Thankless Jobs: what's a cop supposed to do

Police officer should have used the OC spray, instead of wrestling with Sasquatch.
Actually the police officer should have told the principal to handle his shit. Do your fucking job!
They dont because of lawsuits from the water buffalo's mama
Just a further example of society ceding agency to the state. Sounds like you’ve defaulted to the “if you can’t beat em’; join em’” programming. Pretty sad. Freedom lovers would push back against these types of people, and this kind of thing. Instead you’ve decided to start carrying their water.
Ahhh well... I guess every man has their breaking point. What was it that broke you..?
You make a lot of ASSumptions and you didnt know what you're talking about from the beginning.

I have real solutions. You didnt axe. You just made your ASSumptions.

The truth is, while you TALK about freedom on this board. NOTHING will change in that school or any other school by your rant here.

The cop should have been backed by all of us. You're a fool if you dont see that.
.we'll put this unruly child in your home. You'll be calling the cops soon enough
Are you on some sort of drugs?
When I was in school, a lot of the students got brutalized a lot worse. Its an educational technique designed to instill lessons into the children.

If a kid uses bad language, and a nun comes up from behind and immediately rams his head into the blackboard, like Pavlov's Best Friend he's has learned not to do that.

Too bad he didn't wait a week, then slip up behind sister psycho and either crack her over the head with a hammer, or whip a loop of piano wire over her head, and PULL! Pull as hard as he can, do not stop until he hears bone break.

There are not NEARLY enough child abusers winding up messily dead.
It’s disgusting to see a Chief if Police side with a criminal instead of his officer. So far as I’m concerned the officer was actually quite restrained in his use of force.
But you're batshit, so nothing you say matters except as unintentional comedy.

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