Texas Man Lynches, Hangs Empty Chair Representing Obama

Does this mean when I sit in a chair I am sitting on obama's face?:badgrin:

Only if you are symbolically sitting on his face. I'd pit a peach, but for sure the Secret Service would be down here claiming symbolism of something.

Think about that the next time you bite into a burger. You could be symbolically biting obama.
Does this mean when I sit in a chair I am sitting on obama's face?:badgrin:

Only if you are symbolically sitting on his face. I'd pit a peach, but for sure the Secret Service would be down here claiming symbolism of something.

Think about that the next time you bite into a burger. You could be symbolically biting obama.

The hell with that, I actually like burgers and now you just gave me a sickening feeling, and will not touch another cheese burger for years, thanks a lot.:tongue:
Typical of those on the hard right to put their acts of violence and racism on full display.

A man from texas beat a chair and hung it from a tree to represent president Obama in the midst of Eastwood's epically failed speech.

When asked about it, the man responds with:
“I don’t really give a damn whether it disturbs you or not,” Bud Johnson reportedly said. “You can take [your concerns] and go straight to hell and take Obama with you. I don’t give a shit. If you don’t like it, don’t come down my street.” :cuckoo:

Texas man lynches chair with invisible Obama | The Raw Story

I think I've seen it all now...

doesn't the Obama SS have some hookers to pick up or something better to do?

Typical of those on the hard right to put their acts of violence and racism on full display.

A man from texas beat a chair and hung it from a tree to represent president Obama in the midst of Eastwood's epically failed speech.

When asked about it, the man responds with:
“I don’t really give a damn whether it disturbs you or not,” Bud Johnson reportedly said. “You can take [your concerns] and go straight to hell and take Obama with you. I don’t give a shit. If you don’t like it, don’t come down my street.” :cuckoo:

Texas man lynches chair with invisible Obama | The Raw Story

Only a Lefty Liberal would join the dots and come up with "racism and violence" to describe an empty chair...And these dicks are running the country :lol: :eusa_whistle:

You are a fucking idiot with no moral fiber at all.
Typical of those on the hard right to put their acts of violence and racism on full display.

A man from texas beat a chair and hung it from a tree to represent president Obama in the midst of Eastwood's epically failed speech.

When asked about it, the man responds with:
“I don’t really give a damn whether it disturbs you or not,” Bud Johnson reportedly said. “You can take [your concerns] and go straight to hell and take Obama with you. I don’t give a shit. If you don’t like it, don’t come down my street.” :cuckoo:

Texas man lynches chair with invisible Obama | The Raw Story

Only a Lefty Liberal would join the dots and come up with "racism and violence" to describe an empty chair...And these dicks are running the country :lol: :eusa_whistle:

Anyone with half a brain would connect the dots and reach this solution. Guess that leaves most right wingers out.
With this kind of crap, I'm really AFRAID for our Freedoms of SPEECH

Vote this administration OUT PEOPLE...save our freedoms from the idiots who support them
Typical of those on the hard right to put their acts of violence and racism on full display.

A man from texas beat a chair and hung it from a tree to represent president Obama in the midst of Eastwood's epically failed speech.

When asked about it, the man responds with:
“I don’t really give a damn whether it disturbs you or not,” Bud Johnson reportedly said. “You can take [your concerns] and go straight to hell and take Obama with you. I don’t give a shit. If you don’t like it, don’t come down my street.” :cuckoo:

Texas man lynches chair with invisible Obama | The Raw Story

Whats the big deal??

Your complaining about a chair??

How many times was Bush hung in effigy??

Didn't hear any lefties complaining about that. It was applauded. Hypocrisy at its best.

Good for the Texan. He could give a shit what anyone thinks and he's not afraid to show it.

You lie. I wasn't on here at that time....but I called it out back then too. so, maybe you didn't here me....but I was speaking out against it.....of course, I was what would call a RINO back then.
Does that mean tire swings are racist? They're hung from a tree.

What about apples, oranges, pears, peaches, and plums? They hang from a tree. Is nature racist, too?

Sounds like this man's neighbors are nosey fuckheads that need to learn how to shut the fuck up and mind their own business.

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