Teen pregnancy rate up after 10-year decline

It's not because of abstinence programs, it's because of the free-falling moral decline (more pregnancies to start with at increasingly younger ages) and the Juno movie, there was an explosion of girls keeping their children to term

But Abstinence ONLY just doesn't cut it in my opinion.

Sure only abstinence works 100% of the time, but telling (teaching) kids... "Thou shalt not do it" only makes them want to do it more. You have to give them more of the facts. You have to make them fear the consequences without letting them know that you are trying to make them fear the consequences.


How about a video of AIDS victims? Why does no one ever show kids the actual possible consequences like they do to discourage them from smoking cigarettes, our school did an EXCELLENT job at that.

Are you trying to make me feel old? :eek:

I graduated from high school before AIDS even became something to fear.

As a child, both of my parents smoked. I vaguely remember watching a movie in first grade that showed the lungs of a non-smoker compared to those of a smoker and then going home and telling my parents that they had to quit smoking... trust me, that did not go over so well.

I just saw this story on CBS, I guess pregnancy among white girls is up 1.6%, while hispanics are only up 1.4%. :D
I graduated from high school before AIDS even became something to fear.


Ah, the good ol' days......

I graduated from high school before there was ANYTHING to fear.

We were industructable, incorruptable, invincable SOB's that spread our seed with abandon unheard of since Caligula.
No, speaking just for me, I am not in favor of abortion even when it comes to rape, incest or the mother's life is in danger although, I can agree that in those cases it is time to shut up. When those types of cases apply, it is time for the pro-life movement to sit down, shut up and pray that their message about the sanctity of life has been received and understood as well as pray for the mother and the baby.


Abortions are a thing of personal responsibility. Most women are not heartless beings and having a abortion does have an effect on them that they will likely carry for the rest of their lives. If they want to do that, it's their choice.

I agree women are not heartless beings. However, they have been lied to by society. Many believe that an abortion does not involve the taking of a human life.

Legally... yes, it is their choice and it probably should always be legal, but that does not mean the one who sees the fetus as a human being in an early stage of development should simply cave in to the whim of society and allow society to have its way with the life of the human residing in the womb.

I graduated from high school before AIDS even became something to fear.


Ah, the good ol' days......

I graduated from high school before there was ANYTHING to fear.

We were industructable, incorruptable, invincable SOB's that spread our seed with abandon unheard of since Caligula.

and we wonder why we have an AIDS problem:tongue:
I graduated from high school before AIDS even became something to fear.


Ah, the good ol' days......

I graduated from high school before there was ANYTHING to fear.

We were industructable, incorruptable, invincable SOB's that spread our seed with abandon unheard of since Caligula.

Well at least we thought we were anyway. :lol:

I graduated from high school before AIDS even became something to fear.


Ah, the good ol' days......

I graduated from high school before there was ANYTHING to fear.

We were industructable, incorruptable, invincable SOB's that spread our seed with abandon unheard of since Caligula.

and we wonder why we have an AIDS problem:tongue:


Where did you go to highschool?

Oh shit, was it in Texas?:confused:
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Teen Pregnancy - Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society
It's not because of abstinence programs, it's because of the free-falling moral decline (more pregnancies to start with at increasingly younger ages) and the Juno movie, there was an explosion of girls keeping their children to term

I don't think so. Compare morals in the U.S., with a higher teenage pregnancy rate with European countries - with much lower rates. The rate of sexual activity isn't lower but the rate of pregnancy is. I suspect that is due to increased awareness through education and availability of birth control.

Also, historically - the rate of teenage pregancy hasn't increased despite all the hoopla.

The most recent American teen birth rate of approximately 51.1 births per 1,000 adolescent females is consistent with historical trends and matches the 1920 figure. Nonetheless, since the 1970s, American politicians, policy makers, and social critics have condemned the perceived "epidemic of teenage pregnancy." This label reveals that critics have little knowledge about the incidence of teen pregnancy and parenthood in America's past.​

What "explosion" of girls keeping their children to term?

Genocide of America and the American way of life by way of abortion was never my plan, was it yours?

I heard on the radio that today's kids are noticing the absence of other kids, realizing why and are a bit angered by it, if it's true the tide is definately turning.


That was the one thing that broke my heart when my first born found me and we talked at length about his childhood. Adoptions are so rare any more that he was the only one and he caught some grief about it. That wrecked me, and I thought, I wonder how many of those kids giving him a hard time about being adopted had aborted siblings. Probably a ton.

Adoptions are RARE?
No, speaking just for me, I am not in favor of abortion even when it comes to rape, incest or the mother's life is in danger although, I can agree that in those cases it is time to shut up. When those types of cases apply, it is time for the pro-life movement to sit down, shut up and pray that their message about the sanctity of life has been received and understood as well as pray for the mother and the baby.


Abortions are a thing of personal responsibility. Most women are not heartless beings and having a abortion does have an effect on them that they will likely carry for the rest of their lives. If they want to do that, it's their choice.

I agree women are not heartless beings. However, they have been lied to by society. Many believe that an abortion does not involve the taking of a human life.

Legally... yes, it is their choice and it probably should always be legal, but that does not mean the one who sees the fetus as a human being in an early stage of development should simply cave in to the whim of society and allow society to have its way with the life of the human residing in the womb.

In most cases when having an abortion, they give you counceling, and they also perform an ultra sound. One who has never had an abortion should not speak for people who have.
No, speaking just for me, I am not in favor of abortion even when it comes to rape, incest or the mother's life is in danger although, I can agree that in those cases it is time to shut up. When those types of cases apply, it is time for the pro-life movement to sit down, shut up and pray that their message about the sanctity of life has been received and understood as well as pray for the mother and the baby.


Abortions are a thing of personal responsibility. Most women are not heartless beings and having a abortion does have an effect on them that they will likely carry for the rest of their lives. If they want to do that, it's their choice.

I agree women are not heartless beings. However, they have been lied to by society. Many believe that an abortion does not involve the taking of a human life.

Legally... yes, it is their choice and it probably should always be legal, but that does not mean the one who sees the fetus as a human being in an early stage of development should simply cave in to the whim of society and allow society to have its way with the life of the human residing in the womb.

Abortion is not a whim of society. Women are not stupid. That is why many women do not give in to the preasure from anti-choice societies.
Place the blame where it belongs.

Congo chimps and the natives who think eating their brains while they're still alive is a good idea.

Ok, I know that's a stretch but still I wanted to say it because it's just so wrong it has to have caused something.
Ah, the good ol' days......

I graduated from high school before there was ANYTHING to fear.

We were industructable, incorruptable, invincable SOB's that spread our seed with abandon unheard of since Caligula.

and we wonder why we have an AIDS problem:tongue:


Where did you go to highschool?

Oh shit, was it in Texas?:confused:

Bight your tongue! I would never live in Texas, I am all for them succeeding from the Union.
Abortions are a thing of personal responsibility. Most women are not heartless beings and having a abortion does have an effect on them that they will likely carry for the rest of their lives. If they want to do that, it's their choice.

I agree women are not heartless beings. However, they have been lied to by society. Many believe that an abortion does not involve the taking of a human life.

Legally... yes, it is their choice and it probably should always be legal, but that does not mean the one who sees the fetus as a human being in an early stage of development should simply cave in to the whim of society and allow society to have its way with the life of the human residing in the womb.

In most cases when having an abortion, they give you counceling, and they also perform an ultra sound. One who has never had an abortion should not speak for people who have.

I guess that someone who has never committed murder should not defend those who have, as well.

Or those who have not had children killed shouldn't speak against those who kill children.

In other words, exceedingly poor reasoning.
Abortions are a thing of personal responsibility. Most women are not heartless beings and having a abortion does have an effect on them that they will likely carry for the rest of their lives. If they want to do that, it's their choice.

I agree women are not heartless beings. However, they have been lied to by society. Many believe that an abortion does not involve the taking of a human life.

Legally... yes, it is their choice and it probably should always be legal, but that does not mean the one who sees the fetus as a human being in an early stage of development should simply cave in to the whim of society and allow society to have its way with the life of the human residing in the womb.

In most cases when having an abortion, they give you counceling, and they also perform an ultra sound. One who has never had an abortion should not speak for people who have.

Was I speaking for those who have?

In most cases when having an abortion, they give you counceling, and they also perform an ultra sound. One who has never had an abortion should not speak for people who have.

Lack of information or spread of disinformation always results in things being viewed the wrong way in these types of situation.

I'm not saying either one happened to you or by you. Just in general.
Abortions are a thing of personal responsibility. Most women are not heartless beings and having a abortion does have an effect on them that they will likely carry for the rest of their lives. If they want to do that, it's their choice.

I agree women are not heartless beings. However, they have been lied to by society. Many believe that an abortion does not involve the taking of a human life.

Legally... yes, it is their choice and it probably should always be legal, but that does not mean the one who sees the fetus as a human being in an early stage of development should simply cave in to the whim of society and allow society to have its way with the life of the human residing in the womb.

Abortion is not a whim of society. Women are not stupid. That is why many women do not give in to the preasure from anti-choice societies.

No, instead they give in to the pressure sic of the anti-life society.


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