The California Dream is over


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
The Democrats have ruined California.
It’s now a one party state with no checks and balances against bad policies and corruption. California has become a two-tiered society of the very rich and the very poor, similar to 3rd World countries. The middle class, small business owners and the retired are escaping to tax free, business friendly, family friendly states such as Nevada, Arizona, Texas and Florida. LA has over a 20% poverty rate that is going up. LA has become a haven for Gangs, Criminals, the Homeless and Illegal Aliens. The Left Wing policies have failed failed failed and failed again.
The Democrats have ruined California.
It’s now a one party state with no checks and balances against bad policies and corruption. California has become a two-tiered society of the very rich and the very poor, similar to 3rd World countries. The middle class, small business owners and the retired are escaping to tax free, business friendly, family friendly states such as Nevada, Arizona, Texas and Florida. LA has over a 20% poverty rate that is going up. LA has become a haven for Gangs, Criminals, the Homeless and Illegal Aliens. The Left Wing policies have failed failed failed and failed again.

Why California Is Becoming A Third World Country
its still there if you have money and live along the wealthy coast.....
A coked-out cash-flush futures dealer passing a drunk on a Manhattan sidewalk, translates an anonymous distance from death. LA estate fence abuts shantytown.
The Democrats have ruined California.
It’s now a one party state with no checks and balances against bad policies and corruption. California has become a two-tiered society of the very rich and the very poor, similar to 3rd World countries. The middle class, small business owners and the retired are escaping to tax free, business friendly, family friendly states such as Nevada, Arizona, Texas and Florida. LA has over a 20% poverty rate that is going up. LA has become a haven for Gangs, Criminals, the Homeless and Illegal Aliens. The Left Wing policies have failed failed failed and failed again.

Why California Is Becoming A Third World Country

The dream's alive if you're a homeless, drug addicted, street shitter.
The Democrats have ruined California.
It’s now a one party state with no checks and balances against bad policies and corruption. California has become a two-tiered society of the very rich and the very poor, similar to 3rd World countries. The middle class, small business owners and the retired are escaping to tax free, business friendly, family friendly states such as Nevada, Arizona, Texas and Florida. LA has over a 20% poverty rate that is going up. LA has become a haven for Gangs, Criminals, the Homeless and Illegal Aliens. The Left Wing policies have failed failed failed and failed again.
California dream buried under a piles of human shit, liberal intrusive government, and culturally derelict society.
The Democrats have ruined California.
It’s now a one party state with no checks and balances against bad policies and corruption. California has become a two-tiered society of the very rich and the very poor, similar to 3rd World countries. The middle class, small business owners and the retired are escaping to tax free, business friendly, family friendly states such as Nevada, Arizona, Texas and Florida. LA has over a 20% poverty rate that is going up. LA has become a haven for Gangs, Criminals, the Homeless and Illegal Aliens. The Left Wing policies have failed failed failed and failed again.

Why California Is Becoming A Third World Country
its still there if you have money and live along the wealthy coast.....

Yup, it's still here, but the BS is getting deeper and the stench is getting thicker.
The Democrats have ruined California.
It’s now a one party state with no checks and balances against bad policies and corruption. California has become a two-tiered society of the very rich and the very poor, similar to 3rd World countries. The middle class, small business owners and the retired are escaping to tax free, business friendly, family friendly states such as Nevada, Arizona, Texas and Florida. LA has over a 20% poverty rate that is going up. LA has become a haven for Gangs, Criminals, the Homeless and Illegal Aliens. The Left Wing policies have failed failed failed and failed again.

Why California Is Becoming A Third World Country
There sure are a lot of posts by CRCs saying that California is falling apart.....and yet, it's still the place to go.

Some pretty serious California-envy going on.
LA tent city.JPG
The Democrats have ruined California.
It’s now a one party state with no checks and balances against bad policies and corruption. California has become a two-tiered society of the very rich and the very poor, similar to 3rd World countries. The middle class, small business owners and the retired are escaping to tax free, business friendly, family friendly states such as Nevada, Arizona, Texas and Florida. LA has over a 20% poverty rate that is going up. LA has become a haven for Gangs, Criminals, the Homeless and Illegal Aliens. The Left Wing policies have failed failed failed and failed again.

Why California Is Becoming A Third World Country
There sure are a lot of posts by CRCs saying that California is falling apart.....and yet, it's still the place to go.

Some pretty serious California-envy going on.
The middle class is vital to a prosperous economy and they are fleeing CA.
The Democrats have ruined California.
It’s now a one party state with no checks and balances against bad policies and corruption. California has become a two-tiered society of the very rich and the very poor, similar to 3rd World countries. The middle class, small business owners and the retired are escaping to tax free, business friendly, family friendly states such as Nevada, Arizona, Texas and Florida. LA has over a 20% poverty rate that is going up. LA has become a haven for Gangs, Criminals, the Homeless and Illegal Aliens. The Left Wing policies have failed failed failed and failed again.

Why California Is Becoming A Third World Country
There sure are a lot of posts by CRCs saying that California is falling apart.....and yet, it's still the place to go.

Some pretty serious California-envy going on.

Yup, definitely the place to go....if you're homeless, or a druggie, or on welfare, or illegal.
The Democrats have ruined California.
It’s now a one party state with no checks and balances against bad policies and corruption. California has become a two-tiered society of the very rich and the very poor, similar to 3rd World countries. The middle class, small business owners and the retired are escaping to tax free, business friendly, family friendly states such as Nevada, Arizona, Texas and Florida. LA has over a 20% poverty rate that is going up. LA has become a haven for Gangs, Criminals, the Homeless and Illegal Aliens. The Left Wing policies have failed failed failed and failed again.

Why California Is Becoming A Third World Country
its still there if you have money and live along the wealthy coast.....

Not really...I live on the sand and I have to defend my 120’ of frontage like Fort Knox. The wetbacks will disregard signs fencing etc etc...they’ll trespass and squeeze right in...then they’ll leave their shitty diapers, Modello and Tapatio bottles in the sand.
There sure are a lot of posts by CRCs saying that California is falling apart.....and yet, it's still the place to go.
Some pretty serious California-envy going on.

Place to go? More like place to RUN from.

Maybe if you're Mexican, Guatemalan or Honduran......but especially if you're MS13.

Yep, lots of envy.....from 3rd worlders who are counting on you to finance their "dream" at your expense.
pay up.

I'd be totally embarrassed to be a liberal in that state now. The only reason it has any life blood left is the Conservative right wing enclaves.

Hey, did you hear? The guy heading up the Trillion Dollar Train to Nowhere is being investigated for fraud? Aren't we all shocked? :rolleyes:
$300 fine if you let your dog shit next to a human taking a fine free shit.

That’s all you need to know about California and left wing lunatics.
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$300 fine if you let your dog shit next to a human taking a fine free shit next to your dog.

That’s all you need to know about California and left wing lunatics.

Probably an extra fine if the dog makes eye contact.
Once upon a time California represented opportunity, hope, a new beginning, a great place to raise a family. Unfortunately years ago California decided to jump head first into the abyss of unsustainable liberal feel good policies lead by an ideology based on illusions of grandeur. Regretfully for Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Montana, and Idaho, boomer children of California migrated with their erroneous sense of self righteousness and spread the decay. You see once their policies destroyed California they simply moved away, not only to escape but to secure what remained for themselves, unfortunately their politics accompanied them.
Once upon a time California represented opportunity, hope, a new beginning, a great place to raise a family. Unfortunately years ago California decided to jump head first into the abyss of unsustainable liberal feel good policies lead by an ideology based on illusions of grandeur. Regretfully for Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Montana, and Idaho, boomer children of California migrated with their erroneous sense of self righteousness and spread the decay. You see once their policies destroyed California they simply moved away, not only to escape but to secure what remained for themselves, unfortunately their politics accompanied them.

This is 100% dead on balls accurate
Once upon a time California represented opportunity, hope, a new beginning, a great place to raise a family. Unfortunately years ago California decided to jump head first into the abyss of unsustainable liberal feel good policies lead by an ideology based on illusions of grandeur. Regretfully for Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Montana, and Idaho, boomer children of California migrated with their erroneous sense of self righteousness and spread the decay. You see once their policies destroyed California they simply moved away, not only to escape but to secure what remained for themselves, unfortunately their politics accompanied them.

Can't say they're my policies, but it sure is my plan to escape.

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