Tea Party Plummeting

Anyone care to dispute the economy will be the number one issue for the presidential election?

I think that is a fair assessment. Given that then, how individual candidates express their solutions would seem to be the best indicator of a victor. Obama will be judged by his actual results. Polls show that is an abysmal number. So, who else steps up with a plan that makes sense to the average voter?

Agreed on all points. The problem, of course, is running a Republican candidate who appeals to the majority of voters with a clear plan for leading us out of our problems. The current batch in Congress didn't win any points with "We, the People" by sticking to their hard line party dogma : No new taxes vs. Don't touch my entitlements. Most of the public understands it will be a combination of both but they want to see some real movement on the problem before sacrificing their Medicare and SS benefits.

The Tea Party is a great example of how a relatively few voters can be motivated enough to sway elections and the direction of Congress. That's the good news. The bad news is they've painted themselves into a bit of an extremist corner in the eyes of the public. Hence their fall from grace in the popularity polls.

GIVEN how much sway the Tea Party has among Republicans in Congress and those seeking the Republican presidential nomination, one might think the Tea Party is redefining mainstream American politics....Polls show that disapproval of the Tea Party is climbing. In April 2010, a New York Times/CBS News survey found that 18 percent of Americans had an unfavorable opinion of it, 21 percent had a favorable opinion and 46 percent had not heard enough. Now, 14 months later, Tea Party supporters have slipped to 20 percent, while their opponents have more than doubled, to 40 percent.

Of course, politicians of all stripes are not faring well among the public these days. But in data we have recently collected, the Tea Party ranks lower than any of the 23 other groups we asked about — lower than both Republicans and Democrats. It is even less popular than much maligned groups like “atheists” and “Muslims.”
You have just demonstrated, like Uncensored and bigreb do all the time, your hatred of Obama blocks your thinking process and objectivity. You are doing exactly what all the President's men and women want you to do.

What is demonstrated is that your worship of Obama destroys and semblance of rationality with you. You are a sycophant,
You have just demonstrated, like Uncensored and bigreb do all the time, your hatred of Obama blocks your thinking process and objectivity. You are doing exactly what all the President's men and women want you to do.

What is demonstrated is that your worship of Obama destroys and semblance of rationality with you. You are a sycophant,

I probably wouldn't use the NYT to make my point about a poll(s) the NYT has an opinon on.

Because they're part of the Zionist Socialist Elite conspiracy?

Feel free to post a current poll you're more comfortable with making a point.

No, because it is not what unbiased reporting does. Wow, you have some serious issues going on there. I think it was fairly well documented that the poll did not disclose party affiliation, which is very unusual for a poll of this nature. Try to keep your conspiracies to yourself or at least in the appropriate section.
Does this statement remind you of anyone?

An "Internet troll" or "Forum Troll" or "Message Board Troll" is a person who posts outrageous message to bait people to answer. Forum Troll delights in sowing discord on the forums. A troll is someone who inspires flaming rhetoric, someone who is purposely provoking and pulling people into flaming discussion. Flaming discussions usually end with name calling and a flame war.

A classic CureZone troll is trying to make us believe that he is a genuine skeptic with no hidden agenda. He is divisive and argumentative with need-to-be-right attitude, "searching for the truth", flaming discussion, and sometimes insulting people or provoking people to insult him. Troll is usually an expert in reusing the same words of its opponents and in turning it against them.
A successful troll is all of those things. But bigreb and Uncensored and their buddies are very poor trolls, which lends to the merriment around here. :lol:
The Tea Party is a great example of how a relatively few voters can be motivated enough to sway elections and the direction of Congress. That's the good news. The bad news is they've painted themselves into a bit of an extremist corner in the eyes of the public. Hence their fall from grace in the popularity polls.

The "fall from grace" is mostly party media orchestrated nonsense. Of course the party media does shape attitudes. The party is creating reality with these "stories" of the alienation of the TEA Party. Though the stories are initially a fabrication, once they are run several dozen times a day for a few months, they are accepted as reality. The DNC propaganda corps of the NY Times and the alphabet networks have been pumping this for all it's worth in their campaign to salvage Obama.

Will it work? I doubt it will get Obama reelected. Will they defame ordinary Americans seeking redress of grievance? You betcha!
The fall from grace is real, not propaganda orchestrated, generated by the Tea Party reps in Congress.

Choices have consquences, and the Tea RepWanks and the Tea Party movement are being given the consquences of their choices.
4 teh lulz :D



I probably wouldn't use the NYT to make my point about a poll(s) the NYT has an opinon on.

Because they're part of the Zionist Socialist Elite conspiracy?

Feel free to post a current poll you're more comfortable with making a point.

No, because it is not what unbiased reporting does. Wow, you have some serious issues going on there.

Ad hominem attacks do not change the fact the Tea Party is sinking under the weight of its own arrogance and extremism.

Americans See Tea Party Politicians More Negatively, Says Poll - FoxNews.com
Tea Party-backed politicians say voters sent them to Washington to change the tone in the nation's capital and do the people's work. But according to a new poll, they are increasingly ineffective in achieving that goal.

A Pew Research/Washington Post poll finds 29 percent of those asked think Tea Party members have had a mostly negative effect in Congress. That's up 11 percent in the eight short months since most of those members took office.

There are two other pieces of bad news for members who support the Tea Party in this poll. The first is that 35 percent of respondents think the group has not had much of an effect at all. Worse is that 28 percent of independents say that Tea Party members have had a negative effect, while 24 percent of the coveted group say they have had a positive impact. In January, twice as many respondents (29 percent to 14) expected the Tea Party-backed group to have a positive effect.

The recent standoff in Washington over raising the debt ceiling is the latest fight to highlight the divide not only between Republicans and Democrats, but between Republicans and staunch Tea Party members. The most notable Republicans to vote "no" on raising the limit include presidential contenders and Tea Party favorites Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul.

The Pew Research/Washington Post poll was conducted Aug. 4-7 among 1,001 national adults.

Read more: Americans See Tea Party Politicians More Negatively, Says Poll - FoxNews.com
The fall from grace is real, not propaganda orchestrated, generated by the Tea Party reps in Congress.

Choices have consquences, and the Tea RepWanks and the Tea Party movement are being given the consquences of their choices.

RINOs are an endangered species. Sorry.

The RINOs on the far extremist right of the Republican Party are indeed an endangered species.
The RINOs on the far extremist right of the Republican Party are indeed an endangered species.

You just use words with no clue as to what they mean, don't you, troll?

{Republican In Name Only (RINO), is a pejorative term that refers to a member of the Republican Party of the United States whose political views or actions are considered insufficiently conservative or otherwise not conforming to Party positions.}

Republican In Name Only - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even for a feral baboon, you're pretty fucking stupid - monkey boi...
Because they're part of the Zionist Socialist Elite conspiracy?

Feel free to post a current poll you're more comfortable with making a point.

No, because it is not what unbiased reporting does. Wow, you have some serious issues going on there.

Ad hominem attacks do not change the fact the Tea Party is sinking under the weight of its own arrogance and extremism.

Americans See Tea Party Politicians More Negatively, Says Poll - FoxNews.com
Tea Party-backed politicians say voters sent them to Washington to change the tone in the nation's capital and do the people's work. But according to a new poll, they are increasingly ineffective in achieving that goal.

A Pew Research/Washington Post poll finds 29 percent of those asked think Tea Party members have had a mostly negative effect in Congress. That's up 11 percent in the eight short months since most of those members took office.

There are two other pieces of bad news for members who support the Tea Party in this poll. The first is that 35 percent of respondents think the group has not had much of an effect at all. Worse is that 28 percent of independents say that Tea Party members have had a negative effect, while 24 percent of the coveted group say they have had a positive impact. In January, twice as many respondents (29 percent to 14) expected the Tea Party-backed group to have a positive effect.

The recent standoff in Washington over raising the debt ceiling is the latest fight to highlight the divide not only between Republicans and Democrats, but between Republicans and staunch Tea Party members. The most notable Republicans to vote "no" on raising the limit include presidential contenders and Tea Party favorites Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul.

The Pew Research/Washington Post poll was conducted Aug. 4-7 among 1,001 national adults.

Read more: Americans See Tea Party Politicians More Negatively, Says Poll - FoxNews.com

Yes, well, this is very similiar to all the crap I heard before the November elections last year. How did that work for you?

The steps S&P recommended are a clone to what the Tea Party has advocated for more than a year. The entitlement crowd is angry. Big deal.
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The RINOs on the far extremist right of the Republican Party are indeed an endangered species.

You just use words with no clue as to what they mean, don't you, troll?

{Republican In Name Only (RINO), is a pejorative term that refers to a member of the Republican Party of the United States whose political views or actions are considered insufficiently conservative or otherwise not conforming to Party positions.}

Republican In Name Only - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even for a feral baboon, you're pretty fucking stupid - monkey boi...

I keep telling yall not to insult the rino's jakes not a rino he's a troll

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