The California Dream is over

Lol this is the millionth topic about California....the cons are super jealous and cant stand the 5th biggest economy in the world, the home of world entertainment, silicon valley, world innovation and much more.
California :
Accounts for 15% of the GDP
The GDP growth outpaced the US one.

The only issue that California gets blame foe are the homeless and illegals...that's because everyone wants to come here...who the hell wants to go to flyover states ? Bad weather, racists, no jobs, low wages nothing to see or do and shitry weather.
Yes, but better people-get rid of the illegals and I'd like to visit California.
We like illegals we dont want racists. Stay out!!!

TRUTH: The Democrats are the RACIST

Art Torres, Chairman of the California Democratic Party, “Remember 187 — proposition to deny taxpayer funds for services to non-citizens — was the last gasp of white America in California.”

Mario Obledo, California Coalition of Hispanic Organizations and California State Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare under Governor Jerry Brown, also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bill Clinton, “California is going to be a Hispanic state. Anyone who doesn’t like it should leave.”

Jose Pescador Osuna, Mexican Consul General , “We are practicing ‘La Reconquista’ in California.”

Professor Fernando Guerra, Loyola Marymount University; “We need to avoid a white backlash by using codes understood by Latinos …”

Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets; “Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die … Through love of having children, we are going to take over.

Richard Alatorre, Los Angeles City Council. “They’re afraid we’re going to take over the governmental institutions and other institutions. They’re right. We will take them over … We are here to stay.”
Lol this is the millionth topic about California....the cons are super jealous and cant stand the 5th biggest economy in the world, the home of world entertainment, silicon valley, world innovation and much more.
California :
Accounts for 15% of the GDP
The GDP growth outpaced the US one.

The only issue that California gets blame foe are the homeless and illegals...that's because everyone wants to come here...who the hell wants to go to flyover states ? Bad weather, racists, no jobs, low wages nothing to see or do and shitry weather.
The only people moving to California are the homeless and illegals who live with 5 families in single family homes.
You got a proof? shut up with your alt facts.

How about opening your fricken eyes....there's your proof dumbass.
What the data reveals about the homeless in California
California should become it's own Nation. We wouldn't miss it.............bye.........
Lol this is the millionth topic about California....the cons are super jealous and cant stand the 5th biggest economy in the world, the home of world entertainment, silicon valley, world innovation and much more.
California :
Accounts for 15% of the GDP
The GDP growth outpaced the US one.

The only issue that California gets blame foe are the homeless and illegals...that's because everyone wants to come here...who the hell wants to go to flyover states ? Bad weather, racists, no jobs, low wages nothing to see or do and shitry weather.
The only people moving to California are the homeless and illegals who live with 5 families in single family homes.
You got a proof? shut up with your alt facts.

How about opening your fricken eyes....there's your proof dumbass.
What the data reveals about the homeless in California
Sewer rats justify their sewer.
Reconquista has infiltrated Washington state, Oregon, Idaho, Colorado, Nebraska, etc., as they tear down houses in Detroit while on the trail of a serial killer

The article above, What the Data Reveals About the Homeless in California: 'Martin said that this decrease was driven by Los Angeles's $40 million Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool, which provides rental subsidies to local residents experiencing homelessness....The state budget has set aside $5 billion for housing affordability....'

One would immediately scrutinize for any differences between state and federal compensations:

'Most federal housing subsidies benefit families with six-figure incomes (59)....A universal housing voucher program is but one potential policy recommendation. Let others come. Establishing the basic right to housing in America could be realized in a number of ways, and probably should be. What works in New York might fail in Los Angeles. The solution to housing problems in booming Houston or Atlanta or Seattle is not what is most needed in the deserted metropolises of the Rust Belt or Florida's impoverished suburbs or small towns dotting the landscape. One city must build, another must destroy. If our cities and towns are rich in diversity -- with unique textures and styles, gifts and problems -- so too must be our solutions.'
(Desmond, Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City)
(59) Harrington, The Other America, pp. 157-8; A. Scott Henderson, Housing and the Democratic Ideal: The Life and Thought of Charles Abrams; Peter Dreier, "Federal Housing Subsidies: Who Benefits and Why," in A Right to Housing: Foundations for a New Social Agenda, pp. 105-38.'
The Democrats have ruined California.
It’s now a one party state with no checks and balances against bad policies and corruption. California has become a two-tiered society of the very rich and the very poor, similar to 3rd World countries. The middle class, small business owners and the retired are escaping to tax free, business friendly, family friendly states such as Nevada, Arizona, Texas and Florida. LA has over a 20% poverty rate that is going up. LA has become a haven for Gangs, Criminals, the Homeless and Illegal Aliens. The Left Wing policies have failed failed failed and failed again.

Why California Is Becoming A Third World Country

Rush Limbaugh: Here’s Why Trump Should Start Going To California.

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