Is The Rumorblower Relevant Anymore?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
Their whistlblower is a fraud. An Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.
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Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
Their whistlblower is a fraud. A Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.

there are actual first hand witnesses left and right, some who are big fans of Trump that verify the complaint.,, and the IG found credible when he investigated the complaint.
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
Their whistlblower is a fraud. A Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.

there are actual first hand witnesses left and right, some who are big fans of Trump that verify the complaint.
I seriously doubt that.

The point is that this is only happening because Mueller laid an egg.
They needed an excuse to make it look like Trump was being impeached.....and this sorry series of events is just being put on to make people like you think they're actually fighting corruption......when the fact remains....they are trying desperately to keep from being arrested for their own criminal activities. They're blaming Trump for their own crimes.
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
there are anonymous tips all the time with law enforcement, and we as a society encourage it....
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
there are anonymous tips all the time with law enforcement, and we as a society encourage it....
Do you think that the law protects their anonymity?
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
Because it ended up not to be rumors. The IC IG knew he might be biased and he looked into it, still found it credible and it has been confirmed by those who WERE directly involved.
I hope Trump goes down. His supporters are too out of control to be healthy for this country.
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
Their whistlblower is a fraud. An Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.
The media are reporting what the investigation finds. Sorry it makes your guy look worse and worse.
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
Their whistlblower is a fraud. A Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.

there are actual first hand witnesses left and right, some who are big fans of Trump that verify the complaint.
I seriously doubt that.

The point is that this is only happening because Mueller laid an egg.
They needed an excuse to make it look like Trump was being impeached.....and this sorry series of events is just being put on to make people like you think they're actually fighting corruption......when the fact remains....they are trying desperately to keep from being arrested for their own criminal activities. They're blaming Trump for their own crimes.
Mueller did lay an egg, but that was because Rosenstein, ''landed the plane'' as he promised Trump he would when they had their little meeting on air force 1. :rolleyes:

I know this has to be frustrating for you, but President Trump keeps doing lawless and unconstitutional crap that causes all of his own problems... :(
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?

Only as a witness for the conspiracy charges about to hopefully be filed against the coup plotters.
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
Their whistlblower is a fraud. An Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.
The media are reporting what the investigation finds. Sorry it makes your guy look worse and worse.

The mediav
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
Their whistlblower is a fraud. An Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.
The media are reporting what the investigation finds. Sorry it makes your guy look worse and worse.

The media are now nothing more than the propaganda arm of the DNC. They have been proven to lie on so many occasions that the only people who believe them are folks like you.
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
Their whistlblower is a fraud. A Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.

there are actual first hand witnesses left and right, some who are big fans of Trump that verify the complaint.,, and the IG found credible when he investigated the complaint.
So tell us Care... are those first hand witnesses left and right here on the board with us right now?
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
The media is involved-that is the surest way to kill truth.
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
Their whistlblower is a fraud. An Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.
The media are reporting what the investigation finds. Sorry it makes your guy look worse and worse.

The mediav
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
Their whistlblower is a fraud. An Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.
The media are reporting what the investigation finds. Sorry it makes your guy look worse and worse.

The media are now nothing more than the propaganda arm of the DNC. They have been proven to lie on so many occasions that the only people who believe them are folks like you.
You swallowed Trump's schtick hook line and sinker. How pathetic it is to watch.
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
there are anonymous tips all the time with law enforcement, and we as a society encourage it....
Do you think that the law protects their anonymity?
I think the law governing the IG's part in the WB process, explicitly protects a WB... it says the WB SHALL NOT be revealed unless the WB gives the IG permission.

It would make no sense that the IG by law is prohibited from revealing him or her, if any ole senator or congress critter or president can reveal them.... that would defeat the entire purpose of keeping a WB anonymous that the IG MUST follow... don't ya think?
Democrats started talking about impeachment even before Trump was elected, and actively working on it ever since.
One ploy after another, they all failed, and Democrats, hand in hand with the media kept fabricating scandals, with hopes something will finally work for them.
This latest ploy also started three years ago, and we can see that from "rumorblower" lawyer's tweets.

Has anyone notice how Democrats and their media always talk about hypothetical as is somehow truth. They come up with "what if" than after few days of analysis, with their always ready "experts", that "what if" they try to turn into "is", and in absence of proof, they have to fabricate it. It's always the same play.

"What if" there is Trump collusion with Russia? There must be collusion. Let's prove there is. No proof.
"What if" there is obstruction of justice? The experts confirm there must be obstruction. The evidence proves otherwise.
"What if" there is quid pro quo? Second, third and fourth hand witness think there is. Transcripts show no evidence.
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
Their whistlblower is a fraud. An Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.
The media are reporting what the investigation finds. Sorry it makes your guy look worse and worse.

The mediav
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
Their whistlblower is a fraud. An Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.
The media are reporting what the investigation finds. Sorry it makes your guy look worse and worse.

The media are now nothing more than the propaganda arm of the DNC. They have been proven to lie on so many occasions that the only people who believe them are folks like you.
You swallowed Trump's schtick hook line and sinker. How pathetic it is to watch.
You swallowed Schiff's cum-is that better?
there are actual first hand witnesses left and right, some who are big fans of Trump that verify the complaint.,, and the IG found credible when he investigated the complaint.

The first to confirm the criminality of what happened in that phone call where the White House lawyers who confiscated every bit of evidence, and then moved to hide the transcript on a code-word protected server. The cover-up demonstrates the criminality of the crime, and also the fact that the perpetrators were aware of the criminality.

What else is there to say?

Yes, other witnesses confirmed that the effort at extorting a foreign government, the soliciting a bribe, and the invitation to a foreign government to interfere in a U.S. election didn't begin with the phone call, and didn't end with it.

Had anything like that happened under President Obama, the Trumpletons would still be screeching about how he should have been hanged for it. Since it's been the Dear Leader doing the deed, they ain't seeing nuthin.
I think the law governing the IG's part in the WB process, explicitly protects a WB... it says the WB SHALL NOT be revealed unless the WB gives the IG permission.
That is NOT TRUE. The LAW states that a whistle blower cannot be FIRED. It says NOTHING about them being protected from being identified. That would just be insane. EVERYONE in America has the RIGHT to FACE THEIR ACCUSER... except of course if you're the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, and your accuser is a CORRUPT DEEP STATE DEMOCRAT.

Not only that, but this person that has been labeled as a whistle blower by the democrat propaganda wing does NOT, repeat, DOES NOT, fit the description of a whistle blower in the FIRST PLACE. When you hear water cooler GOSSIP of what so and so said that so and so heard what so and so said, you are NOT a WHISTLE BLOWER, you are a PASSER ON of THIRD HAND FREAKIN' GOSSIP.

What part of that do you people not understand?
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