The 13 ways the Tea Party is like the Taliban


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Tea Party positions include:

Ideological purity
Compromise as weakness
A fundamentalist belief in scriptural literalism
Denying science
Unmoved by facts
Undeterred by new information
A hostile fear of progress
A demonization of education
A need to control women’s bodies
Severe xenophobia
Tribal mentality
Intolerance of dissent
A pathological hatred of the US government

- HBO's "The Newsroom"
The Newsroom Tea Party Is The American Taliban Quotes
didn't he post this same crap last week?

there ISN'T one thing he listed that is TRUE

don't fall for it folks. it's for shit stirring

The Taliban can spell.
Reasons you are a fucktard....

1) You posted your ugly retarded picture here.
2) You still dress like your mother picks out your clothes each morning.
3) You eat shit.
4) You think shit tastes good.
5) You are a liberal
Well by crackie, if they said on The Newsroom, it must be true! Good golly gee willickers true indeed! Yes sirree...

I guess that means what Bob Hope said in The Ghost Breakers about Democrats must be true as well...

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