The CDC warns that teen mental health is in 'steep' decline


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Between 2009 and 2019, the percentage of teens who reported having “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness” rose from 26 percent to 37 percent.

In 2021, the figure rose to 44 percent.

Gee I wonder why??
Could it be they have no social skills whatsoever from their faces looking at phones 12 hours a day?
Could it be the mind fucking they get in their public education?
Could it be growing up with parents that won't discipline them, and a society that cradles them their entire childhood... only to discover in their teen years the world won't take care of you?
Aided and abetted by the CDC and the stupid mask and lockdowns; and the pushing of this transgender crap in schools.

Maybe we need to transition some teachers pushing that crap into mulch?
Between 2009 and 2019, the percentage of teens who reported having “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness” rose from 26 percent to 37 percent.

In 2021, the figure rose to 44 percent.

Liberals are generally less happy and have more mental problems than moderates or conservatives. That likely goes for their children as well. Liberals being more intelligent than conservatives doesn't help as they tend to overthink even simple problems which leads to confusion and frustration.
It starts in the schools and you wonder why


And by the way DISNEY’s stock is plunging heehheheehe!!! Good!!!

So what do you notice is missing here people it’s right in front of you and I bet half will miss what is not being said here. LOL
That’s actually what dems do by making the tax so complicated… tax code should be one page long
The tax code is very simple for most taxpayers. I can do mine on a 3x5 card. It's the government that needs all those forms to gather corroborating information, and to cross reference income and deductions.

Total income.
Minus deductions.
Tax due from tax table.
Minus tax already withheld.
=Tax due, or refund due.
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Unlkike older Americans, they aren't swallowing the mind conditioning antidote that could protect them from realizing that they're getting screwed.

What else could it be?

They're ready for Trump's comeback if he tries the same scam again.

It's not in the 'make America great' that will grab them, it's in the 'again' illusion.
Well, considering that Woke schools treat them as little more than lab rats in that great cultural revolution of theirs..........
That these 'guys' are actually girls? :omg:
That’s some of it but look how it’s referring to people. They are dehumanizing our humanity by doing multiple issues you see going on.

Look at what’s in the DEPT of HEALTH—
look what’s leading the AF as the first tranny whatever—

they are moving in these peoplare not mentally together no matter who they are or how many gawd dam PHD’s they have they are not normal they don’t think normal and they are being put into place via WEF an the positioning of bring down the west.

These people won’t even be delt with when they have to face any muslim nation face to face..

It’s so deep and in so many issues it literally takes half a day to start someone at the beg. Of why’s and how comes so that they might see how we are being brought down.

Sry if it seems i’m here there and every where , but that’s what its like trying to inform people who might not have the full understanding of the political realignment, and this redistrubution of the population..

MSM has kept massive, massive information from the public it’s mind blowing.
That these 'guys' are actually girls? :omg:
Oh yeah, and notice too how the past few years we hear of femanazi’s hating men etc. Well they have been being taught to not want a man.
They can bring home the bacon, who needs a man, I can do all of this on my own in turn it kept fathers out of the home.

A juicy read on some areas of this hate a man ( which makes no babies) if your gay you won’t make a baby, if your trans you won’t make a baby look up the term “ transhumanism”……

"All men are useless these days," one said. "Yeah," said the other. "The trouble is that they haven't risen to the challenge of feminism. They don't understand that we need them to be more masculine, and instead they have just copped out."
Liberals are generally less happy and have more mental problems than moderates or conservatives. That likely goes for their children as well. Liberals being more intelligent than conservatives doesn't help as they tend to overthink even simple problems which leads to confusion and frustration.
Thanks for that laugh. I needed it.
The tax code is very simple for most taxpayers. I can do mine on a 3x5 card. It's the government that needs all those forms to gather corroborating information, and to cross reference income and deductions.

Total income.
Minus deductions.
Tax due from tax table.
Minus tax already withheld.
=Tax due, or refund due.
Yep. It's very simple for some people to legally not pay what you would think they pay. How easy it is to pay isn't what I'm referring to. It's how easy it should be regarding everyone paying the same percentage. With very few stipulations regarding investments and what not. All of that would be able to be broken down in one page of legislation. They would lose a lot of power by doing that though. Gain a lot of revenue, but lose power.
Yep. It's very simple for some people to legally not pay what you would think they pay. How easy it is to pay isn't what I'm referring to. It's how easy it should be regarding everyone paying the same percentage. With very few stipulations regarding investments and what not. All of that would be able to be broken down in one page of legislation. They would lose a lot of power by doing that though. Gain a lot of revenue, but lose power.
Ten percent flat tax for everyone.

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