Ted Nugent Suggests He's Ready For Armed Revolt Against 'Evil, Dangerous' Obama

Lakhota what's your draw weight?

Ted Nugent is a 64 year old man. He has been performing all his life, so do you think he was using his muscles?

The odds are he wants attention, before he collects his social security, if he's paid into the system.

How did he manage to avoid Vietnam?

Are you nuts? Age doesn't matter when you hunt and you are up to speed. Now you are all pissing and moaning what he does with a gun.

Do you know what he and others like myself can do with a bow? We go in trees for fun. We go in blinds for fun. Sitting in wonderously cool mornings as the mist is rising. Waiting. Smelling. Loving every minute of it.

To hunt. With clothes from Cabelas. :D While you are snorting triple cheese pizzas on a good day in the fall, people like me are out tracking deer.

You want to believe Teddly's just an old man wanting attention? By all means go ahead. Just shows what a fool you are.

Right, he wouldn't fight the Vietnamese, but he'll take on the United States!

He's a fucking traitor to his own country.
You are talking shit, asshole.

Really. You should tune into Red Eye radio and listen to the vets talk man. I'm not putting words in their mouth.

I'm not talking shit. I'm only telling you what they are saying.

If you don't want to hear what they are saying, well that's up to you.

Old Rocks is a vet.

So am I.

So is Oldguy.

So are many other liberal posters here.

He's right, you're talking shit.

Are you going to try to tell me all veterans are liberals?

Give me a break. All I'm doing is telling you what I hear on shows coast to coast. And not Rush or Hannity. All I have is a computer and a Grundig radio.

No television. The radio shows are red eye, or lars the Grundig picks up almost completely coast to coast. I get WLS out of Chicago clear as a bell.

And once more, I'm not spouting my opinion. Just telling you theirs.
Really. You should tune into Red Eye radio and listen to the vets talk man. I'm not putting words in their mouth.

I'm not talking shit. I'm only telling you what they are saying.

If you don't want to hear what they are saying, well that's up to you.

Old Rocks is a vet.

So am I.

So is Oldguy.

So are many other liberal posters here.

He's right, you're talking shit.

Are you going to try to tell me all veterans are liberals?

Give me a break. All I'm doing is telling you what I hear on shows coast to coast. And not Rush or Hannity. All I have is a computer and a Grundig radio.

No television. The radio shows are red eye, or lars the Grundig picks up almost completely coast to coast. I get WLS out of Chicago clear as a bell.

And once more, I'm not spouting my opinion. Just telling you theirs.

These veterans would have no problem killing American soldiers????
How do you like this buck?
How about bear?
How's this suiting you? This is my neighborhood.

Hope they were cured long enough.
The longer hung the sweeter the meet...:eusa_drool:


You bettcha and killer recipes.

We're in ice fishing season now. My dad in law lives in Florida and his head still can't wrap his head around the thought of driving an F150 onto a lake dragging a pre fab cabin and drilling a hole in ice to go fishing. :lol:

Let alone lighting a stove to keep warm. That sets him clean off.
How do you like this buck?


How about bear?



How's this suiting you? This is my neighborhood.



Here's some REAL Canadian men and women:

Edit: Come to think of it, some you great white hunters look young enough and fit enough to join your betters in Afghanistan. Why ain't you there? Got a case of Nugent Syndrome?


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Old Rocks is a vet.

So am I.

So is Oldguy.

So are many other liberal posters here.

He's right, you're talking shit.

Are you going to try to tell me all veterans are liberals?

Give me a break. All I'm doing is telling you what I hear on shows coast to coast. And not Rush or Hannity. All I have is a computer and a Grundig radio.

No television. The radio shows are red eye, or lars the Grundig picks up almost completely coast to coast. I get WLS out of Chicago clear as a bell.

And once more, I'm not spouting my opinion. Just telling you theirs.

These veterans would have no problem killing American soldiers????

Interesting that you think American soldiers would be used against civilians. Most fascinating.
Are you going to try to tell me all veterans are liberals?

Give me a break. All I'm doing is telling you what I hear on shows coast to coast. And not Rush or Hannity. All I have is a computer and a Grundig radio.

No television. The radio shows are red eye, or lars the Grundig picks up almost completely coast to coast. I get WLS out of Chicago clear as a bell.

And once more, I'm not spouting my opinion. Just telling you theirs.

These veterans would have no problem killing American soldiers????

Interesting that you think American soldiers would be used against civilians. Most fascinating.

They took an oath to protect this country from all enemies foreign and domestic.

If there is an organized armed insurrection you bet your ass the American military will put it down.
Are you going to try to tell me all veterans are liberals?

Give me a break. All I'm doing is telling you what I hear on shows coast to coast. And not Rush or Hannity. All I have is a computer and a Grundig radio.

No television. The radio shows are red eye, or lars the Grundig picks up almost completely coast to coast. I get WLS out of Chicago clear as a bell.

And once more, I'm not spouting my opinion. Just telling you theirs.

These veterans would have no problem killing American soldiers????

Interesting that you think American soldiers would be used against civilians. Most fascinating.

In a revolt against the government, who do you think would be fighting?
How do you like this buck?


How about bear?



How's this suiting you? This is my neighborhood.



Here's some REAL Canadian men and women:

Edit: Come to think of it, some you great white hunters look young enough and fit enough to join your betters in Afghanistan. Why ain't you there? Got a case of Nugent Syndrome?

Our boys have done their time over in Afghanistan under NATO. What's your problem?

We have a serious kick ass volunteer service just like you. And my husband and I support our troops.

What do you want?
Our boys have done their time over in Afghanistan under NATO. What's your problem?

We have a serious kick ass volunteer service just like you. And my husband and I support our troops.

What do you want?

He's saying that sitting in a tree and killing an unarmed animal does not make one a war fighter.

He showed you some real ones.
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Really. You should tune into Red Eye radio and listen to the vets talk man. I'm not putting words in their mouth.

I'm not talking shit. I'm only telling you what they are saying.

If you don't want to hear what they are saying, well that's up to you.

Old Rocks is a vet.

So am I.

So is Oldguy.

So are many other liberal posters here.

He's right, you're talking shit.

Are you going to try to tell me all veterans are liberals?

Give me a break. All I'm doing is telling you what I hear on shows coast to coast. And not Rush or Hannity. All I have is a computer and a Grundig radio.

No television. The radio shows are red eye, or lars the Grundig picks up almost completely coast to coast. I get WLS out of Chicago clear as a bell.

And once more, I'm not spouting my opinion. Just telling you theirs.

No. Not all vets are liberals. Not all vets are conservatives. Not all vets are libertarians. Not all vets are Christians. Not all are Jewish. Not all are atheists. It irritates me no end when people start talking about "vets" as if we were some monolithic group who all share the same values. We don't. We come from the general population of the citizens of the US and we have the same differences you will find in the general population. When someone tells you they are a vet, that just means they served in the military. It doesn't mean they are speaking for anyone except themselves.
Lakhota you and Mr. Crayon boy are the same.

You are calling Nugent a coward. Making big Mr. Shaman pictures. I am asking you an honest question.

How would you handle this man you are calling a "chicken"? Have you seen him hunt? His aim is spot on?

From quite a distance.

Stop being a petulant child an answer an honest question. You are accusing Ted Nugent of not having the balls to fight against anyone.

Prove it.

His ability to kill an UNARMED animal does not make him less of a coward.

He shit himself and sat in it to avoid the draft. Real fucking brave.

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