Texas Man Lynches, Hangs Empty Chair Representing Obama


Typical of those on the hard right to put their acts of violence and racism on full display.

A man from texas beat a chair and hung it from a tree to represent president Obama in the midst of Eastwood's epically failed speech.

When asked about it, the man responds with:
“I don’t really give a damn whether it disturbs you or not,” Bud Johnson reportedly said. “You can take [your concerns] and go straight to hell and take Obama with you. I don’t give a shit. If you don’t like it, don’t come down my street.” :cuckoo:

Texas man lynches chair with invisible Obama | The Raw Story

Yup. Same thing I'd tell the Muslims.. Don't like the stupid film, don't watch it.

People need to grow some skin. Is the "display" killing anyone or denying anyone rights? No.. It's not.

Stop whining about stupid people.

“This is the specific and deliberate use of a racially charged act of violence — lynching — perpetrated by white men against African-American men and women,” she added. “When you add a Republican symbol for the first African-American President into the mix, you get a pretty awful picture — the one you see at right, and one that can be seen on a front lawn here in leafy, quiet Northwest Austin.”
Typical of those on the hard right to put their acts of violence and racism on full display.

A man from texas beat a chair and hung it from a tree to represent president Obama in the midst of Eastwood's epically failed speech.

When asked about it, the man responds with:
“I don’t really give a damn whether it disturbs you or not,” Bud Johnson reportedly said. “You can take [your concerns] and go straight to hell and take Obama with you. I don’t give a shit. If you don’t like it, don’t come down my street.” :cuckoo:

Texas man lynches chair with invisible Obama | The Raw Story

Yup. Same thing I'd tell the Muslims.. Don't like the stupid film, don't watch it.

People need to grow some skin. Is the "display" killing anyone or denying anyone rights? No.. It's not.

Stop whining about stupid people.

“This is the specific and deliberate use of a racially charged act of violence — lynching — perpetrated by white men against African-American men and women,” she added. “When you add a Republican symbol for the first African-American President into the mix, you get a pretty awful picture — the one you see at right, and one that can be seen on a front lawn here in leafy, quiet Northwest Austin.”

that's really sick and twisted..Some of you people would stop all Freedoms of speech and Expression if you could
Does that mean if my dog gets in a chair she's sitting in a black man's lap? If she bites the chair, has she symbolically bitten obama?

Is obama really becoming synonymous with an empty chair? Empty suit? Hollowed out watermelon? Pitted peach?
Does that mean if my dog gets in a chair she's sitting in a black man's lap? If she bites the chair, has she symbolically bitten obama?

Is obama really becoming synonymous with an empty chair? Empty suit? Hollowed out watermelon? Pitted peach?

It was meant to symbolize Obama as per the person who was doing it dumbass. So yes, he was symbolically lynching Obama. Not condoning it, nor am I outraged. I find it funny the poor guy has so much time on his hands. A hard-working man like Bobby Knight only has enough time to throw a chair, this loser lynches them.
Does that mean if my dog gets in a chair she's sitting in a black man's lap? If she bites the chair, has she symbolically bitten obama?

Is obama really becoming synonymous with an empty chair? Empty suit? Hollowed out watermelon? Pitted peach?

It was meant to symbolize Obama as per the person who was doing it dumbass. So yes, he was symbolically lynching Obama. Not condoning it, nor am I outraged. I find it funny the poor guy has so much time on his hands. A hard-working man like Bobby Knight only has enough time to throw a chair, this loser lynches them.

So now people are guilty of what they think? What fucking next mind control scanners, and thought police?
Does that mean if my dog gets in a chair she's sitting in a black man's lap? If she bites the chair, has she symbolically bitten obama?

Is obama really becoming synonymous with an empty chair? Empty suit? Hollowed out watermelon? Pitted peach?

Secret service will be paying this dog a visit

He just symbolically pissed on obama!

If the empty chair is obama symbolism, obama made it his symbolism.
Does that mean if my dog gets in a chair she's sitting in a black man's lap? If she bites the chair, has she symbolically bitten obama?

Is obama really becoming synonymous with an empty chair? Empty suit? Hollowed out watermelon? Pitted peach?

It was meant to symbolize Obama as per the person who was doing it dumbass. So yes, he was symbolically lynching Obama. Not condoning it, nor am I outraged. I find it funny the poor guy has so much time on his hands. A hard-working man like Bobby Knight only has enough time to throw a chair, this loser lynches them.

So now people are guilty of what they think? What fucking next mind control scanners, and thought police?

Oh yeah, because I just condemned someone for what they think. Must have slipped my mind. No wonder the U.S. has a reading score of 500 (/1000). Before someone else puts words in my mouth, is this what you to do to convey your message? Does it make this man seem like a smart, logical individual?

And yes, the D's using this sole moron's actions to label you all (R's) is not justified but the piss comes from both sides of the fence.
Does that mean if my dog gets in a chair she's sitting in a black man's lap? If she bites the chair, has she symbolically bitten obama?

Is obama really becoming synonymous with an empty chair? Empty suit? Hollowed out watermelon? Pitted peach?

Secret service will be paying this dog a visit

He just symbolically pissed on obama!

If the empty chair is obama symbolism, obama made it his symbolism.

Look genius, people can find symbolism in any number of things. The fact that you are using that picture shows a general lack of understanding to what symbolism is. The flag is symbolism. What people get so up in arms about when its burned is because it represents what the citizens of this country stand for. What makes it important is that belief. If this dude believes that the chair represents Obama, then yes, he was symbolically lynching Obama. If you do not understand that, then I hope you believe in evolution because you still have a long way to go.
Secret service will be paying this dog a visit

He just symbolically pissed on obama!

If the empty chair is obama symbolism, obama made it his symbolism.

Look genius, people can find symbolism in any number of things. The fact that you are using that picture shows a general lack of understanding to what symbolism is. The flag is symbolism. What people get so up in arms about when its burned is because it represents what the citizens of this country stand for. What makes it important is that belief. If this dude believes that the chair represents Obama, then yes, he was symbolically lynching Obama. If you do not understand that, then I hope you believe in evolution because you still have a long way to go.

So what the fuck he hung a chair thinking it was obama Who gives a shit?
Does this mean when I go to the gun range I can no longer say obama is a piece of shit? Before I take a shot?

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