Thank you FDR


1940. Russia withstands Nazi invasion.....US and Britain do nothing

Britain sends 125 armor units, armored cars, ammo, food, and other supplies via Murmansk, allowing the Soviets to save Moscow from certain occupation in the spring thaw.

1941. Turns back Moscow attack, Stalingrad. .....US and Britain do nothing

See above. Soviets dead forever without early and timely British aid and rescues soviets from certain collapse.

1942. US finally in war, spends year ramping up

U.S. has been supplying Britain and French colonial units overseas, keeping the all in the war in the face of massive odds, including flooding the Soviet Union with everything from uniforms to aviation fuel boosters to ammo to machine guns to artillery.

1943. Russia turns tide at Kursk, pushing Nazis back.....US invades Italy

Kursk Pocket filled with British and American armor units, artillery, ammo, mortars, and is the only reason the Soviets can even think of launching an offensive.

Allied bombing makes it the only reason the Soviets can fly anything bigger than kites along its entire front. Locomotives, steel, modern alloy,s and machine tools allow Soviet to begin building a few of their own trucks and tanks. Soviet commanders in the field still fight small wars among themselves to acquire the U.S. made trucks.

Russian tanks still pieces of shit, and remain so until 1944 summer, when U.S. engineering mods are finally implemented for the T-34 in Soviet factories, the ones furnished with the modern British and American machinery. The T-34 was itself based on American and British tanks in the first place.

1944. US finally invaded Western Europe

U.S. fights on two fronts in Europe, several in the Pacific, maintains the Soviet Union and several Allies, and by Jan.1943 even the Nazis know the war is lost, thanks to the U.S.

Soviets had their own Air Force and destroyed the Luftwaffe

Laughable rubbish. Most of their aircraft couldn't fly, they had crap for aviation fuel. The American bombing campaign forced Hitler to almost entirely strip the East of anti-craft guns and fighter aircraft, the British had to send shiploads of aircraft engines for the Soviet planes, and the fuel boosters so they could get off the ground at all. The Soviets had a sorry record even with almost total air superiority across their entire front for the entire war from 1942 onward. Wasn't until alte in the war the Soviets could produce their own engines, an those based on British designs and using British machine tools and engineers in the factories, and U.S. and British produced aviation fuel booster additives.

American won the war across the globe, on multiple fronts, in a mere 3 years, and from a standing start. A truly great achievement, matched by no one in history. Commies and faggots have been all mad ever since.
America won the war in the Pacific

The Soviets did 90 percent of the fighting against the Nazis

No, they didn't; they were merely taking advantage of our destruction of Germany. they were out of the war until the Brits and the U.S. brought them back in. they were Brit and American mercenaries, and not even good ones, just mobs of rapists and thugs.

The Soviets faced the bulk of the Nazi war machine and beat them
While the US and Britts were waiting year after year to come up with the perfect invasion plan, the Soviets were doing the fighting

No, they didn't; they lost, which was why the Brits went in and saved them.

We've already established you don't know any WW II history.

1940. Russia withstands Nazi invasion.....US and Britain do nothing

Britain sends 125 armor units, armored cars, ammo, food, and other supplies via Murmansk, allowing the Soviets to save Moscow from certain occupation in the spring thaw.

1941. Turns back Moscow attack, Stalingrad. .....US and Britain do nothing

See above. Soviets dead forever without early and timely British aid and rescues soviets from certain collapse.

1942. US finally in war, spends year ramping up

U.S. has been supplying Britain and French colonial units overseas, keeping the all in the war in the face of massive odds, including flooding the Soviet Union with everything from uniforms to aviation fuel boosters to ammo to machine guns to artillery.

1943. Russia turns tide at Kursk, pushing Nazis back.....US invades Italy

Kursk Pocket filled with British and American armor units, artillery, ammo, mortars, and is the only reason the Soviets can even think of launching an offensive.

Allied bombing makes it the only reason the Soviets can fly anything bigger than kites along its entire front. Locomotives, steel, modern alloy,s and machine tools allow Soviet to begin building a few of their own trucks and tanks. Soviet commanders in the field still fight small wars among themselves to acquire the U.S. made trucks.

Russian tanks still pieces of shit, and remain so until 1944 summer, when U.S. engineering mods are finally implemented for the T-34 in Soviet factories, the ones furnished with the modern British and American machinery. The T-34 was itself based on American and British tanks in the first place.

1944. US finally invaded Western Europe

U.S. fights on two fronts in Europe, several in the Pacific, maintains the Soviet Union and several Allies, and by Jan.1943 even the Nazis know the war is lost, thanks to the U.S.

Soviets had their own Air Force and destroyed the Luftwaffe

Laughable rubbish. Most of their aircraft couldn't fly, they had crap for aviation fuel. The American bombing campaign forced Hitler to almost entirely strip the East of anti-craft guns and fighter aircraft, the British had to send shiploads of aircraft engines for the Soviet planes, and the fuel boosters so they could get off the ground at all. The Soviets had a sorry record even with almost total air superiority across their entire front for the entire war from 1942 onward. Wasn't until alte in the war the Soviets could produce their own engines, an those based on British designs and using British machine tools and engineers in the factories, and U.S. and British produced aviation fuel booster additives.

American won the war across the globe, on multiple fronts, in a mere 3 years, and from a standing start. A truly great achievement, matched by no one in history. Commies and faggots have been all mad ever since.
America won the war in the Pacific

The Soviets did 90 percent of the fighting against the Nazis

No, they didn't; they were merely taking advantage of our destruction of Germany. they were out of the war until the Brits and the U.S. brought them back in. they were Brit and American mercenaries, and not even good ones, just mobs of rapists and thugs.

The Soviets faced the bulk of the Nazi war machine and beat them
While the US and Britts were waiting year after year to come up with the perfect invasion plan, the Soviets were doing the fighting

No, they didn't; they lost, which was why the Brits went in and saved them.

We've already established you don't know any WW II history.
Thus the end of any serious discussion

1940. Russia withstands Nazi invasion.....US and Britain do nothing

Britain sends 125 armor units, armored cars, ammo, food, and other supplies via Murmansk, allowing the Soviets to save Moscow from certain occupation in the spring thaw.

1941. Turns back Moscow attack, Stalingrad. .....US and Britain do nothing

See above. Soviets dead forever without early and timely British aid and rescues soviets from certain collapse.

1942. US finally in war, spends year ramping up

U.S. has been supplying Britain and French colonial units overseas, keeping the all in the war in the face of massive odds, including flooding the Soviet Union with everything from uniforms to aviation fuel boosters to ammo to machine guns to artillery.

1943. Russia turns tide at Kursk, pushing Nazis back.....US invades Italy

Kursk Pocket filled with British and American armor units, artillery, ammo, mortars, and is the only reason the Soviets can even think of launching an offensive.

Allied bombing makes it the only reason the Soviets can fly anything bigger than kites along its entire front. Locomotives, steel, modern alloy,s and machine tools allow Soviet to begin building a few of their own trucks and tanks. Soviet commanders in the field still fight small wars among themselves to acquire the U.S. made trucks.

Russian tanks still pieces of shit, and remain so until 1944 summer, when U.S. engineering mods are finally implemented for the T-34 in Soviet factories, the ones furnished with the modern British and American machinery. The T-34 was itself based on American and British tanks in the first place.

1944. US finally invaded Western Europe

U.S. fights on two fronts in Europe, several in the Pacific, maintains the Soviet Union and several Allies, and by Jan.1943 even the Nazis know the war is lost, thanks to the U.S.

Soviets had their own Air Force and destroyed the Luftwaffe

Laughable rubbish. Most of their aircraft couldn't fly, they had crap for aviation fuel. The American bombing campaign forced Hitler to almost entirely strip the East of anti-craft guns and fighter aircraft, the British had to send shiploads of aircraft engines for the Soviet planes, and the fuel boosters so they could get off the ground at all. The Soviets had a sorry record even with almost total air superiority across their entire front for the entire war from 1942 onward. Wasn't until alte in the war the Soviets could produce their own engines, an those based on British designs and using British machine tools and engineers in the factories, and U.S. and British produced aviation fuel booster additives.

American won the war across the globe, on multiple fronts, in a mere 3 years, and from a standing start. A truly great achievement, matched by no one in history. Commies and faggots have been all mad ever since.
America won the war in the Pacific

The Soviets did 90 percent of the fighting against the Nazis

No, they didn't; they were merely taking advantage of our destruction of Germany. they were out of the war until the Brits and the U.S. brought them back in. they were Brit and American mercenaries, and not even good ones, just mobs of rapists and thugs.

The Soviets faced the bulk of the Nazi war machine and beat them
While the US and Britts were waiting year after year to come up with the perfect invasion plan, the Soviets were doing the fighting

Well of course the war was in their back yard. They should do the majority of the fighting. Plus we were busy with the Japs.

I seem to remember learning in history class that the Russians used the winter to their advantage.
Stop trolling, troll.
I'd like to know what makes her, and you, a Republican.

Unkotare is

a. In a union
b. a teacher in a public school
c. broke and going to need social security and medicare

What makes you pull the GOP lever?
He is a deplorable
Unkotare is the most deplorable person on usmb. He's a ignorant greedy racist, homophobe, shovanist, communist jap lover.
He also has horrid hygiene

You want to associate yourself with Bobobrainless and his racial slurs? Ready to reveal yourself as the same kind of racist hypocrite scumbag? Be careful, you’ll get him all ‘excited.’

DOJ Takes First Steps Toward Indefinite Detention Of Families
The Department of Justice filed in court for changes so it could detain kids for longer with their parents.
I'd like to know what makes her, and you, a Republican.

Unkotare is

a. In a union
b. a teacher in a public school
c. broke and going to need social security and medicare

What makes you pull the GOP lever?
He is a deplorable
Unkotare is the most deplorable person on usmb. He's a ignorant greedy racist, homophobe, shovanist, communist jap lover.
He also has horrid hygiene

You want to associate yourself with Bobobrainless and his racial slurs? Ready to reveal yourself as the same kind of racist hypocrite scumbag? Be careful, you’ll get him all ‘excited.’

DOJ Takes First Steps Toward Indefinite Detention Of Families
The Department of Justice filed in court for changes so it could detain kids for longer with their parents.

Just as the liberals wanted.
Britain sends 125 armor units, armored cars, ammo, food, and other supplies via Murmansk, allowing the Soviets to save Moscow from certain occupation in the spring thaw.

See above. Soviets dead forever without early and timely British aid and rescues soviets from certain collapse.

U.S. has been supplying Britain and French colonial units overseas, keeping the all in the war in the face of massive odds, including flooding the Soviet Union with everything from uniforms to aviation fuel boosters to ammo to machine guns to artillery.

Kursk Pocket filled with British and American armor units, artillery, ammo, mortars, and is the only reason the Soviets can even think of launching an offensive.

Allied bombing makes it the only reason the Soviets can fly anything bigger than kites along its entire front. Locomotives, steel, modern alloy,s and machine tools allow Soviet to begin building a few of their own trucks and tanks. Soviet commanders in the field still fight small wars among themselves to acquire the U.S. made trucks.

Russian tanks still pieces of shit, and remain so until 1944 summer, when U.S. engineering mods are finally implemented for the T-34 in Soviet factories, the ones furnished with the modern British and American machinery. The T-34 was itself based on American and British tanks in the first place.

U.S. fights on two fronts in Europe, several in the Pacific, maintains the Soviet Union and several Allies, and by Jan.1943 even the Nazis know the war is lost, thanks to the U.S.

Laughable rubbish. Most of their aircraft couldn't fly, they had crap for aviation fuel. The American bombing campaign forced Hitler to almost entirely strip the East of anti-craft guns and fighter aircraft, the British had to send shiploads of aircraft engines for the Soviet planes, and the fuel boosters so they could get off the ground at all. The Soviets had a sorry record even with almost total air superiority across their entire front for the entire war from 1942 onward. Wasn't until alte in the war the Soviets could produce their own engines, an those based on British designs and using British machine tools and engineers in the factories, and U.S. and British produced aviation fuel booster additives.

American won the war across the globe, on multiple fronts, in a mere 3 years, and from a standing start. A truly great achievement, matched by no one in history. Commies and faggots have been all mad ever since.
America won the war in the Pacific

The Soviets did 90 percent of the fighting against the Nazis

No, they didn't; they were merely taking advantage of our destruction of Germany. they were out of the war until the Brits and the U.S. brought them back in. they were Brit and American mercenaries, and not even good ones, just mobs of rapists and thugs.

The Soviets faced the bulk of the Nazi war machine and beat them
While the US and Britts were waiting year after year to come up with the perfect invasion plan, the Soviets were doing the fighting

No, they didn't; they lost, which was why the Brits went in and saved them.

We've already established you don't know any WW II history.
Thus the end of any serious discussion

You never contributed anything serous. We kept waiting, yet nothing showed up, except Communist propaganda..
He is a deplorable
Unkotare is the most deplorable person on usmb. He's a ignorant greedy racist, homophobe, shovanist, communist jap lover.
He also has horrid hygiene

You want to associate yourself with Bobobrainless and his racial slurs? Ready to reveal yourself as the same kind of racist hypocrite scumbag? Be careful, you’ll get him all ‘excited.’

DOJ Takes First Steps Toward Indefinite Detention Of Families
The Department of Justice filed in court for changes so it could detain kids for longer with their parents.

Just as the liberals wanted.
Ultimately I wish those kids were aborted then we could happily lock the parents up indefinitely

I have no problem what’s being done I’m with you bro

1940. Russia withstands Nazi invasion.....US and Britain do nothing

Britain sends 125 armor units, armored cars, ammo, food, and other supplies via Murmansk, allowing the Soviets to save Moscow from certain occupation in the spring thaw.

1941. Turns back Moscow attack, Stalingrad. .....US and Britain do nothing

See above. Soviets dead forever without early and timely British aid and rescues soviets from certain collapse.

1942. US finally in war, spends year ramping up

U.S. has been supplying Britain and French colonial units overseas, keeping the all in the war in the face of massive odds, including flooding the Soviet Union with everything from uniforms to aviation fuel boosters to ammo to machine guns to artillery.

1943. Russia turns tide at Kursk, pushing Nazis back.....US invades Italy

Kursk Pocket filled with British and American armor units, artillery, ammo, mortars, and is the only reason the Soviets can even think of launching an offensive.

Allied bombing makes it the only reason the Soviets can fly anything bigger than kites along its entire front. Locomotives, steel, modern alloy,s and machine tools allow Soviet to begin building a few of their own trucks and tanks. Soviet commanders in the field still fight small wars among themselves to acquire the U.S. made trucks.

Russian tanks still pieces of shit, and remain so until 1944 summer, when U.S. engineering mods are finally implemented for the T-34 in Soviet factories, the ones furnished with the modern British and American machinery. The T-34 was itself based on American and British tanks in the first place.

1944. US finally invaded Western Europe

U.S. fights on two fronts in Europe, several in the Pacific, maintains the Soviet Union and several Allies, and by Jan.1943 even the Nazis know the war is lost, thanks to the U.S.

Soviets had their own Air Force and destroyed the Luftwaffe

Laughable rubbish. Most of their aircraft couldn't fly, they had crap for aviation fuel. The American bombing campaign forced Hitler to almost entirely strip the East of anti-craft guns and fighter aircraft, the British had to send shiploads of aircraft engines for the Soviet planes, and the fuel boosters so they could get off the ground at all. The Soviets had a sorry record even with almost total air superiority across their entire front for the entire war from 1942 onward. Wasn't until alte in the war the Soviets could produce their own engines, an those based on British designs and using British machine tools and engineers in the factories, and U.S. and British produced aviation fuel booster additives.

American won the war across the globe, on multiple fronts, in a mere 3 years, and from a standing start. A truly great achievement, matched by no one in history. Commies and faggots have been all mad ever since.
America won the war in the Pacific

The Soviets did 90 percent of the fighting against the Nazis

No, they didn't; they were merely taking advantage of our destruction of Germany. they were out of the war until the Brits and the U.S. brought them back in. they were Brit and American mercenaries, and not even good ones, just mobs of rapists and thugs.

The Soviets faced the bulk of the Nazi war machine and beat them
While the US and Britts were waiting year after year to come up with the perfect invasion plan, the Soviets were doing the fighting

Well of course the war was in their back yard. They should do the majority of the fighting. Plus we were busy with the Japs.

I seem to remember learning in history class that the Russians used the winter to their advantage.

The Soviets lost an estimated 20 million people. We lost around 200,000 in Europe

They also killed 3-4 million Germans while we killed around 500,000, mostly through bombing
Last edited:
Unkotare is the most deplorable person on usmb. He's a ignorant greedy racist, homophobe, shovanist, communist jap lover.
He also has horrid hygiene

You want to associate yourself with Bobobrainless and his racial slurs? Ready to reveal yourself as the same kind of racist hypocrite scumbag? Be careful, you’ll get him all ‘excited.’

DOJ Takes First Steps Toward Indefinite Detention Of Families
The Department of Justice filed in court for changes so it could detain kids for longer with their parents.

Just as the liberals wanted.
Ultimately I wish those kids were aborted then we could happily lock the parents up indefinitely

I have no problem what’s being done I’m with you bro

You’re not with me, and you’re not my “bro,” scumbag.
He also has horrid hygiene

You want to associate yourself with Bobobrainless and his racial slurs? Ready to reveal yourself as the same kind of racist hypocrite scumbag? Be careful, you’ll get him all ‘excited.’

DOJ Takes First Steps Toward Indefinite Detention Of Families
The Department of Justice filed in court for changes so it could detain kids for longer with their parents.

Just as the liberals wanted.
Ultimately I wish those kids were aborted then we could happily lock the parents up indefinitely

I have no problem what’s being done I’m with you bro

You’re not with me, and you’re not my “bro,” scumbag.
I agree with you brother. On this I’m with you
You want to associate yourself with Bobobrainless and his racial slurs? Ready to reveal yourself as the same kind of racist hypocrite scumbag? Be careful, you’ll get him all ‘excited.’

DOJ Takes First Steps Toward Indefinite Detention Of Families
The Department of Justice filed in court for changes so it could detain kids for longer with their parents.

Just as the liberals wanted.
Ultimately I wish those kids were aborted then we could happily lock the parents up indefinitely

I have no problem what’s being done I’m with you bro

You’re not with me, and you’re not my “bro,” scumbag.
I agree with you brother. On this I’m with you

What do you think you agree with?
I'd like to know what makes her, and you, a Republican.

Unkotare is

a. In a union
b. a teacher in a public school
c. broke and going to need social security and medicare

What makes you pull the GOP lever?
He is a deplorable
Unkotare is the most deplorable person on usmb. He's a ignorant greedy racist, homophobe, shovanist, communist jap lover.
He also has horrid hygiene

You want to associate yourself with Bobobrainless and his racial slurs? Ready to reveal yourself as the same kind of racist hypocrite scumbag? Be careful, you’ll get him all ‘excited.’

DOJ Takes First Steps Toward Indefinite Detention Of Families
The Department of Justice filed in court for changes so it could detain kids for longer with their parents.

Crooked Donnie is looking to set up concentration camps
He is a deplorable
Unkotare is the most deplorable person on usmb. He's a ignorant greedy racist, homophobe, shovanist, communist jap lover.
He also has horrid hygiene

You want to associate yourself with Bobobrainless and his racial slurs? Ready to reveal yourself as the same kind of racist hypocrite scumbag? Be careful, you’ll get him all ‘excited.’

DOJ Takes First Steps Toward Indefinite Detention Of Families
The Department of Justice filed in court for changes so it could detain kids for longer with their parents.

Crooked Donnie is looking to set up concentration camps

Get back to me when he has
Unkotare is the most deplorable person on usmb. He's a ignorant greedy racist, homophobe, shovanist, communist jap lover.
He also has horrid hygiene

You want to associate yourself with Bobobrainless and his racial slurs? Ready to reveal yourself as the same kind of racist hypocrite scumbag? Be careful, you’ll get him all ‘excited.’

DOJ Takes First Steps Toward Indefinite Detention Of Families
The Department of Justice filed in court for changes so it could detain kids for longer with their parents.

Crooked Donnie is looking to set up concentration camps

Get back to me when he has
Well us liberals have always known illegals undermine American workers. I love what trumps doing here
FDR was a brutal slave driving tyrant who reinstitued slavery in the USA. FDR actually forced more American citizens into slavery than anybody in the history of the world.

FDR is synonymous with evil.
No. I have done it many times on this board. If you don't know the truth about FDR, then you need to get informed.

Some people just don't want to accept the truth. They prefer lies.
It is important you get your truths to the next group of noted historians that rate the presidents before they rate again. If they rate FDR as a great president, as they have since 1948, we know you didn't follow through.
Wish I could see the expressions on those historian's faces when they read your truths.

Same old logical fallacy over and over and over and....
And who decides a logical fallacy?

Classical Logic (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Let me know when you need help understanding this.
Some people can't think for themselves, so they let others do it for them.

His argument is classic appeal to authority.
It seems that hundreds of America's most noted historians is a pretty good authority. But then we have the authority on logic, Unkotare, calling it a fallacy, so I think I will go with the hundreds of historians. Nothing personal Unkotare.
It is important you get your truths to the next group of noted historians that rate the presidents before they rate again. If they rate FDR as a great president, as they have since 1948, we know you didn't follow through.
Wish I could see the expressions on those historian's faces when they read your truths.

Same old logical fallacy over and over and over and....
And who decides a logical fallacy?

Classical Logic (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Let me know when you need help understanding this.
Some people can't think for themselves, so they let others do it for them.

His argument is classic appeal to authority.
It seems that hundreds of America's most noted historians is a pretty good authority. But then we have the authority on logic, Unkotare, calling it a fallacy, so I think I will go with the hundreds of historians. Nothing personal Unkotare.
If I might summarize your belief system...

You purposely ignore the following FACTS about FDR:
  • condemned Hoover during the 1932 campaign for economic interventions, then intervened 1,000 times more than Hoover.
  • actively tried to stack the Supreme Court, when his stupid policies were found unconstitutional.
  • forced farmers nationwide to destroy their products under the belief that scarcity would revive the economy, all while millions of Americans were starving.
  • filled his administration with Stalinist spies and ignored all warnings about them. His closest adviser reported directly to Stalin.
  • set up Poland to make provocative demands of Hitler before Germany invaded, making many promises he had no intention of fulfilling.
  • in the 1940 campaign he said repeatedly that American boys would not die in Europe, all the while actively trying to get Hitler to sink American shipping as a pretense for war.
  • Placed absurdly stringent sanctions on Japan, knowing they would likely resort to military action.
  • Knew Japan planned to attack Pearl Harbor BEFOREHAND, but told no one (but did manage to get the carriers out of Pearl) and scapegoated commanders after the event.
  • Provided massive amounts of supplies to the USSR, while American troops went without and suffered on the battlefield for it.
  • Placed the requirement of unconditional surrender on Japan and Germany (per Stalin's direction), thus prolonging the war causing hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths.
  • Imprisoned Americans during the war unconstitutionally.
  • Refused to bomb Nazi prison camps and rail lines leading to them, knowing full well what was going on there.
  • Knew Stalin committed the atrocity at the Katyn Forest, but continued to blame Germany.
  • Was terribly ill and entirely unfit to be POTUS during the war and even ran for a fourth term, from his deathbed.

What is there to admire?
Last edited:
It is important you get your truths to the next group of noted historians that rate the presidents before they rate again. If they rate FDR as a great president, as they have since 1948, we know you didn't follow through.
Wish I could see the expressions on those historian's faces when they read your truths.

Same old logical fallacy over and over and over and....
And who decides a logical fallacy?

Classical Logic (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Let me know when you need help understanding this.
Some people can't think for themselves, so they let others do it for them.

His argument is classic appeal to authority.
It seems that hundreds of America's most noted historians is a pretty good authority. But then we have the authority on logic, Unkotare, calling it a fallacy, so I think I will go with the hundreds of historians. Nothing personal Unkotare.

Mindless appeal to authority as you continue to practice is a logical fallacy because you keep Insisting that a claim is true simply because some (in this case always nameless) authority or expert on the issue said it was true, without any other supporting evidence offered or the least attempt at mitigating the scumbag fdr's many transgressions.

Do you get it yet, you fucking idiot?
Same old logical fallacy over and over and over and....
And who decides a logical fallacy?

Classical Logic (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Let me know when you need help understanding this.
Some people can't think for themselves, so they let others do it for them.

His argument is classic appeal to authority.
It seems that hundreds of America's most noted historians is a pretty good authority. But then we have the authority on logic, Unkotare, calling it a fallacy, so I think I will go with the hundreds of historians. Nothing personal Unkotare.
If I might summarize your belief system...

You purposely ignore the following FACTS about FDR:
  • condemned Hoover during the 1932 campaign for economic interventions, then intervened 1,000 times more than Hoover.
  • actively tried to stack the Supreme Court, when his stupid policies were found unconstitutional.
  • forced farmers nationwide to destroy their products under the belief that scarcity would revive the economy, all while millions of Americans were starving.
  • filled his administration with Stalinist spies and ignored all warnings about them. His closest adviser reported directly to Stalin.
  • set up Poland to make provocative demands of Hitler before Germany invaded, making many promises he had no intention of fulfilling.
  • in the 1940 campaign he said repeatedly that American boys would not die in Europe, all the while actively trying to get Hitler to sink American shipping as a pretense for war.
  • Placed absurdly stringent sanctions on Japan, knowing they would likely resort to military action.
  • Knew Japan planned to attack Pearl Harbor BEFOREHAND, but told no one (but did manage to get the carriers out of Pearl) and scapegoated commanders after the event.
  • Provided massive amounts of supplies to the USSR, while American troops went without and suffered on the battlefield for it.
  • Placed the requirement of unconditional surrender on Japan and Germany (per Stalin's direction), thus prolonging the war causing hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths.
  • Imprisoned Americans during the war unconstitutionally.
  • Refused to bomb Nazi prison camps and rail lines leading to them, knowing full well what was going on there.
  • Knew Stalin committed the atrocity at the Katyn Forest, but continued to blame Germany.
  • Was terribly ill and entirely unfit to be POTUS during the war and even ran for a fourth term, from his deathbed.

What is there to admire?
Interesting how you support the interests of Nazis and Japan over FDR

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