The 36-hour work week/3-day weekend

It's not an attitude against those less fortunate eh ? Well you need to go back and rethink your ways of speaking then, because it appears that you have a lot of attitude against those who are less fortunate in life and but of course you do, not to forget to mention that you assign blame and character on to those less fortunate even when it doesn't fit them. You and others do this because you figure they can't come up with a good enough rebuttal against you who are so fortunate in life, but sadly it is you who are only fortunate in the ways of maliciousness, and then framing people into being something that they are not in order to keep the old games going.

People who claim to be "less fortunate" typically ascribe their situation to forces beyond their control. That works OK when someone is 10, 12, even 18 years old. But beyond that it is merely an excuse for lack of intiative, laziness, and self entitlement.
Keep living in your fantasy world of ignorance, because you are making a fool of yourself, and you are not helping but hurting those who are trying to dig out from under such a mess. Why operate in denial of the wrong in it all, and therefore give the opposition party ammo to use over and over again on you and your party in these ways ?

Yeah that had nothing to do with what I wrote.
I've met plenty of people who were "less fortunate." They frequently made much more money than I do and didnt sit back and bemoan how their parents/schools/government/employers had screwed them. Then there are people like you.
How did they steal the jobs from the Americans you ask ? Well they didn't, but what happened was this, where as it was the American businessmen who set the whole thing up, and to replace the Americans with them because they would work for what they could pay them under the table, meanwhile they got government assistance and free schooling while here, and yes it was all off of the taxpayers dime as a subsidy for them. Wow what a set up that The Americans even if they wanted to work couldn't beat that system of doing things, so it was see ya and wouldn't want to be ya to the American workers. There are countless news reports and claims on this situation, but I bet many hope time erases the knowledge of it all soon. This way people can claim it was all a myth in what people are claiming now, just like you who deny the whole thing by claiming ignorance to these things. In the situation it mattered not how smarter or harder you worked, because you were about to be replaced regardless of these things you speak of, and especially if thinking about asking for a raise in such a rigged game as it was.

Is this anectdotal? Do you have some personal experience with this?

How were these illegals getting government assistance and free schooling?

In essence, are you saying that the illegals were able to underprice the American workers out of work because they were able to accept lower wages than the Americans could?

I'm not trying to deny anything, and I cannot claim ignorance as ignorance is what I have about these events regardless of any claim. I'm not particularly aged, there was no mention of this in the AP American History course I took in High School, I haven't had any other American History classes since, and I haven't heard anyone talk about American business owners rigging the system to oust the American worker outside of this board.

Everyone gets free schooling whether they are citizens or not.
Everyone who has a kid born in America gets food stamps and assistance whether they themselves are citizens or not.
Illegals/immigrants are able to underprice the American workers because they are willing to live like animals with barely enough room to lay down and sleep they stuff their homes with so many people. Do you want Americans to live like that because they have to bid down the wages to get a job?

In Hong Kong the "working poor" live in cages in hostels. In Japan, the working poor live in coffin size hotels. In Cambodia, they live in the streets or in bamboo huts with no running water, and no electric, the working poor. Doesn't American's working poor deserve better than that?

So the illegals had no greater advantage in government assistance or free schooling than the Americans did right?

Deserve? Deserve is a fickle word, friend, and I'd be careful when tossing it around.

What makes America's working poor deserving of a better conditions than the working poor in any other country? Were they born deserving it by virtue of being born in the good ol' USA? Did they do something special to earn this "deserving" status?

Would you make me a slave to the wants and needs of those who have less? I work to earn money to buy food for my kids. To put a roof over their heads. Then the government swoops in to take the money I've earned to pass it along to others. So the time I spent earning that money is now forced pro bono labor, or, in a word, slavery.
Well, nobody by default makes money ever by working. Profits are a function of asset ownership, not work. Work factors in only because the assets need energizing to produce the profits. What you are paid is not for your work but for how long it takes to find your replacement.

True statement. Unfortuantely we now live in a disposable society with the "everything can be replaced" mentality. Nothing holds value anymore...not even tenured employee's and their years of knowledge.

Employers don't understand or care about the complexities or quality of the job performed... as long as they have a live body sitting in the chair for 8 hrs a day.
People should have known this when it became cheaper to get anything new than repair anything current. If your stuff becomes a commodity, next you become a commodity too. At least the feudal serfs were a part of their masters' land, now we are all marchandise. You can still make this work though, by eliminating the international barriers of human migration to follow capital migration. This is how it always was, until the 20th century, when national borders emerged and closed lives.
We are in the worst GDP downturn in a century and real unemployment is in the double digits and you want to do what?
To do what? Push every country, including the US, to give up competing claims to people's incomes. This would open up individual mobility to the same freedom that corporate mobility has had for min. 20 years now. Luckily, the US is actually making steps in this direction recently.

Plus almost every country in the world has more workers rights than the US.
We've officially had the 40-hour week since the early part of the 20th century thanks to courageous and determined efforts of the labor movement during that era.

Advances in productivity haven't led to a substantial increase in wages nor reduction in hours worked for the average employee. An increase in wages in proportion with productivity should help boost an argument for reducing the work week from the now standard 5-day week/8-hour day to 4-day week/9-hour day. Or we could just make Fridays a half-day. Or turn Thursdays and Fridays into 6-hour days with an adjusted wage increase.

Some of the Futurists in the 60's and 70's were saying that in the 21st Century the average man would have so much leisure time he wouldn't know what to do with it all.
Well through the 40yrs since then I've worked hundreds of 60+ hour weeks. I think the glitch they didn't anticipate was the reality that the working man in the affluent west
would have to compete with the working man in the rising third world. They were often sweat shop labor. So even though our productivity rose signifigantly there has been that anchor holding back an equivalent rise in our standard of living.

I for one think it would be great if a person could afford to give more time to their familys or their art or volunteering, whatever, if that's what they chose. That would be a leap forward in quality of living as far as I'm concerned. There's no universal law that says a human being has to work 60 hrs or 40hrs. a week to earn his daily bread.

That time may come when the world's labor market levels out, and if everybody isn't actually strapped to the wheel by then.
We've tried a 36 hour work week in the past? We've tried raising the minimum wage to a "living wage" in the current economic environment in the past? We've tried forcing businesses to provide health coverage and mandated what that coverage has to cover in the past?

When did we try all these things? I really must be more ignorant of American history than even I thought I was.

How did these illegals steal the jobs from the people who had them? Did they threaten someone at gunpoint for the job? What actually happened there?

For the record, I am against allowing any illegals to stay in the U.S. It is disrespectful to all the people who did things the right way to get here legally. I don't have a problem with legal immigration. If someone is under-bidding me for a job, I better make damn sure I'm working harder, smarter, and better than they are. Just like people don't always buy the cheapest product, companies don't hire the cheapest labor every time. They buy the best they can get for the price they can afford. So if I have to work a little harder to show them I'm that Best, that will only make me better.

You are still using emotion and nostalgia. The world is not the same as it was and it will never be the same again. We have to look at the situation as it is, evaluate it, and make the best rational decision we can make given the current circumstances.

How did they steal the jobs from the Americans you ask ? Well they didn't, but what happened was this, where as it was the American businessmen who set the whole thing up, and to replace the Americans with them because they would work for what they could pay them under the table, meanwhile they got government assistance and free schooling while here, and yes it was all off of the taxpayers dime as a subsidy for them. Wow what a set up that The Americans even if they wanted to work couldn't beat that system of doing things, so it was see ya and wouldn't want to be ya to the American workers. There are countless news reports and claims on this situation, but I bet many hope time erases the knowledge of it all soon. This way people can claim it was all a myth in what people are claiming now, just like you who deny the whole thing by claiming ignorance to these things. In the situation it mattered not how smarter or harder you worked, because you were about to be replaced regardless of these things you speak of, and especially if thinking about asking for a raise in such a rigged game as it was.

Is this anectdotal? Do you have some personal experience with this?

How were these illegals getting government assistance and free schooling?

In essence, are you saying that the illegals were able to underprice the American workers out of work because they were able to accept lower wages than the Americans could?

I'm not trying to deny anything, and I cannot claim ignorance as ignorance is what I have about these events regardless of any claim. I'm not particularly aged, there was no mention of this in the AP American History course I took in High School, I haven't had any other American History classes since, and I haven't heard anyone talk about American business owners rigging the system to oust the American worker outside of this board.
Yep, I sure do..I went through it all, and I was a supervisor at the time who eventually got replaced, because I wouldn't work the illegals instead of the Americans after the transformation took place. I also know about the situations where they were living like 3 families to a single family house. I also know of companies that were busted big time for having nothing but illegals working for them, where as they were soon replaced for the Americans again. I thought the Americans wouldn't work right ? It's mighty strange isn't it, that these Americans after all would work ? Now it's the nation scrambling trying to get back to treating them right again.
People who claim to be "less fortunate" typically ascribe their situation to forces beyond their control. That works OK when someone is 10, 12, even 18 years old. But beyond that it is merely an excuse for lack of intiative, laziness, and self entitlement.
Keep living in your fantasy world of ignorance, because you are making a fool of yourself, and you are not helping but hurting those who are trying to dig out from under such a mess. Why operate in denial of the wrong in it all, and therefore give the opposition party ammo to use over and over again on you and your party in these ways ?

Yeah that had nothing to do with what I wrote.
I've met plenty of people who were "less fortunate." They frequently made much more money than I do and didnt sit back and bemoan how their parents/schools/government/employers had screwed them. Then there are people like you.
Lets see people like me eh, whom have worked since I was 16, and had no problem with the system that was in play all the way till I was asked to run a construction site that worked illegals instead of the Americans for whom I had always worked before? This is where I changed, and changed career fields after being layed off. I have been a fish out of water ever since, but I was very adaptable to other areas of the workforce in life, so I took a job in a company that was still working Americans, and was still doing things right. It's been great, but I have sit back and watched all the systems collapse due to all the shenanigans that was going on back in the day. Now the ones who were running the systems like they were running them, have taken their golden parachutes and just flown away on them. They are living up in holes with all their spoils, and acting as if they done it all above board and legit, when I know better about them. I don't worry about it all, because I look to Heaven for my treasures, and not here where rust and moth doth corrupt them, for surely where my treasures are, so shall my heart also be with them as well. They shall soon understand that we are but a passing here, and what we do in our lives here will have consequences come the great judgement. I am a believer so forgive me of my ramblings, but it is who I am and what I believe in life. I feel for the ones who gain the whole world in their minds here, yet lose their own souls in the here after. Holy Bible - James: Chapter 5 - verse 1 thru 17 is a good read also.
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I think the solution if a change is needed would be a hybrid work week.

Meaning, when you start in the biz world, its good to have a set 40 hours and a stricter schedule. As you get comfortable and are producing, then hybrid it between set hours and hitting your goals.

Reminds me of when I started at a biotech about 12 years ago. I was on a small Trade/Distribution team of 4 people. On the team there was one person who was always amped up and moving around busy. Coming in on weekends. etc etc. Over time I realized they were always starting over. Always stressing themselves out. Not well organized. So, when they would brag about working twice as hard as most people, we'd all just look at each other. It was because that person was half as organized.

I think the moral of this story is that a 40 hour work week has lasted so long because people are different and jobs are different. So maybe the solution is allowing flexibility once a person shows they produce quality work. Whether that be allowing them to telecommute X amount, or come in early/leave early...or late/late. So, that's up to the boss/business to be able to identify a good policy for this to work and for the employee to be responsible with their work.
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Keep living in your fantasy world of ignorance, because you are making a fool of yourself, and you are not helping but hurting those who are trying to dig out from under such a mess. Why operate in denial of the wrong in it all, and therefore give the opposition party ammo to use over and over again on you and your party in these ways ?

Yeah that had nothing to do with what I wrote.
I've met plenty of people who were "less fortunate." They frequently made much more money than I do and didnt sit back and bemoan how their parents/schools/government/employers had screwed them. Then there are people like you.
Lets see people like me eh, whom have worked since I was 16, and had no problem with the system that was in play all the way till I was asked to run a construction site that worked illegals instead of the Americans for whom I had always worked before? This is where I changed, and changed career fields after being layed off. I have been a fish out of water ever since, but I was very adaptable to other areas of the workforce in life, so I took a job in a company that was still working Americans, and was still doing things right. It's been great, but I have sit back and watched all the systems collapse due to all the shenanigans that was going on back in the day. Now the ones who were running the systems like they were running them, have taken their golden parachutes and just flown away on them. They are living up in holes with all their spoils, and acting as if they done it all above board and legit, when I know better about them. I don't worry about it all, because I look to Heaven for my treasures, and not here where rust and moth doth corrupt them, for surely where my treasures are, so shall my heart also be with them as well. They shall soon understand that we are but a passing here, and what we do in our lives here will have consequences come the great judgement. I am a believer so forgive me of my ramblings, but it is who I am and what I believe in life. I feel for the ones who gain the whole world in their minds here, yet lose their own souls in the here after. Holy Bible - James: Chapter 5 - verse 1 thru 17 is a good read also.

Yeah you're full of shit. We can tell.
Is this anectdotal? Do you have some personal experience with this?

How were these illegals getting government assistance and free schooling?

In essence, are you saying that the illegals were able to underprice the American workers out of work because they were able to accept lower wages than the Americans could?

I'm not trying to deny anything, and I cannot claim ignorance as ignorance is what I have about these events regardless of any claim. I'm not particularly aged, there was no mention of this in the AP American History course I took in High School, I haven't had any other American History classes since, and I haven't heard anyone talk about American business owners rigging the system to oust the American worker outside of this board.

Everyone gets free schooling whether they are citizens or not.
Everyone who has a kid born in America gets food stamps and assistance whether they themselves are citizens or not.
Illegals/immigrants are able to underprice the American workers because they are willing to live like animals with barely enough room to lay down and sleep they stuff their homes with so many people. Do you want Americans to live like that because they have to bid down the wages to get a job?

In Hong Kong the "working poor" live in cages in hostels. In Japan, the working poor live in coffin size hotels. In Cambodia, they live in the streets or in bamboo huts with no running water, and no electric, the working poor. Doesn't American's working poor deserve better than that?

So the illegals had no greater advantage in government assistance or free schooling than the Americans did right?

Deserve? Deserve is a fickle word, friend, and I'd be careful when tossing it around.

What makes America's working poor deserving of a better conditions than the working poor in any other country? Were they born deserving it by virtue of being born in the good ol' USA? Did they do something special to earn this "deserving" status?
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc.
You know I'm wondering and maybe I have it wrong.

2 people

person 1 makes 100$ a day
person 2 makes 1,000$ a day

Lets say you decide you will pay... er force business's to pay person 1 10$ more a day... Whelp, you have to pay the 1,000$ a day person 100$ more a day to be fair by %.... While I understand this logical scenario can't exists in the mindless progressive welfare group of bitching babies (because one would be *too* well off, unless they are a Democrat).. Just pretend one person makes 85$ a day and the other makes 190$ a day. It would DESTORY an employer to give people more money for less time if they make any real money.

A capitalist is employing a worker to make a pen. The cost of raw materials and overhead was $10. He sells this pen in the end for $20. So with the cost of raw materials we have now got $10 left. So the worker makes the pen all by himself whilst the boss is away somewhere else, let say in the office of the factory doing whatever. The end of the day comes, the worker has made the pen. The boss takes this pen and wants to sell it (and does for $20 as mentioned above). To pay him for his work, he gives him $3. So where did the rest of the money go ? There is $7 unaccounted for. It didn't go the worker. It went to the boss, as profit. The boss has extracted so called surplus value.

This is exactly the mentality of a guy that does not get business. There are other expenses, there is labor, materials, utilities, equipment, building space, time spent dealing with government agencies, there are permits, licenses, taxes, unemployment insurance, workman comp insurance, business insurance, building insurance, time spent selling, not to mention the businesses are charged more for sewer, water, electrical, internet access and a host of other costs.
I have worked 50-70 hours a week for years. A 40 hour work week is unrealistic to me.
Everyone gets free schooling whether they are citizens or not.
Everyone who has a kid born in America gets food stamps and assistance whether they themselves are citizens or not.
Illegals/immigrants are able to underprice the American workers because they are willing to live like animals with barely enough room to lay down and sleep they stuff their homes with so many people. Do you want Americans to live like that because they have to bid down the wages to get a job?

In Hong Kong the "working poor" live in cages in hostels. In Japan, the working poor live in coffin size hotels. In Cambodia, they live in the streets or in bamboo huts with no running water, and no electric, the working poor. Doesn't American's working poor deserve better than that?

So the illegals had no greater advantage in government assistance or free schooling than the Americans did right?

Deserve? Deserve is a fickle word, friend, and I'd be careful when tossing it around.

What makes America's working poor deserving of a better conditions than the working poor in any other country? Were they born deserving it by virtue of being born in the good ol' USA? Did they do something special to earn this "deserving" status?
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc.

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson passed down an inheritance of deserving-ness? How does that work exacty? I'm not sure what you think you are saying here.

Let's be clear here. I'm not saying I don't want Americans to have a better standard of living than those countries' poor do. But they don't deserve it. To deserve it they would have to have done something deserving or have some trait that makes them deserving. What have Americans done or what trait to Americans have that makes them more deserving in your eyes than any other humans on the planet?
So the illegals had no greater advantage in government assistance or free schooling than the Americans did right?

Deserve? Deserve is a fickle word, friend, and I'd be careful when tossing it around.

What makes America's working poor deserving of a better conditions than the working poor in any other country? Were they born deserving it by virtue of being born in the good ol' USA? Did they do something special to earn this "deserving" status?
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc.

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson passed down an inheritance of deserving-ness? How does that work exacty? I'm not sure what you think you are saying here.

Let's be clear here. I'm not saying I don't want Americans to have a better standard of living than those countries' poor do. But they don't deserve it. To deserve it they would have to have done something deserving or have some trait that makes them deserving. What have Americans done or what trait to Americans have that makes them more deserving in your eyes than any other humans on the planet?

Americans deserve more than non-Americans because our ancestors fought for and created this country that can provide more.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc.

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson passed down an inheritance of deserving-ness? How does that work exacty? I'm not sure what you think you are saying here.

Let's be clear here. I'm not saying I don't want Americans to have a better standard of living than those countries' poor do. But they don't deserve it. To deserve it they would have to have done something deserving or have some trait that makes them deserving. What have Americans done or what trait to Americans have that makes them more deserving in your eyes than any other humans on the planet?

Americans deserve more than non-Americans because our ancestors fought for and created this country that can provide more.

What about the Americans who's ancestors fought on the other sides of those wars. Were they adopted into the deserving-ness club despite their ancestry or do we need to start keeping track of who deserves what based on when their ancestors migrated here?
You know I'm wondering and maybe I have it wrong.

2 people

person 1 makes 100$ a day
person 2 makes 1,000$ a day

Lets say you decide you will pay... er force business's to pay person 1 10$ more a day... Whelp, you have to pay the 1,000$ a day person 100$ more a day to be fair by %.... While I understand this logical scenario can't exists in the mindless progressive welfare group of bitching babies (because one would be *too* well off, unless they are a Democrat).. Just pretend one person makes 85$ a day and the other makes 190$ a day. It would DESTORY an employer to give people more money for less time if they make any real money.

A capitalist is employing a worker to make a pen. The cost of raw materials and overhead was $10. He sells this pen in the end for $20. So with the cost of raw materials we have now got $10 left. So the worker makes the pen all by himself whilst the boss is away somewhere else, let say in the office of the factory doing whatever. The end of the day comes, the worker has made the pen. The boss takes this pen and wants to sell it (and does for $20 as mentioned above). To pay him for his work, he gives him $3. So where did the rest of the money go ? There is $7 unaccounted for. It didn't go the worker. It went to the boss, as profit. The boss has extracted so called surplus value.

This is exactly the mentality of a guy that does not get business. There are other expenses, there is labor, materials, utilities, equipment, building space, time spent dealing with government agencies, there are permits, licenses, taxes, unemployment insurance, workman comp insurance, business insurance, building insurance, time spent selling, not to mention the businesses are charged more for sewer, water, electrical, internet access and a host of other costs.
All these things are anecdotal, where as they are figured in along with everything else when doing business, and it has nothing to do with how you pay your employee as based upon the supply and demand chain one might fine themselves in. How do you think businessmen get so filthy rich then, I mean if they are so overwhelmed with debt, cost and all else that is dragging them down ? They know how to make a profit above and beyond of all the things you mention that's how, but for some reason even when they are in a supply and demand chain that ensures huge profits for them, they are greedy still, and worse disrespectful, and so they decide that they should have almost 300% instead of a little less so that their employee's might share in that success along with them better ( I mean why not they helped them make it also).

Why is this greed I wonder ? Is it because they unionize in their thinking at or near the top, and so they can't operate as corporate individuals in which is what they want to be called when it benefits them, but when it comes to their employee's they group themselves in with the others who cry and complain about this all of the time, and so they say that they are hurting all the time right, and so there is just no way that they can pay anymore at all to their employee's because they (these con men) are just hurting all the time as according to them right?

Then we all go and watch episodes of Epic homes and other shows like this on TV, but they couldn't afford to do people right in life, no there was just no way they could do nothing like that on their own now could they?...LOL
A capitalist is employing a worker to make a pen. The cost of raw materials and overhead was $10. He sells this pen in the end for $20. So with the cost of raw materials we have now got $10 left. So the worker makes the pen all by himself whilst the boss is away somewhere else, let say in the office of the factory doing whatever. The end of the day comes, the worker has made the pen. The boss takes this pen and wants to sell it (and does for $20 as mentioned above). To pay him for his work, he gives him $3. So where did the rest of the money go ? There is $7 unaccounted for. It didn't go the worker. It went to the boss, as profit. The boss has extracted so called surplus value.

This is exactly the mentality of a guy that does not get business. There are other expenses, there is labor, materials, utilities, equipment, building space, time spent dealing with government agencies, there are permits, licenses, taxes, unemployment insurance, workman comp insurance, business insurance, building insurance, time spent selling, not to mention the businesses are charged more for sewer, water, electrical, internet access and a host of other costs.
All these things are anecdotal, where as they are figured in along with everything else when doing business, and it has nothing to do with how you pay your employee as based upon the supply and demand chain one might fine themselves in. How do you think businessmen get so filthy rich then, I mean if they are so overwhelmed with debt, cost and all else that is dragging them down ? They know how to make a profit above and beyond of all the things you mention that's how, but for some reason even when they are in a supply and demand chain that ensures huge profits for them, they are greedy still, and worse disrespectful, and so they decide that they should have almost 300% instead of a little less so that their employee's might share in that success along with them better ( I mean why not they helped them make it also).

Why is this greed I wonder ? Is it because they unionize in their thinking at or near the top, and so they can't operate as corporate individuals in which is what they want to be called when it benefits them, but when it comes to their employee's they group themselves in with the others who cry and complain about this all of the time, and so they say that they are hurting all the time right, and so there is just no way that they can pay anymore at all to their employee's because they (these con men) are just hurting all the time as according to them right?

Then we all go and watch episodes of Epic homes and other shows like this on TV, but they couldn't afford to do people right in life, no there was just no way they could do nothing like that on their own now could they?...LOL

You are completely worthless and uninformed. No wonder your boss fired you. Probably for gross stupidity, laziness and incompetence. First, look up the word "anecdotal" before you bother to abuse it again.
We've officially had the 40-hour week since the early part of the 20th century thanks to courageous and determined efforts of the labor movement during that era.

Advances in productivity haven't led to a substantial increase in wages nor reduction in hours worked for the average employee. An increase in wages in proportion with productivity should help boost an argument for reducing the work week from the now standard 5-day week/8-hour day to 4-day week/9-hour day. Or we could just make Fridays a half-day. Or turn Thursdays and Fridays into 6-hour days with an adjusted wage increase.

You ignore the fact that increases in productivity are not necessarily due to an increase in worker's skills but rather are due to technological innovation that allow less skilled workers to produce more.

And the average work week is already at 34.5 hours.

Table B-2. Average weekly hours and overtime of all employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted
You want a four day work week? Work four tens.
I loved it!! Three day weekends every four days is kick ass!!

I had a job in my 20s where I worked 3 12 hour shifts one week and 4 12 hour shifts on alternate weeks.

It was great.
This is exactly the mentality of a guy that does not get business. There are other expenses, there is labor, materials, utilities, equipment, building space, time spent dealing with government agencies, there are permits, licenses, taxes, unemployment insurance, workman comp insurance, business insurance, building insurance, time spent selling, not to mention the businesses are charged more for sewer, water, electrical, internet access and a host of other costs.
All these things are anecdotal, where as they are figured in along with everything else when doing business, and it has nothing to do with how you pay your employee as based upon the supply and demand chain one might fine themselves in. How do you think businessmen get so filthy rich then, I mean if they are so overwhelmed with debt, cost and all else that is dragging them down ? They know how to make a profit above and beyond of all the things you mention that's how, but for some reason even when they are in a supply and demand chain that ensures huge profits for them, they are greedy still, and worse disrespectful, and so they decide that they should have almost 300% instead of a little less so that their employee's might share in that success along with them better ( I mean why not they helped them make it also).

Why is this greed I wonder ? Is it because they unionize in their thinking at or near the top, and so they can't operate as corporate individuals in which is what they want to be called when it benefits them, but when it comes to their employee's they group themselves in with the others who cry and complain about this all of the time, and so they say that they are hurting all the time right, and so there is just no way that they can pay anymore at all to their employee's because they (these con men) are just hurting all the time as according to them right?

Then we all go and watch episodes of Epic homes and other shows like this on TV, but they couldn't afford to do people right in life, no there was just no way they could do nothing like that on their own now could they?...LOL

You are completely worthless and uninformed. No wonder your boss fired you. Probably for gross stupidity, laziness and incompetence. First, look up the word "anecdotal" before you bother to abuse it again.
Is that the only thing you found wrong with my post (one word), so how about the rest of it ?

You know I'm right on this stuff, as it takes no rocket scientist to understand what goes on, and have you forgotten why I was layed off or do you just ignore what one says in so that you can try and make up things in the ways that you want them to read or be read otherwise? Why so hostile, I mean are you a businessman who has been guilty of being greedy, and hoarding everything for yourself in life in which I figure if so, then you are probably the real lazy one who was just some how fortunate enough to have been in the right situation and at the right time in life. I know people who have taken dirt and turned it into a fortune, but it was only because they were in a supply and demand chain that allowed it to turn out that way. There wasn't really much thought involved in it all, so it is amazing what can come from some of the most unsuspecting businesses that people can get into, but it is still no reason for them to be bad people if they are fortunate in life, so I see it as a character flaw really when they who are the guilty ones are bad, and in other situations there are trends that get started, and that are followed, where as it is supposed that you are a fool if you treat your employee's as if they are somebody instead of idiots who can be duped easily.
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