Zone1 The Catholic Church is the most misunderstood/vilified "thing" in the world

why don't you ever speak up against MARRIED men who molest children, even their own flesh and blood children?
There are something like 4 to 5 TIMES as many of them as there are offending clergy

oh... you wouldn't get any applause from the Catholic haters?

so sad
Granted, that's a problem as well.
for sanctification, not for salvation or justification. If we could obey our way to heaven then why did Jesus die. Also how much obedience? 90? 75 35 percent? exactly. hundreds of scriptures proving salvation is a free gift you cannot earn it. why is this so hard to grasp for catholics?

Read the Bible. God punished those who were disobedient.
for sanctification, not for salvation or justification. If we could obey our way to heaven then why did Jesus die. Also how much obedience? 90? 75 35 percent? exactly. hundreds of scriptures proving salvation is a free gift you cannot earn it. why is this so hard to grasp for catholics?

The Bible often calls disobedience rebellion or stubbornness. Jesus said that if you love Him, you should obey His commandments (John 14:15). He even asked someone why they would call Him Lord, Lord and then not do what He says (Luke 6:46).Oct 24, 2022
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What Does the Bible Say about Disobedience? -
So...why are you insisting Catholics are obedient to "get saved"? How is having the perspective that Jesus opened the way of salvation to all, and people entering the way of salvation (which is obedience to the will of God) any different from your "We are obedient because we are saved--i.e., we are walking in the way of salvation that Jesus opened to all...and that walk following Jesus and the way he opened is obedience to the will of God.

Do you realize you are doing the same thing Catholics do, but have so little love that you try to term what Catholics do in a different way for the sole purpose of vilifying and denigrating them? Where is the love, where is the brotherhood?
catholics trust in the rcc and works and sacraments to get saved- thats nowhere in the bible.
So...why are you insisting Catholics are obedient to "get saved"? How is having the perspective that Jesus opened the way of salvation to all, and people entering the way of salvation (which is obedience to the will of God) any different from your "We are obedient because we are saved--i.e., we are walking in the way of salvation that Jesus opened to all...and that walk following Jesus and the way he opened is obedience to the will of God.

Do you realize you are doing the same thing Catholics do, but have so little love that you try to term what Catholics do in a different way for the sole purpose of vilifying and denigrating them? Where is the love, where is the brotherhood?
im not like satan, i want you in heaven.
im not like satan, i want you in heaven.
Try entering the kingdom of God today. Follow the way of salvation and see, imperfectly, heaven all around you.

The way of salvation has no contempt or denigration of others. The way is holy.
and it always has been because Jesus promised we who follow Him would be

"hated by all because of His name"
Mk 13:13 and other psgs

Oh, I guess I forgot to mention it is also the most hated thing in history... which is evidenced by the posts and threads here of

well, just about anyone who isn't Catholic...

Sad, so many people are not inside the Church Christ founded.. They seem to think there is a better 'church' out there founded by a human being

where there are no ...

With good reason.

Burning "heretics" at the stake
Meddling in governments
Protecting pedophiles

No other institution would be given a pass on these things
And yet you give the institution a pass on all the evil shit it has done.
While you ignore all the good. Think about all the bad you have done in your lifetime, and imagine people seeing only that bit of you and harping on it day after day after day.

What the Church does well is to proclaim the Gospel and teach the ways of Christ.
While you ignore all the good. Think about all the bad you have done in your lifetime, and imagine people seeing only that bit of you and harping on it day after day after day.

What the Church does well is to proclaim the Gospel and teach the ways of Christ.


IDGAF if a person fed hungry children if he was diddling them in the back room. That person should be in jail for life and anyone who helped him get away with it should be too.

IDGAF if a serial killer donated money to the ASPCA

If any other private institution did what the Catholic Church has done it would have been torn apart and it's leaders tried and jailed. And you would support that very thing but because the institution happens ot be a church you want to give it a pass.

Does the most like millions of sexually abused children around the world matter more than the alleged "good" deeds of the church

I think it does,
If any other private institution
Are public institutions to be given a pass? And others not given the opportunity to turn away from that behavior and move on to do good? Especially when those who were doing wrong were a very small percent? Ninety-seven percent of the Church had their minds on higher things. Because three percent did not, bring down the ninety-seven percent instead of simply removing the three percent?

Forget the ninety-seven percent of the good you have accomplished in your life. Away with you for the three percent you failed and did wrong.
and it always has been because Jesus promised we who follow Him would be

"hated by all because of His name"
Mk 13:13 and other psgs

Oh, I guess I forgot to mention it is also the most hated thing in history... which is evidenced by the posts and threads here of

well, just about anyone who isn't Catholic...

Sad, so many people are not inside the Church Christ founded.. They seem to think there is a better 'church' out there founded by a human being

where there are no ...

Why do you always exclude those who are part of Christ's body that don't have "Catholic" on the church door? Do you really think you have that authority? I would not be so arrogant declaring who is and who is not part of His body.
Are public institutions to be given a pass? And others not given the opportunity to turn away from that behavior and move on to do good? Especially when those who were doing wrong were a very small percent? Ninety-seven percent of the Church had their minds on higher things. Because three percent did not, bring down the ninety-seven percent instead of simply removing the three percent?

Forget the ninety-seven percent of the good you have accomplished in your life. Away with you for the three percent you failed and did wrong.

Of course not but the RCC is not a public institution is it?

And yes you could be a saint but if you rape a child or murder someone you don't get a fucking pass.
Of course not but the RCC is not a public institution is it?

And yes you could be a saint but if you rape a child or murder someone you don't get a fucking pass.
That you believe Catholics get a pass says it all.
That you believe Catholics get a pass says it all.
The priests, Monsignors, Bishops and Cardinals that were complicit in sheltering pedophiles sure did. And you're fine with it.

This was a global crime.

You people are blind when it comes to your religious authorities

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