Thank you FDR

That scumbag SOB fdr was by far the worst President in US history.
Or the best. If you care more about Jap Ams during WW2 than you do social security and medicare maybe but chances are most Americans care about those things not Jap Ams.


Read a book!!!!

The internment of 110,000 Japanese seems to have been largely political. Earl Warren of California was sensitive to his constituents resenting the large success of the Japanese in agriculture. And, interned, they couldn’t vote against FDR, and he did pick up three House seats…and after the election he began to move for the release of the Japanese.
Revisionist history.

Franklin Roosevelt: A God To The Uninformed
What do you do for a living?

I spin straw into gold, rob orphans, evict widows, help corporations-
Democracy as we know it in the world today would not exist without Franklin Delano Roosevelt

It's amazing how these rwnj's are so brainwashed to think that social security and medicare are the problem when it's those programs that created a middle class the world has never seen before.

Them and unions. Give unions a lot of credit too. BTW the only one here in a union is Unkotare. Conservatives are almost always hypocrites.

FDR provided a safety net for the poor, protected workers and allowed them to retire
That scumbag SOB fdr was by far the worst President in US history.
Or the best. If you care more about Jap Ams during WW2 than you do social security and medicare maybe but chances are most Americans care about those things not Jap Ams.


Read a book!!!!

The internment of 110,000 Japanese seems to have been largely political. Earl Warren of California was sensitive to his constituents resenting the large success of the Japanese in agriculture. And, interned, they couldn’t vote against FDR, and he did pick up three House seats…and after the election he began to move for the release of the Japanese.
Revisionist history.

Franklin Roosevelt: A God To The Uninformed
What do you do for a living?

Stop trolling, troll.
Or the best. If you care more about Jap Ams during WW2 than you do social security and medicare maybe but chances are most Americans care about those things not Jap Ams.


Read a book!!!!

The internment of 110,000 Japanese seems to have been largely political. Earl Warren of California was sensitive to his constituents resenting the large success of the Japanese in agriculture. And, interned, they couldn’t vote against FDR, and he did pick up three House seats…and after the election he began to move for the release of the Japanese.
Revisionist history.

Franklin Roosevelt: A God To The Uninformed
What do you do for a living?

Stop trolling, troll.
I'd like to know what makes her, and you, a Republican.

Unkotare is

a. In a union
b. a teacher in a public school
c. broke and going to need social security and medicare

What makes you pull the GOP lever?

Read a book!!!!

The internment of 110,000 Japanese seems to have been largely political. Earl Warren of California was sensitive to his constituents resenting the large success of the Japanese in agriculture. And, interned, they couldn’t vote against FDR, and he did pick up three House seats…and after the election he began to move for the release of the Japanese.
Revisionist history.

Franklin Roosevelt: A God To The Uninformed
What do you do for a living?

Stop trolling, troll.
I'd like to know what makes her, and you, a Republican.

Unkotare is

a. In a union
b. a teacher in a public school
c. broke and going to need social security and medicare

What makes you pull the GOP lever?
He is a deplorable
Democracy as we know it in the world today would not exist without Franklin Delano Roosevelt

It's amazing how these rwnj's are so brainwashed to think that social security and medicare are the problem when it's those programs that created a middle class the world has never seen before.

Them and unions. Give unions a lot of credit too. BTW the only one here in a union is Unkotare. Conservatives are almost always hypocrites.

FDR provided a safety net for the poor, protected workers and allowed them to retire

Not just the poor. My parents had/have a comfortable retirement because of social security. Now granted they would have saved any money that wasn't taken out for social security but how many of these stupid Republicans would? Mostly None of them. If they aren't saving now what makes them think they'd save if they had an extra $50 in their paycheck every 2 weeks. The wouldn't! They wan't the freedom to be stupid and then they'll cry blaming democrats and apply for medicaid first time they get a boo boo and then they'll say things like, "I paid into it my whole life" Or they'll say if illegals and scammers can get social services why shouldn't they? Well I don't disagree. I just don't like anti government people being on the government dime.

Read a book!!!!

The internment of 110,000 Japanese seems to have been largely political. Earl Warren of California was sensitive to his constituents resenting the large success of the Japanese in agriculture. And, interned, they couldn’t vote against FDR, and he did pick up three House seats…and after the election he began to move for the release of the Japanese.
Revisionist history.

Franklin Roosevelt: A God To The Uninformed
What do you do for a living?

Stop trolling, troll.
I'd like to know what makes her, and you, a Republican.

Unkotare is

a. In a union
b. a teacher in a public school
c. broke and going to need social security and medicare

What makes you pull the GOP lever?

Bobobrainless likes to make assumptions and then argue with himself based on those assumptions. He is hopelessly stupid and hasn’t the least familiarity with basic logic.
Democracy as we know it in the world today would not exist without Franklin Delano Roosevelt

It's amazing how these rwnj's are so brainwashed to think that social security and medicare are the problem when it's those programs that created a middle class the world has never seen before.

Them and unions. Give unions a lot of credit too. BTW the only one here in a union is Unkotare. Conservatives are almost always hypocrites.

FDR provided a safety net for the poor, protected workers and allowed them to retire

Not just the poor. My parents had/have a comfortable retirement because of social security. Now granted they would have saved any money that wasn't taken out for social security but how many of these stupid Republicans would? Mostly None of them. If they aren't saving now what makes them think they'd save if they had an extra $50 in their paycheck every 2 weeks. The wouldn't! They wan't the freedom to be stupid and then they'll cry blaming democrats and apply for medicaid first time they get a boo boo and then they'll say things like, "I paid into it my whole life" Or they'll say if illegals and scammers can get social services why shouldn't they? Well I don't disagree. I just don't like anti government people being on the government dime.
Prior to FDR, retirement was a pipe dream for most Americans

Work until you drop and then hope your children will take care of you
I'd like to know what makes her, and you, a Republican.

Unkotare is

a. In a union
b. a teacher in a public school
c. broke and going to need social security and medicare

What makes you pull the GOP lever?

Bobobrainless likes to make assumptions and then argue with himself based on those assumptions. He is hopelessly stupid and hasn’t the least familiarity with basic logic.
Well since you give nothing we have to make assumptions based on your retardedness. Your douchbaggyness.

I'm simply trying to figure out is she rich and evil or poor and stupid like you.

Me suspect she's poor stupid and evil like you too.
I'd like to know what makes her, and you, a Republican.

Unkotare is

a. In a union
b. a teacher in a public school
c. broke and going to need social security and medicare

What makes you pull the GOP lever?

Bobobrainless likes to make assumptions and then argue with himself based on those assumptions. He is hopelessly stupid and hasn’t the least familiarity with basic logic.
Didn't you vote for Trump because you were doing worse in 2016 than you were in 2007? Wasn't that the question Republicans used to win your support? They asked, "are you better off now than you were 8 years ago?" and you all resoundingly answered NO. So you admitted in 2015 that you were all struggling. I myself was doing better in 15 than I was in 2007.

So tell me, how has Trump made your life better? Are you better off now than you were in 2015? I doubt it. In fact with the cuts they're making to social programs you one day will need, they have set you back bitch boy. And you voted for it. You were also convinced by the "liberal media" that we can't afford to pay you your social security. So you have bent over and took it. Not only that you blame the democrats. What a fucking fool you are.

Maybe you have a teachers pension. It'd be nice if Devos broke that contract. God I'd fucking love it. But she'll blame Pelosi and you'll swallow it. So really republicans can do anything they want that enriches the rich and makes you poorer. You'll go along fool.
I'd like to know what makes her, and you, a Republican.

Unkotare is

a. In a union
b. a teacher in a public school
c. broke and going to need social security and medicare

What makes you pull the GOP lever?
He is a deplorable
Unkotare is the most deplorable person on usmb. He's a ignorant greedy racist, homophobe, shovanist, communist jap lover.
I'd like to know what makes her, and you, a Republican.

Unkotare is

a. In a union
b. a teacher in a public school
c. broke and going to need social security and medicare

What makes you pull the GOP lever?
He is a deplorable
Unkotare is the most deplorable person on usmb. He's a ignorant greedy racist, homophobe, shovanist, communist jap lover.
He also has horrid hygiene
Democracy as we know it in the world today would not exist without Franklin Delano Roosevelt

It's amazing how these rwnj's are so brainwashed to think that social security and medicare are the problem when it's those programs that created a middle class the world has never seen before.

Them and unions. Give unions a lot of credit too. BTW the only one here in a union is Unkotare. Conservatives are almost always hypocrites.

FDR provided a safety net for the poor, protected workers and allowed them to retire

Not just the poor. My parents had/have a comfortable retirement because of social security. Now granted they would have saved any money that wasn't taken out for social security but how many of these stupid Republicans would? Mostly None of them. If they aren't saving now what makes them think they'd save if they had an extra $50 in their paycheck every 2 weeks. The wouldn't! They wan't the freedom to be stupid and then they'll cry blaming democrats and apply for medicaid first time they get a boo boo and then they'll say things like, "I paid into it my whole life" Or they'll say if illegals and scammers can get social services why shouldn't they? Well I don't disagree. I just don't like anti government people being on the government dime.
Prior to FDR, retirement was a pipe dream for most Americans

Work until you drop and then hope your children will take care of you
And that is exactly what Republicans want to return us too. They say, "people are living longer so retirement shouldn't be 65 it should be 67. Show me one mother fucking 66 year old who wants to work till 67 because he has to. Don't show me the guy who gets ss and works because he wants to keep busy. That's different. The vast majority of Americans wish they could stop working at age 59. I was hoping to retire at 62 but recently I learned my new retirement age is now 67. So that's 2 more years I can't retire because to retire I'll need at least medicare.

It'd be nice if you could draw medicare at 62 even if you can't draw ss until 67.

Boy Republicans fucked us and most Americans don't know. If Republicans are pushed into debating the subject they'll resort to their usual tactic of blaming both parties, even though the fact is they've been trying to undo the new deal ever since it was put in place. They think ss and medicare are unconstitutional.
They were pretty much fishing in the dark re economic policies in those days. We now know that Keynes was 200% right, and the problem was that there was far too little government spending given the depth of the crisis; the war spending proved that bey9ond any doubt, though the cognitive dissonance among the right wingnuts asserts that the war-time spending is somehow not government spending or something, i.e. they hilariously contradict themselves on that.

The great depression had many factors, many of them regional, and government spending alleviated very few of those factors. The war took 14 million men out of the equation, and the government bought massive amounts of goods that revitalized manufacturing, mining, and agriculture.

Actually the economy started turning around just a couple of months after he was elected, and had reached moderate 1920's levels by 1937, fell back during the Supreme Court fight, then began rising again by 1938. As for 'alleviating problems', a lot of families put food on the table and kept roof over their heads via those programs that supposedly ' didn't work', so I will disagree; I knew many of those people growing up and were still around when I was a kid.

The 'Big Giant Capitalists' were for the most part hiding out on their fortified estates with private armies, screaming for FDR to shoot the nasty evul proles down in the streets, and doing squat for the economy and let the country collapse, so as usual the narrative are backwards re what was working and what wasn't, demanding 150% perfect performance or declaring it all 'failures' re FDR's programs while claiming the non-existent 'private enterprise' is absolved from any evidence of working to recover from the problems it caused in the first place and then ran off and hid from isn't a serious discussion.

But if people want to credit the war and admit Kenysian spending polices worked and that increasing government spending a hell of a lot more than it was possible for FDR to do 'solved' the problems, then fine, I don't mind them contradicting themselves and looking ridiculous.
Like FDR said at the time......People don’t eat on the long term

Also learned to swim at a New Deal built swimming pool, walked to school on New Deal sidewalks, camped out on New Deal built scout camps, drank water from reservoirs behind New Deal built dams. Not once did I ever hear any construction company owner complain, or cement maker, quarry owner, tool manufacturer, road builder, etc. etc etc. Farmers loved the new New Deal farm to market road networks, too, almost as much as the trucking companies and every other business.
Democracy as we know it in the world today would not exist without Franklin Delano Roosevelt

He did suffer from the aristocratic myth that his 'class' were capable of charming their way through anything, and his arrogant belief that he could manipulate Stalin was a bit of a disaster, but overall he did better than expected, and was smart enough to appoint good excellent leaders to key posts. He knew the right wingers were totally full of shit, and that alone saved probably 60 million American lives. and made the 1950's possible. Half the survivors would be speaking Japanese and the other half German by 1944 if the right wing had been able to seize power.
What do you do for a living?

Stop trolling, troll.
I'd like to know what makes her, and you, a Republican.

Unkotare is

a. In a union
b. a teacher in a public school
c. broke and going to need social security and medicare

What makes you pull the GOP lever?
He is a deplorable
Unkotare is the most deplorable person on usmb. He's a ignorant greedy racist, homophobe, shovanist, communist jap lover.
He also has horrid hygiene
Do you think that picture is him? I so want it to be him. Little gook. Smelly little gook. Jap bastard. He looks so angry and that's exactly how I see him in my mind. I would be disappointed to know he really looks like this

They were pretty much fishing in the dark re economic policies in those days. We now know that Keynes was 200% right, and the problem was that there was far too little government spending given the depth of the crisis; the war spending proved that bey9ond any doubt, though the cognitive dissonance among the right wingnuts asserts that the war-time spending is somehow not government spending or something, i.e. they hilariously contradict themselves on that.

The great depression had many factors, many of them regional, and government spending alleviated very few of those factors. The war took 14 million men out of the equation, and the government bought massive amounts of goods that revitalized manufacturing, mining, and agriculture.

Actually the economy started turning around just a couple of months after he was elected, and had reached moderate 1920's levels by 1937, fell back during the Supreme Court fight, then began rising again by 1938. As for 'alleviating problems', a lot of families put food on the table and kept roof over their heads via those programs that supposedly ' didn't work', so I will disagree; I knew many of those people growing up and were still around when I was a kid.

The 'Big Giant Capitalists' were for the most part hiding out on their fortified estates with private armies, screaming for FDR to shoot the nasty evul proles down in the streets, and doing squat for the economy and let the country collapse, so as usual the narrative are backwards re what was working and what wasn't, demanding 150% perfect performance or declaring it all 'failures' re FDR's programs while claiming the non-existent 'private enterprise' is absolved from any evidence of working to recover from the problems it caused in the first place and then ran off and hid from isn't a serious discussion.

But if people want to credit the war and admit Kenysian spending polices worked and that increasing government spending a hell of a lot more than it was possible for FDR to do 'solved' the problems, then fine, I don't mind them contradicting themselves and looking ridiculous.
Like FDR said at the time......People don’t eat on the long term

Also learned to swim at a New Deal built swimming pool, walked to school on New Deal sidewalks, camped out on New Deal built scout camps, drank water from reservoirs behind New Deal built dams. Not once did I ever hear any construction company owner complain, or cement maker, quarry owner, tool manufacturer, road builder, etc. etc etc. Farmers loved the new New Deal farm to market road networks, too, almost as much as the trucking companies and every other business.
All of these Republicans and their ancestors have benefited from the New Deal. They have been convinced otherwise. They believe things were better before the new deal, even though they weren't. They think they'd do better without, even though most of them wouldn't.

Lift the cap on more than $118,000. Billionaires only pay ss tax on the first $118,000. Take the cap off.

We live in a country where all the economic gains are going to the top. 30 years ago the gains were spread out. Today 95% of the gains go to the top 1%.
Democracy as we know it in the world today would not exist without Franklin Delano Roosevelt

He did suffer from the aristocratic myth that his 'class' were capable of charming their way through anything, and his arrogant belief that he could manipulate Stalin was a bit of a disaster, but overall he did better than expected, and was smart enough to appoint good excellent leaders to key posts. He knew the right wingers were totally full of shit, and that alone saved probably 60 million American lives. and made the 1950's possible. Half the survivors would be speaking Japanese and the other half German by 1944 if the right wing had been able to seize power.
There was no manipulation of Stalin to be had
His armies occupied most of Eastern Europe and he was not about to surrender that territory to FDR
I'm a paleo-liberal Texan; I favor policies that favor small to medium sized businesses and agriculture, and oppose big businesses. Republicans in my state are the direct beneficiaries of our early and aggressive curbing of the political power of the railroads and Standard Oil and Big Ag during the late 19th century and up to WW II. That's why there are so many wealthy and independent families in Texas to begin with.

The alcoholic drunk Ann Richards pretty much ended the Democratic Party here by adopting all the stupid idiotic radical shit the national Party adopted in their hatred of LBJ and the real liberals and proceeded to hand the Party over to frothing morons and gimps, and with the passing of the 'super delegate rule' and tossing out blue collar labor from any voice at ll in politics, they ended the Party for good.

There is nothing there but scum, deviants, traitors, and vermin there any more. No American should even consider voting for anybody sleazy enough to run under the Democratic Party name. Anybody who registers as a Democrat needs to be deported.
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