The Build Back Better Act Has A Lot Of Wasteful Spending!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Democrat's transform government bill, the Build Back Better Act (hereinafter "BBB" Act), is shocking in how the Democrats breached their duty to be good stewards of the nation's finances; being a good steward in this area means you don't waste large sums of money when you make large outlays of money you do it in a manner where you are checking to make sure it is spent effectively! Take for instance Subtitle B in the bill "Labor Matters", it is first important to understand America's current spending in this area. For the current fiscal year and last fiscal year America spent each year approximately (plus zero percent minus ten percent) $1.15 billion for adult employment and training activities, $1.42 billion for dislocated worker employment and training activities and $1.23 billion for youth activities; a more detailed breakdown of this spending would be $60 million for the purpose of developing, offering, or improving educational or career training programs at community colleges, $126 million for migrant and seasonal farmworker programs, $128 million for YouthBuild activities, $135 million for ex-offender activities and $247 million to expand opportunities through apprenticeships only registered under the National Apprenticeship Act. What the BBB Act will do is spend $15 "billion" more on the Adult employment and training activities program, $16 billion on the dislocated worker employment and training activities program and $9.05 billion for the youth activities program; what specifically the BBB Act will do is make these monies available to the respective program this year but the programs have five years to spend the money. The problems with this increase funding plan are several the government is dramatically increasing the funding going to these programs like on the order of tenfold that is a humongous spending challenge for the management of these programs where are the controls to insure the management will spend the monies effectively. With this spending plan Washington is acting like the country is coming out of the Great Recession where an abundance of large companies went bankrupt and so we have an enormous number of unemployed people from these bankrupt companies that we have to get jobs for, but that is not the case. The situation America has now is that it has a large number of jobs where America's workforce doesn't have enough trained people to fill those jobs plus America needs to get better paying jobs for many of the workers in its workforce and so needs to train these workers in order to facilitate them getting these jobs. The main point being that after five years America is still going to have the current problems it is trying to fix with this spending so what the goal should be is to permanently boost these programs to address these problems of the nation not just surge funding like the BBB Act is planning to do. What the BBB Act should do is increase funding to these programs by twenty percent the first year, thirty percent the second year, forty percent the third year and fifty percent the fourth and fifth year. Hopefully then Congress wil permanently increase the funding of these programs by fifty percent; moreover this measured increase in funding will enable Congress to be able to pull the Secretary in front of the respective Committee and justify that he or she is spending the increased money effectively and if the Secretary isn't this will enable Congress to have the ability to suspend or stop the scheduled increase in funding.

What the BBB Act does is besides increasing the overall or umbrella labor spending as outlined contrary to yearly appropriations spending which mandates that specific programs be funded from the overall funding the BBB Act adds additional funding for two specific programs. It is reasonable and legitimate that the Democrats want to increase spending on these programs for improving the effectiveness of these programs will make a meaningful difference for good in America. Again the current yearly appropriations for the ex-offender program is $135 million per year and for the apprenticeship program it is $247 million per year; the BBB Act will send $3.6 billion to the ex-offender program and $5 billion to the apprenticeship program and like the other expenditures the programs have five years to spend the new monies. Again the BBB Act's plan will bring a lot of waste as the respective management rushes to spend the money without any real consequences for squandering it and the programs will not be put in a position where Congress will be able to view as affordable and justifiable a significant permanent increase in funding. What the BBB Act should do is increase the funding of these programs by twenty-five percent the first year and fifty percent the second year, seventy-five percent the third year and one hundred percent the fourth and fifth year, that should meet these goals of responsible governance.

The BBB Act dramatically increases civil penalties for OSHA violations, the maximum penalty for an intentional violation goes from $70,000 to $700,000 and the minimum goes from $5000 to $50,000 and the maximum penalty for a serious and non-serious violations goes from $7000 to $70,000. These provisions warrant the comment are the authors of this bill and the Congressional leaders supporting this type of bill insane have they lost their mind, this will incentivize manufacturing businesses not to locate in America because of the regulatory expense, like the aforementioned, this is exactly the opposite of what the government in Washington should be doing Washington should be trying to make it easier for manufacturers to manufacture in America. The BBB Act increases the maximum civil penalty for violation of the migrant and farm worker act from $1000 to $25,790; this is so anti-business, the elected leaders behind these provisions and that vote for them are acting like fools. The BBB Act wants to change the law to allow civil penalties for health insurance providers that don't give parity on mental health and addiction treatment that they do on regular health treatment; Democrats behind this move are so off the mark you are wrecking America; America needs to get better cost controls to stop the way too high cost of health care in America; America needs to arm twist mental healthcare providers to get them consistent with responsible judgment to get people not to be so dependent on these professionals they need to become independent and facilitate people that need medication in this area not having to go through the expense of appointments with psychiatrists and psychologist; furthermore, for people with drug and alcohol addiction that need more than one in patient placement over a three year period the federal government has to pick-up the tab yearly six and nine months placement drive up premium prices too much. The BBB Acts increase in penalties under the National Labor Relations Act is job killing, anti-American manufacturing and unfair to employers, in part, if workers go out on strike for an extended period of time at some point employers need to have the authority to fire them because employers need to have the ability to operate their business!
The DemNazis are trying to hoard treasures for themselves before they orchestrate The Great Reset thinking that they will be spared from the tyranny to come.
This is how corrupt Democrat Politicians with the IQ of a turnip come to office dead broke but leave office multi-millionaires.

If we just had free college we could do away with all these "retraining" programs. They are usually pointless anyway. People will either find another job immediately or they will milk the benefits for as long as they can.
Of the 3.5 billion Democrats propose to spend, none of it is necessary. It will destroy our country forever. It's like everything else Biden and Democrats have proposed, destined for failure. We should know by now that this bunch is incapable of executing a successful plan.
The Democrat's transform government bill, the Build Back Better Act (hereinafter "BBB" Act), is shocking in how the Democrats breached their duty to be good stewards of the nation's finances; being a good steward in this area means you don't waste large sums of money when you make large outlays of money you do it in a manner where you are checking to make sure it is spent effectively! Take for instance Subtitle B in the bill "Labor Matters", it is first important to understand America's current spending in this area. For the current fiscal year and last fiscal year America spent each year approximately (plus zero percent minus ten percent) $1.15 billion for adult employment and training activities, $1.42 billion for dislocated worker employment and training activities and $1.23 billion for youth activities; a more detailed breakdown of this spending would be $60 million for the purpose of developing, offering, or improving educational or career training programs at community colleges, $126 million for migrant and seasonal farmworker programs, $128 million for YouthBuild activities, $135 million for ex-offender activities and $247 million to expand opportunities through apprenticeships only registered under the National Apprenticeship Act. What the BBB Act will do is spend $15 "billion" more on the Adult employment and training activities program, $16 billion on the dislocated worker employment and training activities program and $9.05 billion for the youth activities program; what specifically the BBB Act will do is make these monies available to the respective program this year but the programs have five years to spend the money. The problems with this increase funding plan are several the government is dramatically increasing the funding going to these programs like on the order of tenfold that is a humongous spending challenge for the management of these programs where are the controls to insure the management will spend the monies effectively. With this spending plan Washington is acting like the country is coming out of the Great Recession where an abundance of large companies went bankrupt and so we have an enormous number of unemployed people from these bankrupt companies that we have to get jobs for, but that is not the case. The situation America has now is that it has a large number of jobs where America's workforce doesn't have enough trained people to fill those jobs plus America needs to get better paying jobs for many of the workers in its workforce and so needs to train these workers in order to facilitate them getting these jobs. The main point being that after five years America is still going to have the current problems it is trying to fix with this spending so what the goal should be is to permanently boost these programs to address these problems of the nation not just surge funding like the BBB Act is planning to do. What the BBB Act should do is increase funding to these programs by twenty percent the first year, thirty percent the second year, forty percent the third year and fifty percent the fourth and fifth year. Hopefully then Congress wil permanently increase the funding of these programs by fifty percent; moreover this measured increase in funding will enable Congress to be able to pull the Secretary in front of the respective Committee and justify that he or she is spending the increased money effectively and if the Secretary isn't this will enable Congress to have the ability to suspend or stop the scheduled increase in funding.

What the BBB Act does is besides increasing the overall or umbrella labor spending as outlined contrary to yearly appropriations spending which mandates that specific programs be funded from the overall funding the BBB Act adds additional funding for two specific programs. It is reasonable and legitimate that the Democrats want to increase spending on these programs for improving the effectiveness of these programs will make a meaningful difference for good in America. Again the current yearly appropriations for the ex-offender program is $135 million per year and for the apprenticeship program it is $247 million per year; the BBB Act will send $3.6 billion to the ex-offender program and $5 billion to the apprenticeship program and like the other expenditures the programs have five years to spend the new monies. Again the BBB Act's plan will bring a lot of waste as the respective management rushes to spend the money without any real consequences for squandering it and the programs will not be put in a position where Congress will be able to view as affordable and justifiable a significant permanent increase in funding. What the BBB Act should do is increase the funding of these programs by twenty-five percent the first year and fifty percent the second year, seventy-five percent the third year and one hundred percent the fourth and fifth year, that should meet these goals of responsible governance.

The BBB Act dramatically increases civil penalties for OSHA violations, the maximum penalty for an intentional violation goes from $70,000 to $700,000 and the minimum goes from $5000 to $50,000 and the maximum penalty for a serious and non-serious violations goes from $7000 to $70,000. These provisions warrant the comment are the authors of this bill and the Congressional leaders supporting this type of bill insane have they lost their mind, this will incentivize manufacturing businesses not to locate in America because of the regulatory expense, like the aforementioned, this is exactly the opposite of what the government in Washington should be doing Washington should be trying to make it easier for manufacturers to manufacture in America. The BBB Act increases the maximum civil penalty for violation of the migrant and farm worker act from $1000 to $25,790; this is so anti-business, the elected leaders behind these provisions and that vote for them are acting like fools. The BBB Act wants to change the law to allow civil penalties for health insurance providers that don't give parity on mental health and addiction treatment that they do on regular health treatment; Democrats behind this move are so off the mark you are wrecking America; America needs to get better cost controls to stop the way too high cost of health care in America; America needs to arm twist mental healthcare providers to get them consistent with responsible judgment to get people not to be so dependent on these professionals they need to become independent and facilitate people that need medication in this area not having to go through the expense of appointments with psychiatrists and psychologist; furthermore, for people with drug and alcohol addiction that need more than one in patient placement over a three year period the federal government has to pick-up the tab yearly six and nine months placement drive up premium prices too much. The BBB Acts increase in penalties under the National Labor Relations Act is job killing, anti-American manufacturing and unfair to employers, in part, if workers go out on strike for an extended period of time at some point employers need to have the authority to fire them because employers need to have the ability to operate their business!
Pelosi is ready to retire and she needs a few million bucks for pocket money. Bernie will die soon and he needs some too.

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