THAT WAS QUICK: DeSantis Donors Reportedly Recommending DeSantis Sit This One Out

The wisest thing DeSantis can do it sit this one out. The entire election is going to be about Trump. No policies, no positions, just Trump. In 2028, the Trump issue will be settled one way or the other. DeSantis can just walk through the election and into the presidency.
Wrong. It's beyond time for a real leader like desantis to run.
His "advisors" screwed the pooch for him when they failed to have him come out against the political persecution of DT by NYC for days.
Then they had him throw a dig in there when he did say something.

He might as well have worn a dress on stage because he came across the type of weak kneed RINO that the America First party has learned to loathe & shun.

Letting that slimeball Piers Morgan be the one to interview him for his first big scoop was also not the best choice.

I still love Ron - and I want a Ron/Don ticket - but I'm not sure that's happening, and his strategy as of late has been a bit lackluster.
This is all a side show anyways. Dems are wining the WH in 2024.
New DNC.jpg
His "advisors" screwed the pooch for him when they failed to have him come out against the political persecution of DT by NYC for days.
Then they had him throw a dig in there when he did say something.

He might as well have worn a dress on stage because he came across the type of weak kneed RINO that the America First party has learned to loathe & shun.

Second that! ^^^:thup:
Donors are fickle and I doubt we're talking about any Big League national-caliber donors here anyway...

But regardless of whether that 's true or not...

Idiot Republicans have forgotten that there are two phases to a presidential campaign...

1. win the party's nomination

2. win the general election

Rump can certainly accomplish (1) if he tries hard enough and if his primary-level opposition lacks the courage to stand up to the Orange Bully...

But Rump can no longer accomplish (2)...

January 6, 2021 destroyed Rump's chances of ever again regaining the White House... thank God.

The Black Vote in this country is extremely heavily slanted towards the Democrats...

The Hispanic Vote in this country is extremely heavily slanted towards the Democrats... even though we are seeing the beginnings of a shift... it's not enough.

The huge White Vote in this country is split between Republicans on the one side and a combination of Democrats and Independents on the other side...

By themselves Republicans can no longer win a US Presidential election with just their own numbers...

To do so they need to convince enough White Independents and Reagan (somewhat Conservative) Democrats to vote Republican in any given election...

They will NOT be able to convince enough White Independents and Reagan Democrats to "cross-over" alongside them during the 2024 election...


January 6, 2021
, and the divisive Big Lie Campaign that Rump continues to harp on.

There are vast numbers of Independents and Reagan Democrats who...

1. despise Sleepy Old Uncle Joe and his weak administration and mis-rule since taking office

2. despise the Orange Baboon-God for summoning, inciting and aiming a mob against the United States Congress on January 6, 2021

3. would vote for a fence-post rather than Rump, because of the Insurrection and his ignorance and arrogance and autocratic nature and dull wits

A certain and fairly large segment of the Republican base have deluded themselves into believing that their Orange Demigod can win in 2024.

But they fail to take into account that although they might very well win the nomination that they will come up losers on the Day After - guaranteed.

They just don't have the numbers nowadays... and numbers don't lie... some of these fools need a refresher course in remedial math...

The Republic cannot stand another four years with Biden (and Karamel-Korn?) at the wheel...

But that is exactly what is going to happen if these idiots run Rump again...

And they're blind enough and stupid enough to either (a) not perceive that truth or (b) ignore that truth because it doesn't jive with their hopes.

Who knows... maybe if they get their teeth kicked-in a second time in a row, the Truth will finally penetrate some of those thick Neanderthal skulls.
If true, they'd just cry foul again.

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