Tea Partier: "The Republican Party, they haven’t done nothing for me, man. Nothing."

I never had insurance. I always paid for everything myself. Now I have a mandated obama care policy which I pay for AND I still have to pay for my medical care. I just shelled out $1,200 on my same medical credit card that I always used. Not only are there very few doctors who accept the government mandated policy but I have a $6,000 dollar per year deductible. The only difference is that I'm out the monthly premium.

Why are you lying? This ship has sailed......been through the storm....and returned safely to harbor. Bullshit stories like yours failed to sink her. Give it up......it's pathetic.
Good on him for changing to the party that will help him in his actual life.

Its actually that simple. Republicans are for a stronger military, greater use of it, lower regulation, lower consumer protections, and tax cuts that overwhelmingly favor the rich.

If that's your cup of tea, definitely vote for them.

If you'd rather focus on domestic spending, scale down our military action around the world, maintain environmental and consumer protections, favor more people having access to affordable healthcare, and have a tax policy that aimed more at the middle class and poor...

Then you'll want to vote democrat.

It amazes me how many blissfully ignorant people will vote against their interests because, say.. they don't want a man to kiss another man in the privacy of their own home. It's truly amazing.
How many people do that?

One or two?
I never had insurance. I always paid for everything myself. Now I have a mandated obama care policy which I pay for AND I still have to pay for my medical care. I just shelled out $1,200 on my same medical credit card that I always used. Not only are there very few doctors who accept the government mandated policy but I have a $6,000 dollar per year deductible. The only difference is that I'm out the monthly premium.

Why are you lying? This ship has sailed......been through the storm....and returned safely to harbor. Bullshit stories like yours failed to sink her. Give it up......it's pathetic.
Clowns are pathetic.
Good on him for changing to the party that will help him in his actual life.

Its actually that simple. Republicans are for a stronger military, greater use of it, lower regulation, lower consumer protections, and tax cuts that overwhelmingly favor the rich.

If that's your cup of tea, definitely vote for them.

If you'd rather focus on domestic spending, scale down our military action around the world, maintain environmental and consumer protections, favor more people having access to affordable healthcare, and have a tax policy that aimed more at the middle class and poor...

Then you'll want to vote democrat.

It amazes me how many blissfully ignorant people will vote against their interests because, say.. they don't want a man to kiss another man in the privacy of their own home. It's truly amazing.
What is even more amazing is that you actually think the democrats represent your interests!

They do, though. I know that was a dig at my intellect, but I'm going to answer as if you were civil.

My dad wasn't able to afford health insurance before the ACA, and now both he and my mom have it. I have a cousin who has a pre-existing condition that couldn't find an insurance company that would offer her anything worth a crap, and now she has a decent plan, too.

And they had to surrender exactly ZERO guns to get it.

Seems like Democratic interests have affected my life in a positive way.

How have Republicans represented your best interests? Just curious..
It was not a dig at anything - it is truly amazing to me that you actually think they represent your interests because they throw you some crumbs from their table.
How have republicans represented my best interests? You are really asking that idiotic question? Jumping to the conclusion that I support the republicans only reveals that you are of a partisan mindset - not my side therefore the other side. I already made clear in this thread that they do not - they are just as elitist and power hungry as the democrats. Neither of them represent anything even remotely what I consider my interests and I do not believe that they represent yours either unless you are one of the power brokers (and I highly doubt that you are).
It saddens me that so many do not see this.

Glad to hear it wasn't a dig and that we're just having a conversation (that's hard to come by on here unless you already agree with the person completely, it seems..)

Do I have a partisan mindset?
Sure, I can admit it. But I only do because, no matter what, one of the two will be in power. Nothing is going to change that, so why not throw your support to the party willing to invest in the people through health insurance (throw a crumb, as you put it)? The Democratic Party is far from perfect, but they are better for me and my family than the alternative.
Good on him for changing to the party that will help him in his actual life.

Its actually that simple. Republicans are for a stronger military, greater use of it, lower regulation, lower consumer protections, and tax cuts that overwhelmingly favor the rich.

If that's your cup of tea, definitely vote for them.

If you'd rather focus on domestic spending, scale down our military action around the world, maintain environmental and consumer protections, favor more people having access to affordable healthcare, and have a tax policy that aimed more at the middle class and poor...

Then you'll want to vote democrat.

It amazes me how many blissfully ignorant people will vote against their interests because, say.. they don't want a man to kiss another man in the privacy of their own home. It's truly amazing.
How many people do that?

One or two?

Where I'm from? 70%, at least. :lol:
"The Republican Party, they haven’t done nothing for me, man. Nothing."

And he's clearly not alone.

Republicans of course are good at doing nothing.
No, republicans are very good at fucking things up - just like the democrats. I don’t expect the partisans to understand this though...

On what? All you right wing partisan hicks whine about is how much you want to cut the shit out of infrastructure, science, r&d, education and helping America. You have no plan besides give the one percent complete control of the economy Stupid is as stupid does.

I have asked you a dozen times over the months to explain just what the fuck you want to spend on R&D, infrastructure and whatever else your idiot talking points tell you to blather on about without a single damn detail.
I have never seen a single detail from you. Just the same platitudes and blankly calling people names.

Well, invest in the best r&d to keep our country ahead of the rest of the world. Republicans and democrats use to always do exactly this. China is creeping up fast! Infrastructure, how about our roads, bridges, old powerlines that need to be modernized, etc. So you're against maintaining America? wow. At least Obama has some vision in these areas. I'll give him some credit! ;) Education should be reformed with one of the top 5 educational system...Oh'yess, everyone of those top 5 are public systems...So it isn't the fact that it is being ran by government that is the problem...It is the way it is being run and the stupid way we educate our children. :( Just some ideas that show that you give a fuck about your own country instead of building Iraqi cities and schools. lol
Another long list of platitudes.
Not a single detail at all. Reform education so that we are in the top 5! Sounds nice but notice that you actually didn’t say a damn thing. Then proclaim that I am against modernizing America! How can I be against that – it is a statement without any meaning.
How about we reform the nation so that everyone is happy all the time, have everything that the want and ware, famine, disease etc. all cease to exist. Sounds wonderful. Meaningless though because that is not a plan – it is an asinine slogan.

What I said is what is really important. Only a good leader can bring real meaning to it. ;) You have no plan besides hand the entire economy over to the 1%! I support the private sector and believe they do a lot of good, but when it comes to the above profit isn't everything. Not a nation on earth follows such a insane mindset. Most of the first world uses tax money to construct roads, build bridges, fund science and has the foresight to attempt to educate its youth...(I took a comparative politics class in college last term,,,so I'd understand how insane the thing you're talking about really is.).
I never had insurance. I always paid for everything myself. Now I have a mandated obama care policy which I pay for AND I still have to pay for my medical care. I just shelled out $1,200 on my same medical credit card that I always used. Not only are there very few doctors who accept the government mandated policy but I have a $6,000 dollar per year deductible. The only difference is that I'm out the monthly premium.

Why are you lying? This ship has sailed......been through the storm....and returned safely to harbor. Bullshit stories like yours failed to sink her. Give it up......it's pathetic.
Clowns are pathetic.

You got that right. There was a run on big red noses in Nashua this weekend. Weeeeeeeee!
I never had insurance. I always paid for everything myself. Now I have a mandated obama care policy which I pay for AND I still have to pay for my medical care. I just shelled out $1,200 on my same medical credit card that I always used. Not only are there very few doctors who accept the government mandated policy but I have a $6,000 dollar per year deductible. The only difference is that I'm out the monthly premium.

Why are you lying? This ship has sailed......been through the storm....and returned safely to harbor. Bullshit stories like yours failed to sink her. Give it up......it's pathetic.
Clowns are pathetic.

You got that right. There was a run on big red noses in Nashua this weekend. Weeeeeeeee!
You're a clown.
I never had insurance. I always paid for everything myself. Now I have a mandated obama care policy which I pay for AND I still have to pay for my medical care. I just shelled out $1,200 on my same medical credit card that I always used. Not only are there very few doctors who accept the government mandated policy but I have a $6,000 dollar per year deductible. The only difference is that I'm out the monthly premium.

Well yabut, being a doctor, a lawyer AND a dog washer, you're reeel rich. (**wink**wink**)

Nice job of ^^creative writing^^ but what about just regular folks who have kids and a mortgage, a real job and would like to retire someday?
Good on him for changing to the party that will help him in his actual life.

Its actually that simple. Republicans are for a stronger military, greater use of it, lower regulation, lower consumer protections, and tax cuts that overwhelmingly favor the rich.

If that's your cup of tea, definitely vote for them.

If you'd rather focus on domestic spending, scale down our military action around the world, maintain environmental and consumer protections, favor more people having access to affordable healthcare, and have a tax policy that aimed more at the middle class and poor...

Then you'll want to vote democrat.

It amazes me how many blissfully ignorant people will vote against their interests because, say.. they don't want a man to kiss another man in the privacy of their own home. It's truly amazing.
What is even more amazing is that you actually think the democrats represent your interests!

They do, though. I know that was a dig at my intellect, but I'm going to answer as if you were civil.

My dad wasn't able to afford health insurance before the ACA, and now both he and my mom have it. I have a cousin who has a pre-existing condition that couldn't find an insurance company that would offer her anything worth a crap, and now she has a decent plan, too.

And they had to surrender exactly ZERO guns to get it.

Seems like Democratic interests have affected my life in a positive way.

How have Republicans represented your best interests? Just curious..

No matter how many times I ask that question, the RWs can never come up with an answer.
Its actually that simple. Republicans are for a stronger military, greater use of it, lower regulation, lower consumer protections, and tax cuts that overwhelmingly favor the rich.

If that's your cup of tea, definitely vote for them.

If you'd rather focus on domestic spending, scale down our military action around the world, maintain environmental and consumer protections, favor more people having access to affordable healthcare, and have a tax policy that aimed more at the middle class and poor...

Then you'll want to vote democrat.

It amazes me how many blissfully ignorant people will vote against their interests because, say.. they don't want a man to kiss another man in the privacy of their own home. It's truly amazing.
What is even more amazing is that you actually think the democrats represent your interests!

They do, though. I know that was a dig at my intellect, but I'm going to answer as if you were civil.

My dad wasn't able to afford health insurance before the ACA, and now both he and my mom have it. I have a cousin who has a pre-existing condition that couldn't find an insurance company that would offer her anything worth a crap, and now she has a decent plan, too.

And they had to surrender exactly ZERO guns to get it.

Seems like Democratic interests have affected my life in a positive way.

How have Republicans represented your best interests? Just curious..
It was not a dig at anything - it is truly amazing to me that you actually think they represent your interests because they throw you some crumbs from their table.
How have republicans represented my best interests? You are really asking that idiotic question? Jumping to the conclusion that I support the republicans only reveals that you are of a partisan mindset - not my side therefore the other side. I already made clear in this thread that they do not - they are just as elitist and power hungry as the democrats. Neither of them represent anything even remotely what I consider my interests and I do not believe that they represent yours either unless you are one of the power brokers (and I highly doubt that you are).
It saddens me that so many do not see this.

Glad to hear it wasn't a dig and that we're just having a conversation (that's hard to come by on here unless you already agree with the person completely, it seems..)

Do I have a partisan mindset?
Sure, I can admit it. But I only do because, no matter what, one of the two will be in power. Nothing is going to change that, so why not throw your support to the party willing to invest in the people through health insurance (throw a crumb, as you put it)? The Democratic Party is far from perfect, but they are better for me and my family than the alternative.
Because it is exactly that apathy that causes this problem. The power brokers are COUNTING on you feeling helpless and trapped within the parties - it is how they maintain power. WE have the power – that is a cold hard fact. Contrary to public opinion, dollars do not actually vote – people do. As long as the people are willing to swallow the swill that the 2 parties throw at us then they will continue to feed us with it. There are very few of us that have walked away from the democrat/republican dichotomy, that is true, but there is real power in changing things if that number of people grows. And grow it will as things get worse as I believe it will.

Tell me, do you really feel that Obama has represented you? Most of the left that I know can’t stand what he has done. Healthcare is still firmly entrenched in insurance companies that we are now beholden too. War has escalated and we are dropping just as many bombs and killing just as many people as we have in the past if not more (I know I launch them). He is far from liberal no matter how many on the right here want to call him a communist. He is a corporatist – just like the republicans.

The reality here is that the party WILL NOT change as long as the voters continue to put them in power. ONLY when we start to take our vote away will the politicians start to notice and then they will actually start to represent the people again. That or we simply replace them. It has happened before and I am positive it will happen again. The only real question for me is how bad it is going to have to get before people start to wake up and take back the nation.
I am almost sure that you would disagree with 90 percent of what I advocate for but I don’t have a problem with that. Diversity in opinion and debate is one of the things that makes this nation grate BUT I do not want you to sit on those ideals and ‘settle’ for a government that does not represent what you stands for.

Maybe you truly do think that the democrats really represent you but I honestly do not believe that is the case.
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No, republicans are very good at fucking things up - just like the democrats. I don’t expect the partisans to understand this though...

On what? All you right wing partisan hicks whine about is how much you want to cut the shit out of infrastructure, science, r&d, education and helping America. You have no plan besides give the one percent complete control of the economy Stupid is as stupid does.

I have asked you a dozen times over the months to explain just what the fuck you want to spend on R&D, infrastructure and whatever else your idiot talking points tell you to blather on about without a single damn detail.
I have never seen a single detail from you. Just the same platitudes and blankly calling people names.

Well, invest in the best r&d to keep our country ahead of the rest of the world. Republicans and democrats use to always do exactly this. China is creeping up fast! Infrastructure, how about our roads, bridges, old powerlines that need to be modernized, etc. So you're against maintaining America? wow. At least Obama has some vision in these areas. I'll give him some credit! ;) Education should be reformed with one of the top 5 educational system...Oh'yess, everyone of those top 5 are public systems...So it isn't the fact that it is being ran by government that is the problem...It is the way it is being run and the stupid way we educate our children. :( Just some ideas that show that you give a fuck about your own country instead of building Iraqi cities and schools. lol
Another long list of platitudes.
Not a single detail at all. Reform education so that we are in the top 5! Sounds nice but notice that you actually didn’t say a damn thing. Then proclaim that I am against modernizing America! How can I be against that – it is a statement without any meaning.
How about we reform the nation so that everyone is happy all the time, have everything that the want and ware, famine, disease etc. all cease to exist. Sounds wonderful. Meaningless though because that is not a plan – it is an asinine slogan.

What I said is what is really important. Only a good leader can bring real meaning to it. ;) You have no plan besides hand the entire economy over to the 1%! I support the private sector and believe they do a lot of good, but when it comes to the above profit isn't everything. Not a nation on earth follows such a insane mindset. Most of the first world uses tax money to construct roads, build bridges, fund science and has the foresight to attempt to educate its youth...(I took a comparative politics class in college last term,,,so I'd understand how insane the thing you're talking about really is.).

The thing I am talking about? I have not conversed about anything with you other than asking for a single detail. Build roads with taxes? We already do that. We also educate everyone.
This is more name-calling and slogans. Nothing of substance. Are you going to continue to repeat these slogans over and over again hoping that no one notices you have not posted anything material?
Good on him for changing to the party that will help him in his actual life.

Its actually that simple. Republicans are for a stronger military, greater use of it, lower regulation, lower consumer protections, and tax cuts that overwhelmingly favor the rich.

If that's your cup of tea, definitely vote for them.

If you'd rather focus on domestic spending, scale down our military action around the world, maintain environmental and consumer protections, favor more people having access to affordable healthcare, and have a tax policy that aimed more at the middle class and poor...

Then you'll want to vote democrat.
With a stronger military chances are you will need it less, not more. Domestic spending? Oh, you mean tax and spend, the foundation of liberalism. Yes, if you want less freedom, bigger government, more laws, more regulation and increased debt, then vote for the modern socialists in the Democrat party. You never know, socialism might work this time.
It amazes me how many blissfully ignorant people will vote against their interests because, say.. they don't want a man to kiss another man in the privacy of their own home. It's truly amazing.
No one says that you fucking liar. Libs don't have an honest bone in their bodies.
Good on him for changing to the party that will help him in his actual life.

what, you people can't make it on your own without YOUR PARTY. You need them to wipe your butts too. talk about voting ones interest and freedoms down the toilet all for a party
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Good on him for changing to the party that will help him in his actual life.

Its actually that simple. Republicans are for a stronger military, greater use of it, lower regulation, lower consumer protections, and tax cuts that overwhelmingly favor the rich.

If that's your cup of tea, definitely vote for them.

If you'd rather focus on domestic spending, scale down our military action around the world, maintain environmental and consumer protections, favor more people having access to affordable healthcare, and have a tax policy that aimed more at the middle class and poor...

Then you'll want to vote democrat.
With a stronger military chances are you will need it less, not more. Domestic spending? Oh, you mean tax and spend, the foundation of liberalism. Yes, if you want less freedom, bigger government, more laws, more regulation and increased debt, then vote for the modern socialists in the Democrat party. You never know, socialism might work this time.

The problem with the stronger military is that it comes at the expense of domestic spending. And the GOP's rather horrid history of trying to use it to nation built. Which in turn creates the very conflicts our military was designed to protect us from.

We're spending money to create the enemy that we're spending even more money to fight. That's a circle of fucking stupidity.

We spend more on national defense than the next 8 countries combined. We've got national defense covered. Republicans want national OFFENSE. And I'm sick of trading our blood and treasure for their incompetent attempts at nation building. They suck at it.

The money can be much better spent say, rebuilding our infrastructure.
a TEA PARTIER Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

If they are a true tea party, they don't EXPECT a party to do anything for them but keep this government out from strangling us with regulations, taxes and stepping on our freedoms
The funny thing is this......a Tea Party member doesn't want anything from the party other than true representation.

They don't want "goodies" or "Obama Cash"

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