Al Gore, to major technology brands including Apple, have repeatedly claimed that renewables like solar panels and wind farms are less polluting than fossil fuels.

But a new documentary, “Planet of the Humans,” being released free to the public on YouTube today, the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, reveals that industrial wind farms, solar farms, biomass, and biofuels are wrecking natural environments.



It is going to be fun watching leftist ecoloonies try to hide behind trees on this one, Ohhhh, they cut a lot of trees down in order to be able to install their "renewable energy" toys, while a lot of trees died in the process, it must be the marvelous leftist logic, destroy part of the environment to be able save it.

That old lady in the intro said we are going back to Apes? Wrong. If we went back to where we came from it would be mice.
They don't want renewable energy ... they want NO energy.

It’s so painfully obvious even Michael Moore is now going after the hypocrisy of renewables.
ya you remind me of myth busters a bit they spend a week on archimedes death ray and call it busted. mean while edison had how many tries at the light bulb? One does not know what technilogical discovries are right around the corner. We now have AI along with all of man kind working on solutions to current problems. Take a look at what is being done in the fusion realm currently we are making leaps and bounds. we will see what tomarrow brings. It may bring some thing long beyond our current comprehension but I guess you can sit sit and bitch whiole others work and solve.
Oh ... but all we've done so far to save the planet from catastrophic climate change is working ... Al Gore says so ... sea levels would have been 20 feet higher today except for all the solar panels, wind farts, Democrat officials and buying his books ... proof positive he was right ...

Hold a child's hand to a hot stove burner enough times, they'll learn to keep their distance from you ...
It is going to be fun watching leftist ecoloonies try to hide behind trees on this one,

Moore is out of luck then unless he escapes to an old growth Redwood forest,,, LOL... Only place he'll find a tree wide enough to hide...

Don't think it was light bulb that went off. He just had to think for himself.. Might be a cure for a lot of other wrong directions that the left is pulling for...,
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Oh ... but all we've done so far to save the planet from catastrophic climate change is working ... Al Gore says so ... sea levels would have been 20 feet higher today except for all the solar panels, wind farts, Democrat officials and buying his books ... proof positive he was right ...

Hold a child's hand to a hot stove burner enough times, they'll learn to keep their distance from you ...

It's working for him and his investments -- well kinda -- until the subsidies and preferential "must carry" utility regs run out...

Electric cars are still sorta cool... As HYBRIDS or hydrogen powered fuel cells.. Need to watch the battery waste issue tho. It's getting to be considerable...
The Guardian has come in with a very positive review of Mr. Moore's Documentary.

The End of Big Green? The Guardian Praises Michael Moore’s Anti Renewables Flick “Planet of the Humans”

Eric Worrall / April 23, 2020

Have known all along that "renewables" was never a sustainable power source, they are a niche power source and little else.

Finally a few leftists are beginning to realize that they don't know everything......
The Guardian has come in with a very positive review of Mr. Moore's Documentary.

The End of Big Green? The Guardian Praises Michael Moore’s Anti Renewables Flick “Planet of the Humans”

Eric Worrall / April 23, 2020

Have known all along that "renewables" was never a sustainable power source, they are a niche power source and little else.

Finally a few leftists are beginning to realize that they don't know everything......

I watched it tonight. Thought I wasn't gonna learn much except for what I've preaching and environmentally fighting for in these forums and else where for years.. But I was wrong.. Learned quite a bit about powers behind this massive fraud and deceit that I did not know.. And all the "useful idiots" like Kennedy, Gore, McKibben and their ties to Goldman Sachs and corporate America and the PROFITS they were taking on propagandizing the "pseudo greenies" into the whole Alternate Energy fraud...

Michael Moore didn't CONCEIVE this thing.. He's just the Exec Producer.. The WEIGHT OF THE EVIDENCE got him to take it on as a project... Got TOTALLY FUMING at the Sierra Club, Bloomberg and others that rode the "money train" on this.. Had NO IDEA WHY - the Sierra Club was advocating burning trees, tires, and garbage and calling it green... NOW --- I understand.. Not only the innocent "enviro believers" they duped -- but they RUINED the entire fucking Ecology/Environment MOVEMENT in their zeal to profit and create a hollow shell of massive money, resource waste, and needless political confrontation between folks like me and folks who ALSO want a clean earth... But just got LIED TO and USED....

Kinda puts me at peace... Now instead of spending hours typing and talking, I can just give them a link and talk to them AFTER they've watched it... Suggest westwall get some of HIS life back and do the same... :cool:

Couple of things.. ONE most of the damning lies and propaganda about "clean green alternative" in the movie was from 20 or even 30 years ago... Wonder WHY -- it got sat on for so long by the folks that ACTUALLY MADE this.. Like celebrities going to mic on Earth Day or Sierra Club events and BRAGGING that this festival was COMPLETELY solar powered, when the music or the whole festival was DIESEL powered if it rained or the clouds came in...

Only thing I want to do right now -- is form a collaboration to figure out how to tie Sanders and AOC to chairs and prop their eyelids open (Clockwork Orange style) and MAKE THEM WATCH their "Green New Deal" go up in Biomass incinerator smoke... :dev3:
Can't rightfully make this thread a sticky, but we can Bump it, whenever we need to "deprogram" the "dreamers"...

The thing that irked me the most was the writers and directors leaping from the disasters of "green energy" directly in "the final solution is lowering the population"... That nasty canard is behind A lot of GW and "green energy" mouthpieces.. NEVER was the word nuclear mentioned.. Never did they find the engineers and scientists explaining how to USE wind, solar OFF GRID to make hydrogen or desalinize water... They were probably SO depressed after putting this together, that I really dont blame them for leaping the doom and gloom bus...
The Guardian has come in with a very positive review of Mr. Moore's Documentary.

The End of Big Green? The Guardian Praises Michael Moore’s Anti Renewables Flick “Planet of the Humans”

Eric Worrall / April 23, 2020

Have known all along that "renewables" was never a sustainable power source, they are a niche power source and little else.

Finally a few leftists are beginning to realize that they don't know everything......

I watched it tonight. Thought I wasn't gonna learn much except for what I've preaching and environmentally fighting for in these forums and else where for years.. But I was wrong.. Learned quite a bit about powers behind this massive fraud and deceit that I did not know.. And all the "useful idiots" like Kennedy, Gore, McKibben and their ties to Goldman Sachs and corporate America and the PROFITS they were taking on propagandizing the "pseudo greenies" into the whole Alternate Energy fraud...

Michael Moore didn't CONCEIVE this thing.. He's just the Exec Producer.. The WEIGHT OF THE EVIDENCE got him to take it on as a project... Got TOTALLY FUMING at the Sierra Club, Bloomberg and others that rode the "money train" on this.. Had NO IDEA WHY - the Sierra Club was advocating burning trees, tires, and garbage and calling it green... NOW --- I understand.. Not only the innocent "enviro believers" they duped -- but they RUINED the entire fucking Ecology/Environment MOVEMENT in their zeal to profit and create a hollow shell of massive money, resource waste, and needless political confrontation between folks like me and folks who ALSO want a clean earth... But just got LIED TO and USED....

Kinda puts me at peace... Now instead of spending hours typing and talking, I can just give them a link and talk to them AFTER they've watched it... Suggest westwall get some of HIS life back and do the same... :cool:

Couple of things.. ONE most of the damning lies and propaganda about "clean green alternative" in the movie was from 20 or even 30 years ago... Wonder WHY -- it got sat on for so long by the folks that ACTUALLY MADE this.. Like celebrities going to mic on Earth Day or Sierra Club events and BRAGGING that this festival was COMPLETELY solar powered, when the music or the whole festival was DIESEL powered if it rained or the clouds came in...

Only thing I want to do right now -- is form a collaboration to figure out how to tie Sanders and AOC to chairs and prop their eyelids open (Clockwork Orange style) and MAKE THEM WATCH their "Green New Deal" go up in Biomass incinerator smoke... :dev3:

They wouldn't care. It's a religion for some, but for them it is purely about power. As my friends in Germany are won't to say, "green, is the new red".
The Guardian has come in with a very positive review of Mr. Moore's Documentary.

The End of Big Green? The Guardian Praises Michael Moore’s Anti Renewables Flick “Planet of the Humans”

Eric Worrall / April 23, 2020

Have known all along that "renewables" was never a sustainable power source, they are a niche power source and little else.

Finally a few leftists are beginning to realize that they don't know everything......

I watched it tonight. Thought I wasn't gonna learn much except for what I've preaching and environmentally fighting for in these forums and else where for years.. But I was wrong.. Learned quite a bit about powers behind this massive fraud and deceit that I did not know.. And all the "useful idiots" like Kennedy, Gore, McKibben and their ties to Goldman Sachs and corporate America and the PROFITS they were taking on propagandizing the "pseudo greenies" into the whole Alternate Energy fraud...

Michael Moore didn't CONCEIVE this thing.. He's just the Exec Producer.. The WEIGHT OF THE EVIDENCE got him to take it on as a project... Got TOTALLY FUMING at the Sierra Club, Bloomberg and others that rode the "money train" on this.. Had NO IDEA WHY - the Sierra Club was advocating burning trees, tires, and garbage and calling it green... NOW --- I understand.. Not only the innocent "enviro believers" they duped -- but they RUINED the entire fucking Ecology/Environment MOVEMENT in their zeal to profit and create a hollow shell of massive money, resource waste, and needless political confrontation between folks like me and folks who ALSO want a clean earth... But just got LIED TO and USED....

Kinda puts me at peace... Now instead of spending hours typing and talking, I can just give them a link and talk to them AFTER they've watched it... Suggest westwall get some of HIS life back and do the same... :cool:

Couple of things.. ONE most of the damning lies and propaganda about "clean green alternative" in the movie was from 20 or even 30 years ago... Wonder WHY -- it got sat on for so long by the folks that ACTUALLY MADE this.. Like celebrities going to mic on Earth Day or Sierra Club events and BRAGGING that this festival was COMPLETELY solar powered, when the music or the whole festival was DIESEL powered if it rained or the clouds came in...

Only thing I want to do right now -- is form a collaboration to figure out how to tie Sanders and AOC to chairs and prop their eyelids open (Clockwork Orange style) and MAKE THEM WATCH their "Green New Deal" go up in Biomass incinerator smoke... :dev3:

They wouldn't care. It's a religion for some, but for them it is purely about power. As my friends in Germany are won't to say, "green, is the new red".

So -- have you watched this yet? Free on YouTube until Google takes it down.. As Siskel and Ebert would say -- "You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll never be the same".... LOL... AND maybe get just a tad furious at times...
The Guardian has come in with a very positive review of Mr. Moore's Documentary.

The End of Big Green? The Guardian Praises Michael Moore’s Anti Renewables Flick “Planet of the Humans”

Eric Worrall / April 23, 2020

Have known all along that "renewables" was never a sustainable power source, they are a niche power source and little else.

Finally a few leftists are beginning to realize that they don't know everything......

I watched it tonight. Thought I wasn't gonna learn much except for what I've preaching and environmentally fighting for in these forums and else where for years.. But I was wrong.. Learned quite a bit about powers behind this massive fraud and deceit that I did not know.. And all the "useful idiots" like Kennedy, Gore, McKibben and their ties to Goldman Sachs and corporate America and the PROFITS they were taking on propagandizing the "pseudo greenies" into the whole Alternate Energy fraud...

Michael Moore didn't CONCEIVE this thing.. He's just the Exec Producer.. The WEIGHT OF THE EVIDENCE got him to take it on as a project... Got TOTALLY FUMING at the Sierra Club, Bloomberg and others that rode the "money train" on this.. Had NO IDEA WHY - the Sierra Club was advocating burning trees, tires, and garbage and calling it green... NOW --- I understand.. Not only the innocent "enviro believers" they duped -- but they RUINED the entire fucking Ecology/Environment MOVEMENT in their zeal to profit and create a hollow shell of massive money, resource waste, and needless political confrontation between folks like me and folks who ALSO want a clean earth... But just got LIED TO and USED....

Kinda puts me at peace... Now instead of spending hours typing and talking, I can just give them a link and talk to them AFTER they've watched it... Suggest westwall get some of HIS life back and do the same... :cool:

Couple of things.. ONE most of the damning lies and propaganda about "clean green alternative" in the movie was from 20 or even 30 years ago... Wonder WHY -- it got sat on for so long by the folks that ACTUALLY MADE this.. Like celebrities going to mic on Earth Day or Sierra Club events and BRAGGING that this festival was COMPLETELY solar powered, when the music or the whole festival was DIESEL powered if it rained or the clouds came in...

Only thing I want to do right now -- is form a collaboration to figure out how to tie Sanders and AOC to chairs and prop their eyelids open (Clockwork Orange style) and MAKE THEM WATCH their "Green New Deal" go up in Biomass incinerator smoke... :dev3:

They wouldn't care. It's a religion for some, but for them it is purely about power. As my friends in Germany are won't to say, "green, is the new red".

So -- have you watched this yet? Free on YouTube until Google takes it down.. As Siskel and Ebert would say -- "You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll never be the same".... LOL... AND maybe get just a tad furious at times...

No, not yet. I will watch it tomorrow.
The Guardian has come in with a very positive review of Mr. Moore's Documentary.

The End of Big Green? The Guardian Praises Michael Moore’s Anti Renewables Flick “Planet of the Humans”

Eric Worrall / April 23, 2020

Have known all along that "renewables" was never a sustainable power source, they are a niche power source and little else.

Finally a few leftists are beginning to realize that they don't know everything......

I watched it tonight. Thought I wasn't gonna learn much except for what I've preaching and environmentally fighting for in these forums and else where for years.. But I was wrong.. Learned quite a bit about powers behind this massive fraud and deceit that I did not know.. And all the "useful idiots" like Kennedy, Gore, McKibben and their ties to Goldman Sachs and corporate America and the PROFITS they were taking on propagandizing the "pseudo greenies" into the whole Alternate Energy fraud...

Michael Moore didn't CONCEIVE this thing.. He's just the Exec Producer.. The WEIGHT OF THE EVIDENCE got him to take it on as a project... Got TOTALLY FUMING at the Sierra Club, Bloomberg and others that rode the "money train" on this.. Had NO IDEA WHY - the Sierra Club was advocating burning trees, tires, and garbage and calling it green... NOW --- I understand.. Not only the innocent "enviro believers" they duped -- but they RUINED the entire fucking Ecology/Environment MOVEMENT in their zeal to profit and create a hollow shell of massive money, resource waste, and needless political confrontation between folks like me and folks who ALSO want a clean earth... But just got LIED TO and USED....

Kinda puts me at peace... Now instead of spending hours typing and talking, I can just give them a link and talk to them AFTER they've watched it... Suggest westwall get some of HIS life back and do the same... :cool:

Couple of things.. ONE most of the damning lies and propaganda about "clean green alternative" in the movie was from 20 or even 30 years ago... Wonder WHY -- it got sat on for so long by the folks that ACTUALLY MADE this.. Like celebrities going to mic on Earth Day or Sierra Club events and BRAGGING that this festival was COMPLETELY solar powered, when the music or the whole festival was DIESEL powered if it rained or the clouds came in...

Only thing I want to do right now -- is form a collaboration to figure out how to tie Sanders and AOC to chairs and prop their eyelids open (Clockwork Orange style) and MAKE THEM WATCH their "Green New Deal" go up in Biomass incinerator smoke... :dev3:

They wouldn't care. It's a religion for some, but for them it is purely about power. As my friends in Germany are won't to say, "green, is the new red".

So -- have you watched this yet? Free on YouTube until Google takes it down.. As Siskel and Ebert would say -- "You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll never be the same".... LOL... AND maybe get just a tad furious at times...

No, not yet. I will watch it tomorrow.

Have the tissues handy.. Done by REAL environmentalists... o_O
Let's see what the left has to say.

They usually get real quiet and pretend it was never said.


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