Texas students launch 'no whites allowed' magazine


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
  • A group of students at the University of Texas, San Antonio plans to start publishing a “No Whites Allowed” (NWA) magazine.
Texas students launch 'No Whites Allowed' magazine

Oh the SJW morons are at it again, now imagine if white launched a NO BLACKS magazine........ Imagine if the whites launched something that said no blacks allowed why the cities would be burned down ....

THESE SJW RETARDS ARE SO FKED UP IN THE HEAD THEY'RE STUPIDITY IS SO DEEP THESE IDIOTS DON'T EVEN REALIZE THEY ARE CREATING THEIR OWN SEGREGATION.......... AND THEN TWENTY YEARS FROM NOW THE MORONS WILL BLAME IT ON THE WHITES , That's probably the way it really went back in the sixties, Then they blamed the white You assholes are going to get exactly what you want but don't even turn around and blame it on whites WE ARE ALL PAYING ATTENTION NOW those of us who aren't brainwashed leftist dumbasses.
Student Kayla Ramey further elaborated on the event’s purpose in a comment.

“I keep having to make this post but I'll try it one last time so everyone clearly understands. The name of the zine is No Whites Allowed. It's a zine for QPOC and by QPOC,” Ramey wrote, noting that while “white people are welcome to come to the event,” the “main goal is to celebrate and empower people that society routinely ignores and rejects.”

HAHAHAHA Kayla Ramsey....I knew it

I think a No Blacks Allowed magazine is only fair...;)

By looking around my neighborhood you'd think there was a sign at the front gate saying just that.:eusa_whistle:

My neighborhood has signs that say " No Drunken Irish Allowed."

Why didn't you save on the text for the sign and just say "No Irish Allowed"?

Yer right! I was drunk when I had it made.

You Irishphobe
I think a No Blacks Allowed magazine is only fair...;)

By looking around my neighborhood you'd think there was a sign at the front gate saying just that.:eusa_whistle:

My neighborhood has signs that say " No Drunken Irish Allowed."

Why didn't you save on the text for the sign and just say "No Irish Allowed"?

Yer right! I was drunk when I had it made.

You Irishphobe

I'm 75% Irish and 25% Scot and that makes me authorized. My poor old great-great Grandmother got infatuated by a drunken Irish bum and the family has been tried to live it down ever since.
By looking around my neighborhood you'd think there was a sign at the front gate saying just that.:eusa_whistle:

My neighborhood has signs that say " No Drunken Irish Allowed."

Why didn't you save on the text for the sign and just say "No Irish Allowed"?

Yer right! I was drunk when I had it made.

You Irishphobe

I'm 75% Irish and 25% Scot and that makes me authorized. My poor old great-great Grandmother got infatuated by a drunken Irish bum and the family has been tried to live it down ever since.

25% Scott? I knew something ailed ya :)

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