The 15 Freight Trains Of A New Aged Cult Crushing Our Freedoms & Democracy


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
By Stella Morabito
June 26, 2015
Same-sex marriage is a notion that contains within itself the seeds of its own destruction. I doubt many have thought this through, with the ironic exception of the elites who have been pushing the agenda the hardest....Most people are weary of it all and going along to get along, especially since dissent has become such a socially expensive proposition, almost overnight. That in itself should deeply concern anyone who values freedom of expression.....Unintended consequences usually come about when we are ignorant or maybe lazy about a course of action. But we usually crash land after following an arc of logic, which in this case has gone largely undiscerned and unaddressed in the public square....Americans are in a fog about how marriage equality will lead to more central planning and thought policing. This is partly because the media and Hollywood only provide slogans to regurgitate while academics and judges push politically correct speech codes to obey. 15 Reasons ‘Marriage Equality’ Is About Neither

The "15 reasons marriage equality is about neither marriage nor equality" from that link summarized: (The author indicates that any of these things has to be challenged and when they are, gay marriage will legally implode...) The italics are Stella Morabito's words, the bold, underlined and plain text () are mine & my emphasis.

1. Children will suffer: "Whenever a parent is missing—for whatever reason—a child feels a primal wound. In this respect, parents belong to their children more than children belong to their parents."

2. States aren't subsidizing blind love: "In any free and functioning society, there is a state interest in encouraging as much as possible those who sire and bear us to be responsible for raising us." (see #1 here)

3. The Exception Doesn't Run the Rule: (See #s 1 & 2 for why) "Conflating same-sex couples with childless or elderly heterosexual couples seems to be the fallacy of composition: claiming something must be true of the whole because it’s true of some part of the whole...the heterosexual union, no matter how it takes place, is the only way any citizen exists, including intersex and transgender citizens. So recognizing that union without prejudice remains the only reason for state interest in marriage."

4. "Same sex marriage" can't be more special than others" : Applying the blind equality of the 14th, ironically cited by the cult of LGBT to justify legalizing JUST gay marriage but not other types of marriage based on sexual behaviors currently repugnant to society also (incest/polygamy).

5. Why does "anything goes" marriage get tax breaks while singles don't? "There’s a movement waiting in the wings called “unmarried equality,” which argues that all civil marriage should be abolished because it privileges married people over singles. If same-sex marriage becomes the law of the land, it will set the precedent for abolishing marriage."

6. Blindly promoting insanity (transgenderism): " If we become legally sexless, the implications are vast when it comes to how or whether the state will recognize family relationships such as mother, father, son, or daughter. There’s already a push to eliminate sex identification at birth, which could mean removing sex distinctions on birth certificates. ."

7. Destruction of familial relationships: "Civil marriage so far has presumed that a child born into a heterosexual union has the default right to be raised by his biological parents together. How can the presumption of maternity or paternity survive in a legal system that recognizes neither sex distinctions nor a marriage relationship?..... MSNBC anchor Melissa Harris-Perry did a “Forward” spot for the Obama administration in which she stated that all children “belong” to communities, not families. Another friend of the Obama administration, gender legal theorist Martha Fineman, calls for state-subsidized care-giving units to replace marriage and the family." (One wonders if Harris-Perry will surrender her own children to a central authority to determine if they can stay with her and her husband alone or must be shared?)

8. Artificial child creation promotes trafficking & bondage: (remember: gay men particularly have to use artificial means to obtain children outside adoption) "You may think artificial reproductive technologies (ART) are fine as an avenue to obtain children for those unable to conceive. But in the context of genderless marriage, ART ramps up the potential for human trafficking. Check to read testimonies of grief and loss felt by children who were conceived in this manner. Check the movies “Eggsploitation” and “Breeders” by the Center for Bioethics and Culture to hear stories of the exploitation of women in the industry. There is definitely an element of human bondage in all of this, particularly because human beings are being deliberately separated from their mothers and fathers, in a way that echoes the wounds of slavery’s separations and the search for one’s roots.

9. Gay marriage collides legally with religion: "Catholic Charities is closing its adoption services where same-sex marriage laws pressure them to reject their church’s teachings about marriage and family. Owners of businesses that serve the wedding industry are being forced to either scrap their consciences or shut their doors" (Kim Davis, jailed..)

10. Freedom of Speech gone : "Campus speech codes. Social punishment. Firing Brendan Eich as CEO of Mozilla for discovering his thought crime of privately believing in marriage six years prior."

11. Freedom of association hampered by autocratic thought policing: "At Marquette University, staff were told that any conversation or remarks construed to be against same-sex marriage were to be reported to Human Resources, even if just inadvertently overheard."

12. Orweillian destruction of privacy: "people fear punishment for expressing dissenting views. The emphasis on political correctness in the name of equality, coupled with an ever-growing bureaucracy, is a perfect environment in which to percolate a surveillance society."

13. Terrorism could increase by LGBT's version of "Manifest Destiny" (given that the terrorists #1 reason for "Death to America(ans)" is that they say we are "the infidels"..) "The United States is already punishing countries and threatening to cut off aid if they don’t accept the LGBT agenda....the White House makes clear that the LGBT agenda is a global agenda. And it looks a lot like cultural imperialism of the worst kind."

14. Authoritarian Conformity (Note this issue particularly with the job security at MSNBC for those in opposition) "In the past year or two, everyone with something to lose by opposing same-sex marriage—with the honorable exception of Eich—seems to have scuttled their principles. Five years ago, the American Psychological Association voted 157-0—that’s right, ZERO—to support genderless marriage."

15. Escalating punishment for opposing the LGBT agenda: "If you think the bullying of businesses, churches, and individuals who don’t get with the LGBT program now is bad, it promises to get much worse once codified....Justice Anthony Kennedy made it very clear in his words of the Windsor decision that any dissent on same-sex marriage was tantamount to animus. It is but a short step from presuming animus to punishing dissent....So perhaps the biggest question hanging in the air is this: What will the authorities decide to do to dissenters?" (This article was written before Kim Davis sat in jail).

"If you think the bullying of businesses, churches, and individuals who don’t get with the LGBT program now is bad, it promises to get much worse once codified....Justice Anthony Kennedy made it very clear in his words of the Windsor decision that any dissent on same-sex marriage was tantamount to animus. It is but a short step from presuming animus to punishing dissent....So perhaps the biggest question hanging in the air is this: What will the authorities decide to do to dissenters?"
Let them exhaust and whine themselves into an early grave. No one, who matters, give a damn what you or they say. The war is over, just some paperwork (and walking-dead bodies) to clean up...
Let them exhaust and whine themselves into an early grave. No one, who matters, give a damn what you or they say. The war is over, just some paperwork (and walking-dead bodies) to clean up...

Exactly. Thanks for underscoring the points in the OP by the living example of how you think.
Let them exhaust and whine themselves into an early grave. No one, who matters, give a damn what you or they say. The war is over, just some paperwork (and walking-dead bodies) to clean up...

Exactly. Thanks for underscoring the points in the OP by the living example of how you think.
By Stella Morabito
June 26, 2015
Same-sex marriage is a notion that contains within itself the seeds of its own destruction. I doubt many have thought this through, with the ironic exception of the elites who have been pushing the agenda the hardest....Most people are weary of it all and going along to get along, especially since dissent has become such a socially expensive proposition, almost overnight. That in itself should deeply concern anyone who values freedom of expression.....Unintended consequences usually come about when we are ignorant or maybe lazy about a course of action. But we usually crash land after following an arc of logic, which in this case has gone largely undiscerned and unaddressed in the public square....Americans are in a fog about how marriage equality will lead to more central planning and thought policing. This is partly because the media and Hollywood only provide slogans to regurgitate while academics and judges push politically correct speech codes to obey. 15 Reasons ‘Marriage Equality’ Is About Neither

The "15 reasons marriage equality is about neither marriage nor equality" from that link summarized: (The author indicates that any of these things has to be challenged and when they are, gay marriage will legally implode...) The italics are Stella Morabito's words, the bold, underlined and plain text () are mine & my emphasis.

1. Children will suffer: "Whenever a parent is missing—for whatever reason—a child feels a primal wound. In this respect, parents belong to their children more than children belong to their parents."

2. States aren't subsidizing blind love: "In any free and functioning society, there is a state interest in encouraging as much as possible those who sire and bear us to be responsible for raising us." (see #1 here)

3. The Exception Doesn't Run the Rule: (See #s 1 & 2 for why) "Conflating same-sex couples with childless or elderly heterosexual couples seems to be the fallacy of composition: claiming something must be true of the whole because it’s true of some part of the whole...the heterosexual union, no matter how it takes place, is the only way any citizen exists, including intersex and transgender citizens. So recognizing that union without prejudice remains the only reason for state interest in marriage."

4. "Same sex marriage" can't be more special than others" : Applying the blind equality of the 14th, ironically cited by the cult of LGBT to justify legalizing JUST gay marriage but not other types of marriage based on sexual behaviors currently repugnant to society also (incest/polygamy).

5. Why does "anything goes" marriage get tax breaks while singles don't? "There’s a movement waiting in the wings called “unmarried equality,” which argues that all civil marriage should be abolished because it privileges married people over singles. If same-sex marriage becomes the law of the land, it will set the precedent for abolishing marriage."

6. Blindly promoting insanity (transgenderism): " If we become legally sexless, the implications are vast when it comes to how or whether the state will recognize family relationships such as mother, father, son, or daughter. There’s already a push to eliminate sex identification at birth, which could mean removing sex distinctions on birth certificates. ."

7. Destruction of familial relationships: "Civil marriage so far has presumed that a child born into a heterosexual union has the default right to be raised by his biological parents together. How can the presumption of maternity or paternity survive in a legal system that recognizes neither sex distinctions nor a marriage relationship?..... MSNBC anchor Melissa Harris-Perry did a “Forward” spot for the Obama administration in which she stated that all children “belong” to communities, not families. Another friend of the Obama administration, gender legal theorist Martha Fineman, calls for state-subsidized care-giving units to replace marriage and the family." (One wonders if Harris-Perry will surrender her own children to a central authority to determine if they can stay with her and her husband alone or must be shared?)

8. Artificial child creation promotes trafficking & bondage: (remember: gay men particularly have to use artificial means to obtain children outside adoption) "You may think artificial reproductive technologies (ART) are fine as an avenue to obtain children for those unable to conceive. But in the context of genderless marriage, ART ramps up the potential for human trafficking. Check to read testimonies of grief and loss felt by children who were conceived in this manner. Check the movies “Eggsploitation” and “Breeders” by the Center for Bioethics and Culture to hear stories of the exploitation of women in the industry. There is definitely an element of human bondage in all of this, particularly because human beings are being deliberately separated from their mothers and fathers, in a way that echoes the wounds of slavery’s separations and the search for one’s roots.

9. Gay marriage collides legally with religion: "Catholic Charities is closing its adoption services where same-sex marriage laws pressure them to reject their church’s teachings about marriage and family. Owners of businesses that serve the wedding industry are being forced to either scrap their consciences or shut their doors" (Kim Davis, jailed..)

10. Freedom of Speech gone : "Campus speech codes. Social punishment. Firing Brendan Eich as CEO of Mozilla for discovering his thought crime of privately believing in marriage six years prior."

11. Freedom of association hampered by autocratic thought policing: "At Marquette University, staff were told that any conversation or remarks construed to be against same-sex marriage were to be reported to Human Resources, even if just inadvertently overheard."

12. Orweillian destruction of privacy: "people fear punishment for expressing dissenting views. The emphasis on political correctness in the name of equality, coupled with an ever-growing bureaucracy, is a perfect environment in which to percolate a surveillance society."

13. Terrorism could increase by LGBT's version of "Manifest Destiny" (given that the terrorists #1 reason for "Death to America(ans)" is that they say we are "the infidels"..) "The United States is already punishing countries and threatening to cut off aid if they don’t accept the LGBT agenda....the White House makes clear that the LGBT agenda is a global agenda. And it looks a lot like cultural imperialism of the worst kind."

14. Authoritarian Conformity (Note this issue particularly with the job security at MSNBC for those in opposition) "In the past year or two, everyone with something to lose by opposing same-sex marriage—with the honorable exception of Eich—seems to have scuttled their principles. Five years ago, the American Psychological Association voted 157-0—that’s right, ZERO—to support genderless marriage."

15. Escalating punishment for opposing the LGBT agenda: "If you think the bullying of businesses, churches, and individuals who don’t get with the LGBT program now is bad, it promises to get much worse once codified....Justice Anthony Kennedy made it very clear in his words of the Windsor decision that any dissent on same-sex marriage was tantamount to animus. It is but a short step from presuming animus to punishing dissent....So perhaps the biggest question hanging in the air is this: What will the authorities decide to do to dissenters?" (This article was written before Kim Davis sat in jail).

There is no such thing a 'same-sex marriage,' and consequently the thread premise fails.

Indeed, the thread premise is nothing but ignorant demagoguery, bigotry, fear, and hate – completely devoid of merit or worth.

There is only one marriage law in each of the 50 states, contract law that can accommodate two consenting adults not related to each other in a committed relationship recognized by the state – same- or opposite-sex, where either are eligible to enter into marriage contracts.

States seeking to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law they're eligible to participate in violates the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment (see Obergefell v. Hodges (2015)).
By Stella Morabito
June 26, 2015
Same-sex marriage is a notion that contains within itself the seeds of its own destruction. I doubt many have thought this through, with the ironic exception of the elites who have been pushing the agenda the hardest....Most people are weary of it all and going along to get along, especially since dissent has become such a socially expensive proposition, almost overnight. That in itself should deeply concern anyone who values freedom of expression.....Unintended consequences usually come about when we are ignorant or maybe lazy about a course of action. But we usually crash land after following an arc of logic, which in this case has gone largely undiscerned and unaddressed in the public square....Americans are in a fog about how marriage equality will lead to more central planning and thought policing. This is partly because the media and Hollywood only provide slogans to regurgitate while academics and judges push politically correct speech codes to obey. 15 Reasons ‘Marriage Equality’ Is About Neither

The "15 reasons marriage equality is about neither marriage nor equality" from that link summarized: (The author indicates that any of these things has to be challenged and when they are, gay marriage will legally implode...) The italics are Stella Morabito's words, the bold, underlined and plain text () are mine & my emphasis.

1. Children will suffer: "Whenever a parent is missing—for whatever reason—a child feels a primal wound. In this respect, parents belong to their children more than children belong to their parents."

2. States aren't subsidizing blind love: "In any free and functioning society, there is a state interest in encouraging as much as possible those who sire and bear us to be responsible for raising us." (see #1 here)

3. The Exception Doesn't Run the Rule: (See #s 1 & 2 for why) "Conflating same-sex couples with childless or elderly heterosexual couples seems to be the fallacy of composition: claiming something must be true of the whole because it’s true of some part of the whole...the heterosexual union, no matter how it takes place, is the only way any citizen exists, including intersex and transgender citizens. So recognizing that union without prejudice remains the only reason for state interest in marriage."

4. "Same sex marriage" can't be more special than others" : Applying the blind equality of the 14th, ironically cited by the cult of LGBT to justify legalizing JUST gay marriage but not other types of marriage based on sexual behaviors currently repugnant to society also (incest/polygamy).

5. Why does "anything goes" marriage get tax breaks while singles don't? "There’s a movement waiting in the wings called “unmarried equality,” which argues that all civil marriage should be abolished because it privileges married people over singles. If same-sex marriage becomes the law of the land, it will set the precedent for abolishing marriage."

6. Blindly promoting insanity (transgenderism): " If we become legally sexless, the implications are vast when it comes to how or whether the state will recognize family relationships such as mother, father, son, or daughter. There’s already a push to eliminate sex identification at birth, which could mean removing sex distinctions on birth certificates. ."

7. Destruction of familial relationships: "Civil marriage so far has presumed that a child born into a heterosexual union has the default right to be raised by his biological parents together. How can the presumption of maternity or paternity survive in a legal system that recognizes neither sex distinctions nor a marriage relationship?..... MSNBC anchor Melissa Harris-Perry did a “Forward” spot for the Obama administration in which she stated that all children “belong” to communities, not families. Another friend of the Obama administration, gender legal theorist Martha Fineman, calls for state-subsidized care-giving units to replace marriage and the family." (One wonders if Harris-Perry will surrender her own children to a central authority to determine if they can stay with her and her husband alone or must be shared?)

8. Artificial child creation promotes trafficking & bondage: (remember: gay men particularly have to use artificial means to obtain children outside adoption) "You may think artificial reproductive technologies (ART) are fine as an avenue to obtain children for those unable to conceive. But in the context of genderless marriage, ART ramps up the potential for human trafficking. Check to read testimonies of grief and loss felt by children who were conceived in this manner. Check the movies “Eggsploitation” and “Breeders” by the Center for Bioethics and Culture to hear stories of the exploitation of women in the industry. There is definitely an element of human bondage in all of this, particularly because human beings are being deliberately separated from their mothers and fathers, in a way that echoes the wounds of slavery’s separations and the search for one’s roots.

9. Gay marriage collides legally with religion: "Catholic Charities is closing its adoption services where same-sex marriage laws pressure them to reject their church’s teachings about marriage and family. Owners of businesses that serve the wedding industry are being forced to either scrap their consciences or shut their doors" (Kim Davis, jailed..)

10. Freedom of Speech gone : "Campus speech codes. Social punishment. Firing Brendan Eich as CEO of Mozilla for discovering his thought crime of privately believing in marriage six years prior."

11. Freedom of association hampered by autocratic thought policing: "At Marquette University, staff were told that any conversation or remarks construed to be against same-sex marriage were to be reported to Human Resources, even if just inadvertently overheard."

12. Orweillian destruction of privacy: "people fear punishment for expressing dissenting views. The emphasis on political correctness in the name of equality, coupled with an ever-growing bureaucracy, is a perfect environment in which to percolate a surveillance society."

13. Terrorism could increase by LGBT's version of "Manifest Destiny" (given that the terrorists #1 reason for "Death to America(ans)" is that they say we are "the infidels"..) "The United States is already punishing countries and threatening to cut off aid if they don’t accept the LGBT agenda....the White House makes clear that the LGBT agenda is a global agenda. And it looks a lot like cultural imperialism of the worst kind."

14. Authoritarian Conformity (Note this issue particularly with the job security at MSNBC for those in opposition) "In the past year or two, everyone with something to lose by opposing same-sex marriage—with the honorable exception of Eich—seems to have scuttled their principles. Five years ago, the American Psychological Association voted 157-0—that’s right, ZERO—to support genderless marriage."

15. Escalating punishment for opposing the LGBT agenda: "If you think the bullying of businesses, churches, and individuals who don’t get with the LGBT program now is bad, it promises to get much worse once codified....Justice Anthony Kennedy made it very clear in his words of the Windsor decision that any dissent on same-sex marriage was tantamount to animus. It is but a short step from presuming animus to punishing dissent....So perhaps the biggest question hanging in the air is this: What will the authorities decide to do to dissenters?" (This article was written before Kim Davis sat in jail).

There is no such thing a 'same-sex marriage,' and consequently the thread premise fails.

Indeed, the thread premise is nothing but ignorant demagoguery, bigotry, fear, and hate – completely devoid of merit or worth.

There is only one marriage law in each of the 50 states, contract law that can accommodate two consenting adults not related to each other in a committed relationship recognized by the state – same- or opposite-sex, where either are eligible to enter into marriage contracts.

States seeking to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law they're eligible to participate in violates the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment (see Obergefell v. Hodges (2015)).
Why can't they be related to each other? If that stipulation is OK then what denies same sex from being prohibited? Who died and left faggots boss?

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