

Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Its time we packed it in.
2. Take our state away from the other 49.
3. Back away from this experiment, of being United with a bunch of losers.
4. We can make it without these hanger ones.

Sorry bout that,

1. Its time we packed it in.
2. Take our state away from the other 49.
3. Back away from this experiment, of being United with a bunch of losers.
4. We can make it without these hanger ones.

5. Texas fuckups can start beheading of their father.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its time we packed it in.
2. Take our state away from the other 49.
3. Back away from this experiment, of being United with a bunch of losers.
4. We can make it without these hanger ones.

A childish rightwing temper-tantrum.

‘Secession’ is un-Constitutional.

Not all residents of Texas want to have their citizenship taken from them; and the state doesn’t have the authority to do so.

Texas isn’t going anywhere.
Texas would die if it seceded.. And US government contracts, gone. All US Government facilities in Texaas, gone. Alll federal funds gone. No funding for schools and law enforcement. Millions will leave.. Texas State Universities, doomed. Professional sports teams, gone because they could no longer be part of U.S. pro sports teams. Events cancelled. Interstate trade, gone. Texas will lose billions.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its time we packed it in.
2. Take our state away from the other 49.
3. Back away from this experiment, of being United with a bunch of losers.
4. We can make it without these hanger ones.


It would be catastrophically bad for y'all to even try.

First off, its unconstitutional. So there's no legal way to do it without dissolving the United States. Which won't cooperate with you. The issue has been tried, the question asked of the Supreme Court and answered. So what you're proposing is outside the constitution. Y'all tried this shit once already. It didn't work out well for Texas.

Second, Texas' greatest boon economically is its location. It acts as a hub of commerce for the southern central US, a cross roads fixed between Mexico, the Gulf and the rest of the United States. Its one of the reasons that the 'Texas Model' can't be exported to other US States. As you can't export the secret ingredient: your location.

If y'all seceded, the US would seal your western, northern and eastern borders faster than you can say 'Well Bless Your Heart'.

Your economy would collapse. You wouldn't be a hub of anything. Trade would shift west into New Mexico, east into Louisiana and Alabama. They would grow and flourish as the trade that used to pass through Texas now passes through them. The number one market for your goods is the US. And you won't find it a friendly market anymore.

Y'all might be able to sell your oil....if the US didn't put sanctions on you. And you'd be on your own to face the whole of Latin America. And they remember.

And finally, Anson Jones demonstrated your folly rather elegantly when he came, hat in hand, essentially begging to join the US after Texas tried and failed its hand at being an independent country for 10 years. Wth the US having to absorb your crippling debt, your mismanaged government, and your failed state.

But this time it will be different, huh?
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TX should lead a delegation of electoral districts, the majority of which dominate 75% of the US land mass and expel the representatives of bed wetter districts. Declare the democrook criminal syndicate a terrorist organization (it is) and demand bed wetter districts either return sane, rational adults to the house and senate, or just send horses. Those regions that refuse to remain in the union can secede and join with canada or create a unicorn utopia where abortion is mandatory for all I care.

The bottom line is that we can no longer wait until the bed wetters have done to the entire nation, what they have done to every major city in the country.
TX should lead a delegation of electoral districts, the majority of which dominate 75% of the US land mass and expel the representatives of bed wetter districts. Declare the democrook criminal syndicate a terrorist organization (it is) and demand bed wetter districts either return sane, rational adults to the house and senate, or just send horses. Those regions that refuse to remain in the union can secede and join with canada or create a unicorn utopia where abortion is mandatory for all I care.

The bottom line is that we can no longer wait until the bed wetters have done to the entire nation, what they have done to every major city in the country.

Yeah, that's wildly criminal and illegal.

And the lion's share of Texas' GDP is in its cities. Which generally lean to the left.

And 'land mass' isn't a basis of electoral power in any State. People vote. Not 'land mass'.
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Sorry bout that,

1. Its time we packed it in.
2. Take our state away from the other 49.
3. Back away from this experiment, of being United with a bunch of losers.
4. We can make it without these hanger ones.


Majority opinion​

". . . The court delivered its opinion (with five justices supporting and three dissenting) on April 12, 1869. Chief Justice Salmon Chase, a former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury under President Abraham Lincoln, first addressed a procedural issue raised in the original filings claiming that the state lacked the authority to prosecute the case. Chase ruled that the approval by any one of the three governors of the original bill submitted to the court was sufficient to authorize the action.[15]

Chase wrote that the original Union of the colonies had been made in reaction to very real problems faced by the colonists. The first result of these circumstances was the creation of the Articles of Confederation, which established a perpetual union between these states. The Constitution, when implemented, only strengthened and perfected this relationship.[16] Chase wrote:


When, therefore, Texas became one of the United States, she entered into an indissoluble relation. All the obligations of perpetual union, and all the guaranties of republican government in the Union, attached at once to the State. The act which consummated her admission into the Union was something more than a compact; it was the incorporation of a new member into the political body. And it was final. The union between Texas and the other States was as complete, as perpetual, and as indissoluble as the union between the original States. There was no place for reconsideration or revocation, except through revolution or through consent of the States.[8]

For these reasons, Texas had never been outside the Union and any state actions taken to declare secession or implement the Ordinance of Secession were null and void. The rights of the state itself, as well as the rights of Texans as citizens of the United States, remained unimpaired.[16] From the decision:

Considered therefore as transactions under the Constitution, the ordinance of secession, adopted by the convention and ratified by a majority of the citizens of Texas, and all the acts of her legislature intended to give effect to that ordinance, were absolutely null. They were utterly without operation in law. The obligations of the State, as a member of the Union, and of every citizen of the State, as a citizen of the United States, remained perfect and unimpaired. It certainly follows that the State did not cease to be a State, nor her citizens to be citizens of the Union. If this were otherwise, the State must have become foreign, and her citizens foreigners. The war must have ceased to be a war for the suppression of rebellion, and must have become a war for conquest and subjugation.[8]

However, the state's suspension of the prewar government did require the United States to put down the rebellion and reestablish the proper relationship between Texas and the federal government. These obligations were created by the Constitution in its grant of the power to suppress insurrections and the responsibility to insure for every state a republican form of government.[16] From the decision:

The authority for the performance of the first had been found in the power to suppress insurrection and carry on war; for the performance of the second, authority was derived from the obligation of the United States to guarantee to every State in the Union a republican form of government. The latter, indeed, in the case of a rebellion which involves the government of a State and for the time excludes the National authority from its limits, seems to be a necessary complement to the former.[8]

So, from this SCOTUS ruling we draw two inferences. If Texas is to separate, it needs fulfill one of two conditions. It needs either get the vote to leave of a majority of the other states? Two thirds of the rest of the union? (The number of votes is not made clear.)

Or? It needs to fight its way out of the union.
TX should lead a delegation of electoral districts, the majority of which dominate 75% of the US land mass and expel the representatives of bed wetter districts. Declare the democrook criminal syndicate a terrorist organization (it is) and demand bed wetter districts either return sane, rational adults to the house and senate, or just send horses. Those regions that refuse to remain in the union can secede and join with canada or create a unicorn utopia where abortion is mandatory for all I care.

The bottom line is that we can no longer wait until the bed wetters have done to the entire nation, what they have done to every major city in the country.
The bottom line is this another example of the right’s desire to destroy America, along with conservatives’ contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its time we packed it in.
2. Take our state away from the other 49.
3. Back away from this experiment, of being United with a bunch of losers.
4. We can make it without these hanger ones.

If you Texans hate taxes as much as you seem to you're going to be in for a big surprise when the 30 million of you have to pay for absolutely everything to run your new country.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its time we packed it in.
2. Take our state away from the other 49.
3. Back away from this experiment, of being United with a bunch of losers.
4. We can make it without these hanger ones.

There's nothing stopping you personally from leaving.
Sorry bout that,

1. Well the long and short of this matter is this.
2. When we signed up to, The United States of America, we signed on the dotted line, it was to benefit us Texans, with this Union.
3. And Now, all this shit going on, it has turned into a suicide pact, in which we will have no part in.
4. You liberals have got to be out of your minds, crazy fucks.

Sorry bout that,

1. Its time we packed it in.
2. Take our state away from the other 49.
3. Back away from this experiment, of being United with a bunch of losers.
4. We can make it without these hanger ones.

You're not gone yet? Please hurry n make this happen!
Going to veto that. OP is from Dallas. Houstonians don't recognize Dallas as being in Texas. No real Texan sips lattes and fine wine likes Dallas does.



Texas would die if it seceded.. And US government contracts, gone. All US Government facilities in Texaas, gone. Alll federal funds gone. No funding for schools and law enforcement. Millions will leave.. Texas State Universities, doomed. Professional sports teams, gone because they could no longer be part of U.S. pro sports teams. Events cancelled. Interstate trade, gone. Texas will lose billions.

They'll be fine, if they do it. Their oil alone will keep them in high cotton.

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