The Benefits of Not Being a Football Fan


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I’m a “red-blooded” American man. I’m a veteran, I play sports and enjoy watching some spectator sports (baseball, basketball, golf, tennis, and bowling), and I even drive a pickup truck (but sorry…I don’t listen to Country music). And I have no interest whatsoever in American football. I don’t like the game, the people who play it, the people who are obsessed with it, or its effect on the culture. Actually, there are a lot of benefits to not liking football.

· I save lots of money on tickets to high school, college, and NFL football games (and in the case of the local NFL team, paying thousands of dollars for a “seat license”).

· I save lots of money on $5 soft drinks (I don’t drink beer), expensive, soggy Nachos, expensive parking places at football stadia, and paying “tips” to people for showing me where my own fucking seat is in the grandstands.

· I don’t have to sit in the cold and rain (or snow) watching a meaningless game, only because I spent the money on the tickets already and don’t want to waste it.

· I save money on “Steeler” jerseys and other Steeler paraphernalia.

· I have lots of free time on Friday nights (high school football), Saturday afternoons and evenings (college football), and…well, basically, the whole fucking week, when NFL games are played. And believe me, I exploit that free time with hiking, biking, tennis, motorcycle riding, and pet projects around the house.

· In the Fall, on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, I can basically walk onto any golf course I choose and play 9 or 18 holes with no waiting and nobody in front of, or behind, me on the course. It’s just me, my wife, and the occasional Asian, Indian, or Pakistani. Same goes for tennis courts.

· On Friday nights in the Fall I can go to any local restaurant and get a table without waiting, and the wait-staff is not pushing me to leave as soon as I’m done eating, to make way for the people waiting in line (lots of people are at high school football games).

· At the gym where I work out, the machines are basically empty during football games, making it possible to breeze through a workout or take as much time as I want in any activity. An hour on the treadmill? No problem!

· I avoid the endless arguments over which team or player is gooder than the others, and wasting time picking my own “fantasy football” team.

And ironically, I can still enjoy some of the benefits of being a football fan. When the home team wins I get vicarious enjoyment from the glee around me, and participate in the parties and celebrations at work. But on the other hand, I don’t really give a shit when they lose, so I’m spared the misery and soul-searching that happens when somebody missed the field goal (or whatever) that led to the most recent defeat.

It’s funny. Anytime I’m out and about – even in Europe – when I tell people I’m from Pittsburgh, the first thing out of their mouths is, “Steeler fan?”, assuming that I will come back with an emphatic, “YES!” Sometimes I even do say, “yes,” if I’m sure it won’t lead to a detailed discussion. But believe me, I’m quite content not to be a Steeler fan, or a football fan of any kind.

Does that make me a pervert?
I like football, I don't have to leave my house, pay for tickets or jerseys. 99% of your rant is pure rubbish. It's a game, nothing more, nothing less. My team wins or loses, that's life, just like any other sport.

As far as prices for food, tickets and jerseys? Are you saying that baseball, basketball and other sports that you are a fan of don't have high prices? You couldn't pay me to watch golf, that is one boring sport.
I'm a sports fan. All competitive sports. What I hate are the commercials. I'm very glad we have the recording devices we do so I can skip over them.
I’m a “red-blooded” American man. I’m a veteran, I play sports and enjoy watching some spectator sports (baseball, basketball, golf, tennis, and bowling), and I even drive a pickup truck (but sorry…I don’t listen to Country music). And I have no interest whatsoever in American football. I don’t like the game, the people who play it, the people who are obsessed with it, or its effect on the culture. Actually, there are a lot of benefits to not liking football.

· I save lots of money on tickets to high school, college, and NFL football games (and in the case of the local NFL team, paying thousands of dollars for a “seat license”).

· I save lots of money on $5 soft drinks (I don’t drink beer), expensive, soggy Nachos, expensive parking places at football stadia, and paying “tips” to people for showing me where my own fucking seat is in the grandstands.

· I don’t have to sit in the cold and rain (or snow) watching a meaningless game, only because I spent the money on the tickets already and don’t want to waste it.

· I save money on “Steeler” jerseys and other Steeler paraphernalia.

· I have lots of free time on Friday nights (high school football), Saturday afternoons and evenings (college football), and…well, basically, the whole fucking week, when NFL games are played. And believe me, I exploit that free time with hiking, biking, tennis, motorcycle riding, and pet projects around the house.

· In the Fall, on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, I can basically walk onto any golf course I choose and play 9 or 18 holes with no waiting and nobody in front of, or behind, me on the course. It’s just me, my wife, and the occasional Asian, Indian, or Pakistani. Same goes for tennis courts.

· On Friday nights in the Fall I can go to any local restaurant and get a table without waiting, and the wait-staff is not pushing me to leave as soon as I’m done eating, to make way for the people waiting in line (lots of people are at high school football games).

· At the gym where I work out, the machines are basically empty during football games, making it possible to breeze through a workout or take as much time as I want in any activity. An hour on the treadmill? No problem!

· I avoid the endless arguments over which team or player is gooder than the others, and wasting time picking my own “fantasy football” team.

And ironically, I can still enjoy some of the benefits of being a football fan. When the home team wins I get vicarious enjoyment from the glee around me, and participate in the parties and celebrations at work. But on the other hand, I don’t really give a shit when they lose, so I’m spared the misery and soul-searching that happens when somebody missed the field goal (or whatever) that led to the most recent defeat.

It’s funny. Anytime I’m out and about – even in Europe – when I tell people I’m from Pittsburgh, the first thing out of their mouths is, “Steeler fan?”, assuming that I will come back with an emphatic, “YES!” Sometimes I even do say, “yes,” if I’m sure it won’t lead to a detailed discussion. But believe me, I’m quite content not to be a Steeler fan, or a football fan of any kind.

Does that make me a pervert?

Just have to make sure you are from Pittsburgh.

What is a gumband.
What is chipped ham.
Instead of y'all, how would you say you all to more than one person.
I’m a “red-blooded” American man. I’m a veteran, I play sports and enjoy watching some spectator sports (baseball, basketball, golf, tennis, and bowling), and I even drive a pickup truck (but sorry…I don’t listen to Country music). And I have no interest whatsoever in American football. I don’t like the game, the people who play it, the people who are obsessed with it, or its effect on the culture. Actually, there are a lot of benefits to not liking football.

· I save lots of money on tickets to high school, college, and NFL football games (and in the case of the local NFL team, paying thousands of dollars for a “seat license”).

· I save lots of money on $5 soft drinks (I don’t drink beer), expensive, soggy Nachos, expensive parking places at football stadia, and paying “tips” to people for showing me where my own fucking seat is in the grandstands.

· I don’t have to sit in the cold and rain (or snow) watching a meaningless game, only because I spent the money on the tickets already and don’t want to waste it.

· I save money on “Steeler” jerseys and other Steeler paraphernalia.

· I have lots of free time on Friday nights (high school football), Saturday afternoons and evenings (college football), and…well, basically, the whole fucking week, when NFL games are played. And believe me, I exploit that free time with hiking, biking, tennis, motorcycle riding, and pet projects around the house.

· In the Fall, on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, I can basically walk onto any golf course I choose and play 9 or 18 holes with no waiting and nobody in front of, or behind, me on the course. It’s just me, my wife, and the occasional Asian, Indian, or Pakistani. Same goes for tennis courts.

· On Friday nights in the Fall I can go to any local restaurant and get a table without waiting, and the wait-staff is not pushing me to leave as soon as I’m done eating, to make way for the people waiting in line (lots of people are at high school football games).

· At the gym where I work out, the machines are basically empty during football games, making it possible to breeze through a workout or take as much time as I want in any activity. An hour on the treadmill? No problem!

· I avoid the endless arguments over which team or player is gooder than the others, and wasting time picking my own “fantasy football” team.

And ironically, I can still enjoy some of the benefits of being a football fan. When the home team wins I get vicarious enjoyment from the glee around me, and participate in the parties and celebrations at work. But on the other hand, I don’t really give a shit when they lose, so I’m spared the misery and soul-searching that happens when somebody missed the field goal (or whatever) that led to the most recent defeat.

It’s funny. Anytime I’m out and about – even in Europe – when I tell people I’m from Pittsburgh, the first thing out of their mouths is, “Steeler fan?”, assuming that I will come back with an emphatic, “YES!” Sometimes I even do say, “yes,” if I’m sure it won’t lead to a detailed discussion. But believe me, I’m quite content not to be a Steeler fan, or a football fan of any kind.

Does that make me a pervert?

Just have to make sure you are from Pittsburgh.

What is a gumband.
What is chipped ham.
Instead of y'all, how would you say you all to more than one person.

A rubber band.
Isley's Chipped Chopped Ham.

Go Steelers! lol
I’m a “red-blooded” American man. I’m a veteran, I play sports and enjoy watching some spectator sports (baseball, basketball, golf, tennis, and bowling), and I even drive a pickup truck (but sorry…I don’t listen to Country music). And I have no interest whatsoever in American football. I don’t like the game, the people who play it, the people who are obsessed with it, or its effect on the culture. Actually, there are a lot of benefits to not liking football.

· I save lots of money on tickets to high school, college, and NFL football games (and in the case of the local NFL team, paying thousands of dollars for a “seat license”).

· I save lots of money on $5 soft drinks (I don’t drink beer), expensive, soggy Nachos, expensive parking places at football stadia, and paying “tips” to people for showing me where my own fucking seat is in the grandstands.

· I don’t have to sit in the cold and rain (or snow) watching a meaningless game, only because I spent the money on the tickets already and don’t want to waste it.

· I save money on “Steeler” jerseys and other Steeler paraphernalia.

· I have lots of free time on Friday nights (high school football), Saturday afternoons and evenings (college football), and…well, basically, the whole fucking week, when NFL games are played. And believe me, I exploit that free time with hiking, biking, tennis, motorcycle riding, and pet projects around the house.

· In the Fall, on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, I can basically walk onto any golf course I choose and play 9 or 18 holes with no waiting and nobody in front of, or behind, me on the course. It’s just me, my wife, and the occasional Asian, Indian, or Pakistani. Same goes for tennis courts.

· On Friday nights in the Fall I can go to any local restaurant and get a table without waiting, and the wait-staff is not pushing me to leave as soon as I’m done eating, to make way for the people waiting in line (lots of people are at high school football games).

· At the gym where I work out, the machines are basically empty during football games, making it possible to breeze through a workout or take as much time as I want in any activity. An hour on the treadmill? No problem!

· I avoid the endless arguments over which team or player is gooder than the others, and wasting time picking my own “fantasy football” team.

And ironically, I can still enjoy some of the benefits of being a football fan. When the home team wins I get vicarious enjoyment from the glee around me, and participate in the parties and celebrations at work. But on the other hand, I don’t really give a shit when they lose, so I’m spared the misery and soul-searching that happens when somebody missed the field goal (or whatever) that led to the most recent defeat.

It’s funny. Anytime I’m out and about – even in Europe – when I tell people I’m from Pittsburgh, the first thing out of their mouths is, “Steeler fan?”, assuming that I will come back with an emphatic, “YES!” Sometimes I even do say, “yes,” if I’m sure it won’t lead to a detailed discussion. But believe me, I’m quite content not to be a Steeler fan, or a football fan of any kind.

Does that make me a pervert?

I'd say it makes you not-a-drone with a head of your own.

You dare defy the NFL machine with all the great lengths to sell itself as the greatest thing since sliced bread? Particularly ESPN which, at least when I had TV, didn't seem to think any other sport existed for at least 11 months a year?

I'll watch a game once or twice a year, only if it comes to me on its own or turns out to be a big game for my birth team, the Iggles. I followed one online this week (first one this year), only because there was an obnoxious Cowgirls fan who threatened to jump off a bridge if the Girls lost (they did, he didn't).

I grew up with the obligatory sports fixation in that intensely sportish area, but lost interest in football and basketball (hockey hadn't been invented yet) -- until Randall Cunningham came on the scene, then I started watching again. When Randall was on the field -- anything could happen. And there was finally something on the field besides brute force, which is fucking boring. But I don't much bother any more.

As for the other stuff (college sports) -- I have yet to understand why anyone follows that crap if they're not an alumnus of that particular school. That's an unfathomable.

I like tennis, preferably women's tennis. Again there's a grace, some element beyond brute force. Basketball put me to sleep a long time ago, and when the dunk became universal it transcended boring. I guess the more subtlety is removed from a game, the less I'm interested.
I’m a “red-blooded” American man. I’m a veteran, I play sports and enjoy watching some spectator sports (baseball, basketball, golf, tennis, and bowling), and I even drive a pickup truck (but sorry…I don’t listen to Country music). And I have no interest whatsoever in American football. I don’t like the game, the people who play it, the people who are obsessed with it, or its effect on the culture. Actually, there are a lot of benefits to not liking football.

· I save lots of money on tickets to high school, college, and NFL football games (and in the case of the local NFL team, paying thousands of dollars for a “seat license”).

· I save lots of money on $5 soft drinks (I don’t drink beer), expensive, soggy Nachos, expensive parking places at football stadia, and paying “tips” to people for showing me where my own fucking seat is in the grandstands.

· I don’t have to sit in the cold and rain (or snow) watching a meaningless game, only because I spent the money on the tickets already and don’t want to waste it.

· I save money on “Steeler” jerseys and other Steeler paraphernalia.

· I have lots of free time on Friday nights (high school football), Saturday afternoons and evenings (college football), and…well, basically, the whole fucking week, when NFL games are played. And believe me, I exploit that free time with hiking, biking, tennis, motorcycle riding, and pet projects around the house.

· In the Fall, on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, I can basically walk onto any golf course I choose and play 9 or 18 holes with no waiting and nobody in front of, or behind, me on the course. It’s just me, my wife, and the occasional Asian, Indian, or Pakistani. Same goes for tennis courts.

· On Friday nights in the Fall I can go to any local restaurant and get a table without waiting, and the wait-staff is not pushing me to leave as soon as I’m done eating, to make way for the people waiting in line (lots of people are at high school football games).

· At the gym where I work out, the machines are basically empty during football games, making it possible to breeze through a workout or take as much time as I want in any activity. An hour on the treadmill? No problem!

· I avoid the endless arguments over which team or player is gooder than the others, and wasting time picking my own “fantasy football” team.

And ironically, I can still enjoy some of the benefits of being a football fan. When the home team wins I get vicarious enjoyment from the glee around me, and participate in the parties and celebrations at work. But on the other hand, I don’t really give a shit when they lose, so I’m spared the misery and soul-searching that happens when somebody missed the field goal (or whatever) that led to the most recent defeat.

It’s funny. Anytime I’m out and about – even in Europe – when I tell people I’m from Pittsburgh, the first thing out of their mouths is, “Steeler fan?”, assuming that I will come back with an emphatic, “YES!” Sometimes I even do say, “yes,” if I’m sure it won’t lead to a detailed discussion. But believe me, I’m quite content not to be a Steeler fan, or a football fan of any kind.

Does that make me a pervert?
I’m a “red-blooded” American man. I’m a veteran, I play sports and enjoy watching some spectator sports (baseball, basketball, golf, tennis, and bowling), and I even drive a pickup truck (but sorry…I don’t listen to Country music). And I have no interest whatsoever in American football. I don’t like the game, the people who play it, the people who are obsessed with it, or its effect on the culture. Actually, there are a lot of benefits to not liking football.

· I save lots of money on tickets to high school, college, and NFL football games (and in the case of the local NFL team, paying thousands of dollars for a “seat license”).

· I save lots of money on $5 soft drinks (I don’t drink beer), expensive, soggy Nachos, expensive parking places at football stadia, and paying “tips” to people for showing me where my own fucking seat is in the grandstands.

· I don’t have to sit in the cold and rain (or snow) watching a meaningless game, only because I spent the money on the tickets already and don’t want to waste it.

· I save money on “Steeler” jerseys and other Steeler paraphernalia.

· I have lots of free time on Friday nights (high school football), Saturday afternoons and evenings (college football), and…well, basically, the whole fucking week, when NFL games are played. And believe me, I exploit that free time with hiking, biking, tennis, motorcycle riding, and pet projects around the house.

· In the Fall, on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, I can basically walk onto any golf course I choose and play 9 or 18 holes with no waiting and nobody in front of, or behind, me on the course. It’s just me, my wife, and the occasional Asian, Indian, or Pakistani. Same goes for tennis courts.

· On Friday nights in the Fall I can go to any local restaurant and get a table without waiting, and the wait-staff is not pushing me to leave as soon as I’m done eating, to make way for the people waiting in line (lots of people are at high school football games).

· At the gym where I work out, the machines are basically empty during football games, making it possible to breeze through a workout or take as much time as I want in any activity. An hour on the treadmill? No problem!

· I avoid the endless arguments over which team or player is gooder than the others, and wasting time picking my own “fantasy football” team.

And ironically, I can still enjoy some of the benefits of being a football fan. When the home team wins I get vicarious enjoyment from the glee around me, and participate in the parties and celebrations at work. But on the other hand, I don’t really give a shit when they lose, so I’m spared the misery and soul-searching that happens when somebody missed the field goal (or whatever) that led to the most recent defeat.

It’s funny. Anytime I’m out and about – even in Europe – when I tell people I’m from Pittsburgh, the first thing out of their mouths is, “Steeler fan?”, assuming that I will come back with an emphatic, “YES!” Sometimes I even do say, “yes,” if I’m sure it won’t lead to a detailed discussion. But believe me, I’m quite content not to be a Steeler fan, or a football fan of any kind.

Does that make me a pervert?

American sports suck. They're too slow. More time's spent talking about the game and the players than on the players making a play in football or baseball. Basketball's tempo's better but oh my god, who the hell cares? You can all make a basket so it's really just an endurance contest right?

American Ninja Warrior and Sasuke are watchable sports. Everything else is exactly the same every time.
I’m a “red-blooded” American man. I’m a veteran, I play sports and enjoy watching some spectator sports (baseball, basketball, golf, tennis, and bowling), and I even drive a pickup truck (but sorry…I don’t listen to Country music). And I have no interest whatsoever in American football. I don’t like the game, the people who play it, the people who are obsessed with it, or its effect on the culture. Actually, there are a lot of benefits to not liking football.

· I save lots of money on tickets to high school, college, and NFL football games (and in the case of the local NFL team, paying thousands of dollars for a “seat license”).

· I save lots of money on $5 soft drinks (I don’t drink beer), expensive, soggy Nachos, expensive parking places at football stadia, and paying “tips” to people for showing me where my own fucking seat is in the grandstands.

· I don’t have to sit in the cold and rain (or snow) watching a meaningless game, only because I spent the money on the tickets already and don’t want to waste it.

· I save money on “Steeler” jerseys and other Steeler paraphernalia.

· I have lots of free time on Friday nights (high school football), Saturday afternoons and evenings (college football), and…well, basically, the whole fucking week, when NFL games are played. And believe me, I exploit that free time with hiking, biking, tennis, motorcycle riding, and pet projects around the house.

· In the Fall, on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, I can basically walk onto any golf course I choose and play 9 or 18 holes with no waiting and nobody in front of, or behind, me on the course. It’s just me, my wife, and the occasional Asian, Indian, or Pakistani. Same goes for tennis courts.

· On Friday nights in the Fall I can go to any local restaurant and get a table without waiting, and the wait-staff is not pushing me to leave as soon as I’m done eating, to make way for the people waiting in line (lots of people are at high school football games).

· At the gym where I work out, the machines are basically empty during football games, making it possible to breeze through a workout or take as much time as I want in any activity. An hour on the treadmill? No problem!

· I avoid the endless arguments over which team or player is gooder than the others, and wasting time picking my own “fantasy football” team.

And ironically, I can still enjoy some of the benefits of being a football fan. When the home team wins I get vicarious enjoyment from the glee around me, and participate in the parties and celebrations at work. But on the other hand, I don’t really give a shit when they lose, so I’m spared the misery and soul-searching that happens when somebody missed the field goal (or whatever) that led to the most recent defeat.

It’s funny. Anytime I’m out and about – even in Europe – when I tell people I’m from Pittsburgh, the first thing out of their mouths is, “Steeler fan?”, assuming that I will come back with an emphatic, “YES!” Sometimes I even do say, “yes,” if I’m sure it won’t lead to a detailed discussion. But believe me, I’m quite content not to be a Steeler fan, or a football fan of any kind.

Does that make me a pervert?

Just have to make sure you are from Pittsburgh.

What is a gumband.
What is chipped ham.
Instead of y'all, how would you say you all to more than one person.

A rubber band.
Isley's Chipped Chopped Ham.

Go Steelers! lol

Pardon me, but this was a test for DGS! Too many claim to be from Pitt who aren't. We need to weed them out!

YOU of course got the answers right. #2 could also have been answered, "ham that is sliced thin as paper and tastes soooo good". I could have thrown in 'what is The Point and where is it', or 'where is Pymatuning Lake' for extra credit.

Now we'll never know, he may be from Cleveland!
I don’t like the game, the people who play it, the people who are obsessed with it, or its effect on the culture.

--- one of which is the complete perversion of the pronunciation of the word route. NFL babblers insist on pronouncing it as "rout".

I try to explain, when Andy Reid decides which roads he's going to drive to the stadium, he plans his route ("root"). When he gets there and the Seahawks beat him 48 to nothing --- that's a rout.
I’m a “red-blooded” American man. I’m a veteran, I play sports and enjoy watching some spectator sports (baseball, basketball, golf, tennis, and bowling), and I even drive a pickup truck (but sorry…I don’t listen to Country music). And I have no interest whatsoever in American football. I don’t like the game, the people who play it, the people who are obsessed with it, or its effect on the culture. Actually, there are a lot of benefits to not liking football.

· I save lots of money on tickets to high school, college, and NFL football games (and in the case of the local NFL team, paying thousands of dollars for a “seat license”).

· I save lots of money on $5 soft drinks (I don’t drink beer), expensive, soggy Nachos, expensive parking places at football stadia, and paying “tips” to people for showing me where my own fucking seat is in the grandstands.

· I don’t have to sit in the cold and rain (or snow) watching a meaningless game, only because I spent the money on the tickets already and don’t want to waste it.

· I save money on “Steeler” jerseys and other Steeler paraphernalia.

· I have lots of free time on Friday nights (high school football), Saturday afternoons and evenings (college football), and…well, basically, the whole fucking week, when NFL games are played. And believe me, I exploit that free time with hiking, biking, tennis, motorcycle riding, and pet projects around the house.

· In the Fall, on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, I can basically walk onto any golf course I choose and play 9 or 18 holes with no waiting and nobody in front of, or behind, me on the course. It’s just me, my wife, and the occasional Asian, Indian, or Pakistani. Same goes for tennis courts.

· On Friday nights in the Fall I can go to any local restaurant and get a table without waiting, and the wait-staff is not pushing me to leave as soon as I’m done eating, to make way for the people waiting in line (lots of people are at high school football games).

· At the gym where I work out, the machines are basically empty during football games, making it possible to breeze through a workout or take as much time as I want in any activity. An hour on the treadmill? No problem!

· I avoid the endless arguments over which team or player is gooder than the others, and wasting time picking my own “fantasy football” team.

And ironically, I can still enjoy some of the benefits of being a football fan. When the home team wins I get vicarious enjoyment from the glee around me, and participate in the parties and celebrations at work. But on the other hand, I don’t really give a shit when they lose, so I’m spared the misery and soul-searching that happens when somebody missed the field goal (or whatever) that led to the most recent defeat.

It’s funny. Anytime I’m out and about – even in Europe – when I tell people I’m from Pittsburgh, the first thing out of their mouths is, “Steeler fan?”, assuming that I will come back with an emphatic, “YES!” Sometimes I even do say, “yes,” if I’m sure it won’t lead to a detailed discussion. But believe me, I’m quite content not to be a Steeler fan, or a football fan of any kind.

Does that make me a pervert?

Just have to make sure you are from Pittsburgh.

What is a gumband.
What is chipped ham.
Instead of y'all, how would you say you all to more than one person.

A rubber band.
Isley's Chipped Chopped Ham.

Go Steelers! lol

Pardon me, but this was a test for DGS! Too many claim to be from Pitt who aren't. We need to weed them out!

YOU of course got the answers right. #2 could also have been answered, "ham that is sliced thin as paper and tastes soooo good". I could have thrown in 'what is The Point and where is it', or 'where is Pymatuning Lake' for extra credit.

Now we'll never know, he may be from Cleveland!

My location is The Confluence. lol. I was born and raised in this area. I was graduated from PSU as well. Western PA has always been and will forever be my home. Love it here! Cheers!
The upside to not being into football is I have a lot more free time. No more Sunday afternoons completely shot, same goes for Monday nights, no more rehashing calls made while Monday morning and Turesday morning quarterbacking, no more having to entertain unwanted relatives that come over to "share" a game, no more reading the stats, no more drama about bad calls or under inflated footballs, and no more freaking half time show with horrible renditions of listening to some non-singer rattle off the Star Spangle Banner. Oh yes, and no more commercials selling shit we know all too well exists. Like we really need ads for that!
I’m a “red-blooded” American man. I’m a veteran, I play sports and enjoy watching some spectator sports (baseball, basketball, golf, tennis, and bowling), and I even drive a pickup truck (but sorry…I don’t listen to Country music). And I have no interest whatsoever in American football. I don’t like the game, the people who play it, the people who are obsessed with it, or its effect on the culture. Actually, there are a lot of benefits to not liking football.

· I save lots of money on tickets to high school, college, and NFL football games (and in the case of the local NFL team, paying thousands of dollars for a “seat license”).

· I save lots of money on $5 soft drinks (I don’t drink beer), expensive, soggy Nachos, expensive parking places at football stadia, and paying “tips” to people for showing me where my own fucking seat is in the grandstands.

· I don’t have to sit in the cold and rain (or snow) watching a meaningless game, only because I spent the money on the tickets already and don’t want to waste it.

· I save money on “Steeler” jerseys and other Steeler paraphernalia.

· I have lots of free time on Friday nights (high school football), Saturday afternoons and evenings (college football), and…well, basically, the whole fucking week, when NFL games are played. And believe me, I exploit that free time with hiking, biking, tennis, motorcycle riding, and pet projects around the house.

· In the Fall, on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, I can basically walk onto any golf course I choose and play 9 or 18 holes with no waiting and nobody in front of, or behind, me on the course. It’s just me, my wife, and the occasional Asian, Indian, or Pakistani. Same goes for tennis courts.

· On Friday nights in the Fall I can go to any local restaurant and get a table without waiting, and the wait-staff is not pushing me to leave as soon as I’m done eating, to make way for the people waiting in line (lots of people are at high school football games).

· At the gym where I work out, the machines are basically empty during football games, making it possible to breeze through a workout or take as much time as I want in any activity. An hour on the treadmill? No problem!

· I avoid the endless arguments over which team or player is gooder than the others, and wasting time picking my own “fantasy football” team.

And ironically, I can still enjoy some of the benefits of being a football fan. When the home team wins I get vicarious enjoyment from the glee around me, and participate in the parties and celebrations at work. But on the other hand, I don’t really give a shit when they lose, so I’m spared the misery and soul-searching that happens when somebody missed the field goal (or whatever) that led to the most recent defeat.

It’s funny. Anytime I’m out and about – even in Europe – when I tell people I’m from Pittsburgh, the first thing out of their mouths is, “Steeler fan?”, assuming that I will come back with an emphatic, “YES!” Sometimes I even do say, “yes,” if I’m sure it won’t lead to a detailed discussion. But believe me, I’m quite content not to be a Steeler fan, or a football fan of any kind.

Does that make me a pervert?

Just have to make sure you are from Pittsburgh.

What is a gumband.
What is chipped ham.
Instead of y'all, how would you say you all to more than one person.

A rubber band.
Isley's Chipped Chopped Ham.

Go Steelers! lol

Pardon me, but this was a test for DGS! Too many claim to be from Pitt who aren't. We need to weed them out!

YOU of course got the answers right. #2 could also have been answered, "ham that is sliced thin as paper and tastes soooo good". I could have thrown in 'what is The Point and where is it', or 'where is Pymatuning Lake' for extra credit.

Now we'll never know, he may be from Cleveland!

My location is The Confluence. lol. I was born and raised in this area. I was graduated from PSU as well. Western PA has always been and will forever be my home. Love it here! Cheers!

Me, Munhall, lived mostly in Homestead. I remember as a kid the sky was always orange from the steel mills. I also remember fishing on the Monongahela River, it was so polluted there was foam on the surface! And in winter the Allegheny would freeze but the Monongahela wouldn't because of the heat and pollution from the steel mills, and where they met to form the Ohio (the Point) one was frozen and the other not! Looked weird to a kid. All much better now since the steel mills closed down. The city is beautiful.

The Point. Monongahela River to the right, Allegheny to the left, they form the Ohio.
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I’m a “red-blooded” American man. I’m a veteran, I play sports and enjoy watching some spectator sports (baseball, basketball, golf, tennis, and bowling), and I even drive a pickup truck (but sorry…I don’t listen to Country music). And I have no interest whatsoever in American football. I don’t like the game, the people who play it, the people who are obsessed with it, or its effect on the culture. Actually, there are a lot of benefits to not liking football.

· I save lots of money on tickets to high school, college, and NFL football games (and in the case of the local NFL team, paying thousands of dollars for a “seat license”).

· I save lots of money on $5 soft drinks (I don’t drink beer), expensive, soggy Nachos, expensive parking places at football stadia, and paying “tips” to people for showing me where my own fucking seat is in the grandstands.

· I don’t have to sit in the cold and rain (or snow) watching a meaningless game, only because I spent the money on the tickets already and don’t want to waste it.

· I save money on “Steeler” jerseys and other Steeler paraphernalia.

· I have lots of free time on Friday nights (high school football), Saturday afternoons and evenings (college football), and…well, basically, the whole fucking week, when NFL games are played. And believe me, I exploit that free time with hiking, biking, tennis, motorcycle riding, and pet projects around the house.

· In the Fall, on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, I can basically walk onto any golf course I choose and play 9 or 18 holes with no waiting and nobody in front of, or behind, me on the course. It’s just me, my wife, and the occasional Asian, Indian, or Pakistani. Same goes for tennis courts.

· On Friday nights in the Fall I can go to any local restaurant and get a table without waiting, and the wait-staff is not pushing me to leave as soon as I’m done eating, to make way for the people waiting in line (lots of people are at high school football games).

· At the gym where I work out, the machines are basically empty during football games, making it possible to breeze through a workout or take as much time as I want in any activity. An hour on the treadmill? No problem!

· I avoid the endless arguments over which team or player is gooder than the others, and wasting time picking my own “fantasy football” team.

And ironically, I can still enjoy some of the benefits of being a football fan. When the home team wins I get vicarious enjoyment from the glee around me, and participate in the parties and celebrations at work. But on the other hand, I don’t really give a shit when they lose, so I’m spared the misery and soul-searching that happens when somebody missed the field goal (or whatever) that led to the most recent defeat.

It’s funny. Anytime I’m out and about – even in Europe – when I tell people I’m from Pittsburgh, the first thing out of their mouths is, “Steeler fan?”, assuming that I will come back with an emphatic, “YES!” Sometimes I even do say, “yes,” if I’m sure it won’t lead to a detailed discussion. But believe me, I’m quite content not to be a Steeler fan, or a football fan of any kind.

Does that make me a pervert?

American sports suck. They're too slow. More time's spent talking about the game and the players than on the players making a play in football or baseball. Basketball's tempo's better but oh my god, who the hell cares? You can all make a basket so it's really just an endurance contest right?

American Ninja Warrior and Sasuke are watchable sports. Everything else is exactly the same every time.

Aren't those game shows, not sports?
I’m a “red-blooded” American man. I’m a veteran, I play sports and enjoy watching some spectator sports (baseball, basketball, golf, tennis, and bowling), and I even drive a pickup truck (but sorry…I don’t listen to Country music). And I have no interest whatsoever in American football. I don’t like the game, the people who play it, the people who are obsessed with it, or its effect on the culture. Actually, there are a lot of benefits to not liking football.

· I save lots of money on tickets to high school, college, and NFL football games (and in the case of the local NFL team, paying thousands of dollars for a “seat license”).

· I save lots of money on $5 soft drinks (I don’t drink beer), expensive, soggy Nachos, expensive parking places at football stadia, and paying “tips” to people for showing me where my own fucking seat is in the grandstands.

· I don’t have to sit in the cold and rain (or snow) watching a meaningless game, only because I spent the money on the tickets already and don’t want to waste it.

· I save money on “Steeler” jerseys and other Steeler paraphernalia.

· I have lots of free time on Friday nights (high school football), Saturday afternoons and evenings (college football), and…well, basically, the whole fucking week, when NFL games are played. And believe me, I exploit that free time with hiking, biking, tennis, motorcycle riding, and pet projects around the house.

· In the Fall, on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, I can basically walk onto any golf course I choose and play 9 or 18 holes with no waiting and nobody in front of, or behind, me on the course. It’s just me, my wife, and the occasional Asian, Indian, or Pakistani. Same goes for tennis courts.

· On Friday nights in the Fall I can go to any local restaurant and get a table without waiting, and the wait-staff is not pushing me to leave as soon as I’m done eating, to make way for the people waiting in line (lots of people are at high school football games).

· At the gym where I work out, the machines are basically empty during football games, making it possible to breeze through a workout or take as much time as I want in any activity. An hour on the treadmill? No problem!

· I avoid the endless arguments over which team or player is gooder than the others, and wasting time picking my own “fantasy football” team.

And ironically, I can still enjoy some of the benefits of being a football fan. When the home team wins I get vicarious enjoyment from the glee around me, and participate in the parties and celebrations at work. But on the other hand, I don’t really give a shit when they lose, so I’m spared the misery and soul-searching that happens when somebody missed the field goal (or whatever) that led to the most recent defeat.

It’s funny. Anytime I’m out and about – even in Europe – when I tell people I’m from Pittsburgh, the first thing out of their mouths is, “Steeler fan?”, assuming that I will come back with an emphatic, “YES!” Sometimes I even do say, “yes,” if I’m sure it won’t lead to a detailed discussion. But believe me, I’m quite content not to be a Steeler fan, or a football fan of any kind.

Does that make me a pervert?

I'd say it makes you not-a-drone with a head of your own.

You dare defy the NFL machine with all the great lengths to sell itself as the greatest thing since sliced bread? Particularly ESPN which, at least when I had TV, didn't seem to think any other sport existed for at least 11 months a year?

I'll watch a game once or twice a year, only if it comes to me on its own or turns out to be a big game for my birth team, the Iggles. I followed one online this week (first one this year), only because there was an obnoxious Cowgirls fan who threatened to jump off a bridge if the Girls lost (they did, he didn't).

I grew up with the obligatory sports fixation in that intensely sportish area, but lost interest in football and basketball (hockey hadn't been invented yet) -- until Randall Cunningham came on the scene, then I started watching again. When Randall was on the field -- anything could happen. And there was finally something on the field besides brute force, which is fucking boring. But I don't much bother any more.

As for the other stuff (college sports) -- I have yet to understand why anyone follows that crap if they're not an alumnus of that particular school. That's an unfathomable.

I like tennis, preferably women's tennis. Again there's a grace, some element beyond brute force. Basketball put me to sleep a long time ago, and when the dunk became universal it transcended boring. I guess the more subtlety is removed from a game, the less I'm interested.

O, yes, I'm a Pittsburgher. Born & raised in S'Liberty, Pitt grad, Duquesne Law School. I exulted in the four Super Bowls of the70's, but gradually lost interest. I'm also a Central grad, and I'm happy about their football success, but not interested enough to actually go to a game. The older I get, the more disgusted I am with the football culture, which is almost unavoidable.
Network Niche

Tonight the Jets are playing the Bills on Thursday Night NFL Football.

Check out pics of their teams with the coloring-themed uniforms --- highlights the competitiveness in a TV-friendly way.

I like the design of sports, because when that is lacking, it feels like there's a lack of intellectual interest.


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