Obama averaged fewest executive orders since Cleveland - Pew Research Center
Pew Research Center › 2017/01/23
Yep...and he did that to dupe all of his ignorant minions - like you. Instead, he issued everything under “Presidential Memorandums”.
President Obama has issued a form of executive action known as the presidential memorandum more often than any other president in history — using it to take unilateral action even as he has signed fewer executive orders.
Facts. They are a bitch for the ignorant left.

Obama issues 'executive orders by another name'
Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand in any long run equilibrium.
Government-mandated “higher paid labor” results in higher unemployment and reduced hours. All of which result in less income for the low-wage individual and less tax revenue to the government.

You’ve lost this argument already, snowflake. No matter how many times you post this desperate pipe-dream of yours, it will still be false. It was proven in Seattle. The minimum wage employees went home with less money because many lost their jobs while others had their hours cut. You know this. You saw the link. You acknowledged the link. Now you’re just being an asshole posting something you know to be false.
Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand in any long run equilibrium.
Government-mandated “higher paid labor” results in higher unemployment and reduced hours. All of which result in less income for the low-wage individual and less tax revenue to the government.

You’ve lost this argument already, snowflake. No matter how many times you post this desperate pipe-dream of yours, it will still be false. It was proven in Seattle. The minimum wage employees went home with less money because many lost their jobs while others had their hours cut. You know this. You saw the link. You acknowledged the link. Now you’re just being an asshole posting something you know to be false.
I am also advocating for automatic stabilization of our economy to increase our efficiency in a market friendly manner.

The right wing "doesn't like it", Because the Poor may benefit in modern economic times.
normal market trends. what actual policies did Your guy put into place.
He constitutionally leveraged Executive Orders to roll back all of Barack Obama’s unconstitutional Executive Orders which implemented regulations detrimental to the economy.

He also signed a massive tax cut.

The fact that you are ignorant of all of these realities is why you shouldn’t be here discussing these issues.
The right wing "doesn't like it", Because the Poor may benefit in modern economic times.
The “poor” benefits most when government stays in their lane and doesn’t unconstitutionally encroach on the free market.

Just ask Venezuela. Or Seattle. Or Detroit.
I am also advocating for automatic stabilization of our economy to increase our efficiency in a market friendly manner.
A. Our market is currently “stable” and enjoying record-low unemployment. Epic fail.

B. There is no such thing as “automatic stabilization” of a market. Stop trying to sound smart. It makes you sound really stupid.
He didn't have any policies except the stimulus, which worked beautifully
Man...you really are a special kind of ignorant. MaObama “promised” if we passed his stimulus, unemployment would “never reach 8%”. Instead, it skyrocketed to over 10%.
He said that when It was about 6%
Well that would have been one hell of a trick since unemployment was at 7% (and change) on the day he was sworn in.

The fact that you have to resort to lying says it all. You’re just a greedy, lazy, parasite. And nobody is interested in your bullshit. Nobody.
The unemployment rate was already about 8% when ARRA went into effect.
normal market trends. what actual policies did Your guy put into place.
He constitutionally leveraged Executive Orders to roll back all of Barack Obama’s unconstitutional Executive Orders which implemented regulations detrimental to the economy.

He also signed a massive tax cut.

The fact that you are ignorant of all of these realities is why you shouldn’t be here discussing these issues.
The trend was upward, regardless. Nothing Your guy could have could have stopped that trend until Your guy "launched his trade war" And started talking smack to our allies.
Obama averaged fewest executive orders since Cleveland - Pew Research Center
Pew Research Center › 2017/01/23
Yep...and he did that to dupe all of his ignorant minions - like you. Instead, he issued everything under “Presidential Memorandums”.
President Obama has issued a form of executive action known as the presidential memorandum more often than any other president in history — using it to take unilateral action even as he has signed fewer executive orders.
Facts. They are a bitch for the ignorant left.

Obama issues 'executive orders by another name'
So give us some examples of memoranda that caused all these economic problems... LOL. Actually Obama's economy was basically exactly the same as trump's without a trillion dollar tax cut for nothing....
Obama averaged fewest executive orders since Cleveland - Pew Research Center
Pew Research Center › 2017/01/23
Yep...and he did that to dupe all of his ignorant minions - like you. Instead, he issued everything under “Presidential Memorandums”.
President Obama has issued a form of executive action known as the presidential memorandum more often than any other president in history — using it to take unilateral action even as he has signed fewer executive orders.
Facts. They are a bitch for the ignorant left.

Obama issues 'executive orders by another name'
So give us some examples of memoranda that caused all these economic problems... LOL. Actually Obama's economy was basically exactly the same as trump's without a trillion dollar tax cut for nothing....
Trumps higher unemployment, lower taxed, less dependence on food stamps, booming economy, 3+% growth rate, manufacturing jobs returning, like obama said wolud never happen, public optimism about our economy. And you think it’s just like obama? What are you smoking?
Obama averaged fewest executive orders since Cleveland - Pew Research Center
Pew Research Center › 2017/01/23
Yep...and he did that to dupe all of his ignorant minions - like you. Instead, he issued everything under “Presidential Memorandums”.
President Obama has issued a form of executive action known as the presidential memorandum more often than any other president in history — using it to take unilateral action even as he has signed fewer executive orders.
Facts. They are a bitch for the ignorant left.

Obama issues 'executive orders by another name'
So give us some examples of memoranda that caused all these economic problems... LOL. Actually Obama's economy was basically exactly the same as trump's without a trillion dollar tax cut for nothing....
Trumps higher unemployment, lower taxed, less dependence on food stamps, booming economy, 3+% growth rate, manufacturing jobs returning, like obama said wolud never happen, public optimism about our economy. And you think it’s just like obama? What are you smoking?
It does help people's Outlook when Fox Rush Etc and the rest of the GOP BS propaganda machine stops bad-mouthing everything that's going on no matter what. They and dupes like you are a disgrace... Everything you mentioned is just a continuation of Obama's economy or else just b******* propaganda...
More jobs. Higher wages. Thank you, President Trump.
With over 7 million open jobs in America, employers are more willing to raise wages and benefits, with average hourly earnings rising in November by 6 cents to $27.35, increasing 81 cents over the year, or 3.1%.
Nothing ends in prosperity like proven conservative policy.

November Sees Slower but Steady Job Growth
Don't you read? Don created fewer jobs in his first 2 years than Obama did in his last 2. And only 155000 in November? Let me find the bikini graphs for you
You're illiterate, uh snowflake? Thanks to the Republicans controlling the U.S. since 2010 and MaObama and the Dumbocrats creating above 10% unemployment, there were MANY jobs to be created. And that's what the Republicans did when they took over.

When unemployment is 4%, job creation will be MUCH SLOWER than it will be at 10% unemployment, you nitwit. Doesn't change the fact that Trump has created record lows in unemployment, record highs in the market, and that we continue to see incomes rise.

Thanks for the foul zero college mouth.
I thought it was you who didn't know the origin of snowflake
Or that the guy on your pic tried to ban German immigrants
Trump created nothing, his graph is following Obama data
So, Obama had 75 months of growth.
Jobs created
2015 2.7 mm
2016 2.2 mm
2017 2.1 mm
2018 2.1 mm maybe?
Forgot that Obama inherited losing 750000 jobs a month?
Forgot trumps debt and deficit are all time records?
Did he create these? Oh no, that was Obama
I thought the dec market = Jan.
And Obamas market went up way more than dons. He inherited a way low one
Hey, as a millionaire I don't care but it amuses me to see you're made up mind.
Let me find the unemployment graph for you again. It's been steadily going down forever
Have a great Xmas darlin. Watch the stomach bile
Obama averaged fewest executive orders since Cleveland - Pew Research Center
Pew Research Center › 2017/01/23
Yep...and he did that to dupe all of his ignorant minions - like you. Instead, he issued everything under “Presidential Memorandums”.
President Obama has issued a form of executive action known as the presidential memorandum more often than any other president in history — using it to take unilateral action even as he has signed fewer executive orders.
Facts. They are a bitch for the ignorant left.

Obama issues 'executive orders by another name'
So give us some examples of memoranda that caused all these economic problems... LOL. Actually Obama's economy was basically exactly the same as trump's without a trillion dollar tax cut for nothing....
Trumps higher unemployment, lower taxed, less dependence on food stamps, booming economy, 3+% growth rate, manufacturing jobs returning, like obama said wolud never happen, public optimism about our economy. And you think it’s just like obama? What are you smoking?
It does help people's Outlook when Fox Rush Etc and the rest of the GOP BS propaganda machine stops bad-mouthing everything that's going on no matter what. They and dupes like you are a disgrace... Everything you mentioned is just a continuation of Obama's economy or else just b******* propaganda...

It is hilarious.
Our old white farts sucking off their socialist benefits don't seem to be able to read graphs.
Such as this simple one
"unemployment graph"
Obama averaged fewest executive orders since Cleveland - Pew Research Center
Pew Research Center › 2017/01/23
Yep...and he did that to dupe all of his ignorant minions - like you. Instead, he issued everything under “Presidential Memorandums”.
President Obama has issued a form of executive action known as the presidential memorandum more often than any other president in history — using it to take unilateral action even as he has signed fewer executive orders.
Facts. They are a bitch for the ignorant left.

Obama issues 'executive orders by another name'
So give us some examples of memoranda that caused all these economic problems... LOL. Actually Obama's economy was basically exactly the same as trump's without a trillion dollar tax cut for nothing....
Trumps higher unemployment, lower taxed, less dependence on food stamps, booming economy, 3+% growth rate, manufacturing jobs returning, like obama said wolud never happen, public optimism about our economy. And you think it’s just like obama? What are you smoking?
It does help people's Outlook when Fox Rush Etc and the rest of the GOP BS propaganda machine stops bad-mouthing everything that's going on no matter what. They and dupes like you are a disgrace... Everything you mentioned is just a continuation of Obama's economy or else just b******* propaganda...

It is amusing when our super patriot always seem s to have to include such stupid insults as dumbocrat
normal market trends. what actual policies did Your guy put into place.
He constitutionally leveraged Executive Orders to roll back all of Barack Obama’s unconstitutional Executive Orders which implemented regulations detrimental to the economy.

He also signed a massive tax cut.

The fact that you are ignorant of all of these realities is why you shouldn’t be here discussing these issues.
The trend was upward, regardless.
Yeah...it was “upwards” thanks to Republicans controlling everything around the nation and implementing proven conservative policy.
Obama averaged fewest executive orders since Cleveland - Pew Research Center
Pew Research Center › 2017/01/23
Yep...and he did that to dupe all of his ignorant minions - like you. Instead, he issued everything under “Presidential Memorandums”.
President Obama has issued a form of executive action known as the presidential memorandum more often than any other president in history — using it to take unilateral action even as he has signed fewer executive orders.
Facts. They are a bitch for the ignorant left.

Obama issues 'executive orders by another name'
So give us some examples of memoranda that caused all these economic problems... LOL. Actually Obama's economy was basically exactly the same as trump's without a trillion dollar tax cut for nothing....
Wow! What a change in your position. First MaObama “didn’t” have any policies and “didn’t” govern by executive fiat.

Now you want to move the goalposts and claim “well....yeah...he did...but...prove that it was determinental”. And you know what? When I prove that (and I will shortly here), you’ll just move the goalposts again. Because you’re never going to accept that your messiah was a piece of shit who shredded the U.S. Constitution and severly damaged the United States.
normal market trends. what actual policies did Your guy put into place.
He constitutionally leveraged Executive Orders to roll back all of Barack Obama’s unconstitutional Executive Orders which implemented regulations detrimental to the economy.

He also signed a massive tax cut.

The fact that you are ignorant of all of these realities is why you shouldn’t be here discussing these issues.
The trend was upward, regardless.
Yeah...it was “upwards” thanks to Republicans controlling everything around the nation and implementing proven conservative policy.
Mainly blocking tried-and-true Solutions Obama wanted, thankfully our economy runs great all by itself and doesn't need giveaway to the rich tax breaks like Trump's... But thanks for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, another corrupt GOP World depression, and the worst BS propaganda machine in our history, as well as giving us the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history, brainwashed functional moron. GOP is a never-ending catastrophe except for the greedy idiot GOP super rich...
Obama averaged fewest executive orders since Cleveland - Pew Research Center
Pew Research Center › 2017/01/23
Yep...and he did that to dupe all of his ignorant minions - like you. Instead, he issued everything under “Presidential Memorandums”.
President Obama has issued a form of executive action known as the presidential memorandum more often than any other president in history — using it to take unilateral action even as he has signed fewer executive orders.
Facts. They are a bitch for the ignorant left.

Obama issues 'executive orders by another name'
So give us some examples of memoranda that caused all these economic problems... LOL. Actually Obama's economy was basically exactly the same as trump's without a trillion dollar tax cut for nothing....
Wow! What a change in your position. First MaObama “didn’t” have any policies and “didn’t” govern by executive fiat.

Now you want to move the goalposts and claim “well....yeah...he did...but...prove that it was determinental”. And you know what? When I prove that (and I will shortly here), you’ll just move the goalposts again. Because you’re never going to accept that your messiah was a piece of shit who shredded the U.S. Constitution and severly damaged the United States.
Absolutely ridiculous as always, brainwashed functional moron. So could we have some examples of these terrible regulations that caused nothing in reality but intelligent solutions?

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