The Big Orange Head Is Now Destroying Reagan’s Legacy


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Conservatives are tickled pink that the congressional Republicans, with the help of the Big Orange Head, are reversing all of the progress made to help average Americans accomplished during the last eight years.

The end of consumer protections, workers’ protections, regulations protecting small investors, and others, all make conservatives very happy because it permits Big Business and the super-rich to screw them over (along with the rest of us). Why this makes conservatives happy is anyone’s guess, but happy they are.

Conservatives have defended every action taken by the Big Orange Head, so far. But what he is doing to Reagan’s legacy might finally p!ss them off.

Conservatives look upon Ronny Reagan as a god. To them, he performed endless miracles.

For example, conservatives continue to believe he single-handedly tore down the Berlin Wall to end the Cold War. They conveniently forget it was Gorbachev’s Perestroika and Glasnost reforms that truly ended the Cold War. Reagan simply took advantage of the timing. But there is no convincing them of the truth, so, to them, it was Reagan who ended the Cold War.

However, whether it was Reagan or Gorbechev that changed life for the Russian people, today the old ways have gradually taken over Russia, and were ushered in by Vladimir Putin. But it is not Putin unwinding an important part of the Reagan legacy so dear to conservatives, it is the Big Orange Head.

During the G7 meetings, as expected, the Big Orange Head “declined to pledge support for the Paris climate deal.” But most importantly, he remained silent on the subject of “a mutual defense pledge — a commitment to the principle that an attack on one NATO member state is an attack on all.” effectively abandoning Europe and handing it to Putin should he decide to take it.

Later, White House sources claimed “such a commitment goes without saying." But Merkel, like other G7 leaders, can read the handwriting on the wall, the Big Orange Head has no interest in the United States’ allies in Europe.

In a matter of a few hours, the draft-dodging Big Orange used the G7 summit to shit on every veteran who died defending Western Civilization, and somewhere right now, 50 years of patient and determined Russian geopolitical strategy just paid off.

Happy Memorial Day, America, in his short time in office, the Big Orange Head managed to lose the Cold War four decades AFTER the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Merkel after G7 says Germany cannot ‘completely depend’ on US



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Merkel says Germany cant be completely dependent on US?

Why would they want to be?

Why would WE want them to be?
Intersting how liberals, so despising of negging a person according to their skin colour (they hate the fact that Obama is a halfsie and properly called "mulatto") but have their own race-based slur for President Trump. Perhaps moderators should ban "orange" as they have banned "ni__er". After all, both have become pejoratives!
Trump is Putins finger head...

Reagan would be pissed if he was still alive.

Conservatives forget, the U.S. entered into treaties and agreements beneficial to all western nations decades before their beloved Big Orange Head assumed his throne. Were an ally to renege on any treaty and put the U.S. in danger, the righties would be sh!tting themselves.

Conservatives consistently prove they are only interested in agreements that benefit them alone and at the expense of others.
Trump is Putins finger head...

Reagan would be pissed if he was still alive.

Conservatives forget, the U.S. entered into treaties and agreements beneficial to all western nations decades before their beloved Big Orange Head assumed his throne. Were an ally to renege on any treaty and put the U.S. in danger, the righties would be sh!tting themselves.

Conservatives consistently prove they are only interested in agreements that benefit them alone and at the expense of others.

From whom?

We are fucking NATO..

Trump is Putins finger head...

Reagan would be pissed if he was still alive.

Conservatives forget, the U.S. entered into treaties and agreements beneficial to all western nations decades before their beloved Big Orange Head assumed his throne. Were an ally to renege on any treaty and put the U.S. in danger, the righties would be sh!tting themselves.

Conservatives consistently prove they are only interested in agreements that benefit them alone and at the expense of others.
When will EU nations meet their Kyoto goals......????? ooooooops
Conservatives are tickled pink that the congressional Republicans, with the help of the Big Orange Head, are reversing all of the progress made to help average Americans accomplished during the last eight years.

The end of consumer protections, workers’ protections, regulations protecting small investors, and others, all make conservatives very happy because it permits Big Business and the super-rich to screw them over (along with the rest of us). Why this makes conservatives happy is anyone’s guess, but happy they are.

Conservatives have defended every action taken by the Big Orange Head, so far. But what he is doing to Reagan’s legacy might finally p!ss them off.

Conservatives look upon Ronny Reagan as a god. To them, he performed endless miracles.

For example, conservatives continue to believe he single-handedly tore down the Berlin Wall to end the Cold War. They conveniently forget it was Gorbachev’s Perestroika and Glasnost reforms that truly ended the Cold War. Reagan simply took advantage of the timing. But there is no convincing them of the truth, so, to them, it was Reagan who ended the Cold War.

However, whether it was Reagan or Gorbechev that changed life for the Russian people, today the old ways have gradually taken over Russia, and were ushered in by Vladimir Putin. But it is not Putin unwinding an important part of the Reagan legacy so dear to conservatives, it is the Big Orange Head.

During the G7 meetings, as expected, the Big Orange Head “declined to pledge support for the Paris climate deal.” But most importantly, he remained silent on the subject of “a mutual defense pledge — a commitment to the principle that an attack on one NATO member state is an attack on all.” effectively abandoning Europe and handing it to Putin should he decide to take it.

Later, White House sources claimed “such a commitment goes without saying." But Merkel, like other G7 leaders, can read the handwriting on the wall, the Big Orange Head has no interest in the United States’ allies in Europe.

In a matter of a few hours, the draft-dodging Big Orange used the G7 summit to shit on every veteran who died defending Western Civilization, and somewhere right now, 50 years of patient and determined Russian geopolitical strategy just paid off.

Happy Memorial Day, America, in his short time in office, the Big Orange Head managed to lose the Cold War four decades AFTER the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Merkel after G7 says Germany cannot ‘completely depend’ on US


View attachment 129382


Reagan destroyed his own legacy...his bipartisanship Rino bullshit just took some time to rear its ugly head...had he not signed the Amnesty Bill in 1986 we wouldn't have near the problem we have now with being over-run by third world filth.
Intersting how liberals, so despising of negging a person according to their skin colour (they hate the fact that Obama is a halfsie and properly called "mulatto") but have their own race-based slur for President Trump. Perhaps moderators should ban "orange" as they have banned "ni__er". After all, both have become pejoratives!
At least Oblama came by it naturally.
Intersting how liberals, so despising of negging a person according to their skin colour (they hate the fact that Obama is a halfsie and properly called "mulatto") but have their own race-based slur for President Trump. Perhaps moderators should ban "orange" as they have banned "ni__er". After all, both have become pejoratives!

Trump is a hafsie too. Here is a rare picture of him and his biological father
Intersting how liberals, so despising of negging a person according to their skin colour (they hate the fact that Obama is a halfsie and properly called "mulatto") but have their own race-based slur for President Trump. Perhaps moderators should ban "orange" as they have banned "ni__er". After all, both have become pejoratives!

Trump is a hafsie too. Here is a rare picture of him and his biological father

Here's one I found...haha
Don't lefties realize that the old playbook of "super rich screw them over" doesn't work? You almost gotta laugh at lefties who are still living in a dazed fantasy world after democrats lost the presidency, both houses of congress, most governors and over 3,000 state and local elections in less than a decade. The old cliches don't freaking work anymore lefties. We just saw Hillary accept a quarter of a million per speech for 20 minute "speeches" to big Wall Street banks.
Don't lefties realize that the old playbook of "super rich screw them over" doesn't work? You almost gotta laugh at lefties who are still living in a dazed fantasy world after democrats lost the presidency, both houses of congress, most governors and over 3,000 state and local elections in less than a decade. The old cliches don't freaking work anymore lefties. We just saw Hillary accept a quarter of a million per speech for 20 minute "speeches" to big Wall Street banks.

Yes, the super rich do screw the others over, and even worse than that, the right helps them, and wants to make it even easier for them to screw us over.
Trump is Putins finger head...

Reagan would be pissed if he was still alive.

The Cold War was about the Soviet Union's ideology and drive for world conquest/dominance.

All of that is now dead. REagan would be the first to want to be friends with Russia today.
Don't lefties realize that the old playbook of "super rich screw them over" doesn't work? You almost gotta laugh at lefties who are still living in a dazed fantasy world after democrats lost the presidency, both houses of congress, most governors and over 3,000 state and local elections in less than a decade. The old cliches don't freaking work anymore lefties. We just saw Hillary accept a quarter of a million per speech for 20 minute "speeches" to big Wall Street banks.

The Left doesn't really care about anything that actually matters. All they want is for someone to say;
"I promise to funnel you the most free shit, I promise to help you in your quest to create the anything goes free for all you desire and I promise to be 'tolerant' of all your twisted, whack-job lunacy."

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