Terrorists, dogs and guns

Or mention we are at war with them.

It's the new spin, if we are against islamist killing us, we should get rid of our guns

Sorry, guy, you can't have a war with an emotional state.

The stupidest thing Bush did was decide that a criminal act (terrorism) was a cause for military action.
No, the worst thing bush did is waste money on foreign aid... Dumba$$
You would absolutely think that we had hundreds of people dead in the streets from terrorists the way that some people are carrying on.

But the reality is, only 45 Americans within the United States have been killed by Islamic Terrorists since 2002. 27 of those deaths were linked to two incidents, the Fort Hood Massacre and San Bernadino.

Homegrown Extremism: Deadly Attacks Since 9/11 | The International Security Program

By comparison, from 2005 to 2014, DOGS have caused the deaths of 326 Americans. Yet you don't see Donald Trump screaming we need to deport all the dogs. You don't even get a lot of support for just banning dangerous breeds like Pit Bulls.

U.S. Dog Bite Fatalities - Dog Bite Statistics - DogsBite.org


Don't give me that innocent look.

Okay, one more Stat just for fun. Let's look at the number of Americans killed by guns in the last decade. This would include most of the 45 deaths by terrorists listed above and none of the deaths by Dog.

Number of gun deaths since 2005? 279,976.

Fact-checking a comparison of gun deaths and terrorism deaths

Seems we are getting upset about the wrong things....
More laws can't possibly help knocking these numbers down, more laws just make things worse. Just More death, more discontentment...

That is the point. People like Joey WANT and NEED gun violence. They WANT bloodshed. They NEED dead children to push their agenda.

They are pure and undiluted evil.
Just love how you kept the US Service men and women deaths out of that list.

This just really brings home how little leftists think of our Vets.

Do the world a favor and stop producing CO2

those service men and women are in war zones in their countries... so, no, they don't count.

No war, no service member deaths. Especially since MOST of those deaths occurred in IRaq, which had nothing to do with terrorism until Bush invaded it.

"Waw, we are having a war and the other side is fighting back!!!"
the ignorance needed to be a leftist

you know we are at war with them, but we should do nothing to protect ourselves at home.

and thanks for confirming you don't care about Vets, I didn't need it, but you did it anyway.
Why don't you pass this along to the families in San Bernadino
that their loss is really no big deal....

I'm sure they would love to hear from you!!!

You guys claim that the other 33,000 gun deaths are no big deal because they are suicides or black people or poor or whatever excuse you come up with to minimalize the slaughter.

I'm just suggesting we shouldn't throw out our constitution AND basic human decency because of something that statistically, is less likely than being killed by a dog.

or die from a bee sting...

More Americans Killed by Bees and Wasps or Falling Televisions than by Terrorists

Or being struck by lightning.

NWS Lightning Fatalities
Or mention we are at war with them.

It's the new spin, if we are against islamist killing us, we should get rid of our guns

Sorry, guy, you can't have a war with an emotional state.

The stupidest thing Bush did was decide that a criminal act (terrorism) was a cause for military action.
so we should have done nothing after 9/11

that's the lowest
Why don't you pass this along to the families in San Bernadino
that their loss is really no big deal....

I'm sure they would love to hear from you!!!

You guys claim that the other 33,000 gun deaths are no big deal because they are suicides or black people or poor or whatever excuse you come up with to minimalize the slaughter.

I'm just suggesting we shouldn't throw out our constitution AND basic human decency because of something that statistically, is less likely than being killed by a dog.

or die from a bee sting...

More Americans Killed by Bees and Wasps or Falling Televisions than by Terrorists

Or being struck by lightning.

NWS Lightning Fatalities
Gun violence is an nonissue....
More laws can't possibly help knocking these numbers down, more laws just make things worse. Just More death, more discontentment...

That is the point. People like Joey WANT and NEED gun violence. They WANT bloodshed. They NEED dead children to push their agenda.

They are pure and undiluted evil.

wrenchy, I think you are a little confused, as usual.

The people who "need" gun violence is the NRA and the gun makers. They need terrorists and gangs to have guns so people like you get all scared and want them, too.

That's why the NRA insisted that the No Fly List, the list that keeps possible terrorists from getting on airplanes, NOT be used as a detriment for a bad guy getting a gun.
Not again. Lol. What else could we compare? How many gnats have died in the last 15 years.

Once again a thoughtful post is met with a thoughtless one. You are nothing if not predictable LBT.

We've only had this comparison 42000 times now. Brevity is in order for a response. Thanks again for your incessant hissy fit.
And you and most others on the right have missed the point each of those 42000 times.

42001 including this post.

If you don't believe gun violence and crime are problems worth getting upset over, then don't.

But at least be consistent by not attempting contrive the lie that 'Islamic terrorists' are worth getting 'upset over' – because you're much more likely to be killed in a car accident or by a gun accident.

Of course, for most conservatives this isn't about getting 'upset' over 'Islamic terrorists,' it's about creating an atmosphere of fear and needless worry pursuant to some perceived partisan gain predicated on the belief that frightened voters will vote republican.

The reprehensible right, indeed.
so we should have done nothing after 9/11

that's the lowest

No, what we shouldn't have done is...

1) Decide to take sides in Afghanistans 40 year civil war.

2) Invade Iraq over weapons that didn't exist.

3) Listen to the Zionists and try to overthrow Assad, who was actually working with us.

4) Shouldn't have listened to the European Union and overthrow Khadafy...

5) Armed Bin Laden in the First place in the Reagan Years.

Please note- I am passing blame around to both parties.
so we should have done nothing after 9/11

that's the lowest

No, what we shouldn't have done is...

1) Decide to take sides in Afghanistans 40 year civil war.

2) Invade Iraq over weapons that didn't exist.

3) Listen to the Zionists and try to overthrow Assad, who was actually working with us.

4) Shouldn't have listened to the European Union and overthrow Khadafy...

5) Armed Bin Laden in the First place in the Reagan Years.

Please note- I am passing blame around to both parties.

A firearm can't kill anybody...
so we should have done nothing after 9/11

that's the lowest

No, what we shouldn't have done is...

1) Decide to take sides in Afghanistans 40 year civil war.

2) Invade Iraq over weapons that didn't exist.

3) Listen to the Zionists and try to overthrow Assad, who was actually working with us.

4) Shouldn't have listened to the European Union and overthrow Khadafy...

5) Armed Bin Laden in the First place in the Reagan Years.

Please note- I am passing blame around to both parties.

Run that far left narrative without question or hesitation..
Does it really matter if it was a gun or a plane when the end result is the same? The fact of the matter is, even if there were NO guns, there would still be terrorist attacks.


But let's look at what was done after 9/11.

We replaced the "Rent-a-cops" at airports with a professional TSA.
We created a no-fly list of people we thought might not be best to let on airplanes.
We put body scanners in the airports. People have to take off their shoes and scan them because one idiot put C-4 in his shoe and tried to light it on fire.
We put steel doors on the cockpits.
We put Armed Air Marshals on some flights.

Okay, now, let's look at what we've done after ANY mass shooting.

Usually- nothing.

Because 200 years ago, some slave rapist who shit in a chamber pot said we can all have guns, even the crazy people, and some of you will scream about your rights if we make you fill out an extra piece of paper or wait an extra day to get your gun.

But when the Crazy person who got a gun has an Arab name like "Farook" instead of a nice American name like Holmes or Roof or Mercer or Dear, you guys all go into a panic. We need to totally ban Muslims!!! Trump is a fucking genius!!!

That person or persons whom you call slave rapists are the Fathers of your country and their ideas created the freedom where pieces of shit like you can spout offensive nonsense with impunity.

No measure could indict you better than your own words with which you deride the Founding Fathers "who shit in a chamber pot". But we understand: Your ancestors used indoor plumbing, right?!?!?

No legislation could have prevented any of the tragedies the lefties love to bring up as excuse for more regulations.
Your beloved black buddies in the inner city ghettos kill more people with unlicensed guns than anyone else.

And, BTW, most of those have nice American names, unless they changed it.
That person or persons whom you call slave rapists are the Fathers of your country and their ideas created the freedom where pieces of shit like you can spout offensive nonsense with impunity.

Guy, I've been to Canada. I've been to the United Kingdom. They have all the same rights we have in terms of freedom of speech, expression, etc. So this argument that the Founding Slave Rapists gave us freedoms we wouldn't have otherwise is just kind of silly.

No measure could indict you better than your own words with which you deride the Founding Fathers "who shit in a chamber pot". But we understand: Your ancestors used indoor plumbing, right?!?!?

Well, no. But I also wouldn't cite my (mostly German) ancestors as authorities on what good policy is in the here and now. This is the point I try to make clear to you guys who say, "The Founding Fathers said Adam Lanza could have a gun". Really? I don't think their frame of reference ever included mass-produced military grade weapons capable of being in the hands of a person who was clearly emotionally disturbed.

No legislation could have prevented any of the tragedies the lefties love to bring up as excuse for more regulations.Your beloved black buddies in the inner city ghettos kill more people with unlicensed guns than anyone else.

Are you saying if they started killing white people for a change, like Sistah Souljah said, that would make a difference to you.

Here's the thing about that "no legislation could have prevented this tragedy" is that most of the rest of the world bans or limits private gun ownership, and guess what, they don't have these kinds of tragedies.

The UK Had it's last mass shooting in 2009. The last one before that was 2002. They have mass shootings every seven years, we seem to have them every seven days.
More laws can't possibly help knocking these numbers down, more laws just make things worse. Just More death, more discontentment...

That is the point. People like Joey WANT and NEED gun violence. They WANT bloodshed. They NEED dead children to push their agenda.

They are pure and undiluted evil.

wrenchy, I think you are a little confused, as usual.

The people who "need" gun violence is the NRA and the gun makers. They need terrorists and gangs to have guns so people like you get all scared and want them, too.

That's why the NRA insisted that the No Fly List, the list that keeps possible terrorists from getting on airplanes, NOT be used as a detriment for a bad guy getting a gun.

No, dumbass. They insisted that because of a little thing called DUE PROCESS! The no-fly list involves none. (Nor anything resembling a coherent criteria for being on it.)
You would absolutely think that we had hundreds of people dead in the streets from terrorists the way that some people are carrying on.

But the reality is, only 45 Americans within the United States have been killed by Islamic Terrorists since 2002. 27 of those deaths were linked to two incidents, the Fort Hood Massacre and San Bernadino.

Homegrown Extremism: Deadly Attacks Since 9/11 | The International Security Program

By comparison, from 2005 to 2014, DOGS have caused the deaths of 326 Americans. Yet you don't see Donald Trump screaming we need to deport all the dogs. You don't even get a lot of support for just banning dangerous breeds like Pit Bulls.

U.S. Dog Bite Fatalities - Dog Bite Statistics - DogsBite.org


Don't give me that innocent look.

Okay, one more Stat just for fun. Let's look at the number of Americans killed by guns in the last decade. This would include most of the 45 deaths by terrorists listed above and none of the deaths by Dog.

Number of gun deaths since 2005? 279,976.

Fact-checking a comparison of gun deaths and terrorism deaths

Seems we are getting upset about the wrong things....

Funny how the article doesn't start counting until after 9/11. Think you're getting away with something there?
No, dumbass. They insisted that because of a little thing called DUE PROCESS! The no-fly list involves none. (Nor anything resembling a coherent criteria for being on it.)

Again, that works on the assumption that owning a gun is a right. It isn't. The Second Amendment is about militias.

No matter how many times you regurgitate that, stupidbot, it is still a LIE!

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