Tennessee Seeks tonBar Same Sex Marriage

It doesn’t. At all. And if they can find a church to marry them, have at it. Go for it. I could give a shit. But when government climbs into bed with them and recognizes their marriage, that is catastrophic. It redefines marriage which opens Pandora’s Box.

Like all progressives, you can’t think beyond the end of your nose. You actually believe that all actions occur in a vacuum.

Ah, we get to Poodles big complaint... the government actually protecting people's rights when they aren't white male and straight.

Marriage has been redefined throughout history. Marriage used to be a transfer of property- the property being the woman, who often entered an arranged marriage, where whatever she had became her husbands, and it was okay for him to rape or beat her.

Because Marriage... which is totally sacred and stuff.

Fortunately, we "redefined" the institution to give women rights, including the right to leave the marriage if it just plain didn't work.
The age old question that homophobes can never answer.....How does a married gay couple directly affect your life and marriage?
It doesn’t. At all. And if they can find a church to marry them, have at it. Go for it. I could give a shit. But when government climbs into bed with them and recognizes their marriage, that is catastrophic. It redefines marriage which opens Pandora’s Box.

Like all progressives, you can’t think beyond the end of your nose. You actually believe that all actions occur in a vacuum.

So in other words, you don't want equal rights for all, just the ones you think should have them, right? And climbs in bed with them? Who besides someone obsessed with gay sex would even say anything like that?
It's you who can't see beyond the end of your homophobic nose.
'Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act' seeks to strip gay marriage rights

I really have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with these people! My only question is, are they so stupid and blindly driven by their bigotry that they don't know that any federal judge will immediately slap on injunction on this- because they would have to given the Obergefell precedent- OR is a a strategy to get the case back to SCOTUS?

My guess is that they are anticipating and provoking a court fight, but even if it gets to SCOTUS there is no certainty that Obergefell will be overturned. Never in our history a right-once established- been revoked. A Roberts, who seems to have become the new swing vote, is aware of the outrage that would insue and the stain on his legacy that it would inflict.

Nearly four years after the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal throughout the U.S. in its landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee are attempting to turn back the clock with legislation aimed at barring gay marriage in the state.

The "Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act," which was first proposed in 2016, seeks to "defend natural marriage between one man and one woman regardless of any court decision to the contrary." The bill, which was reintroduced on Friday, would deem the high court's Obergefell decision "unauthoritative, void, and of no effect."

And that is not all

The reintroduced "natural marriage" law, however, "isn't the only anti-LGBT bill on the docket right now," noted Sanders. He said there are at least five other bills in the state legislature that may threaten the rights of LGBTQ people in Tennessee. One of these bills, which was introduced in both the state House and Senate (Pody is the sponsor of the Senate bill), seeks to allow private adoption agencies to decline to participate in any child placement services that would "violate the agency's written religious or moral convictions." This type of legislation, which can already be found in 10 states across the U.S., creates barriers for LGBTQ individuals and same-sex couples looking to adopt or foster.

These people have to be, and will be stopped.

This is a good thing….

Marriage is between a man and a woman…

Homosexuals should have unions with all the same benefits as marriage…

The age old question that homophobes can never answer.....How does a married gay couple directly affect your life and marriage? I suspect it doesn't one bit except for the fact that it seems to live in your minds almost constantly. And what is this fascination your guys have with gay sex? I never give anyone elses sex life a second thought, but homophobes seem to obsess about it constantly.

You think marriage should be between an man and a woman, but thankfully now our laws don't agree with you.

You Tards are all so very warped…..

First off how am I a homophobe?

How would a civil union with all the benefits affect your bigoted ass?

Words have meanings..

I have nothing against homosexuals, I think they are born that way….

While I have to admit the thought of two men together does repulse me,

for some strange reason I don’t have the same reaction with lesbians

as long as they don’t look like bull dikes……

Laws can be changed…..
This is a good thing….

Marriage is between a man and a woman…

Homosexuals should have unions with all the same benefits as marriage…

That makes about as much sense as this.

View attachment 249444

What's that black guy complaining about... his water fountain dispenses water, just like the nicer one the white folks have.

You Tards are too Stupid to know the difference between apples and oranges.
You Tards are all so very warped…..

First off how am I a homophobe?

Well, let me count the ways...

How would a civil union with all the benefits affect your bigoted ass?

While I have to admit the thought of two men together does repulse me,

for some strange reason I don’t have the same reaction with lesbians

as long as they don’t look like bull dikes……

I think you just answered your own question...

One more time, asking why gays aren't happy with civil unions is like asking why black folks weren't happy riding on the back of the bus.
You Tards are all so very warped…..

First off how am I a homophobe?

Well, let me count the ways...

How would a civil union with all the benefits affect your bigoted ass?

While I have to admit the thought of two men together does repulse me,

for some strange reason I don’t have the same reaction with lesbians

as long as they don’t look like bull dikes……

I think you just answered your own question...

One more time, asking why gays aren't happy with civil unions is like asking why black folks weren't happy riding on the back of the bus.

You are ignorant.....

Just because I am repulsed by your gay lifestyle doesn't mean I hate you....

I understand you are a freak of nature......
You are ignorant.....

Just because I am repulsed by your gay lifestyle doesn't mean I hate you....

I understand you are a freak of nature......

Dude, I'm straight... you do seem to have some hangups, though.

You said...

"Separate but equal", where have we heard that one before.

We heard that from old school Democrats....

With republicans cheering them on...
God is gonna flatten the people of Tennessee for judging his children for nothing but loving each other.

Tornado Warnings, Severe Thunderstorm Watch issued in Middle Tennessee
Tennessee Seeks tonBar Same Sex Marriage

Shouldn't need to bar what is so unnatural as to not even exist! "Same Sex" Marriage makes about as much sense as an electrical outlet where both the hot and neutral pins are both at ground potential------- ------- it doesn't work.

Just one more example of an irrational, out of contact with reality society.

MARRIAGE first and foremost was created intending for the union of a man and woman before their creator in the sanctity of making the sex act (and the potential to create new life) both moral and special for the preservation of an ethical society where life is revered.

Only animals rutting like pigs in the mud "do it" any way they can just to get off their jollies and if they plop one out in the process---- so be it.

Removed from the process, society devolves into depravity. No two ways about it.
You are ignorant.....

Just because I am repulsed by your gay lifestyle doesn't mean I hate you....

I understand you are a freak of nature......

Dude, I'm straight... you do seem to have some hangups, though.

You said...

"Separate but equal", where have we heard that one before.

We heard that from old school Democrats....

With republicans cheering them on...

Glad you admit you Tards led the charge on RACISM...

It's hard to believe you are straight, your fingers type otherwise....
That's the thing many like you will never understand. You think that a gay couple only wants damaged children so that they can do whatever perverted thing the want with them, when in fact, they put their heart and soul and money into trying to make these kids whole again.
And here’s the thing that people like you will never understand - your comments are largely irrelevant when taking into consideration that raising children in a homosexual home causes them distress. They know something is wrong when they see every family in the world with a mom AND a dad.
same-sex marriage is more about promoting adults’ “desires” than about safeguarding children’s rights to know and be raised by their biological parents.
It’s tragic that people like you put the desires of the “parents” over the needs, development, and mental health of the children.

My Father Was Gay. Why I Oppose Same-Sex Marriage.
This a pathetically piss poor argument against same sex marriage. Here we have a kid who has some gripes about his upbringing. One of those gripes is that he was "exposed to sexuality" whatever that means. Not a good thing if true, but I'm here to tell you, as a former CPS investigator , that inappropriate sexual expression-and worse- happens in all sorts of families.

Then he complains that he felt unable to express himself. Again that is a lot of families. But then he goes on to express some very positive thoughts about his father.

I will also point out that there is no mention of whether or not the father was married, but I suspect that he was not because it is mentioned that he had multiple partners. Maybe, just maybe, if he had been married he would not have had multiple partners and died of AIDS. And , maybe if he were married, the boy might have still had a living legal parent after the death of his birth father. So, you see, you are really making an argument FOR same sex marriage.

Lastly, using children in this manner-to argue against same sex marriage - is especially stupid because it is not even the right argument. Gay people are going to come to have children in their care by a variety of means, just like everyone else. Regardless of the outcomes for the children,( and all the so called evidence that they suffer is debunked bullshit) you can't argue that they would not benefit from having two parents who are both their legal guardians. The children would enjoy the security and stability of having married parents.
The age old question that homophobes can never answer.....How does a married gay couple directly affect your life and marriage?
It doesn’t. At all. And if they can find a church to marry them, have at it. Go for it. I could give a shit. But when government climbs into bed with them and recognizes their marriage, that is catastrophic. It redefines marriage which opens Pandora’s Box.

Like all progressives, you can’t think beyond the end of your nose. You actually believe that all actions occur in a vacuum.
Do tell, what ills have befallen society as the result of same sex marriage. what evil has emerged from that Pandora's Box
That's the thing many like you will never understand. You think that a gay couple only wants damaged children so that they can do whatever perverted thing the want with them, when in fact, they put their heart and soul and money into trying to make these kids whole again.
And here’s the thing that people like you will never understand - your comments are largely irrelevant when taking into consideration that raising children in a homosexual home causes them distress. They know something is wrong when they see every family in the world with a mom AND a dad.

How Children Raised By Same-Sex Married Couples Fare
The Daily Signal

Daily Signal - Media Bias/Fact Check

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

  • Overall, we rate the Daily Signal, Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to not aligning with the consensus of science regarding climate change.
In addition, the findings in this article rely on the so call research of the American College of Pediatrics which has zero credibility

The American College of Pediatricians (ACP) is a wingnut collection of pediatricians who espouse a socially conservative and " family values " agenda in opposition to the pediatric mainstream that, in their view, has a liberal bias. The SPLC has described it as a hate group.

American College of Pediatricians - RationalWiki
I'm still trying to figure out what tonBar means.

What language does tonBar come from?
How would a civil union with all the benefits affect your bigoted ass?

As an ally and supporter of gay and Lesbian people, I feel their pain when they are told that they should have been satisfied with civil unions as a compromise and that they are being “divisive” for having pushed for and won the right to marry. I wrote this a while ago

Civil Unions are a Sham and a Failure - by Progressive Patriot 5. 7. 16

Long after Obergefell, I’m still hearing that gay people should have been satisfied with civil unions or domestic partnerships instead of pushing the issue of marriage. This is the familiar separate but equal argument reminiscent of the Jim Crow era. To begin with, the simple fact is that even if they are equal on paper, in reality they are not equal if for no other reason, because they are called by different names. “Marriage” is universally understood to mean a certain thing… a bond and a commitment between two people. “Civil Unions” carry no such instantly understood meaning. Now, I know that there are those who will say that marriage is understood to mean a man and a woman, but those people are living in a bygone era. Similarly, there are those who contend that marriage is a religious institution, but they too are living in a world that no longer exists, if it ever did. While there were times and places in history where it was-and for some still is -for the most part it is anything but religious. Therefore, neither heterosexuals nor the religious own “marriage”

I firmly believe that those who claim that they believe in equal rights for gays and lesbians but are against marriage in favor of civil unions are using that story line so as not to appear to be anti -equality while not really believing in equality at all. This may be conscious process that is deliberately deceptive, or a rationalization to make themselves feel good about how magnanimous they imagine themselves to be, but the motive, and the outcome is the same.

Words are powerful. Consider the word “Citizen” In this country anyone who is born a citizen -as well as those who are naturalized – are simply” citizens” They all have the same rights and responsibilities. But let’s say that we decided that naturalized citizen could not and should not be called “citizens” but rather they must be distinguished from those who were born into citizenship by calling them something like Permanent Legal Domestic Residents. Still the same rights and responsibilities but are they equal in reality? How many times will they have to explain what that means? For instance, will hospital staff understand when there is an issue with visitation or making a medical decision regarding a spouse?

Consider this:

Marriage is more perfect union: In gay marriage debate, separate but equal won't cut it

Civil unions are in no way a legitimate substitute for gay marriage.

They fail on principle, because - as America should have learned from racial segregation - separate is never equal.

And they fail in practice, because couples who enter into this second-class marriage alternative in New Jersey and elsewhere are constantly denied the rights and benefits that married couples take for granted.

Which brings up a third way in which they fail - verbally. Imagine getting down on one knee and saying, "Will you civilly unite with me?"

All kidding aside, semantics matters when it comes to labeling our most important and intimate relationships. Denying gay and lesbian couples the right - and the joy and the responsibility and the ordinariness - to use the M-word is a profound slap in the face.

"When you say, 'I'm married,' everyone knows who you are in relation to the primary person you're building your life with," says Freedom to Marry director Evan Wolfson. " 'Civil union' doesn't offer that clarity, that immediately understood respect." http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/marriage-perfect-union-gay-marriage-debate-separate-equal-won-cut-article-1.364017

We had experience with civil unions here in New Jersey. It did not go well:

Since New Jersey’s civil union law took effect in February 2007, many employers across New Jersey have refused to recognize civil unions as equal to marriage, and therefore do not grant equal health benefits to partners of employees. Employers and hospitals say that if the legislature intended for the civil union law to be the same as marriage, the legislature would have used the same name.

Because these employers and hospitals don’t recognize civil unions as they would marriage, many same-sex couples go without adequate health insurance – a horror in this economy. And because of the real-world disparity between civil unions and marriage, some hospitals do not allow civil union partners to make medical decisions for one another, or even to visit one another in the emergency room. http://www.gardenstateequality.org/issues/civilunions/

Any more questions? You do no have the right to toot yo0ur own horn about having nothing against homosexuals while wanting to deprive them of marriage
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